How To Use Poetizer In A Sentence
George Sand has ever been regarded as a poetizer of rural life, an arch-idealist of her humbler country-folks.
In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
This poetizer, who seems to have been wholly devoid of genius, but to have possessed a certain talent for hitting the taste of the hour, was then held in high esteem; he has long since been forgotten.
Robert Burns
Yet Hawthorne is essentially a domestic writer, ” a poetizer of the hearth-stone.
The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Sir Julius Cæsar, prefixed to the first-named work, the writer speaks of having "once belonged to the _Innes of Court_," and says he was "no usuall poetizer, but, to barre idlenesse, imployed that little talent the Muses conferr'd upon him in this little tract.
Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850
Yet Hawthorne is essentially a domestic writer, -- a poetizer of the hearth-stone.
The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne