How To Use Pogrom In A Sentence

  • In Britain and America this was the century of Jewish immigration, with great numbers of Jewish people arriving to escape the pogroms in Poland and Russia.
  • When Jews carry out a pogrom in Akko, whatever the immediate reason, it becomes a national event. Counterpunch shouldn’t print this drivel
  • Jews were allowed to live freely in the country, and those fleeing pogroms in Eastern Europe and the Nazi terror were also able to take up residence.
  • It will be a greater blow than would be a dozen pogroms.
  • I don't want to use the word pogrom, it would be too strong. Ezra Levant: March 2008 Archives
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  • Pogroms in Europe and those deeply entrenched dreams kept the ships coming.
  • My parents fled Eastern Europe to escape pogroms which began with the ringing of church bells.
  • But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee. From October to Brest-Litovsk
  • A word pogrom is used mostly in relation with a form of riot directed against a particular group, whether ethnic, religious, or other, and characterized by the killing and destruction of their homes, businesses, and religious centers.
  • However, in Czarist Russia, most of the pogroms were government organized.
  • An additional reason for the pogrom was the reputed wealth of a goodly number of the Jewish families of Nizhni-Novgorod. History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II From the death of Alexander I. until the death of Alexander III. (1825-1894)
  • January 10th, 2010 at 3: 32 pm tombaker says: pogrom is the new freedom! Think Progress » GOP plans on reintroducing legislation to ban and deport immigrants from ‘terrorist’ countries.
  • Russia and eastern Europe were particularly bad, with bloody pogroms that killed thousands.
  • OpEdNews - Article: Venezuela'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms! Venezuela'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms!
  • As the civil war raged and pogroms ensued, ethnic cleansing on a monumental scale created millions of refugees.
  • There won't be a single family in the country unaffected, there will be bloodshed, treachery, espionage, murder, pogroms and massacres.
  • It is oblivious to the suffering of the Jews in Europe and to the Holocaust and innocent of any knowledge of pogroms or ghettos.
  • His immediate family, as well as Mama's, had been wiped out in a pogrom many years ago. LASTING TREASURES
  • Still, the assault and its undertones of pogromist anti-Semitism Logan is not Jewish is very troubling and, at the very least, suggests that not everyone in Tahrir Square that night had democracy on their mind. Richard Cohen: CBS shouldn't have withheld Lara Logan's story
  • In 1882, following the pogroms in Russia, East European Jews began to settle in the area and to make what was already a ghetto their own.
  • (And that, of course, is why the word pogrom comes from the Russian language.) News
  • Mennonites were amongst the first European Utopians in the West, fleeing to America from the pogroms in Europe where they were persecuted.
  • Knocking Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh is no 'pogrom' - Faith & Reason The Full Feed from
  • Our holy wars, crusades, and pogroms have decimated people in the millions in the name of our religion.
  • In the 1960s Trofim Lycenko, the notorious Stalin’s scientific pogromist who personally snitched on many scientists wrote an open letter to the Russian scientific community saying that he ‘just had some ideas to discuss’ and that ’that what he was doing all his life and was ready to debate those any time’. On Kings and Cabbage and Opednews
  • The public doesn't expect praise for refraining from pogroms, but nor does it expect ceaseless injunctions to abstain from them.
  • Jews fleeing pogroms in Eastern Europe and the Nazi terror were also able to take up residence in the country.
  • She was in charge of Aliyah Dalet in Marseilles and, after the pogrom in Oujda in June 1948, was sent to Algeria in order to organize the mass flight of Jews from Morocco and Algeria. Tamar Eshel.
  • These pogroms took place in Eastern Poland, and the Jews in other parts remained there.
  • The pogrom was savage, and relentless, and shocking, even by the... THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • (The show's skillful book, which interrupts the singing and dancing with pogroms and exile, is based on stories by Sholom Aleichem.) With Harvey Fierstein as Tevye, 'Fiddler' roars right along
  • That pogrom followed allegations that a Muslim mob had been responsible for the deaths of Hindu activists.
  • Alarmed by Russian pogroms and the anti-Semitic Dreyfus trial in France, Herzl wrote a manifesto, "The Jewish State" (1895), and a novel, "The Old-New Land" (1900), before bearding the German Kaiser at the gates of Jerusalem. City of Peace—and War
  • The third force is the police and bureaucracy, which has been regularly communalized and has been the umbrella to the rioters or been the active participant in the execution of the pogroms.
  • The 1905 laws were designed to prevent poor Jewish refugees fleeing pogroms in eastern Europe from entering Britain.
  • A Woody Allen-type nebbish, Lenny is a kvetcher ( "My mind was full of sickening Jewish worry, the pogrom within and the pogrom without"); he frets about his age, his baldness and, in a major way, his parents. Down and Out In Gotham
  • The same mechanism is involved in all pogroms, all ethnic cleansing, and all wars.
  • To cope with Monarchist manifestations and pogromist movements, it is indispensable to take immediate measures to suppress these movements, and for this purpose to create at Petrograd a Committee of Public Safety, composed of representatives of the Municipality and the organs of the revolutionary democracy, acting in contact with the Provisional Government…. Chapter 3. On the Eve
  • The famines and pogroms in 19th-century Eastern Europe forced many Jewish refugees to emigrate.
  • Venezuela'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms! yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Venezuela\'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms!' Venezuela'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms!
  • Her parents, tailor Isor and Rose (Simonov) Becker, had come with their son Maurice to New York in 1892 from Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, where they had fled from pogroms and czarist military oppression. Helen Tamiris.
  • Between 1881 and 1906 more than a million Jews arrived in New York, fleeing the pogroms in Russia and eastern Europe.
  • The Berlin Wall was the visible symbol of the gulag, the pogrom, everything deprave and inhumane of the collectivism and the Soviet Union. The Economics and Philosophy of the Wall, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Then I woke up, ate a bowl of Rice Krispies, and walked to school — the Howard T. Herber Middle School — where a sixth-grade pogromist named Patrick Harrington and his Cossack associates pitched pennies at me in a game sometimes known as “Bend the Jew,” which ended, inevitably, with me being jumped for refusing to pick up the aforementioned pennies, and also for killing Jesus. Hollywood’s Jewish Avenger
  • But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee. From October to Brest-Litovsk
  • Momentum was increased by a fresh wave of Russian pogroms in 1903.
  • To him, as to so many of the fugitives from Eastern European pogroms, the Yiddish theater seemed to have a past as deep as Jewish history.
  • The famines and pogroms in 19th-century Eastern Europe forced many Jewish refugees to emigrate.
  • The cross has been carried at the head of crusades and pogroms, even as it was offered to the weak as a model of how they ought to accept their suffering.
  • The public doesn't expect praise for refraining from pogroms, but nor does it expect ceaseless injunctions to abstain from them.
  • A pogrom was a collective punishment attack against random innocent people by the majority, protected by the police. TPMCafe
  • A person who has declared his intentions for repeating the pogrom, outside Gujarat should not be allowed to roam about fanning communal hatred and passion.
  • In that other abandoned Europe beyond Vienna tyranny, pogroms and ethnic cleansing would have continued.
  • These communal politics have led to pogroms, carnage and war.
  • Wherever we went, we were plagued by persecution, pogroms, and the Holocaust.
  • Supporters of this war who are in the mood for an ideological pogrom should chill out for a while, and opponents need not fold into permanent cringe position.
  • The Jewish People of Europe were victimized in the Holocaust and before that by the pogroms in Europe.
  • For almost two thousand years, rabbinic Jews accepted that they would suffer expulsions, they would suffer pogroms, but they believed that the Jewish people could live beyond expulsions and pogroms.

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