How To Use Polling place In A Sentence
At a polling place in Minneapolis, a Republican worker challenged the right of a person with limited vision to have his address filled in by a person vouching for his registration.
She arrived at her polling place on a gurney in an ambulance, where an election judge and support worker climbed aboard with an electronic voting machine and let her cast her ballot.
‘Can anyone tell me,’ asks Gourley, a veteran mock electioneer, ‘why you don't want the polling place in the cafeteria?’
Since the scanners don't need to be in the polling place itself if a careful multipartisan-observed chain of custody is enforced, there needn't be a problem exposing the scanners to the abuses that you've mentioned below.
Election Forum
Voting should be simple, especially in a country that uses compulsion to make people attend polling places.

There were no voting booths, no polling places, no campaign workers greeting neighbors outside the local high school.
This morning at my local polling place the line was much longer than usual.
Christianity Today
That is increasingly vital as states enact polling place identification requirements and strictures on the voter roll.
That is increasingly vital as states enact polling place identification requirements and strictures on the voter roll.
And no questions about Sean Gagen's bringing in "canvassers" who showed up at polling places, didn't pass out anything, and would disappear?
NIGHTMARE: Kaine picked tonight?- UPDATE
I dislike it when people in disfavored precincts are required to wait in a four-hour line to vote, or to march 10 miles to a relocated polling place.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan’s record on guns
For instance, over here, we've got an elephant-footed, hardball-playing trustee who, when he isn't taking the lowest of roads (stationing guards at polling places, nixing study-abroad programs to score cheap political points and punish noisy critics, etc.), he's praying to the Lord or calling insufficiently pure Republicans "whores.
Dissent the Blog
In this hypertense atmosphere, friends with nightsticks have no business anywhere near a polling place no matter what race they are or where it is.
Obama Volunteer On Scene Disputes Fox News' Suggestions That Black Panthers Are Intimidating Voters
It's not like people are in paramilitary outfits weilding clubs at polling places – not that that is wrong – just ask the AG.
Incoming AFL-CIO pres again draws the line on a public option
Because a number of states and some jurisdictions in others had been ingenious in devising tactics to suppress voting by blacks, the 1965 act required them to seek - permission — "preclearance" — from the Jus-tice Department for even minor changes in voting procedures, such as locating polling places.
Will It Be 1972 Forever?
Associated Press Writers = KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - The Taliban vowed Sunday to attack polling places in Sept. 18 parliamentary elections, warning Afghans not to participate in what it called a sham vote.
The Guardian World News
Judges were checking ballot boxes from 9 per cent of the 130,000 polling places where evidence of irregularities was discovered.
Times, Sunday Times
In other examples, the calls peddled disinformation -- whether about a candidate or the location of a polling place.
Also on Sunday, the Taliban vowed to attack polling places in Sept. 18 parliamentary elections, warning Afghans not to participate in what it called a sham vote.
Kabul Bank Crisis
The polling place serves both the somewhat more la-di-da residents of the Hills and the somewhat more working - and middle-class Armenian and Hispanic neighborhoods of the flats.
Tell Us Your Voting Stories
* Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski's campaign has filed a joinder following a judge's ruling today that officials cannot hand out lists of write-in candidates at polling places.
Afternoon Fix: Tom Dart won't run for Chicago mayor; Michael Steele gearing up to run for second term
Judges were checking ballot boxes from 9 per cent of the 130,000 polling places where evidence of irregularities was discovered.
Times, Sunday Times
Voters were redirected where appropriate to their correct polling places.
At a preschool turned polling place in the wealthy Paris suburb of Neuilly, 83 percent voted yes. That is the territory of Mr. Sarkozy, who was once mayor there.
The conditions for reapproval are tough and thorough with Diebold and Sequoia limited to one DRE per polling place for use by voters with disabilities on election day ....
'Daily Voting News' For August 03, 2007
In California, problems with the machines forced the state to rewrite its electronic voting rules in April and decertify those used in one-third of its polling places.
Election officials complain of paper jams, maintenance problems at the polling places, and high costs of printing and ballot management.
Hordes of reporters also descended on the Granite State, traveling with the candidates to campaign events and contributing to the mob atmosphere at polling places.
New Hampshire Election Results 2012: Winners And Losers
They bore into 20th century Chicago, taking us from the stinking stockyards to the polling places where precinct captains often accompanied voters into the booths.
Run a report of the tally from the polling place before phoning, modeming or driving anything to the county.