How To Use Polar In A Sentence
On land, giant reservoirs holding saline water could be built to offset the rise in sea levels caused by the melting of the polar ice-caps.
In these experiments, test subjects with maladies ranging from severe brain trauma to bipolar disorder undergo a battery of visual tests.
It warns of adverse consequences such as the melting of glaciers and polar icecaps, leading to rising sea levels.
By this time, Dad and I had replaced the old dipole with a short Yagi array, horizontally polarized of course, and screwed to one of the crossbeams in the attic, so now we had three channels with excellent reception.
Polar Instruments has added a flex-rigid PCB design option to the Speedstack PCB layer-stackup design system.
Electronicstalk - electronics industry news

In this paper, the general solution for plane problem of elastic mechanics in polar coordinate system is deduced by separate variable method.
Whether you love or hate the new Doctor Who, prepare to polarise your thoughts even further one way or the other, if this latest rumour ever comes to fruition.
2010 June : Chronicles Network: Science Fiction & Fantasy
The two sides remain sharply polarised, and periodic attempts to bridge the wide gulf between them have fizzled out.
This program permits the display of barograms, speedograms and variograms as well as polar curves.
The interpretation of scripture was polarized between the selective literalism of Calvinism and the more liberal application found within the teachings of Arminius.
Over 10,000 filar-micrometer and red light CCD measurements of Mars' north polar cap have been taken over the past 40 years, and they show that it has been shrinking.
The polar-bears-on-the-melting-ice-cap photo.
Additionally, POLARIS reduces total component count by integrating voltage control oscillators and loop filters.
The polar ice caps will expand to reach around 45 degrees latitude north and south.
Cathodic polarization curve and cyclic voltammetric curve of sulfate copper plating solution are determined with 1286 electrochemical interface and rotating disc electrode.
Increasingly, Labour and Conservative support has become polarized between North and South and between urban and rural areas.
The Polar Race, which will last between 30 and 40 days, has been organised by two of Britain's leading modern day adventurers.
Dee prepared nautical information, including charts for navigation in the polar regions, for the company during the next 32 years.
Well, errm, not precisely, but we need to stand up to it and create a multipolar world, not to be confused with multilateralism, which is a way of using up large amounts of money to bleat with great self-satisfaction, achieving little.
There is never any point to appeasement
This exercise involves the assembly of a glucose biosensor with the glucose oxidase immobilised within a membrane at the surface of polarographic oxygen electrode.
Archive 2004-12-01
When the ship fired its polaron beam at one mine, others within that defensive sphere reacted to the threat, homing in on the source of the beam and attacking it en masse.
Creative Couplings
Unfortunately, whatever mojo he worked in the mountains has reversed the Earth's cool polarity and Superman is temporarily cooler than Batman.
And unlike unipolar depression, the depression of bipolar illness tends to be treatment-resistant.
Richard Kraft: Something With Birds In It | A site-specific installation composed of four elements, Something With Birds In It invokes the friction and fluidity between familiar polarities--between the sacred and profane, sense and nonsense, play and violence, reflection and action.
Bill Bush: Seeing Red: This Artweek.LA (October 24-30, 2011)
A man dressed as an angel jumps through a hole in the ice, into a frozen lake, while taking part in the Polar Plunge at the "Frozen Dead Guy Days" festival in Nederland, Colorado March 10, 2007.
The spatial proximities between labels are determined by heteronuclear dipolar couplings, which are measured by rotational-echo double resonance (Gullion and Schaefer, 1989 ab).
They are polar compounds and exhibit a high fluorescence quantum yield and lase efficiently both in liquid and in solid solutions, with some of them outperforming the laser performance of the reference dye Rhodamine 6G.
With the ideological polarity of the cold war, the UN procedures for collective security were still-born (as either of the superpowers and their allies would veto any action proposed by the other).
In the third chapter, using the second-order momentum of beam radius, the Rayleigh range and beam propagation factor of three different polarized beam arrays are derived.
Both films will now be available at the same price per pack from your local Polaroid Professional Dealer.
But the online fortunes of these two key figures are polar opposites.
Times, Sunday Times
The allegorist is, as it were, the polar opposite of the collector.
The Allegorist and the Collector
Sturm's theoretical work in mathematical physics involved the study of caustic curves, and poles and polars of conic sections.
There's more on the Titanian polar lake evaporation spaceprobe boffinry
Signs of the Times
The danger now is a new polarisation born out of fear and defensiveness in us men.
The term polar, when attached to winter gear, suggests that it will keep people warm in extreme cold, not that it's just adequate when the temperature drops near freezing.
Seven Guidelines For Honest Advertisers
The C-Cl bond is polar covalent, Na-Cl is ionic, and the C-C bond is pure covalent with each atom sharing the bonding electrons equally.
Instead of personal gain-seeking being viewed as the mainspring of progress, it was perceived to sow the seeds for economic polarization, and hence social discord and decay.
The most striking of adaptations in polar sea animals is to the cold.
The divergence relationship among ursine bears was not resolved with any of the molecular data sets with the exception of the affirmation of the close affinity of the brown bear and the polar bear.
Marked terms show a polarity, like one pole of the magnet or one side of the coin.
Why the average individual's world perspective has to be so polarized is intriguing and has actually taught me a lot about humanity.
New Photos of Mickey Rourke in Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler «
The chitinized walls that lined many of the spray flow structures exhibited birefringence in polarized light microscopy.
The PoGo, which stands for Polaroid-on-the-Go, is an inkless printer that churns out 2x3-inch photos sent to it via Bluetooth devices like cellphones or from plugged-in digital cameras.
Printer Makes a New Kind of Polaroid Magic
And, of course, mania usually alternates with depression, to form a bipolar disorder.
As this column demonstrated last week, this polarisation is extreme and has clear-cut economic, cultural and political manifestations.
However, the bi-polar Albert Square resident is in for a fright when she feels a "twinge" in her tummy and worries she is losing the baby. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
But I see from the list there's no mention of the gay slang language of Polari?
With his keen sight and sound judgment, it would not have taken him long to determine that the inner part of the bay does not consist of floating barrier, but that the Barrier there rests upon a good, solid foundation, probably in the form of small islands, skerries, or shoals, and from this point he and his able companions would have disposed of the South Polar question once for all.
The South Pole~ Plan and Preparations
A generalization to molecular crystals built up from dipolar but achiral molecules was recently presented.
But it's worth remembering that, barely a century ago, the great male fear was not of alpha females with intimidatingly large salaries but their polar opposite: women were seen, rather like immigrant labour now, as dangerously liable to undercut men's wages by doing the same work for less.
Young women are now earning more than men – that's not sexist, just fair | Gaby Hinsliff
Nor is it multi-polar, because it does not include any great power that stands on an equal footing with the United States.
Cummings called the Interior Department "schizophrenic" - on the one hand declaring its intent to protect polar bear habitat in the Arctic, yet at the same time "sacrificing that habitat to feed our unsustainable addiction to oil.
Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
Polar interactions require a nonsymmetric arrangement of bonds with atoms of different electronegativity - polar bonds.
Like a magnet, the crystal retains the polarization when the field is turned off.
Most are somewhere between these polar opposites.
In vascular plant biology, electro-osmosis is also used as an alternative or supplemental explanation for the movement of polar liquids via the phloem.
Cependant, il ne s'agit pas vraiment d'un polar et nous ne devons pas attendre les toutes dernières pages du livre pour apprendre qui est le coupable.
Archive 2010-07-01
In mid December, the dog teams turned back, leaving the rest to face the ascent of the Beardmore Glacier and the polar plateau.
The followers we studied that hyperpolarize in response to HA and show increasing membrane conductance are insensitive to NO.
The results exposed deepening sectarian polarisation between nationalist and unionist voters.
They found that less than half of those with bipolar disorder -- also known as manic-depressive illness -- received mental health treatment during their lifetimes.
Major climate-related species distributions at the large scale include the limit of trees, which is associated with the isoline for mean July air temperatures of about 10 °C [3] (as discussed in [4]) and soil temperature of 7 °C [5], and the limit of woody plants such as dwarf shrubs that are one indicator of the boundary of the polar desert biome [6].
Recent and projected changes in arctic species distributions and potential ranges
And green groups were hopeful that the new Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, would restore full protections for the polar bear.
I was a bit scared because there was this complete polarisation in the room, and everyone in the band's eyes swivelled towards me and they were like, "You've got to deal with this, love.
The worst gig we ever played: musicians on their on-stage lows
Although most optical light is unpolarized – consisting of light with an equal mix of all polarizations – the extreme bending of energetic particles around a magnetic field line can polarize light.
World-wide Campaign Sheds New Light on Nature's "LHC" | Universe Today
Once more, the evidence is ambiguous and interpretations have become polarized.
The electrical hookups look frightening, but the luz is very good; we run through an external surge protector and if the corriente is too low or too high or polarity reversed, it is no go.
Huasteca Potosina
Considering that he is debatably the cutest polar bear ever although one could make a solid argument for Knut we thought we ought to share these newest images of adorableness.
Siku, Polar Bear Cub, Raised At Scandinavian Wildlife Park (PHOTOS)
If the dust cloud or explosion is spherical and uniformly smooth, all orientations are equally represented and the net polarization is zero.
The polymers are readily soluble in polar solvents such as NMP, DMF, and m-cresol etc, and showed excellent optical property.
Clean drinking water for millions, waiting to be tapped from the polar ice.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Interview: Karen Dionne, part 1
In a floppy disc, for example, you can store ones and zeros by exposing the ferromagnetic surface of the disc to magnets with different polarities (polarity refers to the orientation of the north and south poles of the magnet).
Scratch resistent glass doesn't distort, amber tint, polarized is the only way to go for fishing.
For Better Fly Fishing... Glass or Plastic?
The debate is becoming polarized and there seems to be no middle ground.
Uncharged polar and even ionic dyes with substantial molar weights have often been used to trace apoplastic water movement.
It is, furthermore, the case that the embryo sac itself also exhibits polar organization, with the egg cell and synergids adjacent to the micropyle, while the antipodal cells are found at the opposite chalazal end.
The polarity and the distinct centre of densely cytoplasmic cells were lost after day 10 owing to the increased proliferative activity of densely cytoplasmic cells.
In this case the voters' opinions are highly polarized, and the candidates are uncompromising.
Objective To investigate the effect of the autonomic nervous system on the transmural dispersion of ventricular repolarization(TDR) under acute myocardial ischemia in intact canine.
Springtails (Collembola) of Eurasian polar deserts.
Arctic environments north of the treeline
Polar ice also would provide hydrogen for rocket fuel and for industrial processes.
'World Heritage Sites' (Firefly Books, 2011) takes readers on a tour of the planet's highlights, from the famous (Egypt's pyramids) to the more far-flung (the Wrangel Island reserve in the Arctic, home to many walruses and ancestral polar-bear dens).
An Armchair Tour of World Wonders
Damn Pain In The Ass! santa claus old saint nick furry nicholas evil jolly satan worship merry christmas 2008 happy holidays facts truth devil satans clause contract odin woden slepnir north pole star polaris belsnickle enjoy coca cola elves reindeer christ mass northern al kiblah jadi giedi sqorpio1980 edfsuxass sumnurv - Articles related to Base rate not to affect existing home loan borrowers: ICICI
However, there may be water locked in permafrost in some deep polar craters.
These places have got reviews in the high hundreds and the entries are remarkably unpolarised.
Times, Sunday Times
Just a quick bit of info, the title of the ‘bigspaceship1′ site reads ’sometimes a polar bear is just a polar pear’ in morse code …
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - That tripping training film from Lost this week
We present a comparative study of the ultrafast photophysics of all-trans retinal in the protonated Schiff base form in solvents with different polarities and viscosities.
Since Independence the electorate has been polarized equally between two parties.
Fluorescence is detected using an emission path image splitter, outfitted with polarizers, that detects the donor fluorescence as well as two polarizations of the acceptor fluorescence.
Much evidence from our Faith Matters surveys confirms that on many different issues, both sociopolitical (e.g., abortion) and religious (e.g., importance of religion in their personal lives), evangelicals and nones are polar opposites.
American Grace
But suppose I do what nearly all of the doctors do, who use electricity with any regard to polarity; that is, if treating acutely inflamed eyes, for example, apply the negative pole to the eyes, thinking thereby to make them more negative; or, if treating amaurosis, apply the positive electrode to the affected parts, thinking thereby to make them more positive!
A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
As the majority of commercially available bronchoscopes are not electrically grounded, the bronchoscopist risks becoming the grounding electrode should the unipolar probe tip touch the scope while the current is on.
The region has barely been explored, but as the polar icecap melts access is becoming easier.
Times, Sunday Times
Here, the Orgone Beam converts pure levorotation into dextrorotation, or vice versa, until bipolarity is achieved.
Polar bears have successfully occupied virtually all available sea ice habitats throughout the circumpolar Arctic and the global population was last estimated at 21,500-25,000 individuals.
Early microsporogenesis events are important to establish the shape of the tetrad, the polarity within the tetrad and consequently to determine the aperture pattern of the pollen grain.
You mean those NASA folk, and those people over at NMF, and at NOAA, and at ETA, and those circumpolar indigenous people, and those south pacific islanders, and those folks moving vessels throught the NW Passage?
Think Progress » Hannity: Snow Storms ‘Seem To Contradict Al Gore’s Hysterical Global Warming Theories’
A polarity is set up between the assertive convex solidity of Broadcasting House and the receptive concavity and lightness of the suspended facade.
(I am not joking) is what I call a bipolar structure of government.
SA Latest News
Polar literature is a rich vein for quarrying.
Times, Sunday Times
Take the example of a polar bear, which is equipped with a thick coat of white fur.
Thus, in seven months and four days, the first circumpolar periplus had been accomplished by a navigator of only twenty-two years of age.
The Waif of the "Cynthia"
I had been walking in polar temperatures without a jacket for an hour, so the calories weren't such a problem.
Archive 2008-03-01
And, of course, mania usually alternates with depression, to form a bipolar disorder.
Manganese dioxide is used to: manufacture ferroalloys; manufacture dry cell batteries (it's a depolarizer); to "decolorize" glass; to prepare some chemicals, like oxygen and chlorine; and to dry black paints.
The results exposed deepening sectarian polarisation between nationalist and unionist voters.
Also, heat radiation affects the polar caps more than one way or maybe my ignorance in thermal-dynamics is too apparent.
Environmentalists On Hunters
The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear.
The magnetizing flux of a hybrid motor flows along the rotor axis, while the mechanism for rotor suspension is the same as that of the homopolar magnetic bearing.
We are all familiar with rod-shaped magnets: they are described as 'dipolar', with a north pole and a south pole, and the tendency to attract each other's opposite poles and repel similar poles. - latest science and technology news stories
Glaciers, permafrost and polar ice caps are melting, and droughts, floods and more extreme storms are occurring more frequently in many parts of the world.
Nothing like this vast, circumpolar ecosystem occurs in the Southern Hemisphere.
Dr. Sergei Kirov, a neuroscientist in the Medical College of Georgia Schools of Medicine and Graduate Studies, has revealed that it is called anoxic depolarisation, and it primarily results from the brain getting insufficient blood and oxygen after a stroke. News Feed
The polar head is a macrocyclic lactone ring containing nine amino acid residues, three of which have positive charges, whereas one has negative charge.
CHURCH: While a baby polar bear called Knut survives to warm hearts all across Germany.
CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2007
Investors were unnerved yesterday by disappointing interim results from Polar Capital.
Times, Sunday Times
If, however, it takes place before, the male pronucleus simply remains dormant in the egg while the polar cells are being protruded, and not until after that process is concluded does it begin again to show signs of activity which result in the cell union.
The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
As might be expected under such circumstances, the literature on this deliberately mysterious country tends to be polarized and politicized, with the ratio of opinion to fact often distressingly high.
To preserve nonuse will require policies more ambitious and comprehensive than the obsolete bipolar deterrence strategy.
But then again the two characters could never be described as polar opposites.
The white fur of the polar bear is a natural camouflage.
Vertical polarization in one component of a beam of light is cancelled if another component is polarized at right angles to it.
In this paper a new equivalent circuit model is constructed within a multi-MOS model for simulation of IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) current sensors.
The hatch is shorter overall (lower polar moment, for you physics majors out there) and it offers 7.7 cubic feet more storage space.
Fanboys in Flight: Subaru Roars In on a Wing
Sure, there are some important achievements, but also many tens of billions have been wasted on absurd military space projects or in imposing requirements on the Shuttle (such as its huge down range) for military manned polar recon missions from Vandenberg only to 15 years later realize an astronaut crossing the Van Allen radiation belts 4 times per LEO orbit (every 90 minutes) was not quite a good idea.
Latest NASA Administrator Speculation - NASA Watch
Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major "Rhenish" - our bi-polar Renaissance man was all happy when he wrote this one.
Circularly polarized x rays preferentially eject electrons from atoms magnetically aligned with the polarization axis.
Polar regions have experienced the most striking decreases in the ozone column; during each austral spring the ozone column over Antarctica is depleted by nearly 50%.
There was first the bipolar world order, followed by its negation and the emergence of a unipolar world order.
Contradiction frequently breeds creativity, and the Deng model has launched a massive program to erase the bipolarity between city and countryside.
the bipolar world of the postwar period.
DPA calls this mic a wide cardioid, and, indeed, between 500 Hz and 10k Hz, the 4015's polar response begins to resemble an omni mic.
Probably an enchanted ice world peopled by talking polar bears.
Times, Sunday Times
It is also often comorbid with other mental illnesses such as bipolar, major depression, anxiety, avoidant personality disorder, OCD, OCPD, to name a few.
The clouds of gas swirled and mixed as their electrons changed polarity, flickering colors that moved with the solar winds of a million suns.
The evidence indicates that the polar regions are among the first to detect changes arising from greenhouse warming.
In the multipolar world that has ensued from the end of the Cold War, submerged tensions between the US and Europe have come out into the open.
As such, it's an unnecessary, and disingenuous, attempt to repolarize American literary culture.
I Need a Remedy
During the preparation , the content of rhodiola glycoside is controlled through polarographic analysis.
For those of you who have been living in a bathysphere beneath polar ice caps that are melting faster than a popsicle left out in the midday sun, LA is ground zero for the Cult of the Youth-Obsessed.
Bruce Kluger: From the Mouths of Babes
I know she has mental health problems, but her bipolar condition won't be helped by taking illegal drugs and boozing.
The Sun
The release also includes 200 preset one-click effects, including new favorites such as polarize, infrared, cross process, gradient, and other film and darkroom techniques. virtualPhotographer has been downloaded by millions of users worldwide. optikVerve Labs also released a new stand-alone full-featured photo editor - virtualStudio - that can run virtualPhotographer and other plug-in filters. virtualStudio was developed as a quick and easy alternative to using a complex imaging application each time a photographer wants to add artistic effects to a photo.
The Photoshop Blog
The pentane molecule, however, has neither hydrogen bonding nor polar groups to be attracted to water molecules.
A bipolar nebula is one that is created by ejecting material primarily in a flat disk perpendicular to a single axis of symmetry.
Because this here is a solid serial that could teach a certain other medical-based sudser on ABC's early shift a thing or two about how to operate effectively without bipolar mobsters or James Franco.
Watercooler: Grey's Anatomy ... TV's 99 Percent Pure Soap
In 1931 there were no medications to treat mental illness (lobotomies came into vogue in 1935, for example) and psychiatry was divided between those doctors treating state hospital patients (many of whom had paresis or were schizophrenic/bipolar) who were considered “organic” and those who were more psychoanalytic, mostly in big cities.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Jerome Frank on Oliver Wendell Holmes:
As a non-specialist in both science and philosophy, I found Arthur Peacocke's treatment of time very helpful - he sees God's relation to time as dipolar - God transcends and gives existence to time, but also interacts with created time, and does not know the future, except through probabilities, as it does not yet exist I am paraphrasing - probably poorly - as I do not have the text here with me.
God and Time
“My first suggestion would be to use a polaron burst to try and disrupt the dampening field surrounding one of the mines.”
Creative Couplings
Among psychiatric illnesses, bipolar disorder ranks second only to major unipolar depression as a cause of global disability.
For example, HCl comprised of the atom Hydrogen and Chlorine is polar.
The Antarctic species have few special adaptations for polar life.
Conspiracy theorists might guess that Brown has Polaroids of Wilson in a compromising position.
In the 1860s medical interventions into the contagious diseases debate polarized earlier representations of female sexuality.
Also, the vermiform constellation Draco, which traditionally occupies the polar position in the heavens of the northern hemisphere, encircles the center of a late quattrocento tapestry depicting the heavens as a wheel of fortune and an enormous astrolabe.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
First, what we want: permanent protection of the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge, the most biologically diverse area in the entire circumpolar North that also supports two indigenous communities, Gwich'in and Inupiat.
Subhankar Banerjee: Earth Activism: What We Don't Want
When the burst of electrical current ends the magnetic field reverses polarity.
The polarizing of the population has been a wondrous gift to debate, and we are more politicized and aware than ever before.
The second bipolar waveform allows a measurement of the battery capacitance to be obtained and an evaluation of the charge of the battery to be derived.
LE, Jou TS, Pollack AL, Zhang Q, Hansen SH, et al. (2001) Rac1 orientates epithelial apical polarity through effects on basolateral laminin assembly.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
For present purposes, the most important point is that group polarization will significantly increase if people think of themselves, antecedently or otherwise, as part of a group having a shared identity and a degree of solidarity.
In this respect, volatile anesthetics may alter the sensitivity of post junctional membranes to depolarization.
However, there may be water locked in permafrost in some deep polar craters.
Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island suggest a warm polar vortex - a large-scale weather pattern likened to a jet stream on Earth that occurs in the upper atmosphere.
Dielectric constants of nonpolar solvents arise from induced dipoles.
The depressive phase of classic bipolar disorder has symptomatology no different than that of chronic depression.
An Evolutionary Model of Depression, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Many patients with depression are now recognized as having bipolar disorder, a chronic biphasic mood disorder with episodes of both depression and mania or hypomania.
This force was all the more polarizing since, in contrast to neighboring countries, Colombia was not involved in any prolonged outside war.
Reading the data requires reproduction of both the wavefront and polarization.
August mock polaroid drupaceous upcoming lacy days assortment flip flop heritage
The temperature polt for the Northern Polar region is here .
Unthreaded #3 « Climate Audit
Somehow I don't think turning into the polar opposite of an "elitist" is a solution to that whole issue.
Clinton takes on TV pundits at distillery stop in Kentucky
Increasingly, Labour and Conservative support has become polarized between North and South and between urban and rural areas.
The icy blast of polar weather that swept in from Canada saw planes grounded, ferries hit and cars slithering off roads.
The Sun
Loss of KLP-19 polar ejection force causes misorientation and missegregation of holocentric chromosomes.
Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
From the concentrations of birds and mammals in high latitudes has grown the myth that all polar seas are immensely productive.
But it's soon obvious the two are polar opposites with absolutely nothing in common.
It requires a mindset that can embrace something other than polarities and binaries (including so-called subverted or queered binaries, which are still binaries if you believe they have a basis in reality).
Archive 2009-05-01
Like the Mood Swings track I posted the other day, this song was recorded at Flowers Studio in uptown Minneapolis and features Senne on guitar, bass, piano and vocals, and local musician (of the Ocean Blue, Polara) Peter Anderson on drums.
It's not gonna make the telephone ring (Music (For Robots))
This latter hypothesis is very unlikely also because the emission spectrum of fluorene is almost completely insensitive to solvent polarity.
The product was isolated by silica gel column chromatography utilizing a gradient system of increasing polarity.
Ortega's cheerful landscapes are the polar opposites of Miller's dark, troubled portraits.
The stereo projector by polarized light include chiefly. the three parts: the objective lens system of the projection, the condensing system and a source of light.
This learned history of the Far North probes the lives of narwhals, belugas, polar bears, humans, and other life forms that have eked out a living in this dazzling, difficult land.
Among their findings, mice heterozygous for a null mutation of the alpha-isoform of calcium / calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II show profoundly dysregulated behaviors, including a severe working memory deficit and an exaggerated infradian rhythm (cycle of increases and decreases in locomotor activity in their home cage; 2-3 weeks / cycle), which are comparable to the symptoms observed in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders. News Feed
We were relieved not to have had to use our borrowed anti-polar bear rifle, but disappointed not to see any bears, walruses, narwhal or beluga.
If one compares multipolar Europe between 1900 and 1945 with bipolar Europe between 1945 and 1990, it might seem that multipolar systems are especially prone to deadly wars.
The system cools incoming gases to approximately 180F, humidifies the airstream and charges particulate and water droplets with opposite polarity.
Oliver 4:02 pm: Kris – yeah, I have an adult child 26 – bi polar who self medicates on alcohol constantly on my nerves about the money and writing thing.
Transcript: Creating While Disabled « Coyote Con
This fantasy, like its polar opposite, is an attempt at empowerment.
Trauma and Recovery
The Arctic remains the domain of the polar bear.
It deals with the operation, calculation principle and steps in the application of transit polar setting-out in highway constructions.
Key Russian analysts and politicians view this as a new geostrategic competition between an insular and a continental power in a bipolar geopolitical setting.
What is the difference between polarizability and electronegativity? en Español
Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
And since these issues are hardly to be agreed on because of the polar interests of rulers and opposition, the acting majority preferred to defer the reshuffle of the main law.
On the other hand, water is a polar substance which is made up of one positive and one negative charge, and therefore is a fragmented substance.
This expression was summed over a Gaussian distribution of dipolar couplings corresponding to a distribution of isolated 13 C- 19 F spin pairs.
When the wave is switched off, the photon propagates in the zeroth order of diffraction to polarization analyzers respectively oriented at angles a and b, and when it is switched on the photons propagate in the first order of diffraction to polarization analyzers respectively oriented at angles a² and b².
Bell's Theorem
In previous research, single-nucleotide variations in NOS1AP were found to alter the patient's QT interval, a measure of the total time needed for the ventricles to depolarize and repolarize during one heart beat.
Stressful life circumstances make a bipolar person much more likely to have an episode.
Of all the mysteries of unipolar depression, a condition marked by sleep problems to begin with, the most clinically useful may be the paradoxical observation that keeping people awake may actually help them get better.