How To Use Poetic In A Sentence
His writing is rather self - consciously poetic.
These prose pieces ultimately acquire a kind of poetic intensity of effect in their bleak circumscription of the character's experience, although they avoid self-consciously "poetic" devices:
Narrative Strategies
But the narrative remains strange and poetic enough for it never to appear formulaic or didactic.
A compendium of greatest hits, plus a poetic "birl" (spin) from Seamus Heaney, it seems to be modelled on the Burns night, with O'Hagan, a lively novelist and cultural commentator, playing MC.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Her poetic styles vary from haiku to streetwise dramatic monologue, using the conventions of ‘standard’ English, as well as the defiance of Ebonics.

The analogical structure and poetical impulse that runs through all of the paired images are even found in the artist's single images such as his Giglio.
There seemed to my perverted sense a certain poetic justice about the fact that money, gained honestly but prosaically, in groceries or gas, should go to regild an ancient blazon or prop up the crumbling walls of some stately palace abroad.
Worldly Ways and Byways
HISTORY buffs still wax poetic about the brutal patent battles a century ago between the Wright brothers and Glenn Curtiss, another aviation pioneer.
Traditional in form, her poetry treats primarily romantic themes with elevated, poetic language.
A poet in retirement, 1800-7 During these years we are still on the high plateau of Wordsworth's poetic achievement.
The prose is strewn with biblical and poetic tags and pang full of rhetorical devices.
Its poetic quality lies not in ornamentation but in rhythm.
These "Observations" were the first of a series of volumes by Gilpin on the scenery of Great Britain, composed in a poetic and somewhat over-luxuriant style, illustrated by drawings in aquatinta, and all described on the title page as "Relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty.
A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
He might have said poetic language is not prosaic.
No less powerfully mythopoetic than the classical image of the disease, the demonological model envisioned the hysterical anesthesias, mutisms, and convulsions as stigmati diaboli or marks of the devil.
The story they tell you is mainly an internal story, a game of poetic connections between one part of the sculpture and the next.
Times, Sunday Times
Why he should choose to express that interval by fifty, rather than by fifty-two, weeks, may be surmised in two ways: first, because the latter phrase would be unpoetical and unmanageable; and, secondly, because he might fancy that the week of the Pagan Theseus would be more appropriately represented by a lunar quarter than by a Jewish hebdomad.
Notes and Queries, Number 72, March 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
And for those of us who are learning Spanish here is a nonpoetic translation:
Amor y romanticismo 2
“Myers,” presumably speaking through the medium, produced a stream of poetic, recondite associations from the word Lethe that meant nothing to the medium or the experimenter.
Experiencing the Next World Now
He devoted himself to the reconstruction of lost orthographies and grammars, developed a distinctly Japanese poetics.
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For the ground bass of recurrent sound is poetic metre.
The Times Literary Supplement
Some passages can be simple descriptions; others can be almost poetic or oblique.
Times, Sunday Times
The use of the poetic device hyperbaton, or inverted word order, is a form of repetition that sets the mood for the rest of the section.
Though you get there by flight, you firmly land on the substrate of mythopoetic ground.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
I was blown away by your story — so powerful, multileveled, poetic prose, all in so few words: a fabulous job.
Interview with String-of-10 TWO First Place Winner: Ann Pino
Yet one cannot be too strict in policing the boundaries between these two levels, for in drawing attention to the poetics of articulation, "Mont Blanc" suggests that philosophical argument inevitably relies on representations of an embodied "I," narrative exempla, privileged metaphors, and repeated terms.
Rhyming Sensation in 'Mont Blanc'
His gentler poeticism has fallen out of fashion.
Times, Sunday Times
Hawk_, _The Tunning of_ Elianer Rumpkin: In many of which, following the humor of the ancientest of our Modern Poets, he takes a Poetical
The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687)
Sami initially sees his love for Muntaha in poetic terms, likening her beauty and allure to the Sumerian artefacts in front of which he first encounters her, an orientalization that is later echoed by Gabor.
The Jakarta Post Breaking News
No! take it easy," said Robinson; "he is a poet; this is what they call poetical license.
It Is Never Too Late to Mend
The deep breaths exhaled by his broad lines, his declarative sentences and their assertive plangency, his deliberate tactlessness and brave humor, redirect the reader to a history of poetic Yanks: Whitman, Williams.
Spain, was brilliant with the cape, fine with the banderilla and poetic with the muleta.
The thundering guitars, melodic vocals and poetic lyrics seemed to transcend classification.
The numerous space and controlled organisations of poetic colours lend subtlety to his part collage-part paintings.
This essay is a testing ground for "ambience," exploring the role of space in poetics, ideology and theory, building on the conclusion to the book The Poetics of Spice.
The puzzler, which is described as poetic, consists of 100 levels.
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A photographic survey spanning the career of the pioneering American known for his bold use of colour and his vivid and mysteriously poetic images.
Times, Sunday Times
Upon my poetical veracity I do not see the strength of your objection, but as matrimony is a very tender subject, as well as a longwinded one, I had better give you Mr Pitt's answer when he did not choose to give any, 'I have not made up my mind.'
Letter 265
This unmanly dread of simplicity, and of what is called "tautology," gives rise to a patchwork made up of scraps of poetic quotations, unmeaning periphrases, and would-be humorous circumlocutions, -- a style of all styles perhaps the most objectionable and offensive, which may be known and avoided by the name of _Fine Writing_.
How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
For the romantic and postromantic traditions of poetics in which Benjamin and Adorno participate, modern lyric ambition stands as a, or even the, high-risk enterprise, the "go-for-broke-game" [ "va-banque-Spiel"], of literary art: The lyric poem must work coherently in and with the mediumlanguagethat human beings use to articulate objective concepts, even while the lyric explores the most subjective, nonconceptual, and ephemeral phenomena.
Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
Herondas too, the author of mimes written in choliambs (‘limping iambics’), a metre typical of the archaic iambist Hipponax, dedicates an apologetic-programmatic poem, Mimiambus 8, to the defence of his poetics.
The country teems with "poets, poetasters, poetitos, and poetaccios:" every man has his recognised position in literature as accurately defined as though he had been reviewed in a century of magazines, -- the fine ear of this people [22] causing them to take the greatest pleasure in harmonious sounds and poetical expressions, whereas a false quantity or a prosaic phrase excite their violent indignation.
First Footsteps in East Africa
When later poets in an uncritical age take up and rehandle the poetic themes of their predecessors, they always give to the stories "a new costume," as M. Gaston Paris remarks in reference to thirteenth century dealings with French epics of the eleventh century.
Homer and His Age
Derek Jarman's Caravaggio presents itself as a loose, poeticized biography of the famed Baroque painter Michelangelo de Caravaggio, but in fact Jarman appears to be using his subject as a gateway into ruminations on art, love, violence and religion.
According to this interpretation, the phrase “the nature of the divine and the good” refers simply to a characteristic that is attributed to Pyrrho, and labeled by poetic hyperbole as ˜divine™, in another fragment of Timon, namely his extraordinary tranquillity; the couplet as a whole, then, is saying that tranquillity is the source of an even-tempered life.
Never mind; we can make believe that the queen has sent them off, so as not to scare Pocahontas; that's what they call poetical license," said Polly.
Half a Dozen Girls
If it had been in one of those accepted as genuine and poetical I would have remembered the ballad, but my impression is that it was condemned as a fabrication for this and other neologies.
The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality.
Rather unpoetically, ‘Plain Layne ‘creator Odin Soli is an average 35-year-old man who lives with his wife and two kids in Woodbury.’
[...] 12th, 2006 by Angela Natividad · No Comments ‘Iconistan,’ a term poetically coined by Sphere CEO Tony Conrad, is the social newscluster that lives on your blog.
Iconistan* « Sphere Blog
Not trying to demonize him or - as some have done - poeticize him, he gives us a common but not unduly vulgar man, with brightness and obtuseness intermingled.
The aesthetic aspect of non-literal texts recalls the poetic function in that it makes the text's form as much a feature of content as is its restituted message.
Behind the humour, however, one finds a novel of great merit and depth, constructed in the most poetic language, and not at all about fish.
It is a poetic philosophy that not only sings and sizzles about life, it also affirms life.
Version but four times in all, always in poetical passages; the first in (Exodus 15: 14) and Isai 14: 29 The second (Joel 3: 4) In each case the Hebrew is Pelesheth, a word found, besides the above, only in (Psalms 60: 8; 83: 7; 87: 4) and Psal 108: 9 In all which our translators have rendered it by "Philistia" or
Smith's Bible Dictionary
Not only did Cameron produce numerous portraits of Jackson as herself, but also as a poetic ‘Stella’ and a personification of ‘Beauty.’
Ezra Loomis Pound is a renowned American poet and translator, the pioneer of the poetic movement of "Imagist Movement" in the twentieth century.
This program, called, “Teikei” poetically translates to, “the farmer’s face on it,” though a more literal translation is “cooperation” or “partnership.”
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When we talk about historic town , People will associate with the poetic charm environment of old trees , alley in flagstone street and little bridge flowing water.
Even if one forgives his poetic license with the facts, the book fails on the grounds that its arguments are incoherent.
The effect is emotionally diluted and unpoetic.
Times, Sunday Times
The poem is re-created in glowing phrases — “A rich distilled perfume emanates from it like the breath of genius; a golden cloud envelops it; a honeyed paste of poetic diction encrusts it, like the candied coat of the auricula”.
The Common Reader, Second Series
Sydney Chaffee continued, "I've gotten closer to achieving a balance between two extremes in my own intentions -- the extreme concreteness of many 9th graders' first intentions and the extreme flimsiness of the overly poetic, grand intentions of my first few years which were hard for me to know if I was actually doing.
Meg Campbell: What's Your Intention This School Year?
Julia Stiles is a lovely and determined Viola, but monotonously and unpoetically spoken.
He has been now absolved of all guilt, and his forgeries recognised as poetical Dada boutades.
Though the libretto is not very carefully written, it is better than the average performances of this {177} kind, and with poetical intuition Schefsky has refrained from the temptation, to make it turn out well, as Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer has done in her play of L'orle, which is a weak counterpart of Auerbach's village-tragedy.
The Standard Operaglass Detailed Plots of One Hundred and Fifty-one Celebrated Operas
It's visually poetic, whimsical and has a larrikin charm.
Then again, her troubled country is passing through unpoetic times.
Times, Sunday Times
All in all, Chinese spring palace paintings are inclined to poetic imagination, yet western nudes commit themselves to veracious expression.
Lyrically poetic and understated, this album has a churchly feel that makes for perfect nighttime chillout music.
However well received the plays he had written since, none had eclipsed the haunting, poetic power of his first.
I'm not about to say here that everyone should write transparently any more than everyone should write "poetically" (wait for it, I'll be taking issue with these terms later.)
Where Brecht uses song or projected words upon a screen, Shakespeare is more likely to use choric characters who may utter highly wrought poetic speeches of some length only to disappear for the rest of the play.
Has not the poetic legacy of the avant-garde already begun to resemble a blasted library, bestrewn with the unburied cadavers of lunatics and suicides — all the beautiful, but misguided, losers who have martyred themselves to untelevised revolutions?
Writing and Failure (Part 1) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
The freewheeling breadth that enables Murray to include it is one of his best qualities and serves as a welcome reminder that there is still poetry in vernaculars, and poetry too in things that we have come to consider unpoetic.
In poetic words of dazzling imagery, the bards extolled the tribal virtues of honour, courage, generosity, fidelity and revenge.
The 40 page catalog is densely packed with images spanning the artist's career while texts by Mark Alice Durant and Spaid poetically interpret and analyze the work.
Arabic's a glorious language for poetic extravagance, and we made the most of it.
IN FORKBEARD'S WAKE: Coasting Round Scandinavia
Parole in Libertà Futuriste Olfattive Tattili Termiche Words in Futurist, Olfactory, Tactile, Thermal Freedom is made from tin and consists of 27 lithographed pages filled with words, poetic phrases and brightly coloured graphic images.
February 2009
Despite the narrator's poetically expressed assertion that "history tightropes toward family," history barely puts in an appearance here.
But in striking contrast to Shakespere and to others, Middleton has no kind of poetical morality in the sense in which the term poetical justice is better known.
A History of Elizabethan Literature
A history of twentieth-century American poetry is a history of women making and remaking poetics as a gendered space.
Of all dreams, that of the alchymist is the most poetical, for he looked at the finest symbol.
Summer on the Lakes, in 1843
Some of the pieces seemed autobiographical, others were clearly completely fictional, but there was a lot more focus on emotion, memory, and poetic language (example: "the blue sky hanging in acres above the yellow leaves") than I have in my own work or am used to seeing in SF.
Hotlips writing workshop
In the world of language and poetic rhythm, Tipperary is a name made in heaven.
Conscious through close observation of nature of changing patterns in the landscape, especially at sunrise and sunset, he found a beauty that was atmospheric and objectively perceived as well as poetic and idealized.
Fortunately, this volume does not lose sight of the strangeness of the poetical perspective; neither is it entirely devoted to the tangible and the earthy.
I also will say "touche" to that one, as I am a flagrant invoker of poetic license when it comes to the word "alot" and several others.
Funny Strange is Lori Culwell's blog.
He describes the prolific misuse of poetical language by his contemporaries.
I have been trying - and not always 'poetically' - to posit that intelligence is a function that involves beings in relative place and time 'accessing', for lack of a better word, the space/field/infinity quotient that contains/permeates all matter, including chemicals and their processes.
Telic Thoughts
The sense of calm and silence, the great waste of sea, the monotonous 'plash' of the paddle-wheels, the sort of solitude in the midst of such a crowd, the gradually lengthening distance behind, with the lessening, as gradual, in front, and the always novel feeling of approach to a new country -- these elements impart a sort of dreamy, poetical feeling to the scene.
A Day's Tour A Journey through France and Belgium by Calais, Tournay, Orchies, Douai, Arras, Béthune, Lille, Comines, Ypres, Hazebrouck, Berg
Some of the man-bashing and emotional blackmail seems a bit of a cop out when sections of the production are effectively dramatic and poetically lyrical.
Submissions - poetic, pathetic and just plain bizarre - fall into categories like Pride, Envy, Sloth and Gluttony.
Rimbaud's poetic genius bloomed early.
With the emphatic repetition of this line at the end of the book, the image of the omnipotent deity has been exorcized from Vallejo's poetic imagery.
From the middle years of Chosn, new poetic styles (kasa and sijo) emerged for composition in Korean.
A similar dualism, a kind of double vision of the world is typical also for Ihan's poetry, which often brushes against the borders of poetic prose.
“Lady — —,” he began gravely (and I could not but notice that the mere title seduced him to conventional, poetic language), “moves like a lily in water; I always think of her as a lily; just as I used to think of Lily Langtry as a tulip, with a figure like a Greek vase carved in ivory.
Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
Poetic prose may not be the best prose, just as (to use a false antithesis) dull poetry is called prosaic; but there is no natural antagonism between prose and verse as literary mediums, provided always that the spirit that animates them be akin.
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Bumblebees and the more poetic kind of astrophysicist would surely love her work.
Times, Sunday Times
Mandelstam's attitude to the interrelation of biography and poetic persona was complex.
The Times Literary Supplement
The goal in immersive textuality, similar to that of McGann's quantum poetics, is to create
Living Inside the Poem: MOOs and Blake's Milton
Cariaga's innovative language-oriented poetry challenges the assumption that avant-garde poetics is the privileged terrain of white heterosexual male poets.
Ditto my friend, whose chosen form of memorial is rather more pricey than pen and ink, but just as poetic.
Times, Sunday Times
Lanegan's personal narrative, the euphoric highs and ravaged lows of the junkie, the fretful pining of the love incompetent and the poetic musings of the maverick outsider, are poignantly realised.
He teaches poetry and poetics at University in Albany, NY where he lives with Nicole Peyrafitte & their son Miles.
The sight is beautifully poetic and expresses the leitmotiv tension between heaven and earth.
Apologies for getting poetic on you, but mornings like this make me think of this poem.
He sang poetic songs of love and regret in a warm, expressive voice laced with debonair Gallic charm.
Times, Sunday Times
Like alchemy, poetic art refines the base matter that the unimaginative overlook.
After the way she treated Sam, it's only poetic justice that Dave left her.
Spooks's dialogue is so bad that it is almost poetic.
Times, Sunday Times
One remaining issue perhaps needs a little comment to elaborate the contrast between poeticising and ideologising the reading of a text, or the listening to the patient.
In poetic form, Aryabhata stated that the earth's diurnal rotation on its axis produced the daily rising and setting of planets and stars.
No longer will one or two tropes or metaphors serve to characterize the poetic work done by women.
He sang poetic songs of love and regret in a warm, expressive voice laced with debonair Gallic charm.
Times, Sunday Times
And the poetic rhythm and verse of the script gently takes the audience along for the ride.
In aesthetic representation of beauty in sound, rhythm and onomatopoetic are further discussed.
Despite hard times in the jazz-starved '70s, and a brief stint into the poetic ramblings of Van Morrison, the label slid gracefully into modern jazz with albums from Norah Jones and Herbie Hancock. of Music
Paste Magazine
The final poetic statement propounding the belief that life is all one time, not to be squandered or compartmentalized.
Most of his writing has been in XILOTL and is often poetry or poetic prose.
That's not to be confused with an eclogue, which is a poetic pastoral dialogue.
Its affinities and poetical style seem to lie rather with Shakespeare's later than his earlier work.
A poetically intense awareness of life was coupled with a cool detachment from his characters.
Times, Sunday Times
This symbolism of the language is not simply one of form, relying on images, parables, and myths as other poetic or religious compositions do, but one of substance, based on its mantric character.
This is not to say that most poets do not utilize such tools as metaphor, simile, assonance, and other poetic techniques.
Many felt that he rarely revealed the ‘whole person’: he remained unconvinced that such an inherently unpoetic entity could be said to exist.
There are moments of elegant aural and visual poeticism.
Times, Sunday Times
Nor can he equal the sublime lyrism of his model; but he is little inferior in poetic conception, in dignified idealization, and in picturesque imagery.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
Mask's interanimation of the material and the ideational, of grit and philosophically-oriented intellection -- results in stanzas notably more literary and poetic than Wolfenstein's.
Kaufman, Notes- _Reading Shelley's Interventionist Poetry, 1819-1820_ - Romantic Circles Praxis Series
Again, it cannot be gainsaid that the greater number of those who hold high places in our poetical literature are absolute nincompoops - fellows alike innocent of reason and of rhyme.
With that mixed start to the year we can only hope that Pete becomes better known for his poetic lyrics and memorable gigs than for court cases and no-shows.
It was natural that this cynicism should infect poetic self-reflection, hence certain theoretico-aesthetic “movements” and manifestoes; I suspect, although I wasn’t there to witness what actually happened, that Ange is right in saying that certain avant garde poetry had tried to deliberately retreat from the figure; however, in retrospect, one finds that all poetic practice, in practice, was never really able do completely without the world or its actual things.
Writing and Failure (Part 8) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
From a poetic scholarship to a scholarly poetics, we must move on to Duncan's ‘Dante Etudes.’
We know, however, that Beethoven had some poetic idea in his mind as he wrote this; but as he never gave the clew to the world, the music has been swallowed as 'absolute music' by the modern formalists "-- a comment which would apply almost word for word, with a change of names and titles, to a certain tumultuous and" unbeautiful "passage in MacDowell's" Lancelot and Elaine.
Edward MacDowell
With a poetic twist on artistic unity, this film evokes the thought that we are subject to a very similar imprisonment, even in the comfort of our own culture.
These sonnets are as "conceitful" as the others, but the collection illustrates an early effort to turn the poetic energy into a new field, to broaden the scope of subject-matter possible in sonnet-form.
Elizabethan Sonnet-Cycles Delia - Diana
Elgar's Sea Pictures seldom rise above the fustian level of their poetic texts, and among the six Chausson items only two or three were memorable.
If, as I am positing, Clare assumes the Byronic form to dramatize the limits of his own poetic persona, this maneuver indicates a shrewd perception of how, in the phenomenon of Byronism, the extremes of aristocratic and popular traditions meet; above the law, the poetic "free-booter" is redeemed by "the notice and affections of the lower orders" (Clare qtd. in Martin 85; Byron qtd. in Strickland 61).
The poetic rhythms and cadences of the times tables spoken in Japanese make them as easy to commit to memory as a catchy pop song.
Times, Sunday Times
Horses stands out not only for how it can heighten feelings of alienation in poetic ways, but for the world it captured.
Times, Sunday Times
The poetic line in ‘The Harvest Bow’ was longer, more aureate in its fashioning, more iambic than in his previous two collections.
The pieces share the traits typical of their genre in the later 15th century: a treble-dominated texture, probably intended for texted performance of the top voice and solmized or instrumental performance of the lower voices; a contrapuntal structure built around a duet of discantus and tenor with an added contratenor; a break roughly halfway through corresponding to the division in the poetic form; and a prevailing line-for-line agreement of music and refrain text.
Archive 2009-05-01
I didn't want to be one of those gushing fans that waxes poetic and overuses the words ‘cool’ and ‘awesome.’
Petrels, albatrosses, cormorants, frigatebirds, gulls etc. are mysterious and inspiring birds: often the subject of poetic stories and lots of myths around the world.
As all this occurs, his narrative voice partakes in dizzying peregrinations into alliteration and poetic eloquence as he discusses the failure of language in doing justice to the comic's visuals.
The sonnet is probably the most durable of poetic forms, flexible yet sufficiently ordered to provide both infinite variety and a high level of unity in its manifold expressions.
The freshness of the telling and the captivating allure of the poetic text will put this on your list of books to be shared, and soon.
We could say that the interpretation, gravid with significance, has an essentially poetic form.
Mark Liberman has an interesting post over at Language Log about the spelling of interjections and onomatopoetic words in comic strips.
Those who heard Schumann play say that he used the pedal persistently, sometimes twice in the same bar to avoid harmonic confusion; and the same is true of Chopin, concerning whose playing an English amateur says, after referring to his _legatissimo_ touch: "The wide arpeggios in the left hand, _maintained in a continuous stream of tone_ by the strict legato and fine and constant use of the damper pedal, formed an harmonious substructure for a wonderfully poetic _cantabile_.
Chopin and Other Musical Essays
His prose is rhythmical and often poetic; individual sections contain carefully balanced and readily memorable phrases.
It contains some pointed satire on the author's poetical contemporaries.
The tone of your critique seems to say that conceptual poetics is not enough and in some way needs to move outside of its own discourse in order to validate your own sense of worth, which is something that conceptual poetics may never do: might be a case of round pegs in square holes.
To Be (Un)Real : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
The aim of teaching classical poems at college is to inherit and bequeath the cultural heritage, to foster students' taste and interest in literature, to develop students' poetic connoisseurship.
It also abandoned the conventional poetic voice.
Times, Sunday Times
The film is a superb mythopoetic epic, full of thunderous emotion and as visually awe-inducing as anything you've ever seen.
The great aviation writer Barrett Tillman pitched in with info on military radiospeak, a poetic subdialect I happen to love.
Dead Zero
When reading engages coded alphabetic symbols and generates through them a poetic setting in the head, or a narrative scenario, the reader has not entered upon the imaginary via some magic auscultation, some occulted relation to a speaking authorial presence.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
The most marvelous tales of weeping and woe are preached in poetic extreme.
comically, poetically, rhythmically, etc.
His second and third sons were brought up in Aquitaine, and imbued with its poetical spirit; and the House of Anjou entirely overshadowed that of Capet.
A Parallel History of France and England; Consisting of Outlines and Dates
it was independently developed in more than one place as an onomatopoetic term
There's a very rich poetic tradition in Gaelic.
It has none of the poetic flights of the French genius, but advances steadily, and gains more ground in the end than its sprightlier compeer.
The Paris Sketch Book
She is author of 14 academic books such as The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage, and nearly 400 essays.
The language is poetic without becoming overdone.
In Hopkins's poetic practice, this is rendered by the frequent use of antilogies to qualify the divine.
It will be found that grand style arises in poetry when a noble nature, poetically gifted, treats with simplicity or severity a serious subject.
The final impression, however, is that Maxwell has missed a heaven-sent opportunity to treat the decaying variety theatre as a potent poetic symbol.
Hannah sneered, interrupting the poetic duologue that was taking place before us.
The bodily rooted nature of all moodedness, i.e. of all affectedness by the world, implies also that the union of souls in love or friendship can be described suggestively in a poetic language as 'one soul in two bodies' or 'two hearts beating as one'.
Archive 2008-02-01
The very name of this poeticule spells disaster.
This book examines apposition as well as poetic compounds, amphibolies, and certain other narrative devices as keys to style and structure of Beowulf.
She expands details of ordinary life into fantastic images, words are used unconventionally and horror and absurdity are mixed with extreme poeticism.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2009 - Speed Read
At the heart of Ivonginus's text, however, is the criticism of artistic performance, and here rhetoric is conjoined to poetics to form a single piece.
Philosophically as well as poetically his Platonism was a muddied stream.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
But, aside from them, my departures from the "literal" which have been obelized by Mr. Nabokov (I hope he has to look up that word) were dictated by the desire to do justice to Pushkin in preserving some poetic tone.
The Strange Case of Pushkin and Nabokov
Pink roses: elegance, gracefulness, refinement, gentility, style and poetic romance but being combined with fun and lightheartedness.
Kumarila's abhihitanvaya and Prabhakara's anvitabhidhana are opposing paradigms of the poetics of sequence: aggregative and holonic.
Archive 2005-12-01
This quietly engaging two-hander is as poetical as its title.
Times, Sunday Times
The metalworkers' yard nearby, which forges and shapes metal to various forms, is unable to fire his poetic imagination, on this occasion.
The narrative technique is deliberately non-linear and complex, the language richly poetic and suffused with biblical references.
Painted about 1832, it casts Sumner in the romantic pose of an aspiring artist, palette and maulstick at hand, his distant gaze both engaging and poetic as he looks toward unseen worlds.
A photographic survey spanning the career of the pioneering American known for his bold use of colour and his vivid and mysteriously poetic images.
Times, Sunday Times
She's his posthumous enabler, cutting him plenty of slack for his male needs, allowing him to poeticize his libido, making his affair with Wevill an artistic necessity.
The word daisy was fashioned by speakers of Old English from the poetical "day's eye.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 3
He uses interlingual close readings of vocalization in Kim's poetry, an approach that emphasizes both the Asian and American aspects of Kim's poetic style.
Johnson's notion of poetic diction distinguishes it clearly from prose.
Shakespeare’s main object, or shall I rather say his ruling impulse, was to translate the poetic heroes of paganism into the not less rude, but more intellectually vigorous, and more _featurely_, warriors of Christian chivalry, — and to substantiate the distinct and graceful profiles or outlines of the Homeric epic into the flesh and blood of the romantic drama; — in short, to give a grand history-piece in the robust style of
Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
He and his brother laughed at the formality, the bad poetics.
She recounts the story of the boy, very poetically illustrating her close friendship with his mother.
Some copy writer in the park service waxed poetic and referred to the people who are pulled out to sea never to be seen again as "luckless" (or "hapless," I can't remember now), as if the sleeper wave were a particularly horrific agent of fate, which I guess it is.
Sonoma Coast
The lyrics are very neatly turned, and contain poetical passages and lines of genuine humorous character.
Literariness was not merely the quality that distinguished poetics from pragmatics, it was the guarantee and promise of linguistic richness, of polysemy.
This new montage style of cinema and the poetical style of Flaherty were clear influences on him.
Of these rare poetical pieces four are unnoticed by Lowndes; five of them are published anonymously; but their similarity to those with an author's name testifies the source from which the others emanated.
Notes and Queries, Number 06, December 8, 1849
Young (1681-1765), in his "Night Thoughts," produced a work eloquent rather than poetical, dissertative when true poetry would have been imaginative, but suggesting much of imagery and feeling as well as religious reflection.
Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
That dusty old English moralist John Milton loved to wax poetic about mankind's mad descension into hell.
Yeats is prepared to try out the latest poetic fashions - Pre-Raphaelite languor with its confiscation of medieval surfaces, desacralised and airbrushed with momentary desire.