
[ UK /pˈə‍ʊsi/ ]
  1. literature in metrical form
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How To Use poesy In A Sentence

  • Minnesota's first poet laureate, Margarette Ball Dickson, crowned herself queen bee of poesy in 1934.
  • Their miniatures purposefully blur the lines between poesy and prose - short lyric stories that are stylistically reminiscent of the verse-libre.
  • Dishes are more or less mixed up with poesy, which is full of "flowing bowls, The Complete Home
  • With much vibrato and glissando , she depicted the vocal melodies and with just as much sensitivity and temperament she expressed the poesy of the pieces and her joy of life.
  • One of the fathers, in great severity, called poesy vinum dæmonum [devils’-wine], because it filleth the imagination; and yet it is but with the shadow of a lie. I. Of Truth
  • Lowell declares that 'The Progress of Poesy' 'overflies all other English lyrics like an eagle,' and Mr. Gosse observes of both poems that the qualities to be regarded are 'originality of structure, the varied music of their balanced strophes, as of majestic antiphonal choruses, answering one another in some antique temple, and the extraordinary skill with which the evolution of the theme is observed and restrained.' A History of English Literature
  • I will show more imagery in twenty lines of Pope than in any equal length of quotation in English poesy, and that in places where they least expect it. Life of Lord Byron With His Letters And Journals
  • Superstitious turtle Churchy LaFemme was the putative author of many of these gems, though the rest of the cast could be just as prone to poesy.
  • She had never been tormented by womanhood, and she had lived in a dreamland of Tennysonian poesy, dense even to the full significance of that delicate master's delicate allusions to the grossnesses that intrude upon the relations of queens and knights. Chapter 14
  • In form most of them are regular 'Horatian' odes, but 'The Bard' and 'The Progress of Poesy' are the best English examples of the genuine Pindaric ode. A History of English Literature
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