
How To Use Pointless In A Sentence

  • ‘Break, break, break,’ for instance, is a bitter poem on unrecompensed, pointless loss, but it achieves its power and makes its point very indirectly, largely through structural implications.
  • I've always found them uncomfy and pointless when there are so many good mascaras out there. The Sun
  • A catapult fired point-blank, and flames broke over the roiled water, but it was pointless.
  • Offending drivers are to be pulled over as part of a pilot scheme and ‘given advice’ rather than booked, on the basis that it is pointless fining people for innocent mistakes.
  • Comparing sportsmen, and sportswomen, of different eras has always been a fairly pointless exercise. Times, Sunday Times
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  • This book is an unremitting account of misery, privation, and pointlessness in a world of dun landscapes, tormenting insects, malnutrition, and cultural stagnancy.
  • Aaron Burr are largely reduced to an amusing but pointless conversation with four gigantic hoodlums from Baltimore who are asked to interpret the word "despicable," which triggered the Burr-Hamilton duel. The Full Feed from
  • It seems pointlessly dense with renegade and overlapping wood slats, all cracked and sullied.
  • He didn't need to listen to his college classmates ask the professor pointless questions.
  • We know that is pointless to stir a desire for free flight in people if they can't then find instructors to teach them.
  • The setting of projects and other large pieces of written and maths homework is pointless and possibly detrimental. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eastward lay what seemed like pointless desert and unpopulated towns.
  • If that doesn't quite amount to an intention to offend, it does amount to culpable negligence in avoiding pointless offence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before you welcome the show in, you should be warned that our theater critic found it "witless" and "pointless. Critic's Corner Weekend
  • The plot, about police investigator Stewart trying to nab a criminal while being unlawfully pursued with daffy poetess Colbert in tow, is too lightweight — and the characters spend too much time pointlessly arguing — for me to care. Weekly Mishmash: April 18-24 :
  • By then, it had become obvious that it was pointless converting poor sandy soils or reclaiming heath for arable, and pine forests were planted instead.
  • The pointlessly beautiful (beautifully pointless) game seems burdened with a vast weight of financial, cultural, political import.
  • Has photography rendered figurative art pointless? Times, Sunday Times
  • And it wouldn't even have to be some kind of pointlessly mandated socialism. MetaFilter Projects
  • I think it is a ridiculous and pointless stunt that isn't even newsworthy.
  • There were no conversations spoken, and none were needed: talk just sounded hollow and pointless in the big scheme of things.
  • The criminalization of responsible drug users is only one of the many pointless aspects of drug prohibition.
  • I wasn't a goody-goody; I mean, I drank at parties and all, but I generally found getting drunk seemed to be both dangerous and pointless.
  • Yes, they seem pointless and stupid, but so do many of the things that are done in school.
  • This means that by the end of this year, you'll be able to own every single Marx Brothers feature - apart from The Story of Mankind with its brief, pointless cameos - for under a hundred bucks.
  • It was an utterly pointless waste of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the suggestion that scientists are pointlessly pursuing experiments and models that do not work is just wrong-headed.
  • Overall, the issue is happily devoid of many of the ditzier features that have crept into business magazines in recent years -- no pointless lists of the best this or the worst that -- and, mercifully, no attempt to get you, the reader, to start blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, linking or job hunting right now! Yvette Kantrow: Economist sans buts
  • Congress referred this alarum to a committee, and in conference with the Financier decided that still another circular would be pointless. Robert Morris
  • It sounds like a pointless exercise. The Sun
  • Courtesy towards them would be insincere, hypocritical, pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • But trying to guess who'll go far at this early stage is largely a pointless exercise. The Sun
  • Pity the insult thingy is damn funny in pointless childish way Compose Your Own Insult For Gordon Brown
  • But perhaps we should be asking whether IQs are vapid and pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • But then Brooks’s counterfactual is pointless, because you can’t choose to marry someone you can be happy with. Matthew Yglesias » Eternal Recurrence
  • I cannot bear the plethora of tacky, pointless, plasticy, badly constructed, playthings that are manufactured these days.
  • May 21st, 2010 at 10: 45 am no ts not cool, considering that its aimed at kids. i read on another blog a lot of commentors said that the female disney characters themselves were already very sexualised, so this re-imagining is kinda pointless in that regard. danny Says: Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » The Disney Princesses Get A Sexy Makeover
  • I would class this a speculative fiction anyway, but there we start in interminable process of labelling, and lets not have that pointless discussion here. Perdido Street Station by China Mieville « I Can’t Stop Reading!
  • Sometimes the football folk simply ignore it, which makes the analytics department rather pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another trial seems rather petty and pointless. The Sun
  • However, the seeming pointlessness of the gesture is the key to its ironic effect and the reason why it enjoys a kinship with Ferry's work.
  • The media were not the only ones indulging in vaguely pointless activities. Times, Sunday Times
  • They relate to the problems of everyday life, and it would be pointless to quote from them at any great length.
  • Why do teachers insist on assigning pointless busywork during a break?
  • The pointless grudges and differences that constantly seem to cause us to take up arms against each other will no longer exist, freeing us to pursue knowledge, the arts, and terraforming the moon.
  • I recall his predecessor blew a Trillion on tax breaks for the top three percentiles while another few Trillion went on astrategic warfare and pointless Pentagon pork. Army Rumour Service
  • Their cheerful group did contrive to make my war seem rather pointless. Whicker's War
  • All decent people should be sickened by such a pointless waste of life.
  • Pointless overdecoration, GertrudeStein explains, thinking of the commas and periods she has plucked from the pages of her writings. Serendip's Exchange -
  • In contrast, today's budding poets might seem insignificant and pointless, punch-drunk and undirected about content, style, identity.
  • You know, somewhere deep inside, that this pointless piece of frippery will find its way into your heart and your bathroom.
  • But at the same time, it is NOT “pointless” to be enthusiastically, tear-jerkingly, unwaveringly “proud” of the “land of your birth” — to the point where people are actually STILL SURPRISED — or even scandalized — when yet another of “our” scandals come to light. US in Police State Top 10
  • It was an utterly pointless waste of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blind faith sent thousands of people to a pointless war.
  • So couple all these faults to a car with a pointless turn of speed and you're left with something more useless than a bright green spy. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was a gig of two halves, divided by a pointlessly long interval. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, pointless variation is in fact a sin of unpracticed writers, but lots of variation has a point, so there's no justification for viewing all variation with suspicion.
  • It's as pointless as and in my opinion serves to further propagate classitis and iditis, both diseases related to the more famous divitis. Planet Microformats
  • Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. Bill Watterson 
  • Remember it is pointless keeping too much surplus money in a savings account if you are also servicing debt at a higher rate of interest.
  • A theosophical discussion with a scientific basis is almost pointless and surely an exercise in futility.
  • But we are digressing from a totally pointless and inane post here.
  • The draw isn't being made until next Sunday anyway, so it is pointless talking about the possibles until we see who we get.
  • The demonstration is a pointless act/gesture of defiance against the government.
  • Speculating about Heaven and Hell, God and the Devil is an absurd and pointless act.
  • To kick them is not only pointless, it destroys what confidence they have.
  • To get to the point, arguing 'canon' is the dullest and most pointless thing you can do. Somewhat incoherent ramblings on fandom
  • The screen panned out and, superimposed on the pointless picture of a telephone, apparent quotes begin to appear.
  • This was my first experience of canvassing and it all seemed completely pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • he spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery
  • It would be pointless to agree a tax on gross profits as racing would lose out. The Sun
  • What is unforgivable though is the pointless gumph when Aragorn falls in to the river and drifts off, only, gosh, he returns just in time for the battle.
  • The only thing that will annoy you is the pointless cut scenes trying to tell the story via flashback. The Sun
  • But am I going to flip out just because some dumb reporter asks a bunch of pointless and infuriating questions?
  • The premise remains interesting, but the plot is cluttered with schemes and counter-schemes that seem unrealistic at best and pointless at worst.
  • There was no pointless clutter of brandy snap baskets, tuiles, mint leaves or physalis either.
  • My point in all this is not that the nascent political process is pointless - quite the opposite.
  • He took the bottle back off me, carefully screwing the top back on and placing it, pointlessly empty and discardable into his jacket pocket.
  • He also, like some existentialists, believes that life is pointless.
  • Call on your powers of being the peacemaker and refuse outright to get involved in pointless rows. The Sun
  • Trent thought of calling at her to relax but he knew that it would be as pointless as trying another smile.
  • These images unflinchingly confronted the gore, the naked terror, the arrogant incompetence, the pointless cruelty, the insane devastation of the military nightmare.
  • Coolmore pacemaker Ice Dancer set a pointlessly fast gallop and was ignored. Times, Sunday Times
  • Speculating about their answers is pointless yet it is inevitable when Mr Garel-Jones's resignation letter crosses the boundary of credulity.
  • These are the kind of pointless questions that occupy the mind when you have nothing better to do.
  • It is unlikely to make much difference in the long (mazy and pointless) run. Times, Sunday Times
  • But otherwise very little, jokes or otherwise, that we hadn't heard before, and a preponderance of what blogger Julian Dobson has called "pointless forelock-tugging to the Taxpayers 'Alliance". Society Daily 07.07.10
  • His attempts to capitalise on a new film of the libel trial by embarking on a lecture tour are as shamefully opportunistic as they are pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • As sequencing projects had grown larger and larger it had become quite impossible and pointless for journals to publish the sequences in print.
  • Similarly, drawing parallels on change versus experience is almost as pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • This makes zero-based budgeting or even activity-based costing almost pointless from a budget officer's point of view, since so little of a district's funds are available for reallocation.
  • At times, though, the album meanders pointlessly and becomes slow and uninspired.
  • It is wanton and pointless vandalism which has caused a lot of disruption to the school, but also those who carry out such attacks are putting their own safety at risk.
  • Which means its impact on the air quality is completely pointless. The Sun
  • This is why it is utterly pointless for the BBC to go to all the trouble of wrapping DRM around its content - note, *its* content, not other people's - and inconveniencing most of the online world in the process: They Play iPlayer Content - Without the DRM
  • If they do call her BLAKE it would be so pointless to just add the "sley" part on the end of that name! Celebrity Baby Blog
  • But perhaps we should be asking whether IQs are vapid and pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's pointlessly trying to keep your friendship secret—it's public knowledge already.
  • The world will be so fundamentally different by 2050 that it's pretty pointless to speculate that far out.
  • HERE'S another one from the file of fabulously pointless scientific research. The Sun
  • Part of me could tell he was a complete knucklehead, but, part of me longed to be that pointlessly confident. Binky Philips: Bay City Rollers, Richard Hell, Aretha Franklin, Tom Verlaine, Bobby "Blue" Bland, Humble Pie, and My Friend, Anthony Jones
  • It was not so much inevitable as a bit pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • However the day was almost marred by pointless and useless vandalism to one of the train carriage windows.
  • For many years, I mistakenly believed that the reason political interviews were such a pointless, uninformative exercise was that interviewers were not asking the right questions.
  • I also concluded that it was pointless to try and convince anyone else of this; that those who had an opinion had already had it bronzed and placed on the mantel.
  • Which means its impact on the air quality is completely pointless. The Sun
  • I guess it is pointless to overanalyse it though; there's not much we can do if we keep dropping bombs and sending soldiers in. Pantsbomber psyche laid bare in messageboard archives (corrected) Boing Boing
  • Another trial seems rather petty and pointless. The Sun
  • Without meaning to - and without trying - she made most other contemporary female singers seem pointless and phoney. The Sun
  • And all the toil and ambition, the stress and hope of existence, seemed, so far as this life went, and before these new lights came, a mere sacrifice to this pointless reiteration of lives, this cosmic _crambe repetita_. Mankind in the Making
  • This was a gig of two halves, divided by a pointlessly long interval. Times, Sunday Times
  • Channels of interbrain communication, whether by cable or radio, would make pointless all gatherings and get-togethers, excursions and journeys to attend conferences, and therefore all personal locomotion to whatever location, for every living being could avail itself of sensors and scanners situated over the whole expanse of human habitation …. Digital reviewing
  • I use the word "instrumented" very directly here - the last thing I want is a bunch of spam results - pointless, irrelevant come ons for brands or models in which I most likely have no interest. Search Engine Optimization and Marketing News provided by
  • Death cannot stop true love. That’s why it’s pointless for me to try to murder all my adoring female fans. Jarod Kintz 
  • Of course it is pointless holding a referendum on a treaty which is no longer blockable. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • There are certain forms of weather we get here that are foul - pointlessly mean, surly for no reason, vindictive.
  • But in my office, when I have nothing to do, the world seems do dismal, pointless and punishing that it can be hard to remember flowers and sunshine.
  • Do you and your office co-workers exchange pointless gimcracks each holiday season? Donate a little or a lot to Children's Hospital to help sick kids
  • Tennis courts lit pointlessly except to inform the driver of the sheer dimension of the leisure complex burst into life.
  • I appreciate that some are working so hard to come up with ideas to discuss on this very important issue instead of just complaining, whining, playing games, making things up, lying and pointlessly flapping their gums (like Sarah Palin). Obama putting heavy imprint on big speech
  • It is a pointless plan and a waste of the taxpayers' money in a time of government cutbacks.
  • It could also be viewed as pointless to try to better their original sound. The Sun
  • I've rarely attended a premiere that felt so pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the suggestion that scientists are pointlessly pursuing experiments and models that do not work is just wrong-headed.
  • I'm kind of agog here that the developers in this thread don't seem to care about that, or regard it all as pointless whining by aggrieved forum ranters. Order 66
  • Their cheerful group did contrive to make my war seem rather pointless. Whicker's War
  • This site is tasteless, pointless, daft, offensive - and worth checking out.
  • After each set, we are given a live video documentary of the band members talking about what they remember from each venue, kind of pointlessly segwaying into the next stage without actually telling you why you're playing there.
  • And even as pointless chatter filled my ears, I couldn't get the freshman girl out of my head.
  • Now, pointless variation is in fact a sin of unpracticed writers, but lots of variation has a point, so there's no justification for viewing all variation with suspicion.
  • The Government renders this part completely pointless by making the employer pay for the medical certificate.
  • Yep, it all seemed kind of pointlessly frugal ... until now. Traffick
  • There are so many wonderful performances here, it would be pointless to single out individual cast members for praise.
  • She hated these lessons most of all, they just seemed utterly useless and pointless.
  • This pointless post was brought to you by the letters B (ored) and W (ork) and the number 4 (hours til I can leave). The One Where I'm Sleepy On A Sunday
  • Economists have a pernicious model fetish, but that's better than merely verbal rhetoric that creates rather pointless debates that can be engaged endlessly without effect (sociology, post-modernism, Sokal and Social Text). Douglass North at Length, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He had watched us walk on the moon, and yet remain childishly embroiled in a pitiful and pointless series of military conflicts from which there would emerge no winners. Thomas Steinbeck: John Steinbeck, Michael Moore, and the Burgeoning Role of Planetary Patriotism
  • The GSEs will underwrite ARMs with assumability, but since they are ARMs, the assuming buyer is not locked in to a low rate, so it becomes worthless and pointless. Irvine Housing Blog
  • To arrive at the point where the world can be truthfully named in its relation to God involves some grasp of the world as object of pointless, 'futureless' love; it must therefore involve levels of bewilderment, deep emotional confusion and frustration in the process, even a blurring of the boundaries between love and rejection (since we are frightened of replacing ordinary human affection with this radical and disabling love). Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 3: 'Flannery O'Connor: Proper Names'
  • “But at the same time, it is NOT ‘pointless’ to be enthusiastically, tear-jerkingly, unwaveringly ‘proud’ of the ‘land of your birth’ — to the point where people are actually STILL SURPRISED — or even scandalized — when yet another of ‘our’ scandals come to light.” US in Police State Top 10
  • I think the happiest relationships are when you only meet for a couple of hours a day, and then you avoid the overkill of pointless questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem is that it all seems a bit pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they will not be dealt with by pointless, unorganised and ill thought out demonstrations that no serve other purpose than to provide another irrelevant sound byte.
  • It would be pointless to agree a tax on gross profits as racing would lose out. The Sun
  • I remember speaking to a woman who was a prison officer "looking after" hindley. she told me about the "beautifull" gay marriage of 2 inmates where hindley was a bridegroom! what a picture of a woman who procured children for rape, torture and death now being a bridegroom at a gay wedding in a prison .... do gooders are ruining the society they live in by rewarding and comforting scum like hindley - and in this case fritzl who in life is a really nasty, weak, pathetic and pointless individual ... footnote: - Elisabeth is so traumatised by the torture she was subjected to by her pointless "father" that she cant yet be interviewed about her "life" in a cellar. New Statesman
  • They have been starting work at 8.00 am every weekday morning with a few minutes of pointless hammering, thus causing me to leave the house as quickly as possible.
  • Utterly pointless comedy sequel that was voted the fifth worst movie of all time. The Sun
  • And they have given her a completely pointless minder. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be pointless to agree a tax on gross profits as racing would lose out. The Sun
  • It seemed a somewhat pointless exercise, since the galleass had ceased being a water-capable means of transport quite some time ago. The Shadow Of The Lion
  • It sounds like a pointless exercise. The Sun
  • Instead of working all flowers and candy, however, the whole shebang is lost with over 4000 pointless US dead and hundreds of thousands pointlessly dead Iraqis and Afghanis. Unstoppable, Incredible, Impeccable, It’s It’s It’s The Unit | ATTACKERMAN
  • It's pointlessly trying to keep your friendship secret — it's common knowledge already.
  • It is just a bit ungainly and a bit pointless. The Sun
  • This whole saga has shown Central Government at its very worst - combining unnecessary meddling, pointless organisational change and petty spite.
  • The Commerce Clause was not drawn with a view to having the validity of state laws turn on such pointless distinctions.
  • Specifics are everything here: meat genealogy, breed pedigree and feed quality, the entire inventory of pointless, snobby particularity.
  • When worry takes on a life of its own, it becomes a huge and often pointless drain on our time and energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever the lying word or disgraceful deed, you are always left with the feeling that something so paltry, so pointlessly tawdry, must lead to a larger scandal.
  • Tennis courts lit pointlessly except to inform the driver of the sheer dimension of the leisure complex burst into life.
  • I find it insulting that our elected councillors are prepared to waste both their time and ours on such frivolous and pointless schemes.
  • In the last three years there has been a massive and pointless process of appointing directors, chairpersons, executives, committees and managers, of proposals, objections, enquiries, planning and publishing and consultation.
  • The only thing that will annoy you is the pointless cut scenes trying to tell the story via flashback. The Sun
  • Adrian's desperate and pointless shot is a moment of ludic magic, and it will in turn become the material for future stories in which a kind of artistic victory is snatched from gestures of anger and despair.
  • When worry takes on a life of its own, it becomes a huge and often pointless drain on our time and energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Speculating about their answers is pointless yet it is inevitable when Mr Garel-Jones's resignation letter crosses the boundary of credulity.
  • This conversation was pointless and only awakened the hollow feeling in the pit of his gut and the sensation of helplessness.
  • It's pointlessly trying to keep your friendship secret — it's common knowledge already.
  • Worrying about what other people are doing is a pointless exercise. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a Braun microdrone, and Case had once owned the same model, a pointless accessory he'd obtained as part of a package deal with a Cleveland hardware fence. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • Whichever way you cut it, it's still too often a pointless exercise for anyone writing for the consumer press.
  • Is the point that life is empty and pointless - a farce of creation without function or utility?
  • Trying to sell now is stressful and completely pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • After nearly twenty minutes of this pointless and boring (and, in some cases, untruthful) jabber, the coach blew four quick whistle blasts and gave a long, loud holler.
  • If the self-destructive urge to have one more pointless leadership change were not enough there are now influential voices calling for the disbanding of the party.
  • They are the boring, pointless, uninteresting gobs of wasted film dedicated to showcasing whatever idiotic local events took place that day.
  • I have a disturbing fascination with minutiae, general knowledge, pointless facts and other trivia.
  • Another warden said: ‘The re-training will be pointless because the staff are all demoralised.’
  • So if you were hoping all the pointless, stupid controversy of the 2000 election would come to an end after this November, the signs aren't good.
  • It is just a bit ungainly and a bit pointless. The Sun
  • * Blaker's definitions of closeup photography as photography at image magnifications of actual size or less and photomacrography as photography at image magnifications greater than actual size are arbitrary and pointless. Archive 2009-06-01
  • If that doesn't quite amount to an intention to offend, it does amount to culpable negligence in avoiding pointless offence. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think it is part of Dadd's predilection for double-speak and dangerous puns: "Elimination" contains the word "limn" which is a good word for painting, but also is part of Dadd's habit of decrying painting as pointless and worthless. The Guardian World News
  • Workplaces are full of people who incubate pointless envy, who nurse rivalries, who are unembarrassed to exhibit ludicrously vaulting ambition. Times, Sunday Times
  • I find this kind of coverage distasteful, pointless and irrelevant.
  • Unless this could be done, he asserted, its occupation would be pointless.
  • It's pointless asking a man of O'Callaghan's scale the extent of his wealth.
  • This was a gig of two halves, divided by a pointlessly long interval. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is unoriginal, portentous and entirely pointless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aside from having total mastery over all things pointless, he's also a real cut-up of a comedian!
  • There is a perfectly logical reason why it seems so pointless and confusing.
  • It is pointless to note that incisions to a carcass by the teeth of predators or scavengers often resemble knife cuts.
  • The sound of Morris slapping his own thigh brought him out of his pointless reverie. LOHENGRIN
  • Athletics, on the other hand, was an excuse to mince around a field in a vest and carry out a bunch of pointless exercises.
  • Ok, that didn't take long to devolve into totally pointless snark.
  • This is a man who has lived 36 undistinguished, meaningless, pointless, failure-laden years and who at this moment looks for an escape, any escape, any way, anything, anybody, to get out of the rut. Ain't It Cool News - The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.
  • His talk last week on British colonialism was pointless and tedious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kremlin officials dismiss talk of dead ends as pointless whining and alarmism from liberals.
  • The more you embellish your note with seemingly pointless trills and scales, the more you care.
  • More likely any inquiry will be pointless as the secret services will just rightly keep stumm. Rachel From North London's Interrupted Honeymoon

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