How To Use Podium In A Sentence

  • The auctioneer's podium faced a wall hung with six sets of mounted antlers each side of a large red deer's head. Times, Sunday Times
  • Johnson regained his composure and reassumed his position behind the podium. The Sportsman's Daily: Phelps' "Bong Binge" Gives Agent Severe Case of Paranoia
  • They made me stand on the platform in front of the podium.
  • It appears one of the (ahem) podium girls (aka fluffers) is measuring Alberto's johnson (or juan-hijo) and reporting the result as "five". The Schlock of the New: Dirty Salutes, Bold Claims, and Loud Prints
  • -- One of the best remedies is powdered lycopodium; apply it every time the babe is cleaned; but first wash with pure castile soap; Pears 'soap is also good. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
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  • She glides to the podium, perfect in every way, from the toes of her green pearlized kid shoes, to the elegant full length Thai silk ceremonial vest, to the top of her jade tiara. Over herez… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Ian Thorpe stood atop the victory podium in Barcelona today as the first swimmer in history to win the same event at three consecutive world titles.
  • Highland slopes were characterized by an association of clubmoss (Lycopodium trichiatum), a fern (Gleichemia polypodioides), and flowering plants (Poa fuegiana, Acaena seurguisarbae, Scirpus aucklandicus, Uncinia brevicaulis, and Trisetum insulare). Amsterdam and Saint-Paul Islands temperate grasslands
  • This episode was not played centre stage but on a small podium installed near the audience.
  • It was a glorious swansong, and her enormous grin and triumphant punching of the air as she mounted the podium were deliciously infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today the girls perform on a new springy podium permitting spectacular acrobatic elements.
  • Washed spodium (tutty?) mixed with grease, and not of a thinner consistence than dough, is to be carefully triturated, and moistened with the juice of unripe raisins; and having dried in the sun, moisten until it is of the consistence of an ointment. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • He goes to the podium, adjusts the mike and clears his throat.
  • When he goes to the podium to introduce his fellow speakers, he walks with a nervous shuffle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, when we refer to "ambo" most would tend to think of a small, podium like structure from whence the gospel is proclaimed, but of course, one also saw much grander structures particularly in certain earlier centuries. Ambos, or Ambones
  • Japanese tire maker Bridgestone Corp., which toppled Michelin from its podium as the world's No. 1 tire maker by sales in 2005, will be a second-source supplier for tires on new versions of Citroën's C2 and C3 compact sedans when they are introduced in the latter part of 2009. Citroën ending agreement to use only Michelin tires
  • On the low podium at the far end of the building is a similar construction which mirrors the simple rose window behind you.
  • Warren carries a thin Bible as he moves to and from the podium, but never opens it during the sermon, which feels very much like a self-help seminar. American Grace
  • Dr. Edgar Sheaffer, who writes for The Health Care Letter, recommends combining a dietary approach, citrus dips, and remedies such as arsenicum album, lachesis, lycopodium, or ledum palustre to deal with fleas. 250 Things You Can Do to Make Your Cat Adore You
  • Naturally enough the greater number are rock ferns -- pellaea, cheilanthes, polypodium, adiantum, woodsia, cryptogramma, etc., with small tufted fronds, lining cool glens and fringing the seams of the cliffs. The Yosemite
  • It was a glorious swansong, and her enormous grin and triumphant punching of the air as she mounted the podium were deliciously infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Steven finished the second race third and accompanied his teammate onto the podium.
  • Lorin Maazel, late of the New York Philharmonic -- where he drew both barbs and bravos from the critics -- strode vigorously across stage to the Disney Hall podium, telegraphing to the audience that this was no crochety 79-year-old maestro, but a commanding presence still, no matter which orchestra he stands before (of the 150 he's led over five decades). Donna Perlmutter: Maazel to the Podium -- Still Collecting Orchestras
  • Cameron's posing on a podium on Friday, inviting Lib Dems to join his Tory revolution, was an appropriate piece of pantomime to end Parliament's last full week before Christmas.
  • It was a glorious swansong, and her enormous grin and triumphant punching of the air as she mounted the podium were deliciously infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • I even get flamed from the podium at conferences where I’m not allowed to speak. A rambler on flaming in the blogosphere « Scripting News Annex
  • Extracts of areca catechu, rhus coppallina, diospyros virginiana, sassafrass albidium, and chenopodium ambrosiodes were found to produce tumors in rats.
  • And almost certain to join him on the podium is Lance Armstrong. Contador on course for Tour triumph; Lance seals podium
  • So 700 curious faces stared me down from head to toe as I walked up to the podium.
  • Beautiful materials are used: in the podium the concrete beams are clad in mullions of black Argentine granite enclosing fillets of white Sicilian marble.
  • An altar surmounted by an urn stands on a high podium in front of the ruins of the Basilica of Maxentius.
  • This is the team in which every rider has podiumed in an NRC event.
  • As each august eulogizer in turn stepped solemnly to the podium, one large, open-faced fellow in a ski jacket, carrying the Star as well as the Post, loudly asked from his seat a couple of rows behind the family, ‘Who's that?’.
  • Similar, open-air cinema spaces created a sensational roofscape - with the whole ensemble poised over a stepped podium in sandstone.
  • Canberran does not have the same kind of expectation as Evans, having never finished on the podium. The Age News Headlines
  • The podium is yours for as long as you want to talk. Think Progress » New poll finds more Americans in favor of eliminating the filibuster.
  • Hey y'all ... did anybody notice the "crackhead" that the Clinton campaign planted behind the podium to depict the most negative image of African Americans imaginable. Poll shows both Clinton and Obama beating McCain
  • Instead we got improv -- 73 minutes of Quinn at his folksiest and most discursive, riffing off a set of notes he brought to the podium and moving with little apparent focus from point to point. -
  • Carol Johnson took the podium of a lecture hall one recent morning to walk 79 students enrolled in an introductory biology course through diffusion, osmosis and the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes. Putting a Price on Professors
  • Neither play makes it to the podium, but both are better than plucky losers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or from your country's flag hoisted aloft the podium to the rousing swell of your own national anthem? Times, Sunday Times
  • Four girls approached the podium excitedly and one stepped up to the microphone.
  • Each module of a sympodium consists of an axis bearing two bracts and terminating in a flower.
  • Forget the friendly bear-hugs and the shaking of hands on the podiums, forget the barbed criticisms mollified by kind words.
  • I was there, I ran in a world final and I stood on the podium to collect my medal, and no one can ever take that experience away from me.
  • I went over to this podium in the corner which had a large ledger book opened up on it.
  • In his strongest and most forcible performance from the podium, Mr Sargent succeeded in putting across two key messages.
  • Standing on the podium in ninth place, Gilmour counted her blessings that she could race in the 15 km Easter Weekend hill climb at all.
  • the man behind the podium asked them, his eyes briefly following the black limousine as it drove towards the open lot for parking beside the restaurant.
  • Most athletes who have devoted themselves to training for the Olympics will not stand on the podium seeing their national flag hoist in their honour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even Dow Jones chairman Peter Kann, who appeared on the New York Stock Exchange podium on March 18 hoping to mark the decamillennial Dow only to see the market pull a late el foldo and close at 9997.62, wasn't around to bang the gavel signaling the Dow's first five-digit close. People Of The Bull
  • Interestingly, a somewhat trimmed down Dr Jules had kept his eyes closed during the minister's podium remarks.
  • Scott is now taking the podium to call the audience to order.
  • And on the podium he was charm personified, thanking the fans and praising the organisers for putting on such a good show. The Sun
  • The UPMM under podium mounted microphone gave us good idea of how this innovative "mounted under anything" hydration system works, at least audibly, that is ... BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz (Special Thursday Edition)!
  • More specifically, an increase in thermal fluctuations of actin filaments in the softer cells and the lamellipodium can expedite the intercalation of G-actin that leads to the enhanced protrusion.
  • Dusting powder (ie, lycopodium, talcum powder, or a combination of the two) was introduced.
  • The gymnast amazed the audience by performing a handstand after mounting the podium to accept her award.
  • At the start, Miller's victory was not assured - in fact, it seemed a long shot to many who had watched her pound podiums and insult fellow lawmakers.
  • You can't say NBC stinted on the new studio or the set, a kind of bigger, bluer, shinier reinterpretation of Carson's old Tonight set, with Andy Richter off to the side at a podium and the audience once again seated as in a theater rather than in Leno's comedy club configuration. Conan back in comfort zone: Two 'Tonights' and counting
  • At concerts, upon arriving to the podium he would first bow to the orchestra and then to the audience.
  • The podium is arranged in a familiar format with the interviewer's chair on the right and the sofas for the panel to the left.
  • In front of the bleachers was a podium; off to the side, a short row of folding chairs. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • A sympodium is generally defined as an axial bundle and its associated leaf and branch traces.
  • He said of his emotions on the podium: 'I took a huge gulp of air. The Sun
  • Fashion plate Nicole Kidman has been known to accessorize her gorgeous gowns with glasses for reading at the awards podiums.
  • The Canadian men's eight had not seen the medal podium for quite some time.
  • Linda C. Smith, RDT's Artistic Director, acted as presenter and narrater for the evening from a podium at rear Stage Left: Duets to Brazilian - Indian Music -- Three duets to percussion and singing, plus a finish with four dancers. View from the Northern Border
  • They predict a total of 56 podium finishes and third place overall in the medals table for the host nation. The Sun
  • While Stevens built up a comfortable lead by the end of the race, behind him the competition for podium places was exceptionally close.
  • To keep the detailed and rather intense lecture from getting monotonous, a group seated beside the podium stood up at intervals and read section from the poet's works.
  • The judge beat his wooden mallet on the podium, demanding order.
  • At his swearing-in ceremony, the state's senior senator refused to accompany his new colleague to the podium.
  • I want to defend my gold in the 2010 Commonwealth Games and stand on the victory podium before my home crowd.
  • The flora, especially on the limestone which is one of the most active centers of floristic speciation in the Balkans, includes many rare species such as the Pirin poppy, Papaver pirinica, golden aquilegia Aquilegia aurea, yellow gentian Gentiana lutea and edelweiss Leontopodium alpinum. Pirin National Park, Bulgaria
  • Of course, these podiums did not literally resemble the gondolas in the canals outside, except in very general terms - their sweeping curves and elevated tips.
  • Don looked up from the podium, rolling the drawing up.
  • Afterward, he has received two people on the chairman's podium.
  • Nature in some twenty odd years had draped the cliff with fern -- the _Polypodium vulgare_ -- and Mrs Bosenna in her early married days had planted the crevices with arabis, alyssum, and aubrietia, which had taken root and spread, and now, overflowing their ledges, ran down in cascades of bloom -- white, yellow, and purple. Hocken and Hunken
  • She said there has been nothing akin to the feeling she had when she was standing on the podium and hearing NZ's national anthem being played.
  • Her haggard face and melancholy expression elicited a murmur of shock from the assemblage of reporters as she moved to the podium and began to speak.
  • I was one of the honest supporters of Sen. Hillary, before I witnessed her on the podium when start elusion the sniper and other stories knowingly she is lying on the face of American people on live TV more than couple times. Obama, campaign both say he's not ready to declare victory
  • Should at least make the podium. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the professor showed up at the podium, Aidis grabbed onto his chair's armrests to keep himself from leaping for the door.
  • In 2003 she was crowned European Champion and even stood on the top step of the Athens podium - having won a World Cup event there.
  • The two were standing on podiums on a stage at the front of the venue when Tyson suddenly walked across to Lewis and appeared to throw a punch at a man standing close to the Briton causing a fight involving around 20 other men to break out.
  • It is located at ground level and Podium Level 1 of IFC Mall.
  • As we climbed the podium, I mentioned that his book title, "God Is Not Great," (which, on the book's cover, has a pugnaciously lowercase "god") was exactly correct. The atheist and the rabbi: Arguing about God with Christopher Hitchens
  • After users discovered that talcum powder caused patient complications similar to those caused by lycopodium powder, they began to transition to the use of cornstarch in 1947.
  • Coming Down Under to train and race for the last few seasons, he is known as a strong athlete and in 1999 podiumed in the World Cup here.
  • It is called lycopodium, (1) and each of these particles can produce a vapor, and produce its own flame; but, to see them burning, you would imagine it was all one flame. The Chemical History of a Candle
  • The Premier himself stepping onto the podium at the end to affirm the importance of music in national life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mood changed as Robert Trevino mounted the podium, threw his body around, and grabbed the orchestra's attention with the opening of the Mozart, another of the great challenges at the beginning of big pieces that create a violent, irremediable pivot. Laurence Vittes: Have Baton, Will Travel: Classical Music Combine in New Orleans
  • Allotted 45 minutes for the predebate "walk-through" in Miami, Kerry took 43, asking to see a "freeze frame" of him standing at the podium, engaging in earnest debate over neckties. TALKING THE TALK
  • Every speaker steps up to the podium with all of the evening's pre-determined catchphrases and bullet points downloaded and ready to go.
  • In contrast to some of my other professors, he never takes advantage of the podium to engage in demagogy or any sort of language that reveals his opinions. Obama judicial nominee faces tough Senate scrutiny
  • About half the crowd were silver-haired, sitting politely in rows, nodding at the testimonials being offered from the podium covering the vast breadth of Rankin's career.
  • From there it can be hard to podium, because eight skiers came after her, and the judges tend to reserve some cushion in their scores to accommodate the possibility of better performances by the top seeds, who go last.
  • In an open-necked pink shirt Howard shook hands and eyeballed his enthusiasts as he moved swiftly to the podium and almost immediately began speaking.
  • I had already smoothed my speech out on the podium in front of me twice.
  • Podiuming is a clever substitute for medalling which is itself an "elegant variation. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • That would be a good speech from the podium during an election campaign, but certainly does not stand up to scrutiny in this place.
  • Haile was undaunted on the podium and in interviews.
  • He said he had agonized over whether he should stand on the podium to address the rally until an hour before the speech.
  • And on the podium he was charm personified, thanking the fans and praising the organisers for putting on such a good show. The Sun
  • He greeted the audience by showing off his podium's swivel chair with a grin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Commander hit a switch on his podium and a holographic projection of Earth's moon, Luna, was generated in front of the Commander's podium.
  • Thus it was all the more unfortunate when the movement was interrupted by a memory lapse that necessitated a brief conference at the podium between soloist and conductor.
  • Almost the entire venue, including all stages and podiums, was wheelchair accessible.
  • The upper portion of the archegonial wall is carried up as a calyptra on the sporogonium, which, as in _Sphagnum_, has no seta and is raised on a pseudopodium. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • About half the crowd were silver-haired, sitting politely in rows, nodding at the testimonials being offered from the podium covering the vast breadth of Rankin's career.
  • The residential towers, which sit on vertical projections of the podium, are parallelepipeds, rotated 30° in relation to the podium, which is oriented toward the Manhattan street grid.
  • The professor had shopped for more conventionally built podiums but was intent on finding something more unusual and keeping his office decor consistent.
  • Armstrong's place on the podium is guaranteed, barring calamity (Landis 'chances are as dead as disco, unless a fellow in yellow named Oscar Pereiro takes a wrong turn on the Champs-Elysees). - It's the same old (incredibly different) Tour de France
  • With Patrick Summers on the podium, the San Francisco Opera's company premiere of Xerxes included several instruments rarely heard in operatic ensembles: the arch lute, baroque guitar, and theorbo a long-necked lute sometimes referred to as a chitarrone. George Heymont: Going For Baroque With Handel's Xerxes
  • The Lycopodiums are evergreen plants with fairly constant abundance throughout the growing season.
  • The conference delegates, who had been expected to give him a frosty reception, rose as one in a burst of applause that was sustained until the Prime Minister left the podium.
  • After Coughlin blazed his drill sergeant path to the postgame podium, he said his team had "started to restore New York Giant pride. - Giants' Coughlin out-Foxed by Panthers' plan
  • This is consistent with previous evolutionary histories inferred from a small number of genes Figure 3: Brachypodium genome evolution and synteny between grass subfamilies. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In technical terms the house is an open column-and-beam pavilion standing on a solid podium.
  • Richard took a seat at the front while Clancy moved behind a podium and began talking.
  • Then he held on to the podium for what seemed an interminable amount of time. Christianity Today
  • For all Lycopodium species, the aerial stems have two primary functions.
  • As his Swan Honda team-mate James Ellison begins his recovery from a broken femur, Stuart Easton reveals that he had to fight hard and ride 'erratically' at times to secure a podium finish at Thruxton at the weekend ... Crash.Net Motorsports Newsfeed
  • The speaker stood up from the front row and his radio mic jumped out of his pocket as he climbed the steps to the podium.
  • OK, so Gordon is a bit of a duffer behind the podium, but I was shocked at how badly Osborne delivered his speech and did anyone buy that semi-official back-stage footage of Dave telling George what a top-hole performance he'd given - they take us for fools. David Cameron vs. the Treasury
  • Lewis Hamilton remains upbeat over his title chances despite managing just one podium finish from the first three races of the new Formula One season. - Latest News Headlines
  • In cells without a lamellipodium, the lamella reached all the way to the leading edge and the pattern of turnover did not deviate from its randomness, even in phases of pronounced protrusion.
  • Ikeda, who won the gold medal on balance beam at the 1954 World Gymnastics Championships, amazed the audience by performing a handstand after mounting the podium to accept her award.
  • The 21-year-old skier had his World Cup breakthrough this season with a couple of podium finishes in slalom but hadn't won a top-level race until his combined gold in Torino. - Athlete of the Week Ligety takes another first
  • Suddenly a young man jumped on to the podium and started playing his guitar and singing.
  • Tell us what it is like to be up on that podium with that crowd just going wild and cheering for you?
  • Mr. Muti never stinted on visceral excitement — a hallmark of the five-part symphony's last two movements — but it was his supreme control of dynamics, pacing and overall architecture that most thrilled, true even when his innate dramatic impulses caused him to lunge or drop nearly to his knees on the podium. Muti and Chicago Rekindle the Flame
  • Perhaps this importance accounts for the sheer trepidation many feel as they walk up to the podium. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the time arrived for Buck to give his speech, he made his way to the podium and faced the audience.
  • Chenopodium berlandieri, which is lamb's-quarters, he says. NPR Topics: News
  • At one point during the annual sales powwow at a San Francisco convention center in August, a wizened Chambers came out from behind the podium to be closer to the 10,000 salespeople.
  • And standing atop that podium for the women's 5,000 meters in speedskating was a 22-year-old dynamo from the Czech Republic who also seems destined to be a history-maker. Canada's Hughes bows out with bronze; Sablikova takes gold
  • In a podium discussion on Saturday afternoon, he referred to Rosa Luxemburg's famous polemic against the reformists.
  • Thus some bolbophyl, for example, have caudal appendages to their sepals, as in Masdevallias, and on the other hand some Masdevallias have their labellums hinged and oscillatory, which is so commonly the case as to be "almost characteristic" in the genus Bolbophyllum or Sarcopodium. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • It would take a lamebrain to keep pursuing the old standard of panning rote to each orchestra section as it plays its featured few bars before turning for seconds to the podium-meister, who shapes the whole - yes, the whole -- of what we hear and, therefore, should get maximum viewing time. Donna Perlmutter: Dudamel Opens a New View at Hollywood Bowl
  • I would not be totally surprised to see him on the podium to collect a medal in the Irish Championships which would be a great breakthrough for a young athlete who has unlimited potential.
  • In the foreground there were screens of columns standing on a projecting podium and supporting an entablature.
  • They have put a British rider at the top of the podium, three years ahead of what seemed a ludicrously ambitious schedule. Times, Sunday Times
  • The screen dissolves to a shot of Hitler on a podium as a battalion of men, glinting spades on their shoulders, march past in powdery sunlight. Excerpt: The Welsh Girl by Peter Ho Davies
  • It was a glorious swansong, and her enormous grin and triumphant punching of the air as she mounted the podium were deliciously infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lateral edge of the parapodium was left free to contract.
  • Edible Chenopodium, Indian ricegrass, sego lily roots, yucca, biscuit-root, bloodroot and many other nutritious and medicinal plants still grow here.27 The soil, though alkaline as short-grass soils are, has been enriched by centuries of river and creek silt deposition. Bird Cloud
  • She gently glided her hand along the smooth edge of the podium and let her hand be placed upon the key item in the center of the podium.
  • Nature in some twenty odd years had draped the cliff with fern -- the _Polypodium vulgare_ -- and Mrs Bosenna in her early married days had planted the crevices with arabis, alyssum, and aubrietia, which had taken root and spread, and now, overflowing their ledges, ran down in cascades of bloom -- white, yellow, and purple. Hocken and Hunken
  • Never has there been such a spectacular display of dentistry from that podium, such a combo of historic gnashers.
  • Empodium: Diptera; the small process between the pulvilli: in Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • In the second treatment, the main stem leaf subtending the sympodium was treated.
  • If a company wants money from the city, then one of its top executives can handle a turn at the podium.
  • Then the chancellor raced to the podium and started talking, or rather gabbling.
  • Parsons was chased to the flag by Paddy Murray, as both Club Class racers scored their debut podium finishes in the championship.
  • Embedded in a low, almost geological podium of slate shards, glass and grey aluminium, the canted parallelepipeds are constructed almost entirely of contiguous glass elements held in place by a skeletal steel frame.
  • In his podium pitch, Isherwood refers to his ‘passion’ for customer service.
  • But perhaps because Gamble never mentioned the governor’s name, the crowd did not react as allergically as it did when Reed took his turn at the podium. Frank DiGiacomo: VF Daily
  • She was, at this moment, like a slave on a podium waiting for the bid.
  • Most athletes who have devoted themselves to training for the Olympics will not stand on the podium seeing their national flag hoist in their honour. Times, Sunday Times
  • A woman with her hair pulled back into a bun and a pair of glasses across her nose, stands up, and heads to the podium.
  • On his fourth public event of the day, he boomed from the podium. Mac Is Back, With a Smaller Crowd Than Bush - Swampland -
  • Lisa Leslie, center, and Team USA sing the national anthem from the top of the podium after capping a gold-medal Olympics performance with a 27-point romp in the tournament final. Leslie, USA women capture fourth consecutive gold, third straight against Australia
  • Arolium - ia: cushion-like pads on the tarsi of many insects: one of the lobes of the pulvillus; in Orthoptera, used only for the terminal pad between the claws: see empodium; pulvillus; palmula; plantula; onychium, paronychium, pseudonychium. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Urchins with candles preceded them to the Place du Panthéon, where they spread out around speakers standing on a makeshift podium.
  • At the podium he stood erect as if he were Adolf orating to a crowd of Hitler Youths.
  • Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium quince, Cydonia oblonga quinoa, Chenopodium quinoa radish, Raphanus sativus rocket salad (arugola), 14. Saving seeds for planting
  • The Premier himself stepping onto the podium at the end to affirm the importance of music in national life. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tall, attractive black woman rose from her seat and walked to a small podium equipped with presentation controls.
  • I think it’s good Spore didn’t show, now they can actually code the game up to Will promises before showing it, everytime he takes to the podium thats another few million spent in developement to live up to what he said. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - 7 Games Mysteriously Missing from E3
  • The original building comprised a large assembly hall with benches, a podium, and an entrance construction that was square with a column at each corner; a separate, unusually large triclinium with built benches; and water facilities.
  • He made his way to the blue-silk-draped dais at the front of the room and stood behind the podium carved with the Rotary Club symbol. Burial for a King
  • The Premier himself stepping onto the podium at the end to affirm the importance of music in national life. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Cassandra stopped reading her story before the end, the audience protested and made her reascend to the podium to finish. Fantastic Fiction at KGB » Blog Archive » Photos from the April 15th Reading
  • It was a really fantastic feeling to be up on the podium.
  • The speaker has to ad - lib his speech when his papers suddenly blow off the podium.
  • You'll find a variety of attractive styles in this section, including full-size podiums, table top lecterns and adjustable-height lecterns.
  • The walls and the podiums were made of some kind of shiny metallic, silver alloy.
  • He was ejected from the cooldown room seconds before he was due to walk on to the podium. Times, Sunday Times
  • I mean, he could be talking until morning if they didn't have a little red light blinking there on the podium.
  • Dried lycopodium is used for making herbal tea, which is good for diarrhea, urinary complains, and inflammations.
  • Let's remember, though, that he forced himself onto the podium and proceeded to galvanise the orchestra into a rehearsal of Mahler's 5th that rendered all thoughts of his weakness otiose.
  • I half-expected to see Grace Adler walk up to the podium and complain about men while gorging on chocolate silk pie.
  • He gave me a quick kiss before hopping onto the podium.
  • Standing on the podium and hearing the national anthem was a very special moment. The Sun
  • WILL be disappointed not to have got at least one podium finish but car was just too slow. The Sun
  • We took our seats in the chairs provided, and up to the podium came our ‘valedictorian,’ Lisa.
  • Liam Kenney has his sights set firmly on the top step of the podium this weekend.
  • Visitors have the chance to create some Olympic memories of their own with a photograph on the winner's podium.
  • Stepping aside to allow the president through, Cindy Collins took her seat in a folding chair behind the podium.
  • Go figure," Young scoffed from the podium Sunday during his acceptance speech at the stadium adjacent to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. - Young scrambles into Hall
  • She had been prescribed lycopodium by her homeopath and this had helped a great deal but only gave symptomatic relief.
  • When she mounted the podium to accept her latest gold medal, she was crowned with a laurel wreath as the tournament committee adopted an Athens-style celebratory theme.
  • It has been acknowledged that the President has done rather better at the podium than his many speech critics recognise.
  • The hills and cliffs, the parklike spaces, the pencil cypresses and the umbrella pines, the high temples on their tall podiums with winged Victories driving four-horsed quadrigae on the very crests of the pediments, the slowly greening scar of the great fire on the Viminal and upper Esquiline. The First Man in Rome
  • For twenty years he was a star performer at the Cambridge history podium - theatrical, witty, irreverent, iconoclastic.
  • The white supremacists, many of them wearing flack helmets and military fatigue uniforms, shouted "Sieg Heil" before each of their speakers took the podium to taunt counter-protesters with racial, anti-Semitic and misogynistic epithets. Taipei Times
  • She walked slowly and calmly up to the front of the church and genuflected, and before walking up to the podium, stopped and placed a hand on the cloth-draped coffin.
  • Immediately ahead, a large New Zealand flag flutters above the podium of a modern building on the corner of the Haymarket.

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