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How To Use Polarization In A Sentence

  • Cathodic polarization curve and cyclic voltammetric curve of sulfate copper plating solution are determined with 1286 electrochemical interface and rotating disc electrode.
  • Instead of personal gain-seeking being viewed as the mainspring of progress, it was perceived to sow the seeds for economic polarization, and hence social discord and decay.
  • Like a magnet, the crystal retains the polarization when the field is turned off.
  • Although most optical light is unpolarized – consisting of light with an equal mix of all polarizations – the extreme bending of energetic particles around a magnetic field line can polarize light. World-wide Campaign Sheds New Light on Nature's "LHC" | Universe Today
  • If the dust cloud or explosion is spherical and uniformly smooth, all orientations are equally represented and the net polarization is zero.
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  • Objective To investigate the effect of the autonomic nervous system on the transmural dispersion of ventricular repolarization(TDR) under acute myocardial ischemia in intact canine.
  • Fluorescence is detected using an emission path image splitter, outfitted with polarizers, that detects the donor fluorescence as well as two polarizations of the acceptor fluorescence.
  • Vertical polarization in one component of a beam of light is cancelled if another component is polarized at right angles to it.
  • Circularly polarized x rays preferentially eject electrons from atoms magnetically aligned with the polarization axis.
  • For present purposes, the most important point is that group polarization will significantly increase if people think of themselves, antecedently or otherwise, as part of a group having a shared identity and a degree of solidarity.
  • In this respect, volatile anesthetics may alter the sensitivity of post junctional membranes to depolarization.
  • Reading the data requires reproduction of both the wavefront and polarization.
  • When the wave is switched off, the photon propagates in the zeroth order of diffraction to polarization analyzers respectively oriented at angles a and b, and when it is switched on the photons propagate in the first order of diffraction to polarization analyzers respectively oriented at angles a² and b². Bell's Theorem
  • Only then will a greater level of understanding and, ultimately, improved relationships and depolarization, be possible. Remember, we used to work together
  • And it is no secret that such pessimism has led to the bipolarization of young America. Michele Willens: The Kids Are Not All Right
  • Similarly, ferroelectric materials have a spontaneous electric polarization, the direction of which can be switched with an applied electric field.
  • Polarization or depolarization of the membrane voltage opens the gate subunits and permits a flood of calcium ions through the cell membrane.
  • It's called anoxic depolarization and it primarily results from the brain getting insufficient blood and oxygen after a stroke, says Dr. Sergei Kirov, neuroscientist in the Medical College of Georgia Schools of Medicine and Graduate Studies. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Wudi moved to stem the growth of class polarization, to reduce the powers of enfeoffed princes, and to centralize authority. 201 B.C.E
  • The result has been a growing polarization of incomes.
  • The preseismic linear polarization feature of geoelectric field is typically imminent, which is of some significance in location and time prediction of future earthquakes.
  • Only a few parts of the carapace produce the polarization, mainly the antennal scales, maxillipeds, and uropod scales.
  • Induced polarization method uses the two modes of electrical conduction that occur in mineralized rocks, ionic in pore fluids and electronic in metallic minerals.
  • The sunglasses 'measure' horizontal polarization when they block some of the light reflected from flat surfaces.
  • During field stimulation of isolated cardiac myocytes, depolarization is achieved either by charge displacement or by net ionic current flow between the two electrodes.
  • Polarization images probe linear birefringence and can only achieve contrast by having orthogonal polarizers for excitation and collection.
  • Method: The serum concentration of oral phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid were determined in 26,74 and 144 epileptic patients by fluorescence polarization immunoassay, respectively.
  • Replacement of NaCl for isosmotic sorbitol produced a slight depolarization of the membrane.
  • They analyzed the polarization of various parts of the supernova's spectrum, beginning immediately after its discovery in September 2001.
  • The solvent and the electronic polarization of the protein are treated by a dielectric continuum model.
  • The spectra show a large variation in spectral features like the number of bands, bandwidths, and their polarization behavior.
  • A device functions as a polarization beam combiner and an isolator.
  • Polarization is vertical, and audio is monaural at 6.80 MHz.
  • Figure 5C, the application of 0.1 mM ouabain for 1 min substantially reduces the massive postplateau hyperpolarizations in membrane-tethered δ-ACTX-Hv1a-expressing lLN PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • In either case, there was no outward current through the channels during the depolarization.
  • Larval motor neurons had a long-lasting, sodium-dependent afterhyperpolarization (AHP) following bursts of action potentials that was mediated by the electrogenic activity of Na Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • They found that instead of polarization, the new phase creates what the researchers call a toroid moment, which rotates in a circular fashion like a vortex or a tornado.
  • The scatter diagram shows the main direction of depolarization during a period of time.
  • We'll cover the fundamentals needed to understand basic optical concepts such as radiometry, polarization, diffraction, and holography, including some examples of how these concepts are used in various applications.
  • The number of times that an antimuon emits a positron in the same direction as its polarization was found to be equal to the number of times that a muon emits an electron in the opposite direction.
  • This mechanism is likely to involve the polarization of key components and the localized breakdown of existing cell wall structure.
  • The polarization of society into rich and poor can clearly be seen in the city centres.
  • The patient is then closely observed for muscle fasciculations representing the first depolarization phase of succinylcholine activity. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Light is an electromagnetic wave that can carry angular momentum by way of circular polarization.
  • They were gene products (proteins) but also networks of physical processes that shaped and patterned organisms using adhesion, polarization, viscoelasticity, etc. ScreenTalk
  • By examining collected animals after the mission was over Dr. Caldwell discovered other species of deep water stomatopods that have different patterns of polarization on their uropods and tail.
  • Together though all these factors suggest a price in the above $50m, less than $500m range on David Beisel GEMAYA 'bipolarization' acquisition matrix. Archive 2005-12-01
  • The press has scoured every exit poll for the latest evidence of racial polarization, not just in terms of white and black, but black and brown as well.
  • It seems that the Pretoria talks will inevitably lead to a new political bipolarization. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • With this type of supernova, there was no convincing evidence of any polarization—at best, less than 0.3 per cent polarization.
  • We used the EOM and quarter-wave plate combination to rotate the polarization direction of the linearly polarized laser light.
  • Pyroelectric material can bring polarization with the variable temperature caused by infrared radiation.
  • While it is critical that members of NGOs and community-based organizations do whatever possible to increase intercommunal positivity and decrease negativity and suffering, it may be best to do so in a manner divorced from the "peace process," so as to avoid the polarization that can result from falling prey to the politics of the attractor. Peter T. Coleman, PhD: The Mathematics of Middle East Conflict and Peace
  • The presidential elections have already produced increasing public discussion about the growth of political polarization.
  • Whereas increasing temperature accelerated fluorescence depolarization, increasing solvent viscosity slowed the process down.
  • An increase in turgor also causes a depolarization in the turgor-regulating charophytes Chara longifolia and Lamprothamnium succinctum.
  • Space-time maps indeed clearly showed the dispersion of repolarization among neighboring leads, and the distribution of U wave.
  • If this high level of cross polarization discrimination is not required, the added cost provides no system benefit.
  • It is possible that depolarization forces internal polyamines through the pore, where they might accumulate in an unstirred extracellular space, blocking the channel during the measurement of inward conductance.
  • In guinea pig airways, anandamide stimulates sensory nerves by inducing depolarization.
  • There is increasing polarization between the blacks and whites in the US.
  • The difference in the polarization of water inside the channel is also visibly the same as in the previously described unfrozen case.
  • Light emitted along the longer axis shows a net excess of a particular polarization.
  • The policy led to increasing polarization of the society, causing the subjugated ethnic communities to despise the new order.
  • Since the birefringence of the projection lens is well controlled, there is little wavefront error due to polarization.
  • There is certainly a degree of personal animus in some of the attacks and with the increasing polarization of the political debate in the country, this question of Tony Blair's personal style -- I mean, we saw, for example, the Butler Report in it's very veiled and rather elegant way, criticizing his what they call sofa cabinet, the fact that everything is done very informally, off the record with just a few select advisors. CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2004
  • The positive charge that they carry produces a further membrane depolarization, which activates additional sodium channels, so depolarizing the membrane even further.
  • By analyzing thermal emission polarization detection method, a thermal imaging polarimeter is developed.
  • Moreover, the light reflected by the coelostat is partially polarized, and the amount and character of polarization depends on the incidence angle.
  • It has been suggested that double cones are used for achromatic (non-colour) tasks such as luminance, motion and polarization vision," Professor Marshall said. - latest science and technology news stories
  • I found by inclosing the glass in heavy iron tubes and exposing it for five hours to a temperature somewhat above that of melting zinc, and then allowing an hour or two for the cooling process, that the strong polarization figure which it displays in a polariscope was completely removed, and hence the glass annealed. Scientific American Supplement, No. 303, October 22, 1881
  • The inhibitory stabilization of the membrane might be pictured as a heightening of the "resting" polarization, somewhat on the lines of an electrotonus. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • This quantity describes the state of order, such as the local magnetic polarization of a ferromagnet, as it develops at each point in the material.
  • Designed for spectral analysis of microscopic samples as small as 1 mm, the instrument can measure by transmittance, absorbance, reflectance, fluorescence, and polarization.
  • In the collision of plane electromagnetic waves with non-aligned polarization, it must therefore be concluded that the dynamics remains unaltered.
  • Using polarimeters, which enable the polarization of the light received to be determined, astronomers hoped to be able to identify whether there was dust within the corona.
  • This introduces partial depolarization of the light.
  • Current clamp experiments showed that GRO / KC caused a marked increase in excitability, including resting potential depolarization, decreased rheobase, and lower action potential threshold. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • A polarization converter polarizes an incident light beam having a first component with a first plane of polarization and a second component with a second plane of polarization orthogonal to the first plane.
  • Freezing minority voters into permanent isolated camps accelerates the political polarization that now divides the country.
  • The result is generally polarization, lack of commitment, inflexibility, the premature loss of scientific excellence, and fossilization, which are sufficiently familiar and uncomfortable to require no elaboration. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Perhaps religion will one day do that, causing the depolarization of the parties along economic and foreign-policy lines, or the rise of a viable third party in some states. The Case for Partisanship
  • The electrodes were made from platinum-blacked platinum gauze to minimize electrode polarization at low frequencies.
  • Only a few parts of the carapace produce the polarization, mainly the antennal scales, maxillipeds, and uropod scales.
  • Failure of the state to encourage trade and provide security for investors and workers produces a bipolarization of Chinese eco - nomic life by which “the oppression of the poor must establish the monopoly of the rich” (Book I, Ch. IX). Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Objective To compare humoral immune responses and T helper cell polarization induced by different injection methods of a multi epitope chimeric DNA vaccine.
  • The output clock pulse of clock recovery should have the features of high speed, low phase noise, high sensitivity, no polarization sensitivity, and stability.
  • The polarization was likely due to the interaction of high-speed ejecta from the explosion.
  • The technique uses the unique polarizations of evanescent waves generated by total internal reflection to excite the dipole moment of individual fluorophores.
  • This is known as birefringence and has a large effect on the polarization of light orientation of the wave. Archive 2004-04-01
  • Gyromagnetic resonance spectrometers essentially comprise a high-frequency generator supplying a circuit which concentrates the electromagnetic energy on a specimen, the latter being arranged in a continuous magnetic polarization field.
  • The depolarization opens the L-type calcium channels, causing inflow of calcium through the membrane into the cytosol.
  • Depolarization of the presynaptic membrane causes release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft.
  • The results were wholly unexpected: Mercury has small, reflective polar caps with the distinctive depolarization behavior of ice.
  • The rotated elliptical shell could explain the polarization angle, but failed to match a feature in the supernova's flux that suggested an uneven absorption of light from the photosphere.
  • The fact that monitoring is not directly verifiable to consumers probably has a lot to do with the polarization of disputes over credibility.
  • This polarization of land-use trends, with extensification or land abandonment on one side and mechanization and intensification on the other, puts many traditional land-use systems seriously at risk. Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth
  • Then which was discussed inhibition efficiency elementary by infrared spectrum and polarization curve.
  • As the channel opens upon a depolarization, the trapped ion can escape to the intracellular medium increasing the stability of the bound toxin.
  • In the fucoid zygote, polarization events can be triggered by a range of stimuli, including unidirectional light and fertilization.
  • The proposed mechanism for breakage of the actomyosin cortex may be used for cell polarization.
  • Democracy is not well served by this deliberate polarization of issues, or by toadying to it.
  • The specifications are commonly based on the 2 - D illuminance, luminance, intensity, chromaticity, and polarization distributions.
  • The symbols used are: spermatogonium (white pentagon); primary spermatocytes (white stars); round spermatids (white asterisk); elongated spermatids with high polarization, indicating the residual body or axonemal region (black asterisk) and the heads (white arrowheads). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We developed a new method to determine the amplitude of flickers in terms of millivolts of depolarization.
  • This sensory ability is analogous to color vision, whereby reflectances of similar brightness in a scene are discriminable because their spectral features differ, so we call it polarization vision by analogy to color vision.
  • The scattering intensity and polarization properties of different size particles are simulated by the Ricatti - Bessel functions.
  • The design of construction is considered carefully for change of polarization, direction and height of the ant-tenna and for disassemble and assemble and being carried.
  • Indeed, it does appear they are increasingly living in a plutocracy, and this is a factor that simply cannot be overlooked in the discussion of class polarization.
  • This local depolarization is known as an excitatory synaptic potential, and its amplitude is determined by the number of vesicles released from the presynaptic cell.
  • But if you measure one photon first and determine its polarization, then the polarization of the other photon is instantly determined. METAPLANETARY
  • The specifications are commonly based on the 2 - D illuminance, luminance, intensity, chromaticity, and polarization distributions.
  • Each antenna features vertical polarization, with an impedance of 50 ohms.
  • Cocaine blocks the initiation or conduction of nerve impulses following local application by blocking depolarization via sodium influx inhibition.
  • We know if the observer measured circular polarization the answer would be counterclockwise (L as in XXL). A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • Excess nickel has a negative effect on plasma membrane polarization, ion uptake and translocation, cell mitotic activity, and carbon partitioning in roots.
  • To get the full complex-number array of polarization states, we must consider circular and elliptical polarization.
  • The first is the intrinsic polarization of the isolated acceptor emission, which may be a function of its environment and the particular excitation and emission wavelengths used.
  • A Pockels cell alters the polarization state of light passing through it when an applied voltage induces birefringence changes in an electro-optic crystal such as DKDP (KD*P) and BBO. all content
  • The protein polarization was dominated by atomic rearrangements.
  • Then which was discussed inhibition efficiency elementary by infrared spectrum and polarization curve.
  • Mechanical stimulation of both cultivars by probing with blunt micropipettes without penetrating the epidermal cells resulted in regular depolarizations each time the root was probed.
  • The doubts thus thrown upon the question were removed by the experiments of Forbes, who first established the polarization and 'depolarization' of heat. Six Lectures on Light Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873
  • We have now moved beyond polarization, we're fractionalized.
  • Locally it blocks the initiation and propagation of nerve impulses along an axon by interference with sodium permeability during depolarization. 3,11 Centrally it blocks the presynaptic reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine. Cocaine Toxicity
  • There are proposed explanations for the end-of-life brain activity as non-functional, generalized neuronal depolarization. Deepak Chopra: End-of-Life Brain Activity - A Sign of the Soul?
  • The electrons ejected in the direction of the electric field polarization of the laser light pulse are detected.
  • The interaction strength and the relative phase of the electric field in neighboring particles both depend on polarization and frequency.
  • And there is much to resist - the biopiracy of multinationals, the cultural onslaught of Western junk culture, consumerism, as well as the polarization of communalism.
  • The electrons that were produced in the decays were found to be emitted preferentially in the opposite direction to the polarization of the nucleus.
  • He is interested in finding the place of public dialogue beyond the obvious polarizations - the utopianism that can surround bioengineering as well as the fear that often accompanies its potential outcomes.
  • The output clock pulse of clock recovery should have the features of high speed, low phase noise, high sensitivity, no polarization sensitivity, and stability.
  • This is all explained in simple, nonconfrontational language, and avoids polarization of the subject. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The later hyperpolarization results from stimulation of the plasma membrane proton pump due to the cytosolic acidification associated with the activity of the nitrate transporter.
  • Next, we polarized mitochondria with succinate in the presence of rotenone to examine the effects of proton pumping on the transient depolarizations.
  • But it would signal a significant diminution of polarization only if the candidate were able to hold onto enough of the base to win the general election.
  • A nano-optic waveplate combined with a polarization beamsplitter can measure differential polarization and phase response in a compact polarimeter.
  • The first is the intrinsic polarization of the isolated acceptor emission, which may be a function of its environment and the particular excitation and emission wavelengths used.
  • Polarization has happened, and extremism, with publicity-seeking pundits and irresponsible candidates refusing to be guided by the standard glossary. Benjamin R. Barber: Socialism For Dummies or: Why Obama Isn't a Communist
  • Loss of gar - 3 function speeds up the repolarization of the terminal bulb muscles and shortens action potentials.
  • Such polarization usually means an artist has struck a chord.
  • This paper introduces the necessity of double beam splitting system applicating in polarization interference phase subdivision and the optimized principle of this beam splitting system.
  • The channel closed , but prepared to undergo a next activity phase in case of its depolarization.
  • The results were wholly unexpected: Mercury has small, reflective polar caps with the distinctive depolarization behavior of ice.
  • The antenna operates in the 2400 to 2500MHz band with a 13dBi gain and 120 degree expanded beamwidth horizontal polarization (HPOL). Latest Articles
  • The polarization characteristics of fiber are mainly polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) and polarization dependent loss ( PDL ) .
  • A reflector, a method of producing same and a method of creating high omnidirectional reflection for a predetermined range of frequencies of incident electromagnetic energy for any angle of incidence and any polarization.
  • The polarization crisis is more intense within countries and cities than between them.
  • Because of the nonuniform membrane polarization, ionic currents during field stimulation also have a spatially nonuniform profile.
  • It is also an extremely distinctive feature in terms of its high level of geographical polarization.
  • The results also indicate that the phenomenon of temperature polarization and concentration polarization is inevitable during VMD process.
  • With ventricular depolarization of the site has a number of transient ECG integrated vector, in the face of the lead axis of projection, that is, limb-lead electrocardiogram of the QRS complex wave.
  • In addition, we performed the first pulsed time-domain chemically-induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP) experiments. Richard R. Ernst - Autobiography
  • LAMB: On page 180, you give 16 reasons, I counted, that you wanted people to consider for -- why all this happened: ` One, precolonial inequalities; two, the fanatically thorough and '-- hierchial -- ` hierarchical centralized administration; three, the hematic myth and the radical polarization under Belgian rule.' We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: Stories from Rwanda
  • He saw that there were two populations with markedly different degrees of polarization.
  • Polarization of light by reflection is found more in nature than in industry.
  • The devices using PM fibers we are discussed are:polarization-maintaining fiber couplers, polarization beam splitters, optical fiber polizer, WDM device, depolarize , wavelet...
  • Among the prime cellular targets of mercury are mitochondria, and thimerosal-induced cell death has been associated with the depolarization of mitochondrial membrane, according to the International Journal of Molecular Medicine among several others. David Kirby: Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?
  • Freezing minority voters into permanent isolated camps accelerates the political polarization that now divides the country.
  • What I would like to see, as an outside observer of course but one whose probably primary concern among social issues is indeed health care, not polarization, or gender separation on the health care in America to pro- and antiwoman, or scientific and “natural”, but instead reclaiming the field of medicine from law-suit based medicine, or unwarrantedly surgical and demanding better health care from the powers that are. Doctor Resigns From Hospital Because She Won’t Do Unneeded C-Sections
  • The first is a different refraction for the two polarization components at the lens surfaces, which causes a ray bifurcation at each lens.
  • These details may reflect imperfections of the force field, which is not parameterized to account for ligand to metal charge transfer and polarization effects.
  • On the other hand, flying insects can discriminate natural water surfaces from mirages or other ‘virtual’ surfaces using polarization vision.
  • Maybe one day soon you'll have polarization holograms in your wallet protecting your data.
  • This action of fundamental life manifests itself as a _polarization_ of the internal personality: almost at a point of crystallization, around which, provided there be homogeneous material and an undisturbed environment, _the definitive form composes itself_. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • It also shows the relationship of light intensity in any direction of polarization splitter and phase delay of a single plate within PC, and proves the result by experiments.
  • Localized depolarization within a mitochondrial reticulum leads to a virtually instantaneous depolarization of coupled mitochondria.
  • Without any electron beam, back lighting or polarization, the image is sharper, brighter and undistorted from side to side.
  • At home, war will exacerbate social polarization as an ever-greater share of the national income is transferred to both the financial oligarchy and the military.
  • The voltage-gated Na + channel is critical for depolarization and conduction in most excitable cells.
  • This induces electrical current in neurons, causing depolarization that then has behavioral effects.
  • Thermal emission polarization detection is a very good approach to identify metal target from the background.
  • bipolarization" of the country's politics, saying that all political parties should be allowed to participate in talks on the constitution. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Changing the magnetization direction reverses the spin polarization of the secondary, or low-energy, electrons emitted from the substance. Can't We All Be Friends?
  • Execute should notice to prevent polarization by allocation of factor of production.
  • The main factor inhibiting the involvement of the public is the polarization of the debate.
  • Conversely, if a depolarizing process is much slower than the decay of the excited state, little depolarization will occur before emission.
  • A second prerequisite for observing fluorescence depolarization from a CT complex is that the complex is emissive.
  • A half waveplate was used to rotate the polarization of the incident light, and a polarizer and analyzer with a high extinction ratio were inserted in the incident and scattered light paths, respectively.
  • Method: The serum concentration of oral phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid were determined in 26,74 and 144 epileptic patients by fluorescence polarization immunoassay, respectively.
  • Polarization of undergraduates , born of frustration over an uneven starting point.
  • Once released, ACh must be removed rapidly in order to allow repolarization to take place; this step, hydrolysis, is carried out by the enzyme, acetylcholinesterase.
  • Around the world, the multi - polarization tendency is getting stronger.
  • The fundament of single pulse gslvanostatic polarization technique for corrosion rate measurement of medal are described.
  • Because electronic polarization is accounted for by the choice of background dielectric, dipolar moieties are assigned charges consistent with their permanent dipole moments.
  • Added to this volatile social polarization is one of the world's most diverse, both legal and undocumented, immigrant populations.
  • Visual pigments, the molecules in photoreceptors that initiate the process of vision, are inherently dichroic, differentially absorbing light according to its axis of polarization.
  • Malus found the polarization phenomenon, it is a better understanding of the nature of light.
  • Ideological polarizations on educational issues tend to be facile and premature.
  • If gerrymandering is responsible for the increase in party discipline, then it would be responsible for the kind of polarization described above. Matthew Yglesias » Little Evidence to Support Gerrymandering-Polarization Link
  • The inversed polarization will disappear under a strong electric field and the single excited state of a polaron will dissociate into a polaron and a bipolaron.
  • The experiment shows that under the action of sinusoidal voltage, current flowing through the sample is mainly caused by the motion of slow polarization effect that do not obey RLC circuit equation.
  • It is not well understood how these are coordinated with changes in morphology, such as cell movement, shape change, and polarization.
  • This is the effect to which the term 'depolarization' has been applied; the experiment really proving that with both light and heat we have the same resolution by the plate of mica, and recompounding by the analyzer, of the ethereal vibrations. Six Lectures on Light Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873
  • Americans also live in a nation whose popular music has been degenerating technically and compositionally as this polarization has increased. Thoughts on Music « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Fiberoptics are unreliable for transmitting the polarization (electric field orientation) of light.
  • I can think of hundreds of possible scenarios in which a single violent act could lead to a chain reaction of unstoppably escalating violence, particularly with the growing regional, religious and racial polarization and the constant warning by the radical right of the emanate danger posed by the Democratic party. Unarmed, This Time
  • Group polarization can amplify the mutual resolve of those in a self-help group.
  • Linear polarization is critical for triggering chemical reactions or for studying the orientation of atoms and molecules when they are absorbed on a surface.
  • A hollow core and cobweb - structured cladding Bragg fiber that supports circular - polarization - maintaining single - mode is presented.

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