
How To Use Polaris In A Sentence

  • The ATi sensor polariser is a battery powered device which provides the "bias voltage" needed to stabilize the ATi chlorine, chlorine dioxide or ozone polarographic sensors. - Latest News
  • Whether you love or hate the new Doctor Who, prepare to polarise your thoughts even further one way or the other, if this latest rumour ever comes to fruition. 2010 June : Chronicles Network: Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • The two sides remain sharply polarised, and periodic attempts to bridge the wide gulf between them have fizzled out.
  • Additionally, POLARIS reduces total component count by integrating voltage control oscillators and loop filters.
  • The danger now is a new polarisation born out of fear and defensiveness in us men.
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  • As this column demonstrated last week, this polarisation is extreme and has clear-cut economic, cultural and political manifestations.
  • The results exposed deepening sectarian polarisation between nationalist and unionist voters.
  • I was a bit scared because there was this complete polarisation in the room, and everyone in the band's eyes swivelled towards me and they were like, "You've got to deal with this, love. The worst gig we ever played: musicians on their on-stage lows
  • Damn Pain In The Ass! santa claus old saint nick furry nicholas evil jolly satan worship merry christmas 2008 happy holidays facts truth devil satans clause contract odin woden slepnir north pole star polaris belsnickle enjoy coca cola elves reindeer christ mass northern al kiblah jadi giedi sqorpio1980 edfsuxass sumnurv - Articles related to Base rate not to affect existing home loan borrowers: ICICI
  • These places have got reviews in the high hundreds and the entries are remarkably unpolarised. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results exposed deepening sectarian polarisation between nationalist and unionist voters.
  • Dr. Sergei Kirov, a neuroscientist in the Medical College of Georgia Schools of Medicine and Graduate Studies, has revealed that it is called anoxic depolarisation, and it primarily results from the brain getting insufficient blood and oxygen after a stroke. News Feed
  • Too often this debate is polarised into pro and anti camps, and this book does not help in this regard.
  • For example, the effect of acids and salts on a solution of an optically active substance such as nicotine could be followed by observing the rotation of the plane of polarised light through a polarimeter.
  • The contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscle results from the depolarisation and repolarisation of myocardial cells.
  • The word that keeps getting used with me is 'polarise'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iceland spar is used chiefly in the optical instrument known as the polariscope. Wealth of the World's Waste Places and Oceania
  • The National Party was leading South Africa into a dangerous state of political bipolarisation, Democratic Party national executive chairman David Gant charged on Wednesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Until this is done, however, it will be necessary for the Internal Revenue Bureau to adopt, provisionally, one of the best existing forms of polariscope, and by carefully defining the scale of this instrument, establish a basis for its polarimetric work which will be a close approximation to an absolute standard, and upon which it can rely in case of any dispute arising as to the results obtained by the officers of the bureau. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • For me, 2003 saw an increasing polarisation within the classical music world.
  • Put simply, polarisation works like a venetian blind to cut reflection from above and below yet still allow clear vision.
  • For serious, if you want GMs and Devs on the battlefield, stick them in polaris frigs marked "GM_Gamedude" and watch, ask quesations, and be clearly NOT a player. Design From Soup to Nuts
  • The new deal will polarise the clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Macmillan made a long and politically emotional appeal for Skybolt's replacement by Polaris.
  • The inference that Inkatha and the NP will form some sort of alliance to win a majority in the forthcoming election also confirms that the NP are leading this country into a dangerous state of political bipolarisation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The crystal acts as an analyser which ascertains whether or not the photon has polarisation perpendicular to the optical axis of the crystal.
  • Gothic style, whether in literature, architecture or fashion, tends to polarise opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Polaris makes off-road vehicles such as snowmobiles and ATVs. Undefined
  • His discovery of the polarisation of light by reflection was published in 1809 and his theory of double refraction of light in crystals in 1810.
  • The tide had perceptibly slackened and the surface of the sea settled from a small chop to an oily slick in which virtually every subsurface movement for yards around the boat could be seen though our polarised sunglasses.
  • Viewers often end up thinking that there is no solution to the problem because the two sides are so rancorously polarised.
  • Predators polarise views as nothing else in conservation. Times, Sunday Times
  • But instead what happens is that legitimate concerns get pushed aside by florid rhetoric and high dudgeon, debate gets polarised, until eventually everyone gets bored and blogging continues pretty much as it did before.
  • Both phrases are lazy shorthand that over-simplify the issues and polarise the debate ... Environmentalists losing ground
  • He takes the view that the debate in the Republic has polarised between the mainstream parties on one side, the slightly constitutional Sinn Fein and what he calls the disreputable right … He takes issue with Michael McLaughlin's view that the EU is a product of compromise between to great blocks of European opinion, arguing that beyond those two, there is a growing opinion, not least in the accession countries which holds in opposition to "EU federalism and renewed respect for subsidiarity". the second of Slugger's Lisbon Essays, Michael McLaughlin described the EU as a compromise between the forces of Christian Democracy and Social Democracy. Slugger O'Toole
  • The transmitted beam consists only of photons with the perpendicular polarisation.
  • Polaris fluctuates in its short-term luminosity as well. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • These results are a sign of one side of the polarisation in European politics to the right and the left as the parties of the centre are seen not to deliver.
  • Times of India Varun Gandhi out on good conduct vow NSA detenue and BJP candidate for Pilibhit Varun Gandhi appeared to be turning into a polarising issue on Thursday when Supreme Court gave him interim bail till May 1 after extracting promise of impeccable behaviour and not to give any speech against any community. Election Digest: Indian Middle Class Mobilized to Vote
  • The green debate tends to polarise into science-as-saviour versus science-as-devil camps.
  • With a little practice this may be overcome and the neutral point found, but when it cannot, the ordinary telescope of the instrument may be replaced by another, which is furnished with the polariscope and which carries a yellow plate. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • The two sides remain sharply polarised, and periodic attempts to bridge the wide gulf between them have fizzled out.
  • Microscopical Society: "Its chief purpose is that of illuminating and defining objects which are nonpolarizable, in a similar manner to that in which the polariscope defines polarizable objects. Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
  • He invented the polariscope, and produced the first solar coronagraph. Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast – February 26-28, 2010 | Universe Today
  • It is true he polarises people, but where I am from he is highly regarded by the community.
  • At this moment, the loudspeakers fill the club with the distinctly raw and powerful tuba, guiro, and tarola (snare drum) sounds of Bostich's hit ‘Polaris.’
  • Induced-polarisation and resistivity measurements were made in the boreholes, and magnetic susceptibility logs were compiled from data recorded from core.
  • Faslane is just a short ride across the water from Holy Loch where we ran a Polaris Squadron for thirty years. NIMITZ CLASS
  • The commission recommends that the work of polarizing sugars be placed in the hands of chemists, or at least of persons who are familiar with the use of the polariscope and have some knowledge of the theory of its construction and of chemical manipulations. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Iceland-spar is extensively used in the construction of Nicol's prisms for polariscopes, polarizing microscopes and saccharimeters, and of dichroscopes for testing the pleochroism of gem-stones. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • What you are going to do is polarise the debate, declare yourself an optimist and make the pessimists look like dills.
  • A proposal in 1978 to erect a statue in Perth to honour the Aboriginal leader Yagan polarised local historical opinion.
  • For those that don't know, in LCD displays, use is made of linear polarisers, familiar to most as the glass in polarising sunglasses.
  • The experimental search for BEC in dilute gases started early with the use of spin-polarised hydrogen in The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics - Information for the Public
  • We shouldn't polarise the argument into books or no books. Times, Sunday Times
  • The growing conflict between Europe and America has thus resulted in an unceasing intensification of social polarisation on both continents.
  • The devices use two external polarised electrolytic capacitors that can also be reconfigured to double the supply voltage.
  • I found by inclosing the glass in heavy iron tubes and exposing it for five hours to a temperature somewhat above that of melting zinc, and then allowing an hour or two for the cooling process, that the strong polarization figure which it displays in a polariscope was completely removed, and hence the glass annealed. Scientific American Supplement, No. 303, October 22, 1881
  • I was dressed in shirt and shorts wearing a long peaked cap and polarised sunglasses and I was covered with lots of sunscreen.
  • The two sides remain sharply polarised, and periodic attempts to bridge the wide gulf between them have fizzled out.
  • In an apology last week to the BBC over Malema's outburst, the Afrikanerbond wrote that millions of honest, decent, hard-working and civilised South Africans bore the brunt of Malema and the ANCYL's agenda which, it claimed, was to "polarise" South Africa with "renewed racism". News24 Top Stories
  • Needless to say, this approach is sorely needed in an increasingly polarised world.
  • Graphical Symbol in full simplified capacitor, general electrolyte capacitors polarised non-polarised lead-in capacitor, polarised lead-in capacitor, non-polarised variable capacitor variable capacitor with indication of rotor anti-interference capacitor 1. Selected Graphical Symbols of Electrotechnology
  • This spectacle will further polarise the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • You will find opinions as polarised here as anywhere in the world, if not more so.
  • The concept is similar to that of a polarised retroreflective sensor; if the sensor cannot see the background (reflector), the output switches on - indicating that the target object is present. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • Maybe it's the effect of America being polarised during an election year, but in his home country of Canada it has outgrossed all other documentaries.
  • The current architectural debate has served to polarise popular opinion on modern architecture.
  • We are living at war: the shame and horror of being citizens of the country which, in its ruthless imperialism, is not only ravaging Southeast Asia but, with its military bases, its Polaris submarines, the machinations of its CIA, and the tentacles of its giant corporations, is everywhere the prime force of antilife and oppression -- this shame and horror cast their shadow over all we say, feel, and do. Statement For A Television Program
  • His audience is polarised, either denouncing him as a fraud or lionising him as some kind of spiritual leader.
  • Now that the inevitable has happened, the resulting polarisation and bad blood has made power-sharing infeasible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several Polaris ATV models are used as farming and hunting quads but they are also reliable as a fast, racy, motocross style vehicle.
  • 'selectively leaking' the Liberhan Commission report on Babri Masjid demolition to the media seeking to 'polarise' voters. Undefined
  • A modest economic recovery was staged, amid still decaying infrastructures and increasing social polarisation.
  • It is time to employ this legacy in the polarised republican debate to overturn the presumptions that have created a three-cornered contest between monarchists, minimalist republicans and direct-election advocates.
  • Both phrases are lazy shorthand that over-simplify the issues and polarise the debate... Environmentalists losing ground
  • Personally, I think I'm probably somewhere between liberal and moderate, presuming I even subscribe to the straight-line model of polarised political categorisation.
  • RW: But the irony is that books like yours and [Richard Dawkins's] God Delusion balkanise the world a good deal more, because they polarise views.
  • But even so, Fan says an atmosphere of strife and polarisation remains in the society at large.
  • In die lig van Suid-Afrika se tragiese apartheidserfnis en polarisasie, is dit dringend noodsaaklik dat beskerming en selfbeskikking verleen word aan alle groepe, ongeag ras of kleur, op 'n wyse wat strook met federale demokrasie soos deur die hele wereld beoefen en gerespekteer word, se hy.' n Federale stelsel sal ANC Daily News Briefing
  • By polarising discontent, it is transforming it from ferment to turmoil into energy spent constructively.
  • Outfitted with an electric starter and safety tether, this Polaris ATV is powered by a four-stroke engine.
  • For every fan there has been a critic and no player has polarised public opinion more.
  • Hyperpolarisation with parahydrogen is a technique developed at York University that can, it is claimed, dramatically increase the sensitivity of MRI, the scanning technology widely used in hospitals. The Engineer - News
  • During the afternoon I received an urgent transmission from STAR headquarters in the Polaris system.
  • The photograph was taken with a forensic technique using crossed polarised light of varying degrees.
  • She wants to take a luxury winter cruise ... next January ... Six weeks on the Stella Polaris.
  • The youngsters are revving up the engines of Polaris snowmobiles retrofitted with wheels, anticipating a race to third base.
  • The polariscope should not be exposed to the direct rays of the sun during part of the day, and should not be near artificial sources of heat, such as steam boilers, furnaces, flues, etc. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Media coverage of the culture wars makes it look as if the nation is becoming increasingly polarised but public opinion surveys show little change.
  • The reason why fusion is more likely between spin polarised nuclei is straight forward.
  • It's also one of the quickest subjects to polarise opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lawyers can polarise couples rather than encourage mediation and counselling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of polarised light allows the analyst to identify the anisotropic minerals present.
  • The objective was to create a situation of extreme violence and polarise people in such a way that those who protested would be terrorised or dubbed anti-national, thus legitimising this unpardonable crime.
  • So it was late and freezing when the pair of wagons drew up to stop for the night; the only light was the cold blue wash from the moon and stars that polarised the snowscape into a crosshatching of light and dark.
  • The polariscope, directed towards this region, showed an internal polarisation, but, when pointed to the side where the mist still prevailed, there was no polarisation. Wonderful Balloon Ascents
  • The traffic department will be using polarisers, cameras and manual machines.
  • That is a bundle of generalisations and stereotypes, but then few things are guaranteed to polarise opinions – and boost sales – as much as how we raise and educate our offspring. The parenting gap: why French mothers prefer to use the firm smack of authority
  • Then tens of thousands of Polaris customers and fans joined the fun at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds at Minneapolis for a party that ran all day Saturday and late into a warm starlit night.
  • Now that the inevitable has happened, the resulting polarisation and bad blood has made power-sharing infeasible. Times, Sunday Times
  • In such cases the cleavage of one stone is often of paramount importance in testing the cleavage of another, as is seen in the perfection of the cleavage planes of calcite, which is used in the polariscope. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • Traditional harmony among communities has been replaced by polarisation and widespread horror.
  • The streaks below Polaris in these images are due to the fact that the camera is shutterless.
  • In support of this hypothesis, novel FRET data demonstrate a direct interaction between ROCK1 and LIMK2 in polarised but not blebbing cells. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Public opinion polarised into completely opposite opinions on the issue of mercy killing.
  • The polarisation of politics creates strains between the social democratic leaders and their mass base through sudden political eruptions.
  • The unusual combination of sweet and savoury proved to be very polarising in this country.
  • Even now, he continues to polarise opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • I question the wisdom of the leaders on both sides who have caused this polarisation.
  • Bob Metcalfe, general partner with Polaris Ventures and the inventor of Ethernet, got on stage today at the Green: Net conference in San Francisco to call for “a squanderable abundance of cheap and clean energy,” that will crib from the development of the Internet. Green:Net Keynote: Bob Metcalfe’s Search for the Enernet
  • Hyperpolarisation involves transferring the magnetism of parahydrogen to molecules, making them more visible to nuclear magnetic resonance, an important research tool in chemistry, and The Engineer - News
  • Moreover, we found that daughter cells can clear themselves of damage by a polarisome - and tropomyosin-dependent polarized flow of aggregates into the mother cell compartment. Research Blogging - All Topics - English
  • We have been doing both for decades with no obvious problems - and with less of the one-arm-behind-or-back that came with Polaris/rident etc. The Creation of a European Army
  • A straw poll of people I've talked to about this research reveals a polarised reaction.
  • I'd probably frame it more in terms of a clash of belief systems: monotheistic Christianity straitjacketing polytheistic animism into more polarised gender roles, and introducing the concept of sin.
  • This phenomenon is called dielectric polarisation (Fig. 6.4.). 6. Electrical Field
  • In fact, the Bristol parents were divided, and increasingly polarised in the course of the inquiry.
  • And of course there are the times where a debate fragments or polarises, where more than one of these structuring posts occurs roughly simultaneously, or with radically different views - bifurcating any debate.
  • A straw poll of people I've talked to about this research a polarised reaction.
  • This last consideration is too often forgotten in the tiresomely polarised debate about modernism and classicism which continues to rage.
  • United States, a bounty of two cents per pound; and upon such sugar testing less than ninety degrees by the polariscope, and not less than eighty degrees, a bounty of one and three-fourth cents per pound, under such rules and regulations as the Commissioner of Internal Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • It needed courage to raise such sensitive issues at a time when the political spectrum was so sharply polarised.
  • It's these flame guardians who polarise such debates. Times, Sunday Times
  • This severely tested their friendship, before being resolved - with an offer of Polaris - in a way unlikely between two men less close.
  • These results are a sign of one side of the polarisation in European politics to the right and the left as the parties of the centre are seen not to deliver.
  • In their experiments, they polarise individual photons in opposite orientations to represent the zeros and ones of a digital number.
  • Public opinion polarised into completely opposite opinions on the issue of mercy killing.
  • Sliding your cursor over the picture will locate Polaris and the NCP as well as other stars of the Little Dipper.
  • Planispheres for now have as north pole the Polaris.
  • Without those polarised goggles, Avatar Day would surely be an irrelevance and Avatar just another cornball sci-fi fantasy about alien monsters on a faraway planet.
  • I would prefer to see the massive amounts of money used by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society every year to "terrorise" Japanese whaling vessels put to less polarising methods. ZGeek
  • It is that bilateralism which is beginning to polarise South Africa. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • However polarisation of light produced by reflection still provided a strong argument in favour of the corpuscular theory, since no explanation from a wave theory had ever been made.
  • Polaris, the North Star, appears stationary in the sky because it is positioned close to the line of Earth's axis projected into space.
  • Removing the unhelpful heat from the debate, which can all too easily become polarised, is a necessary first step.
  • Electret microphones use a polarised condenser instead of a crystal.
  • The muscle cells act as a syncytium, in which spontaneous depolarising pacemaker potentials occur. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The dielectric polarisation is measured as the increase in capacity relative to the empty vessel.
  • Middle-aged virgins," men whose only sexual activity is onanism, are being highlighted as a major problem in Japanese society, with their numbers burgeoning even as youthful sexual activity increases, creating a "sexual bipolarisation. Anime Nano!
  • Much more on mantis shrimps at The Lurker's Guide to Stomatopods, which describes its other special features such as rolling like a wheel and having sophisticated trinocular vision with 10 types of receptor for detecting colour and polarisation. Smashing shrimps
  • Il-Barrani to the pride of Brussels; from the manipulation of broadcasting to its pluralisation; from the arrogance of centralised power to its devolution through local councils, from extreme polarisation to a good measure of reconciliation ….
  • One of the ills of our society in the recent past was the polarisation of black and white.
  • Abortion has always been a very polarising, divisive issue that is irreconcilable.
  • The research is an attempt to move away from simplistic polarisation and address the more complex issues.
  • Hitoshi Katanoda/Polaris As of Friday morning electric power remained off for 3.2 million households in the northern Tohoku region, with three prefectures—Aomori, Iwate and Akita—completely out of power, officials said. New Quake Strikes Japan
  • Enhanced e-books could polarise the publishing industry, delegates were told at LBF's "Winners and Losers in the Digital Jungle" seminar. Enhanced eBooks Could Polarize Publishing Industry
  • Mitres to the left, birettas to the right; it's been a faith-filled, polarising Easter.
  • And that's certainly been a frustration that we've often had that is very difficult to talk about the adverse health effects of this drug in a climate where opinion is so highly polarised.
  • In any case, you can not destroy all the mobile launchers, such as Polaris submarines.
  • We said earlier that the end of a pointer, pointing at Polaris, casts a shadow that moves round a circle on a disk parallel to the equator of the Earth.
  • It is the opinion of this Commission that the expression "testing ... degrees by the polariscope," used with reference to sugar in the act, is to be considered as meaning the percentage of pure sucrose the sugar contains, as ascertained by polarimetric estimation. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • The heated exchange reflects a growing polarisation between two camps within the Fatah movement: the nationalist, or "Arafatist" camp, which is faithful to the legacy of Yasser Arafat and is determined to maintain the "purity" of the national struggle for independence and freedom; and the so-called "pragmatic camp", namely the careerist-minded Oslo-era beneficiaries who have profited immensely as a result of the status-quo. Al-Ahram Weekly Online
  • In polarised situations, it is almost natural for politicians to try and compete with each other in chauvinism rather than in their willingness to accommodate - Sri Lanka and Israel/Palestine are particularly obvious examples, as indeed is Northern Ireland. Samuel Pepys is amazed

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