How To Use Polity In A Sentence

  • This time span covers the florescence of the Cahokian polity and the subsequent social and cultural realignment.
  • French literature, discussions on the advisability of establishing a monarchy, on the advisability of establishing a republic, on the advisability of establishing an empire; and before we proceed to examine the arguments, we cannot help being struck at the strange contrast which this multiplicity of open questions presents to our own uninquiring acquiescence in the hereditary polity which has descended to us. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • He just takes it for granted that a liberal internal polity shapes external policy.
  • My vision of a successful modern polity is something more akin to Orange County. Matthew Yglesias » Europe: A Continent Full of Lovely Countries
  • This is a recipe for a resentful, suspicious, self-interested, and racially hostile polity.
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  • Puli subprefect Hiyama Tetsusaburo was the first prominent Japanese official to marry into an Aborigine polity. Archive 2008-10-01
  • When Heather's book appeared, indeed, a number of conservative commentators remarked it, calling admonitory attention to its author's thesis that a kind of illegal immigration, or technically legal immigration by culturally inassimilable people, played a major role in killing off the largest, longest-lived, most functionally universal polity that ever existed. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • The penal constitutions of the Judaical polity (for so they were, which yet I urge not) concerning idolaters, must be stretched beyond their limits, if you intend to inwrap heretics within their verge. The Sermons of John Owen
  • he who now letteth" refers to those who rule that polity by which the great upbursting of godlessness is kept down [Alford]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The "discursive polity" will emerge from the interactive polity through political struggle. Politics, Planning and the State
  • Every state in history was or is a _state of classes_, a polity of superior and inferior social groups, based upon distinctions either of rank or of property. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • The role of religion in the American polity is complex. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • In brief, shared ends are insufficient to anchor the liberal polity; there must be shared justifications as well.
  • But when forced conscription into the military becomes inevasible, I expect young people, at least those able to comprehend the significance of their place in history, to take a stand against the tyranny of war forces of evil cryptically embedded within the polity of a nation having gone wrong. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Surely we are still very far from any "settling down" of world polity, world economy, or technology. MANAGING IN TURBULENT TIMES
  • Related responsible person of state administration of commodity prices explains, the vegetable cost drops is be subjected to a polity the macro view adjust to control policy impact.
  • The kingdom of the Kongo was a well-established polity in the interior, south of the Zaire River, when the Portuguese first arrived there in 1481. G. Africa, 1500-1800
  • He was an extraordinary preacher, a devoted pastor, a catechist who wrote his own catechism, a visitor of the sick, a counsellor, and one deeply concerned about missions, ecumenism, church polity, and church discipline.
  • It is a reminder that in the democratic polity of India, all doors of justice are not slammed shut at once.
  • In 1981, a noxious earnest effort takes locate in the disreputable H-block of Belfast's Maze Prison. politico inmates, led by Bobby Sands (Fassbender), respond to take until the nation polity acknowledges the FTO as a lawful semipolitical organization. Planet Malaysia
  • For example, a democratic polity cannot be militarily attacked unless it directly threatens other states.
  • In The Line of Polity, the outlink station Miranda is destroyed by sabotage, by a nanomycelium which Dragon supplied. Archive 2010-01-01
  • The Global Wars and the major historical events have brought a new wave of incertitude regarding the form and direction of their polity. Is Global Democracy Possible? -The Contemporary Crisis of Democracy
  • The polity is likewise that of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the chief difference being the provision for a general convention as a constitutional lawmaking body, to be called only when there is under consideration a change in polity or name. Religious Bodies: 1906
  • Resolutions formulated by a committee, of which Dr. Alleman of the General Synod was a member, were unanimously adopted according to which members of one congregation may be received by another in a manner 'that no question of church-polity or doctrine need ever arise.' American Lutheranism Volume 2: The United Lutheran Church (General Synod, General Council, United Synod in the South)
  • A contentious and nuanced debate within our polity that is therefore sure to continue is the one about the value and meaning of neo-conservatism.
  • Now, a history lesson's useful enough if you're unfamiliar with the toxic atmosphere in Washington DC as the civil war ended, or if you go along with the story's foreshadowing of contemporary issues like military tribunals at Guantánamo Bay and the poisoned American polity of then and now, but as drama it entirely lacks a pulse or a soul or any of the qualities that we commonly associate with the term "balls". The Conspirator proves that Robert Redford should stick to Sundance
  • As we have seen, it is only through the state that society confers rights on individuals; and each state is necessarily a single, particular polity.
  • It shows a degree of intolerance, inconsistent with the principles of our democratic polity.
  • The Time after the enabling legislation is used to sculpt specific Vested Interest desires, which often diverge from the enabling Polity's understanding of the Regulation. A Case for Paternalism?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There are, of course, all sorts of technical constitutional questions about the ability of one Congress to bind another -- I think that the "compact" is probably not binding -- but we're ultimately talking about the proper relationship between the US and what remains the world's largest colony (i.e., a territory held by a national polity that does not give the territory any participation rights in the national polity itself). Balkinization
  • The "discursive polity" will emerge from the interactive polity through political struggle. Politics, Planning and the State
  • Modeling a polity based on viable scientific concepts and theoretical understanding has been a challenge in computational social science and social simulation in general and political science in particular. "Model" Citizens
  • The ends of human life: bioethics in a liberal polity.
  • While Caesar examines the effect of unbridled political ambition on political order, Merchant explores the effect of revelatory religion on the polity.
  • The Egyptian polity, remarkably obdurate for the past quarter of a century and deeply rooted in authoritarian structures established more than 50 years ago, is apparently coming apart at the seams.
  • POLITY codes this variable as a trichotomy, with 0 meaning that there is no legislature. Data Molesters, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In fact, the use Lady Liberty, as a way of expressing both political identity but also commitment to the polity, is a powerful motif thats repeated again and again across the United States in the 19th century. A Lesson In Firefighting History
  • Thus empowered, they came to play a vital role in the new polity and culture, serving as viziers and military commanders.
  • Stonehenge is the remnant of a chiefdom, which is what you get with the invention of agriculture: multi-village polity with centralized rule. Robert Wright on optimism
  • The "discursive polity" will emerge from the interactive polity through political struggle. Politics, Planning and the State
  • Some say its special polity comes from the huge reservoirs that collect the water in Upstate New York. Fla. Restaurants Vie For Big Apple's Taste In Water
  • A tendency so stupid and so selfish is like to prove invincible; and if Socialism be at all a practicable rule of life, there is every chance that our grand-children will see the day and taste the pleasures of existence in something far liker an ant-heap than any previous human polity. Lay Morals
  • But that, for the sake of assisting their memory, men number among themselves years and months; that of these, they form lustra and olympiads; that they keep stated days; this I say, is peculiar to civil polity. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • This coevolutionary explanation of the unsustainability of modern societies then is simply that development based on fossil hydrocarbons allowed individuals to control their immediate environments for the short run while shifting environmental impacts, in ways that have proven difficult to comprehend, to broader and broader publics (ultimately to the entire global polity) and on to future generations. An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 2
  • The confidence that nonbelievers can reason morally seems to be a precondition for a religiously plural democratic polity.
  • Original and Apostolic Christianity was not furnished with a ready - made polity, but Apostles had unique authority.
  • They also worry that statehood could spawn an irredentist Palestinian polity, prompt needless violence over disputed territories and weaken Israel in ways that could tempt other neighboring states into a regional conflict. The Third Way for Mideast Peace
  • England; and they, in their simplicity and good faith before God, sought to organize a system of civil and religious polity which should incrust all future generations, and harden them into a fossil state of perpetual orthodoxy. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 4, August, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Nationalism is a gradual and fitful process, not a phenomenon that springs fully armed from Zeus's brow and remains an unstinting armed patroness of the national polity.
  • Appearing in April, "American Letters: 1927-1947" Polity, 252 pages, $25 , a collection of the Pollock family correspondence, bears witness to the hardscrabble reality of the artist's upbringing amid boxcars and barren homesteads—the incubator of his creative vision. A Painter in Her Own Right
  • Ecclesiastical Polity," Book I., had affirmed the sovereignty or legislative power of the people as the ultimate authority, and had also declared for an original social contract, "all public regiment of what kind soever seemeth evidently to have risen from deliberate advice, consultation, and composition between men, judging it convenient and behoveful. The Rise of the Democracy
  • And herein also is the polity of the dragon derived to the false prophet, and a colour tempered for persecutors to imbrue their hands in the blood of martyrs. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Our roots are those of Christians and Protestants in general, but we are also beneficiaries of a specific heritage from Congregationalists in terms of church polity, and Presbyterians and Congregationalists in terms of theology.
  • That must be defended at all costs to preserve our pluralism and democratic polity.
  • Since Baptists are congregational in polity you never quite know what to expect from one church to another Amazing Thread v.2.0
  • Greek polity had never so much to do with the surpassingness of Hellenic art as the one thing the Hellenes had nothing whatever to do with -- the extraordinary beauty of the land in which they lived. Art Influence in the West
  • Holod v Ukraini ta na Pivnichnomu Kavkazi v povidomlenniakh italiiskykh dyplomativ, 1932-1933 roky (Kharkiv: Folio, 2007); Andrii Kudriachenko, "Holodomor v Ukraini 1932-1933 rokiv ta ioho suspilno-politychni naslidky za otsinkamy dokumentiv politychnoho arkhivu MZS Nimechchyny," in Holodomor v Ukraini: Odeska oblast. ACTION UKRAINE REPORT (Archive)
  • we was innocent of stratagems and polity
  • No one form of Church polity as permanently unalterable is laid down in the New Testament though the apostolical order of bishops, or presbyters, and deacons, superintended by higher overseers (called bishops after the apostolic times), has the highest sanction of primitive usage. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Actually there are many theory and discussion about polity, humanity, ideality. in this novel.
  • The Polity is under attack from a 'melded' AI entity with control of the lethal Jain technology, yet the attack seems to have no coherence. Line War (Neal Asher) Information
  • In the development of the polity of the Church, as the first councils determined the relation of clergy to bishop, and of bishop to bishop, it became necessary to assign to a special official, in a place separate from the depository for the sacred vessels, the duty of registering ordinations, the issuing of dimissory letters, the recording of synodal and conciliar decrees, and the safe keeping of documents pertaining to the administration and temporalities of the church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The criterion for success was a polity which detracted least from the pretensions of a sovereign nation to manage its own affairs; reasons for failure can be found largely in the historical burdens carried by all those polities.
  • The futility of enacting mercantilist legislation within a confederated polity was also demonstrated with regard to the navigation laws.
  • Related responsible person of state administration of commodity prices explains, the vegetable cost drops is be subjected to a polity the macro view adjust to control policy impact.
  • Some historians and political analysts assert that the US polity manifested colonial features beyond its treatment of indigenes.
  • Mr. Dodik argues that his first responsibility is to the people who elected him in Republika Srpska, who feel that any move to a centralized state threatens them because Bosnian Muslims will always have a majority to outvote them — the reason why the Dayton accord created such an unwieldy polity in the first place. Bosnian Serb Leader Damps Hopes of Post-Vote Accord
  • Finally, there remains the option of teaching taste - of training the bureaucracy in a felicitous mode of embodied expression and educating the polity to appreciate and respond to it.
  • *Anti-episcopalism : the rejection of bishops, and the espousal of an ecclesiatical polity that excludes their sacred ministry. The Last Acceptable Prejudice
  • As this booklet pointed out, the position of the princes in the Indian polity ‘afforded no parallel to or analogy with any institution known in history’.
  • So why is our polity unheedful of the persistence of pervasive discrimination in our own midst, ask global solidarity networks.
  • Our polity is predicated on an educated electorate. Matthew Yglesias » Reframing Public Ignorance
  • The First Amendment allows civil courts to resolve internal church disputes so long as they can do so without interpreting doctrine or polity. Christianity Today
  • Nothing remains for them but to vacate their professors 'chairs, and -- according to Virchow and the "Germania" -- the "Modern Polity" would be in duty bound to deprive them of their liberty of teaching if they did not voluntarily renounce it. Freie wissenschaft und freie lehr. English
  • It is suggested that citizenship is a relationship between an individual and a polity.
  • After 35 years of reading the news Brit is as capable as anyone in the WH to set American terror polity … .. Think Progress » Hume: A Preemptive Strike on North Korea Would Be a ‘Successful Strategy’
  • One of the systemic realities of our Presbyterian polity is that we have moved issues from the local presbytery (diocese, association) to the national body, the General Assembly.
  • As proponents of checks and balances note, government that allows factiousness can protect the rights and interests of minorities by preventing a large majority from coalescing and dominating a polity.
  • When the four exscinded synods, three in western New York and one in Ohio, together with a great following of sympathizing congregations in all parts of the country, came together to reconstruct their shattered polity, they were found to number about four ninths of the late Presbyterian Church. A History of American Christianity
  • Not only would it steer clear of the muscular cultural nationalism flaunted by the Hindutva brigade, but also fight forcefully the soulless secular policies thrust by the Marxists to strangulate the national polity. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The dynamic forces within society and in the economy eventually came into conflict with a national polity which sought to avoid change.
  • Begun with the Scientific Revolution, propounded in the Enlightenment, and finally enthroned on the humanist ideals of liberal religion and the rights-based polity, modernity exalted the god of human competence.
  • Simple representative democracy in such a plural polity will no longer work.
  • You have to admit that The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity is not a title calculated to attract a mass readership; and it is still rather difficult to explain just why a book with such a title is a classic of doctrinal reflection, not just a dissertation on how to run churches. The Richard Hooker Lecture: Richard Hooker (c1554-1600): The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity Revisited The Temple Church, London
  • In a country as diverse and plural as India, a wide range of demands are always going to arise that will have to be recognised, accommodated, and to some extent satisfied, if the polity is to survive.
  • In particular, the books play with different ideas of civil polity: how you can make, or fail to make, the business of living together in large groups survivable.
  • Precisely because of its internal diversity and the remorseless competition for resources, Pakistan is a society and a polity based on negotiation. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This flaw provides the key to the difference between the American and European polity. Politics, Planning and the State
  • It aimed to restore to the historical record the contributions made by the Resistance generation to the Greek nation, after decades of partisan vilification and estrangement from the polity. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Mamy nadzieję, że nasze czasopismo bardzo szybko stanie się niezastąpionym źródłem informacji o Bałkanach, tutejszych zwyczajach, warunkach społeczno-politycznych i kilimie kulturalnym tkanym przez narody zamieszkujące ten rejon – ale i barwach, które w ten kilim wplata Bałkańska Polonia. 2010 Kwiecień « Balkan United
  • In any case, to borrow a page from Thomas E. Levy, the emergence of the Israelite state would occur as a result of local peer polity interaction with neighboring statelets such as Philistia, Edom, Moab, and others. Quote of the Day (Israel Finkelstein)
  • Like most supernatural virtues, it has a laic shadow; the counsel to abstain, and to be unsolicitous, is one not only of perfection, but also of polity. The Precept of Peace
  • Now he is desirous to have his whole plan of government neither a democracy nor an oligarchy, but something between both, which he calls a polity, for it is to be composed of men-at-arms. Politics: A Treatise on Government
  • In a dramatic change of circumstances, the Shikarpuris were largely dispersed from the Durrani polity Markovits credits with ushering their commercial network to interregional prominence in the first instance. 51 Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The "discursive polity" will emerge from the interactive polity through political struggle. Politics, Planning and the State
  • His Luddite attitudes were and are not very consequential in most Indian discussions because the polity is more concerned today with rent-seeking than with issues arising from the impact of Machinery. Foreign Aid and Growth, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A shared overarching global polity would embody this intimation in continuously revisable structures dedicated to promoting the common good insofar as this can be agreed upon.
  • A declaration of Anglican common law and polity could then be issued by the primates at their meeting in 2008, in the form of a concordat.
  • Related responsible person of state administration of commodity prices explains, the vegetable cost drops is be subjected to a polity the macro view adjust to control policy impact.
  • Of particular relevance to a polity where secularism has become the defining line is a letter written by the chief of staff in 1947.
  • This is a tribute to the corporation's grip on the culture and polity of Britain.
  • Ultimately questions of grace inform matters of polity, both civil and ecclesiastical.
  • Therefore, what is crucial is not to abandon price support but to execute the polity better.
  • The civic culture and the open polity, then, represent the great and problematic gifts of the West.
  • Thus, the carceral state carries deep implications for who is included and how they are included in the polity. How prisons make bad citizens
  • Such fragmentation speaks of a polity based on sharp-edged dissensus rather than a reconciliation of positions.
  • But the party realises that pragmatism rather than dogmatism is required if it is to make headway in a deeply divided polity.
  • Thus Kristol raised the question whether American Jewry should consider itself to be an appendage of Israel and whether it should accept a "Christianization" of the American polity. An Anti-Intellectual Intellectual
  • The very nature of our polity is based on balancing various sectional interests (Dairy = Wisconsin, California, New England and upstate N. York, etc.) against others. Matthew Yglesias » School Lunch Or; How to Make Government Work
  • He was an extraordinary preacher, a devoted pastor, a catechist who wrote his own catechism, a visitor of the sick, a counsellor, and one deeply concerned about missions, ecumenism, church polity, and church discipline.
  • Only by pushing for a name change can the country build itself as a polity and thereby establish a national identity.
  • They recognize that no laws can prevail against the dissolution of the social connections and personal motivations that sustain a civilized polity.
  • The 18,000 Druse and 2,000 Alawites on the Golan would be reunited with their co-religionists, but decades of life under the Zionists will have created social, economic and, yes, political expectations that could "contaminate" the larger Syrian polity. Jihad Monitor
  • They recognize that no laws can prevail against the dissolution of the social connections and personal motivations that sustain a civilized polity.
  • In the last decade or so our understanding of Cahokia's iconographic structure and its role in the polity's internal and external development has increased manyfold.

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