How To Use Polarize In A Sentence

  • By this time, Dad and I had replaced the old dipole with a short Yagi array, horizontally polarized of course, and screwed to one of the crossbeams in the attic, so now we had three channels with excellent reception.
  • The interpretation of scripture was polarized between the selective literalism of Calvinism and the more liberal application found within the teachings of Arminius.
  • Increasingly, Labour and Conservative support has become polarized between North and South and between urban and rural areas.
  • In the third chapter, using the second-order momentum of beam radius, the Rayleigh range and beam propagation factor of three different polarized beam arrays are derived.
  • Why the average individual's world perspective has to be so polarized is intriguing and has actually taught me a lot about humanity. New Photos of Mickey Rourke in Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler «
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  • The chitinized walls that lined many of the spray flow structures exhibited birefringence in polarized light microscopy.
  • The followers we studied that hyperpolarize in response to HA and show increasing membrane conductance are insensitive to NO.
  • Although most optical light is unpolarized – consisting of light with an equal mix of all polarizations – the extreme bending of energetic particles around a magnetic field line can polarize light. World-wide Campaign Sheds New Light on Nature's "LHC" | Universe Today
  • Once more, the evidence is ambiguous and interpretations have become polarized.
  • Scratch resistent glass doesn't distort, amber tint, polarized is the only way to go for fishing. For Better Fly Fishing... Glass or Plastic?
  • The debate is becoming polarized and there seems to be no middle ground.
  • In this case the voters' opinions are highly polarized, and the candidates are uncompromising.
  • Since Independence the electorate has been polarized equally between two parties.
  • Fluorescence is detected using an emission path image splitter, outfitted with polarizers, that detects the donor fluorescence as well as two polarizations of the acceptor fluorescence.
  • Manganese dioxide is used to: manufacture ferroalloys; manufacture dry cell batteries (it's a depolarizer); to "decolorize" glass; to prepare some chemicals, like oxygen and chlorine; and to dry black paints. Manganese
  • As might be expected under such circumstances, the literature on this deliberately mysterious country tends to be polarized and politicized, with the ratio of opinion to fact often distressingly high.
  • Vertical polarization in one component of a beam of light is cancelled if another component is polarized at right angles to it.
  • Circularly polarized x rays preferentially eject electrons from atoms magnetically aligned with the polarization axis.
  • As such, it's an unnecessary, and disingenuous, attempt to repolarize American literary culture. I Need a Remedy
  • The release also includes 200 preset one-click effects, including new favorites such as polarize, infrared, cross process, gradient, and other film and darkroom techniques. virtualPhotographer has been downloaded by millions of users worldwide. optikVerve Labs also released a new stand-alone full-featured photo editor - virtualStudio - that can run virtualPhotographer and other plug-in filters. virtualStudio was developed as a quick and easy alternative to using a complex imaging application each time a photographer wants to add artistic effects to a photo. The Photoshop Blog
  • In the 1860s medical interventions into the contagious diseases debate polarized earlier representations of female sexuality.
  • Increasingly, Labour and Conservative support has become polarized between North and South and between urban and rural areas.
  • The stereo projector by polarized light include chiefly. the three parts: the objective lens system of the projection, the condensing system and a source of light.
  • In previous research, single-nucleotide variations in NOS1AP were found to alter the patient's QT interval, a measure of the total time needed for the ventricles to depolarize and repolarize during one heart beat. News-Letter
  • Polarized optical spectroscopies, like linear dichroism and polarized fluorescence, are well-established techniques in biophysics.
  • It isn't clear if the plan will further polarize the two sides or pave the way for a deal. What's News: World-Wide
  • In this period politics became polarized between extreme right and left.
  • She glanced up, her helmet shield depolarized, and wondered if she'd guessed it right. Delta Search
  • The Hummer and the Mini by Robyn WatersAs the two iconic machines in the title suggest, the products that succeed in our polarized age can confound the expectations of even the savviest marketers. Quick Read
  • But it was an entirely different matter to attempt a communal discernment in a large and already polarized parish.
  • Made of polarized glass, the lenses boast a number of "best in shows": at just 1.8 mm thick they claim to be the thinnest in the world; they contain an impressive number of rare minerals like neodymium and erbium, which filter color while maintaining clarity; and they have 10 layers of antiglare coating. Super-Fly Shades
  • Those photons are said to be circularly polarized, and their precise path is dictated by the molecule that sets them spinning.
  • In the national polls, with all the fearsome talk by the Obama campaign about Senator Clinton's "high negatives" and being a "polarizer" the latest Gallup tracking poll, again as of Saturday night, April 19, shows Senator Clinton to be running dead even with Senator McCain -- actcuall plus 1% or 46%-45% -- as is Senator Obama (who is dead even at 45%-45%). Lanny Davis: Latest Gallup National Democratic Tracking Poll: Obama-Clinton Now in Dead Heat -- Will the Pundits and Media Analyze Why?
  • He argues that capitalist societies remain polarized between two main classes: the ruling class and the working class.
  • Or thirdly is this the start of a war cry to polarize opinion and see if there are enough people to start something new? Thoughts on Mozilla | FactoryCity
  • We shouldn't worry that we'll let the Way of Ringess, whatever that is, polarize our eternal Order. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The most common method for measuring retardance and fast-axis orientation involves placing two linear polarizers with horizontally aligned axes between a collimated optical source and a detector.
  • Public opinion has polarized on this issue.
  • Worst case: Lee polarizes the audience more than anyone left (except maybe Michael), and his balancing act could fall on the negative side with a stale song (possible, given this week's hoary movie-music theme) or a performance so lackluster that even the judges can hear it for what it is. Idol Meter final four: Which singer can out-sparkle Crystal?
  • Polarization images probe linear birefringence and can only achieve contrast by having orthogonal polarizers for excitation and collection.
  • One of the direct benefits they get is political advantage when the nastiness of political ads turns off more reasonable people and polarizes the ideologues to cling to their base. Joe Brewer: The Psychology of Manipulation in Political Ads
  • Dowd cites what he calls a divided and polarized electorate. CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2003
  • Increasingly, Labour and Conservative support has become polarized between North and South and between urban and rural areas.
  • However, the sodium channel inactivation gates are open in the hyperpolarized virtual anode region, causing the tissue to be excitable.
  • When viewed between crossed polarizers by polarized light microscopy such samples appear dark and featureless.
  • And, since financial markets, while volatile, have been largely on an upswing since August, he added that "there's a risk that Washington misreads improvement in the stock market and bond market as an opportunity to continue fighting along polarized lines, when it's really not. Investors' Dread-Letter Day: 11/23
  • Trouble is, especially in the middle-east and in Ireland, there doesn't seem to be an unpolarized position. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Scotty let out a long breath and turned to face Jim, his helm unpolarized now. THE WOUNDED SKY
  • The flow of cations through the receptors rapidly depolarizes the postsynaptic membrane, and the signal is propagated along the electrically excitable membrane toward the next nerve cell.
  • Here, you see, is our ray of light: we have first to make it what we call polarized; but about that you need not trouble yourselves; it is only to make our illustration more clear. The Forces of Matter, Delivered before a Juvenile Auditory at the Royal Institution of Great Britain during the Christmas Holidays of 1859-60
  • He's actually a polarizer, which is completely predictable and not his fault. Hullabaloo
  • The issue on which we seem to not connect is the polarized partisan political environment which lets thugs like Rove and Gingrich and Cheney work their wonders, such as putting the failed oil man, Bush, in the White House, in the first place. Balkinization
  • They found that in a magnetic field, the doped indium antimonide, a solid-state plasma, transmitted circularly polarized waves that interfered with each other. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Owing to the strong double refraction and the consequent wide separation of the two polarized rays of light traversing the crystal, an object viewed through a cleavage rhombohedron of Iceland-spar is seen double, hence the name doubly-refracting spar. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Following binding of the neurotransmitter with a receptor, the postsynaptic membrane depolarizes which results in the generation of an impulse on the next neuron or the effector cell, e.g., muscle cell or secretory cell. Neurotoxicity
  • By now, the release of a Catherine Breillat film is a ritual: whispers of scandal give way to full-blown outrage and a polarized critical reception.
  • Since Independence the electorate has been polarized equally between two parties.
  • The nation as a whole was thoroughly polarized into left-and right-wing groups.
  • [AS] – Yes, and the polarizer is the magnetic field? Albert Fert - Interview
  • The first oil shocks and gas-station lines in peacetime history; the first presidential resignation ever; assassinations and riots; failing schools; failing industries; polarized politics; vulgarized culture; polluted air and water; divisive and inconclusive wars. How America Can Rise Again
  • The next time he went out, he didn't come back until he'd found a decent instrument; triple nose stage, substage for condenser and polarizer, good base, smooth movement, iris diaphragm, good lenses. I Am Legend
  • According to Jean Lilensten of the Laboratory of Planetology of Grenoble, France, the discovery of weakly polarized red light resulting from collisions with oxygen atoms at approximately 140 miles above the Earth's surface "opens a new field in planetology. New Field in Planetology Opened by Aurora Lights Finding
  • By means of a method of multiple scales we derive two coupled nonlinear envelope equations, which govern the evolution of two circularly polarized components of the probe field.
  • It also polarizes two kinds of knowledge: a truth that is grounded in meaning and perception, and a truth that is based on inert fact and prosaic reality.
  • This power will... ah... repolarize... or demagnetize... the two hemispheres so they can be brought together as one. ABHORSEN
  • To determine the net orientation of the cellulose wall microfibrils the longitudinal sections were dewaxed, mounted in DPX and examined under polarized light.
  • Polarizers are most commonly used to darken blue skies in outdoor and scenic photographs by cutting through atmospheric haze.
  • Motivated by an evolutionary Force ... this integral activism (i.e. Enlightenment Virus - ed.) effectively reunites the once-polarized paths of peace and power; invoking an invincible evolutionary dynamic that acts directly, vibrationally upon the body, cellular and terrestrial; not simply overpowering from without but setting up a resonance that" agitates "the" particles "of consciousness in the surrounding material field. Triggering the Enlightenment Virus
  • The first step is creating light that is polarized, or whose electric field vibrates in only one of two directions, horizontal or vertical.
  • Instead of being plane polarized, the light in rock crystal is _circularly polarized_. Six Lectures on Light Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873
  • Our results reveal that LGN is cortically polarized in mouse oocytes and is critical for meiotic spindle organization.
  • The grand building polarizes a deep local pride.
  • We used the EOM and quarter-wave plate combination to rotate the polarization direction of the linearly polarized laser light.
  • We have indicated that the salt-bridge stretching mechanism involves solely reorientation of the positively charged polarized bonds due to torsion of the polyene chain at the linkage to Lys - 296.
  • Electrophysiologic recordings demonstrated that activation of sensory nerve fibers, either by antidromic stimulation or capsaicin, depolarized these neurons.
  • polarize light waves
  • Public opinion has polarized on this issue.
  • Chirality describes the handedness of a molecule that is observable by the ability of a molecule to rotate the plane of polarized light either to the right (dextrorotatory) or to the left (levorotatory).
  • The exit beam passes through a collimator and then through the Rochon prism, which is mounted such that the linearly polarized sample beam can be rotated to the proper orientation for either S or P reflection measurements.
  • The literature is full of other, more complicated ways to measure optical anisotropy (involving polarimeters and ellipsometers, for example), usually using a combination of polarizers and retarders.
  • And like those spectators there were polarized groups, followers and hangers-on to the Candidates.
  • In the experiment, the shift of the initial bias phase of the current sensor is simulated by changing the azimuthal angle of the linearly polarized light at the fibre input, and ...
  • linearly polarized radiation
  • Third, despite his unfortunate history as the ultimate polarizer who hypocritically led the illegitimate partisan effort to impeach Bill Clinton (the bad Newt), in fact, Gingrich has also demonstrated an ability to reach across the aisle to work with Democrats and liberals on real solutions to real problems (the good Newt). Lanny Davis: Newt Gingrich -- Don't Count Him Out So Fast
  • plane-polarized light
  • When Kabila's shaky coalition fell apart and his ex-allies went into rebellion against him in mid-1998, the cancer of unmanaged conflict repolarized neighboring African states. The Road From Mogadishu
  • Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.
  • In addition, light can be unpolarized, meaning that at any particular instant the electric field has a particular orientation, but its orientation at some later time cannot be predicted from this knowledge. Ars Technica
  • Browning's Polarlight shooting glasses come with interchangeable lenses in vermillion, gray and polarized sandstone.
  • I have tried to get these bright and vibrant colors with a polarizer filter but the colors were not enough.
  • A major misconception in contemporary American politics is that its representative duopoly - the Republicans and Democrats - is unworkably polarized; in fact, quite the opposite. SLEEPING GIANT
  • The bodywall muscle in these revertant animals is also indistinguishable from wild-type muscle when viewed under polarized light (data not shown).
  • In this work, we have studied the forward Raman scattering of circularly polarized KrF excimer laser beam in hydrogen gas. The conversion efficiency of the first Stokes line has reached about 44%.
  • Evangelism and social action are polarized instead of being integrated as a united mission agenda for the Church.
  • The inductive mechanism depends on cloud particles becoming polarized by existing electric fields.
  • However, when you have to get ensnarled in a moralistic, holier than thou bandwagon, it gets a bit much and fringes on a type of hypocrisy which polarizes, becomes negative and one just wants to distance themselves from it. No mames!
  • Digital cameras can also mount filters, auxiliary lenses and polarizers allowing you to meet any photographic challenge you might come across with.
  • Moreover, the light reflected by the coelostat is partially polarized, and the amount and character of polarization depends on the incidence angle.
  • Shen of the Prediction '(while you polarized by Light patterns and can with compatible networks of tele - 39 Through the pineal area, or are within the mental pathways receive telethought communication, thought communication, can in - third eye network, the framework controlled by the servomechanisms your biological form may appear struct the human self with signals of our biological system, operating or' seraphs 'who control the the same, but your body can work which persist i n "real time" by within the dynamic aspects of mechanical imagery of the mind). with multiple biological environ - color patches of quantized brain ac - Gravity waves and Light waves,' The Way of Shen of the Predic - ments in its three-dimensional layer tivities which can order the ma - can experience the boundaries of tion 'is also called' phyva-gsen of physical reality. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This finding is reminiscent of what we found in vitro: M2 cells repolarized to the M1 phenotype maintain a certain level of Arg I expression, which is absent in directly polarized M1 MØ. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The debate quickly polarized into MFA and non-MFA camps without moving beyond the initial disagreement.
  • In 2003 they published a paper with a bold claim: “ChR2 [a variant of channelrhodopsin] may be used to depolarize [that is, excite] animal cells… simply by illumination.” World Wide Mind
  • Having said that, the problem with the Today show and with many media outlets is that they deal in polarized polemics rather than debate – as such the judgments become sweeping and widely influential. I Was Drinking When I Wrote This | Her Bad Mother
  • This antagonism could be important to allow the neuron to correctly repolarize its microtubules before growing the new axon, they said. - latest science and technology news stories
  • From this we get levulose ` the fruit sugar with a laevorotatory effect on polarized light. ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
  • As the car rental industry polarizes, business will go to the bigger companies.
  • This influx of positive receptor potential to become more positive, or 'depolarized'. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • polarize" the issue in Tompkins County, but to rather be a forum for stakeholders to express their views. -
  • Too many hours for some, combined with too few hours for others, can further polarize income inequality, as has occurred in Canada.
  • A polarization converter polarizes an incident light beam having a first component with a first plane of polarization and a second component with a second plane of polarization orthogonal to the first plane.
  • It may or may not work -- but even if it does, it leaves other GOP senate candidates unfrozen, depersonalized and unpolarized. 'There Is No More Molly'
  • It definitely is hard to be an anti-Zionist Jew as the Zionists have led a strategic and successful campaign to capture mainstream Jewish organizations, polarize their community, and marginalize secular non-Zionist Jewish voices. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • At the moment, few topics polarize local Methodist conferences more than the question of same-sex marriages.
  • These results clearly demonstrate that the trihedral twist reflector of the invention produces an acceptable and usable cross polarized echo over a wide range of angles and frequencies.
  • Light waves become polarized as they bounce off objects or are pushed and pulled by the magnetic fields of interstellar space.
  • The merit of Okpewho's project and the value of this sort of localized exegetic approach thus seem counterbalanced by the polarized perspective of the author.
  • Finally, the various factions within the Lords which polarized into the Whigs and Tories, beginning in the 1670s, forms the final subject of this study.
  • To be fair, I think this is the fault of both sides, and leaders on both ends need to make the conscious decision to cooperate issue by issue instead of adopting a polarized position by default.
  • In this period politics became polarized between extreme right and left.
  • In the midst of trying to balance the spectacle with the art of mystical existence Judaism, we become polarized, its either heredi or Modern Orthodoz with all of its musar, or even more radical such as reform or conservative. The King Without a Crown (or a yellow flag) | Jewschool
  • Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.
  • About 10 days later I documented a natural fogbow in sunlight from the laboratory, through a polarizer.
  • I think negotiators have to be prepared for those, you know, those polarized feelings of joy and happiness when you succeed, which fortunately is most of the time. 'Stalling For Time' With An FBI Hostage Negotiator
  • My last two pairs of lenses, both Varilux Comfort, one polarized, one clear, both in unbreakable polycarbonate, with non-reflective coatings, cost US$860 from a small private optician in New England. Eye glasses
  • Loro Piana, the brand synonymous with Italian cashmere, launches an eyewear line using sailplane technology to deliver a superior polarized lens. Super-Fly Shades
  • If you crystallize a pure amino, aspargine for instance, and pass a beam of polarized light through the crystal, the beam will be bent when it emerges, either to the left or to the right. Spock Must Die
  • In order for ordinary light to be polarized it must either pass through or bounce off a polarizing substance.
  • La Gitana became all but presidentess of the Transatlantic republic; La Bayadère depolarized the tyrant of the Poles! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • But it's up to the president to depolarize this debate by putting forward a bipartisan bill and showing the kind of leadership he campaigned on. CNN Transcript Aug 21, 2009
  • In different contexts, courts have sometimes led the public ( "legitimation"), sometimes produced a backlash, and sometimes polarized the public on an issue even if no aggregate shift in attitudes can be discerned. Libertarian Blog Place
  • Middle ways can be reasonable and serious proposals to reform polarized debates, but they also can lack glamour.
  • But the existence of such a system is, as a matter of fact, the reason we used to have a relatively unpolarized US Congress. Matthew Yglesias » Pining For White Supremacy
  • In short, over the last three to four decades Americans have been increasingly polarized into haves and have-nots—living increasingly segregated and unequal lives. American Grace
  • Made of polarized glass, the lenses boast a number of "best in shows": at just 1.8 mm thick they claim to be the thinnest in the world; they contain an impressive number of rare minerals like neodymium and erbium, which filter color while maintaining clarity; and they have 10 layers of antiglare coating. Super-Fly Shades
  • For those whose compasses were not depolarized there seemed many odd things in these houses. Tender is the Night
  • I have been observing this debate from arms length, since I found it quickly polarized into into totalizing positions that, between them, dominated the media's coverage.
  • In addition to electrical conduction, the cells are polarized by the force of applied voltage.
  • Even his book jacket photo polarizes: is that the Dark Prince leering mischievously into the camera, Andy Warhol on drugs, or a dashing rebel smiling beneficently as he prepares to smash the state? April « 2007 « Bill Ayers
  • This age is essentially identical with the rhyodacite laccoliths in the Grosvenor Hills intrusion which are also reversely polarized.
  • If you wear glasses have your reading lens fitted to your polarized ones.
  • MB: You frequently quote the organizer Saul Alinsky about the need for organizers to be "well-integrated schizoids" -- ready to polarize to mobilize and then depolarize to settle. Matt Bieber: Marshall Ganz, Obama's 2008 Organizer-in-Chief, On the Moral Urgency of Occupy Wall Street
  • When shown on the device called a stereoscope or seen through glasses that polarize light, the two images blend in one picture that seems to have depth. EzineArticles
  • While the basalt pile is largely characterized by reversely polarized remanent magnetism, measurements on the Faeroe Islands demonstrate the presence of two significant intervals with normally polarized remanent magnetism.
  • Ther result shows that the mechanism is probably that the electrostatic field polarizes the catalase solution.
  • Despite legitimate concerns in Security, the Economy and Fairness, the cry of bigotry polarizes and shuts down debate. Stephen Palacios: Hispanics and Illegal Immigration - Where the Conversation Stops
  • Frequency domain anisotropy was measured by exciting the sample with the amplitude-modulated light polarized vertically.
  • Having to make tough choices after an attack on American soil in a world that was already becoming polarized into pro and anti-American camps isn't a task I'd envy of anybody.
  • If a direct plug-in unit employs a manually operated line connected single-pole switch or a fuse with an accessible contact, it shall employ a polarized-or grounding-type blade assembly.
  • Public opinion has polarized on this issue.
  • The emerging science of ufology may hold solutions to ongoing religious and political unrest that serves only to polarize humanity.
  • Manual-focus cameras use a linear polarizer, while many autofocus cameras use a circular version.
  • Analogies of this kind suggest that sense organs and nerve cells send out impulses because some part of their surface has become depolarized. Edgar Adrian - Nobel Lecture
  • Diagnosis is by removing fluid from an affected joint or tophus and identifying urate crystals under a polarized-light microscope.
  • If the regions from which the discharge originates remain partly or wholly depolarized as long as they are excited, it should be possible to detect potential changes of relatively long duration in sense organs and in the motor nerve centres. Edgar Adrian - Nobel Lecture
  • He has deep advantage in just a couple of months to depolarize the most contentious, and one of the most contentious issues in this decade. CNN Transcript Aug 21, 2009
  • Insects respond to polarized light, and this capacity is used in orientation and homing behavior.
  • Specimens were observed using transmitted light, polarized light, reflected light under oil, and cathodoluminescence.
  • TRPV2 was recruited to the nascent phagosome and depolarized the plasma membrane. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Will Chinese society again polarize in a renewal of the class struggle? Trade with China
  • But the Way of Ringess had already begun to polarize the Order. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Plasma membrane and polarized GFP-ICR1 localization in globular embryos GFP-ICR1 is detected in basal and periclinal membranes (arrowheads). PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • The debate is becoming polarized and there seems to be no middle ground.
  • No. Normal police procedure is not to polarize a suspect; it puts people in a defensive stance. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • The tradition of "antifa," or anti-fascist mobilization and activism popular throughout Europe, particularly in politically polarized societies like Greece and Italy, draws on the support of self-proclaimed anarchist groups. Top Stories
  • Once a channel has opened for the sodium cascade into the cell and then closed, that particular channel cannot reopen until the local region has completely depolarized. THE HIDDEN FACE OF GOD
  • Subtlety and particularity are lost; the public becomes conflated with the political, and, as a consequence, issues become polarized into mutually exclusive ideologies.
  • The opponent is polarized by the pinner, the member designated to pin down the official to yes-or-no answers. Radical-In-Chief
  • (beta-carotene, for example, significantly rotates the plane of polarized light, while alpha - and gamma-carotene are optically inactive). Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • He showed how to obtain and detect circularly polarized light by means of his rhomb. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Public opinion has polarized on this issue.
  • What makes congress polarized is when even the most-liberal Republican is more conservative than the most-conservative Democrat. Matthew Yglesias » Little Evidence to Support Gerrymandering-Polarization Link
  • The action of gum solutions upon polarized light is interesting, especially in view of the fact that arabin is itself strongly lævo-rotatory [alpha] _ {D} = - 99°, while certain gums are distinctly dextro-rotatory. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • Alfred Kastler (who received the Physics Prize in 1966) and his co-workers showed in the 1950s that electrons in atoms can be put into selected excited substates by the use of polarized light. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • Next, we polarized mitochondria with succinate in the presence of rotenone to examine the effects of proton pumping on the transient depolarizations.
  • He's depolarized the single most divisive issue of this decade, the Iraq war. CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2009
  • Oil from the wild roots of North India is said to be highly levorotatory (rotates the plane of polarized light to the left), whereas that from the cultivated roots from South India is dextrorotatory (rotates polarized light to the right). 4 Questions and Answers
  • COOPER: Also will their supporters sort of become unpolarized. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2004
  • We proposed a novel scheme in which the position of first depolarizer is different from the one published previously.
  • If so, you could do worse than to check out these so-called polarizer plates from Zeon, which promise up to ten times better contrast ratios than current LCD tech. Engadget
  • If anyone needs proof of how destructively polarized national politics has become, one need only consider yesterday's vote in the Senate on President Obama's nomination of Goodwin Liu to serve on the United States Court of Appeals. Geoffrey R. Stone: Judicial Filibusters: Partisanship Run Amok
  • The SAH24-120-12 horizontally polarized sector antenna possesses a high discrimination of vertically polarized signals with a 120 degree of horizontal beamwidth," said Quaid Rasheed, Latest Articles
  • As in other cryptogam species, the effect of polarized red light implies that phytochrome acts at the cell periphery.
  • Polarized plugs are another antishock safety feature that you should respect. HOME COMFORTS
  • Our (predominantly) two-party political system has done more to polarize our country than anyone or anything else in history. Be an American: Tea-bag the White House. - Feministing
  • In this work, we have studied the forward Raman scattering of circularly polarized KrF excimer laser beam in hydrogen gas. The conversion efficiency of the first Stokes line has reached about 44%.
  • The angle between the diglucosamine ring plane and the membrane plane was determined by dichroic measurements using polarized IR light with oriented multilayers of the endotoxins.
  • Fed Governor [Ben] Bernanke seems set to announce a new wave of quantitative easing next week, a move that has polarized opinions within and outside the FOMC and raised both hopes and fears to new highs," said Marco Annunziata, chief economist at UniCredit Group, vocalizing the mixed views in the market on the best solution to help financial markets recover fully. Europe's Markets Stumble
  • His recordings of the basic repertoire, both solo works and concertos, polarized record-buyers.
  • Moreover, we found that daughter cells can clear themselves of damage by a polarisome - and tropomyosin-dependent polarized flow of aggregates into the mother cell compartment. Research Blogging - All Topics - English
  • Quebec voters have been polarized from the government position in Afghanistan and opposition to gay marriage. Tories Can’t Please Quebec, But They Could Try B.C. « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Good and evil had been polarized in Cedric Eddington's mind for ever. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • Third, we cannot do our duty as citizens and patriots if we pursue an agenda that polarizes and divides our country.
  • From these changes, Vikings could have accurately determined where the polarized sky light was coming from and pinpointed the direction of the sun, " said biophysicist Gabor Horvath.
  • Ten seconds later, they depolarized to reveal the debris field silently expanding. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • I never thought I would be with such a diverse group of people when things had been so polarized.
  • A major misconception in contemporary American politics is that its representative duopoly – the Republicans and Democrats – is unworkably polarized; in fact, quite the opposite. SLEEPING GIANT
  • In all likelihood, the racially polarized vote will reinforce Mississippi's negative image far beyond its borders.
  • The continuous polarized vesicle secretion in pollen tubes is essential for tip growth but the location of endo - and exocytic sub-domains remains however controversial. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The efflux of potassium ions hyperpolarizes the cell membrane, resulting in vascular smooth muscle relaxation.
  • The S atom in this side chain also helps polarize the C-H bond more than other methyl C-H bonds.

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