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How To Use Pointed In A Sentence

  • But Ms. Economy pointed to the elaborateness of concept and coordination of details — "the flowers are matching," she observed — leading her to suspect they may have had professional help bringing the Halloween spirit alive. Suburban Tricks, Urban Treats
  • I leaned a minute against a Corinthian column; I lamented that no pontiff arrived with victims and aruspices, of whom I might inquire, what, in the name of birds and garbage, put me so terribly out of humour! for you must know I was very near being disappointed, and began to think Piranesi and Paolo Panini had been a great deal too colossal in their view of this venerable structure. Dreams Waking Thoughts and Incidents
  • As a postscript to the story, my great grandfather died a few weeks after this conversation, proving, as his wife pointed out to her daughter, that she had been correct in her surmise.
  • Said hi also to a few of the guys from Aereogramme after they'd finished up, but wasn't actually sure of who was there from Chemikal Underground or what they look like, so I was basically floating around and looking glaikit until Mags pointed out the Newsnight crew, and the nice interviewer man figured out who I was. Archive 2007-02-01
  • He did not seem overcome with pleasure at the idea of Philippa's visit, and she felt a little disappointed, but she had been interested in his talk; and as she went back to the house with Miss Mervyn, her mind was so full of it, that she felt obliged to tell her all about Tuvvy and Dennis, and her own plans for Becky's benefit. Black, White and Gray A Story of Three Homes
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Master English with Ease
  • We stood our ground, revised the dummy a couple of times and appointed a printer.
  • The normal human desire to rid one's self of a tormenting secret, to "exteriorize one's rottenness," finds satisfaction on an exalted plane in confession to God, or to his appointed ministers. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • It is true that, even at the time of the discovery of nitrobenzol, he pointed out the striking similarity of its smell to that of the oil of bitter almonds. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • Beautiful, green, the remoteness of Exmoor counterpointed by the glorious surf of the Atlantic beaches, coast roads with views of the craggy shoreline. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Applicants for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being appointed.
  • Then the court will decide who must take care of minor children unless the parents have appointed a guardian.
  • A safety pin has a metal covering over the pointed end.
  • A troubleshooter is being appointed to make the prison service more efficient.
  • It ought to be pointed out that calculating passenger kilometres is an inexact science.
  • He was appointed to a position of trust .
  • It has appointed a working group to produce a workable plan by the end of April. Times, Sunday Times
  • She pointed to a heap of insensate lobsters piled in a corner.
  • In terms of its careful emphasis on surprise, artillery concentration, and methodical planning, Amiens pointed the way ahead to Alamein.
  • He left with few regrets, happy that his game on clay had never been better, although disappointed that, yet again, his best was not good enough to beat a slightly underdone Nadal. Rafael Nadal boxed clever to beat Roger Federer in French Open | Kevin Mitchell
  • Rather than deal with the hassle of finding tenants and collecting the rent, I had appointed an agent to do the dirty work.
  • The Holy Alliance was the joint labour of an unfortunate man who had suffered a terrible mental shock and who was trying to pacify his much-disturbed soul, and of an ambitious woman who after a wasted life had lost her beauty and her attraction and who satisfied her vanity and her desire for notoriety by assuming the rôle of self-appointed Messiah of a new and strange creed. The Story of Mankind
  • Friends pointed to his comments at the weekend in which he refuted claims that he had sold his yacht. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those with a hearty appetite for the whiz of bullets, the bang of artillery, dying declarations, famous last words, and eyewitness accounts of the face of battle will not be disappointed.
  • He pointed to something on the opposite bank.
  • All the polls had pointed to a clean sweep for the Democrats.
  • The news orgs, by contrast, are doing this out of laziness and a hopeless addiction to portraying lefties as a kind of perennially-disappointed lost tribe who will never, ever find their way out of the wilderness. News Orgs: The Left Is Upset With Obama -- Even Though It Isn't
  • In July 1913 Bohr was appointed as a docent in Copenhagen.
  • The government has not yet appointed an envoy to the area.
  • Its spectral presence looms over the city, its pointed top a needle to the bubble. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where the lord of the manor had a demesne farm, the court appointed a reeve to supervise the farming activities, using labour services and collecting rents.
  • I was disappointed to see very few (if any) contributions to the patients' issue from doctors who currently face patients in an emergency, at unsocial hours, in dismal surroundings.
  • There are other that smell similar, I think partly because as others have pointed out, this kind of reintroduced woods to womens fragrances. Perfume Review: Feminite de Bois by Shiseido
  • There were pointed fingers and raised voices, harsh accusations and angry rebuttals.
  • Hence the quotation from ‘Shepherd's Hey ’, which is skilfully counterpointed with the ‘Enigma’ theme in bar 25.
  • Fujiwara's fictional art-market foundation is pointedly pre-Christian; he wants, he suggests, to reference a period before art was required to be "transcendental" or "moral" and link it to its strictly "commercialised" roots. Frieze art fair 2010 – review
  • She suddenly held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room.
  • His fragments are in a pointed, epigrammatic style, probably due to sophistic influence.
  • We can see hints of miasma too, again in the backstory, in the death of Semele and her pointedly untended grave. Notes Toward a Theory of Narrative Modality
  • Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. George Carlin 
  • After travelling for some time, Van der Stucken was appointed kapellmeister at the Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • He was appointed ambassador to America.
  • Crucially, at the heart of this construct is the Commission, comprised of appointed technocrats ruling as benign Platonic guardians, protecting the interests of all the peoples of Europe. Democracy or stability?
  • Though I must say that when I've encountered such things, I could not help sending a rather pointed letter about plagiarism and its extreme inadvisability. Exactly.
  • External and internal auditing Internal auditors are appointed by the directors.
  • His features were, in the manner of his Faerie-born race, as sharp as chiseled stone, and his ears were acutely pointed.
  • In November 1875, Sir Frederick Evans, newly appointed hydrographer of the British Navy, ordered 123 doubtful islands banished from Admiralty Chart 2683 of the Pacific Ocean. A Furnace Afloat
  • Depardieu's flick-knife is stuck in his stomach, and the dying man's description of his attacker is pointedly applicable to Depardieu. Archive 2008-08-01
  • We are told that after he called his cardiologist, who by the way, is Dr. Jonathan Reiner, to report that he had been having some discomfort, the doctor said you'd better get yourself back in here right now because as you pointed out, last November 22nd, the then - vice president-to-be was brought to the hospital. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Vice President Could Be Hospitalized Overnight - March 5, 2001
  • The Senate can have suffect consuls appointed for the rump of the year. Antony and Cleopatra
  • They were actually hemmed in by cattle grids at each end of the village, he pointed out - and there were disinfectant mats at each entrance to prevent the spread of infection.
  • In 1869 he was appointed vicar-forane for the eastern portion of the diocese. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Even though, as Peter M has pointed out, we can get terrific ready made felafel relatively easily here in Toronto. Recipe: Falafel (Φαλάφελ ή Ρεβυθοκεφτέδες)
  • We've just appointed a coordinator who will oversee the whole project.
  • John Devaux, who became a Recorder and head of chambers in 1989, has been appointed a circuit judge.
  • In front of the ankle, a prominent tendon from the shin muscles stands out when the foot is pointed upwards.
  • Here he pointed toward the white peaks of the great massif rising up to the east of the valley. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • As Els has pointed out, doing what he is currently doing has no minuses and many positives for all concerned.
  • (He pointed at the bundle she held, while she nodded proudly, beaming on me with good-nature and consciousness of success and prosperity.) "This overcoat is as good as a blanket," he went on, advancing the skirt of it that I might feel its thickness. THE SPIKE
  • From the tastefully appointed mosaic inlays and concaved walls adorned with statues and his paintings, the mosaic swimming pool and Japanese garden with plenty of creature comforts, make for unforgettable ambiance. San Antonio
  • They appreciated the soaring towers, pointed arches, the polychromy of brick and stone decoration and the carvings of birds and beasts. Gothic Renaissance in London
  • It was pointed out that playing nine holes of golf on the morning of the match was not entirely the best preparation. Times, Sunday Times
  • An independent senior lawyer will be appointed this year to monitor applications to have groups such as bikie gangs declared criminal organisations, the Queensland government says. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • All he saw was the barrel of a gun pointed in his face.
  • He pointed to a dun lionhead that lumbered peaceful as a blimp.
  • The judge pointed out that all these activities are unconstitutional and not in conformity with Hungary's international obligations. Global Voices in English » Hungary: The Hungarian Guard Banned
  • It was the passionate, slightly muddled rancour of a disappointed man.
  • Some of the fish had very pointed spikes on their backs and are commonly called suttle-backs. Times, Sunday Times
  • He became physician general to the Army in the Austrian war of succession, was appointed physician to King George III, was knighted in 1762 and later received a baronetcy.
  • If you're expecting Dad to let you borrow his car, you're going to be sorely disappointed.
  • The judge pointed out that the absence of previous convictions did not of itself mean that a defendant was innocent anymore than the existence of previous convictions meant that a defendant was guilty.
  • I will hereafter refer to it in the singular, so as to avoid having to recount exactly which one was pointed at what at any given moment.
  • A commission was scheduled to be appointed within 10 days of the end of the strike to investigate possible unwarranted dismissals since March 1.
  • Anecdotal evidence has long pointed to crofters being a hale and hearty breed - albeit prone to bad backs and the odd grumble.
  • Freire and Lopes, who had experience of working with old buildings were appointed as architects.
  • To my knowledge, the patient relations office never discussed the matter with the surgeon -- I certainly never heard from him -- but I did receive a termination letter followed by a series of surprisingly rude and condescending letters from their risk management attorney after I pointed out that HIPPA promises patients will not be "penalized" for filing a privacy complaint. Genital Photos, HIPAA and the Media
  • He visited many speakeasies, “from mere drinking dens to palatially appointed private houses where you find whole families, including children, dining together with the utmost decorum, the elders taking wine.” CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • Where the court has appointed a solicitor the guardian ad litem may apply for termination of his appointment.
  • Judges are normally appointed as chairmen of those numerous committees which are concerned with reform of substantive law or legal procedure.
  • He pointed to where the hills began to grow into baby-mountains, a place already deep in shadow.
  • Lily pointed to the wall farthest from the window.
  • She looked pointedly at the clock on the kitchen wall.
  • A five-pointed star, the pentagram or pentacle, sometimes has magical and occult associations.
  • During the boat ride, he pointed out the site of a former Maori pa, a fortified settlement hidden in the bush where warriors had hauled their canoes high up the cliffs to protect them from saboteurs.
  • Family campaigners said they were disappointed that the public thought cohabiting and marriage were the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • The house that he occupied, of Venetian design, and four stories in height, bore many architectural marks of distinction, such as the floriated window, the door with the semipointed arch, and medallions of colored marble set in the walls. The Financier
  • She was appointed over the objections of certain members of the board.
  • In fact, it is easy to run out of superlatives for a gig as good as this and I defy anyone to emerge disappointed by what they have seen and heard - these guys are in danger of setting themselves some impossibly high standards.
  • Clive's father gave her a considerable leg up when he appointed her director of the family firm.
  • It was Corrary who pointed, and drew their gaze to the dark shadow on the water.
  • As I've pointed out, these lists are selected from nominations submitted by readers.
  • When he was appointed to a senior job in the Kremlin in 1996 he reached the apex of his power. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is an enormous range of substances and, as has already been pointed out, it includes explosives, corrosives, oxidising agents, reducing agents, caustic agents, and acidic agents - the works.
  • All personnel appointed to administer the Compact should be responsible to this committee.
  • He beckoned her to follow him out to the front porch of the old ranch house where he pointed to a buck grazing in the field across the dirt road.
  • Also used were pin beaters, long pieces of bone with a central swelling and pointed ends for beating down individual threads.
  • In fact, as other articles pointed out, our -- as no fitting word has been found for it, let's go with -- withdrawal was a magnificent feat of reverse engineering, worthy of a force that was a nonpareil on the planet. Tom Engelhardt: Debacle!
  • Success attended him, and the pacha, his predecessor, having in his opinion, as well as in that of the sultan, remained an unusual time in office, by an accusation enforced by a thousand purses of gold, he was enabled to produce a bowstring for his benefactor; and the sultan's "firmaun" appointed him to the vacant pachalik. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • I'm very disappointed that he let that happen in the football game. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cool-headed 37-year-old took hold of one of the men, who had a handgun, but he broke free and pointed the gun at her, saying ‘Back off or you'll get one’.
  • Accornero, a 24-year law enforcement veteran, was appointed chief in 1994.
  • The Sultan looked at Nur al-Din and liked him, so he stablished him in office as the Wazir had requested and formally appointed him, presenting him with a splendid dress of honour and a she-mule from his private stud; and assigning to him solde, stipends and supplies. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • We'reall disappointed that Daimler, the main corporate sponsor of the Summer Concert Festival in Washington Park for the past four years, isnot ableto support the performances again for 2009. Grim news from Grimwad (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • He is obviously bitterly disappointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • While, as Steve pointed out, patriotism can easily slip into jingoism, that is simply a way for some people to channel their personal idiocies. Planet Atheism
  • But since there's nothing at all wrong with the statute that requires him to perform the ministerial task he has so far petulantly avoided, and because his malfeasance has been used to aggrieve the lawfully appointed Burris, White should be harshly condemned at the very least. Jeff Norman: Victory For Blago and Burris is Imminent
  • It pointed out that deaths from cancer drug toxicity are an acknowledged hazard. Times, Sunday Times
  • When my pudding arrived I was at first disappointed to see that the custard was just a decorative swirl.
  • These include clavate ribbons with a rounded upper end and a somewhat pointed lower end, but devoid of any rhizoidal holdfast structures; such ribbons may be poorly preserved Baculiphyca taeniata.
  • The existing laws and regulations of the French service differ slightly for different corps, but the general rule is as follows: No one can be appointed to the grade of officer in the army who has not graduated at one of the military schools, or has not served at least two years as a sub-officer in a _corps d'armée_. Elements of Military Art and Science Or, Course Of Instruction In Strategy, Fortification, Tactics Of Battles, &C.; Embracing The Duties Of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, And Engineers; Adapted To The Use Of Volunteers And Militia; Third Edition
  • The writer also pointed out that the procedure was risky and dangerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Marcus Tullius Cicero was therefore appointed special prosecutor nominis delator in the case of Gaius Verres. Imperium
  • The term was reintroduced in Sweden in the early 1800s when the parliament of Sweden appointed its first ombudsman to give people a place, separate from the king, where their complaints about the country could be heard. Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us
  • Veterans are disappointed if not a little angered by the dither and delay which means the collection is now going 100 miles away.
  • He settled in Baltimore and was appointed to the collectorship of the port, by the Governor of the State, the duties of which he discharged with the same exemplary fidelity which had attended his military career. A sketch of the life and services of Gen. Otho Holland Williams Read before the Maryland historical society, on Thursday evening, March 6, 1851
  • A commission was appointed to ensure the lottery was not rigged.
  • I cannot express in words how disspointed I was to find that “macaronic” did not refer to poetry sung to the tune of “Macarena” Waaay off topic - The Panda's Thumb
  • We went for the taster menu and were not disappointed, really superb food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, the "tumbril," as we called it, arrived each day for nearly a week, and we drove off gaily to the appointed spot and saturated ourselves in the characteristics of the land we were shortly to attack. Bullets & Billets
  • She dipped her goose-feather quill into a jade inkpot, drained the red ink along the side, and unhurriedly marked a circle around the black tent the eunuch had pointed out to her. Shadow Princess
  • A single-pointed approach is important when situations get complicated, confused or out of hand.
  • As pointed out above regarding the verbs of perception, nevertheless, the passive is by its very nature resultative.
  • I didn't notice and looked really trashy for weeks until a friend pointed it out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zoey pointed upward to their right to a large, light-colored bird whose wide wingspread showed off dark patches on the wings and tale. Devlin’s Light
  • The clues aren't obvious—very few will be decked in deerstalker hats or carrying a pipe, and they most pointedly do not say, "Elementary, my dear Watson," a phrase their hero never once uttered in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works. The Case of the Sherlock Convention
  • I spun to my left, sword gripped in my right hand horizontally, pointed to my right at neck level. Hero for Hire « A Fly in Amber
  • Calling me back, she pointed to an oversized letter B on a pillar about a foot and a half away from where I was standing.
  • The Norman kings were often overseas and appointed a Justiciar, Regent or Lieutenant to represent them in the kingdom, as the Sheriff did in the shire.
  • He pointed out that the book review is a news service, a digest of the latest news about books - not publicity for publishers, nor a rarified forum for highbrow esoterica.
  • My favorite fishing knife is a yellow handle Case XX with a thin, pointed blade, hook hone, bottle opener, scaler and hook remover. On Favorite Fishing Knives
  • the first Commerce Secretary was William C. Redfield who was appointed by Wilson
  • For two days after the Sooners got eliminated from the NCAA tournament on the brink of the Final Four, Griffin was too disappointed to think about the NBA. Oklahoma's Griffin leads group of players entering NBA draft
  • I suppose every society needs its self-appointed professional disapprovers, but they really wouldn't be much fun to sit next to at a dinner party.
  • Having presided with his president over the first-ever downgrading of the debt his department issues, Mr. Geithner hied to Wroclaw, Poland, to share his wisdom with the assembled European finance ministers, who pointed out that the euro zone is less indebted than the U.S. and not well placed to warn them, as Mr. Geithner did, of the danger of dependence on foreign creditors. Aggregating Conceals Some Important Facts
  • She had an ideal of fatherhood, had gentle, silent, useless Lydia -- formed upon the genial, sunshiny type of parent popular in books, and she cast a romantic veil over disappointed, selfish, crossgrained Malcolm Martie, the Unconquered
  • In addition to those pointed out already, your article on Lenin contains a number of other howlers.
  • It seems that the theme emanating from the White House is "Eat, Pray, Be Disappointed. Paul Krassner: My Letter to Obama
  • Having asked only a handful of the questions I had planned, I felt disappointed, unsatisfied and unfulfilled.
  • He pointed to his temples, upon which the last traces of Quiddity's reconfiguration of his flesh was fading. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • And he thinks the reason is that the fickle finger of fashion pointed at Wells at just the right time. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a danger - as some young American web reviewers have pointed out - that, by following the book so closely, the film will make itself inaccessible to those who haven't read it.
  • They appointed him captain of the English team.
  • He played a central role in his early years on the Supreme Court, to which he was appointed by Gov.
  • They spin out conservative versions of an already entrenched style, pointedly resisting the challenges presented by artists like Leonardo.
  • Marie was disappointed that Ben had chosen to side with the management.
  • But Gordon Brown will have been disappointed by Clegg's comments as they appearsto scupper any chance of a Lib-Lab pact that would keep him in Downing Street. Epolitix News
  • He also pointed out the quite strict rules which apply to names, appellations, etc.
  • He would get appointed either a public defender or he would have some kind of indigent defense counsel that would be appointed for him.
  • her pinched toes in her pointed shoes were killing her
  • Personally, I'm feeling as dejected, disappointed and scared as I am angry.
  • The majority of the firms are turning profits, they pointed out, unlike all those Web sites that went public in the late 1990s and hemorrhaged money.
  • But the sharp decline in peasant disturbances in the pre-war years pointed to peaceful development.
  • Winkielman pointed out that this "beauty in averageness" could apply to things like the silhouette of a car, a watch, as well as to people. Beauty is Only Brain Deep | Impact Lab
  • As Prof. Nettleship has pointed out, this seems to indicate that there are two words, _laquear_ from _laqueus_, meaning chain or network, and _lacuar_ or _lacunar_ from _lacus_, meaning sunk work. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • A special committee has been appointed to handle prisoners' grievances.
  • It was the passionate, slightly muddled rancour of a disappointed man.
  • He was finally appointed lieutenant colonel and authorized to raise a regiment.
  • But each pointed fruit has a delectable, intense wild strawberry flavor.
  • Although Mark Dornford-May's production is played in 18th century costume, it takes a scythe to the text and cuts many of the more pointed lines.
  • In May 1596 he was appointed rector to East Hoathly and the same year sermonized there on the Book of Ruth.
  • Mr Cameron pointed out that Lord Paul, the Labour peer and close friend of Gordon Brown, was also a non-dom.
  • Dat a calp cry, Massa Henry -- see he dere a canoe not bigger nor a hick'ry nut," and he pointed with his finger to what in fact had the appearance of being little larger; The Canadian Brothers, or the Prophecy Fulfilled a Tale of the Late American War — Volume 1
  • His admission that he was ‘disappointed’ was a diplomatic understatement.
  • Disappointed, Magellan led the fleet south again -- further south than any previous explorer had been.
  • The unlucky bobble saw the ball hit Merris on the arm as he swung to clear and referee Phil Prosser pointed to the spot.
  • Pauli pointed out that a (self-adjoint) time operator is incompatible with a Hamiltonian spectrum bounded below. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • But economists hoping for big cuts to forecast borrowing in future may be disappointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I pointed in both directions when appropriate, my lips curling slightly in a sneer.
  • She pointed an accusing finger at the man, who gaped beerily. Not George Washington — an Autobiographical Novel
  • What they have concocted is a sleek, discreet and luxuriously appointed hotel that is stylish but still accessible.
  • Its studies have increasingly pointed to the uncalculated risks of exposure to lawn-care chemicals.
  • It must also be pointed out that there is a difference between the publishing of material that is found to be libelous and stories that may be false, but injure no individual's reputation.
  • On a drive around the county's back roads, the sheriff pointed to new house after new house, some with mansard roofs, some with Palladian windows, that he said were built with drug profits.
  • Such verdicts did not have an immediate impact, and for a while Arsenal's play was smooth but lacking a contrasting pointedness in the penalty area. Arsenal 3-1 Chelsea | Premier League match report
  • And, as has been pointed out by ‘mark’, the duodenum is that part of the small intestine between the stomach and the large intestine – a long way from any body openings. Matthew Yglesias » Stay Classy, Conservative Blogosphere
  • While her works have consistently pointed to a delightful connection between ourselves and our things, here she seemed to explore that connection down to an elemental level.
  • Husseman, a former wolf researcher, pointed and said, ‘Check out the alpenglow, dude.’
  • Traditionally, government-appointed district auditors have been responsible for examining most local authority accounts.
  • Referee Clive Owen pointed to the spot without hesitation, to the dismay of the Lismore crowd.
  • Maria said something about "muchacho" (which Charley knew was Spanish for boy) and pointed to the hammock. Gold Seekers of '49
  • The accompanying vegetables, peas, carrots and broccoli disappointed a little because they seemed to be overcooked.
  • Clough translated it in 1834, and Hardy has given an interesting summary of it in his Eastern Monarchism; but neither the text nor any complete translation is readily accessible, and I have therefore thought that this edition might possibly be acceptable to those who desire information respecting the practice of Buddhism in Ceylon, where, as is well pointed out by Mr. Childers, in his Pli Dictionary, (s.v. Nibbnam, p. 272, note), “Buddhism retains almost its pristine purity. The Admission and Ordination Ceremonies. III. The Order. Reprinted from a paper by J.F. Dickson, B. A., in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1874.
  • Negative feelings are engendered when patients try to get effective treatment - only to be disappointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • He finally abandoned academic qualifications and appointed a collection of pharmacists, country doctors, schoolteachers, and governesses.
  • And the news business, which once took pride in what it put down for posterity, is all atwitter with tweets and insta-posts by self-appointed experts on a bazillion blogs. Cash for clunker columns
  • Johnson appointed Alan S. Boyd as the first Transportation Secretary
  • He was also a eunuch of such beauty that the sultan fell for his epicene handsomeness and appointed him his senior commander.
  • Steve stood at the bow of the ship, unprotected from the storm and hanging on for dear life as he pointed excitedly.
  • Both the United States and Britain insist that, to keep the country from imploding, it is essential that the Balkan nation remain under the political authority of an internationally appointed "High Representative," who governs the nation's affairs. Elmira Bayrasli: Electing an Independent Bosnia: The High Representative Must Go
  • An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition.
  • On the positive side, our buyers are sticking with the programme, and have appointed a new surveyor.
  • Fans were disappointed by his no-show at the festival.
  • It was recently pointed out to me that copper coins minted in recent years are magnetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Germany, the psychiatric expert is appointed and paid forby the court or the public prosecutor but serves as a neutralexpert.
  • Appointed first lieutenant in the Continental Navy in 1775, Jones received the command of the Ranger in 1777.
  • And as Maigret scowlingly pointed to the newspaper sticking out of his pocket, he smiled. Maigret Afraid
  • He had pointed this out to her quite a while ago, marveling over the symbolism and profoundness of such a matching.
  • Since Lochhead was appointed makar "it's been bonkers", she tells me. Poetry: a beautiful renaissance
  • He pointed out that it is now schooling its programmers in security.
  • I seem to recall that 30 years ago, when christening was a rite carried out almost unquestioningly, godparents were often appointed as a matter of course or protocol, and the role meant little more than remembering birthdays.
  • The guide pointed at a pagoda and told us that it was built hundreds of years ago.

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