How To Use Podcast In A Sentence
Him with the hair and the podcasts brings his sharp political satire back to the stage.
Times, Sunday Times
Just as Adam let Dave play Tom Hanks in his closing address at Gnomedex when referencing the movie Big, maybe Dave now would like to be the "kid" in Ontario at the Podcasting Expo, getting all the love from the junior poddies, as well as getting to wear a pink polo.
Archive 2005-11-01
You just add the episode number to the slug or permalink of your podcasts.
You'll be able to subscribe to the podcast for free or listen to a streaming audio version.
I basically discuss the way WebCT's role in my classes has shifted since I started podcasting and vodcasting my lectures and moved to open courseware.
Archive 2006-04-01
A related term is "vodcast," which describes podcasts that incorporate video.
Recently Uploaded Slideshows
Instead, they will spend more time learning how to use a computer and download a podcast.
The Sun
So what I've been doing all along at lunchtime is unplugging the 3 different cables (power, DSL, keyboard/mouse adapter) from the back of the laptop and carting it up the hall to the kitchen for podcast playback while preparing and munching a sandwich.
Bluetooth headset for podcast listening convenience
MiningSectorStocks. com, portals within the InvestorIdeas. com® content umbrella, feature industry and stock news, exclusive articles and financial columnists, audio interviews and podcasts, investor conferences, blogs, and a directory of stocks in the sector. newswire stock news, financial news, investment news and industry news in leading sectors including cleantech, energy, water and more
From the Stumptown Trade Review's article and podcast, I learned about Kenan Rubenstein's single-sheet "oubliette" comics.
Archive 2009-05-01
They are as likely to read something online instead of watch the news, or listen to a podcast instead of read a magazine.
So, what m-learning works - simple digital content, such as videos, podcasts and slide shows?
Imprompu thoughts on m-learning
Michael Giltz is the cohost of Showbiz Sandbox, a weekly pop culture podcast that reveals the industry take on entertainment news of the day and features top journalists and opinion makers as guests.
Michael Giltz: CDs Of The Week: Ladysmith Black Mambazo and David Wax Museum
Think of a podcast as a radio programme that you can pick up from your computer.
Times, Sunday Times
You can record a radio show and podcast it today.
Christianity Today
Her last column will appear this month although she will continue to contribute to a podcast.
Times, Sunday Times
Also, all of the tracks you stop mid-stream in the podcast folder are "bookmarked" so that when you play them again later, they pick up where you left off.
Cupcake Adds Touchscreen Keyboard And More To Android | Lifehacker Australia
According to ABC managing director Mark Scott, the ABC had 47 million podcast and vodcast downloads last year.
ABC Had 47 Million Downloads Last Year | Lifehacker Australia
An average sized podcaster is getting that much distribution.
Clambake Episode for June 26, 2005
being too Spring-Break mellow to podcast having strangers look at my house the word "ogle" Analyzing:
Archive 2006-03-01
One of the most popular podcasts downloaded from Radio France's many stations is from a program devoted to philosophy, "Les nouveaux chemins de la connaissance" New paths to knowledge.
I Think, Therefore I Am Happy
You know podcasting is a mainstream concept when it lands in the laps of 14-year-olds.
A little ornithologist told me it might be a birthday of a certain podcaster we all know and love.
How the World Was Saved | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
At work, they ensure I can accurately edit and mix podcasts developed by students.
For his part, Curry thinks podcasting's tipping point is likely to be BloggerCon , Dave Winer's blogging confab, which is scheduled for November 6 at Stanford University.
Podcasts: New Twist on Net Audio
Paul is my only source for podcast recommendations and all he gives me is podcasts about monkeys who masterbate to playgirl magazine.! » The Official FnJ PODCAST: Episodes 50 + 51! The Staff Discusses Life, Love, & Everything Geeky!
The reason I ask is because my meditation timers are part of the Zencast podcast, and unless I constantly mark them as unlistened, they are deleted from iGor whenever he's synched with my iTunes on Katy.
Learning About Myself
And those who have contracts with the talent and content, just need I-Rivers and a lapelle mike - no that wasnt Dave Chapelle - giving him an Iriver ... now that would be funny: Dave Chapelle's Spiritual Journey to South Africa Podcast!
Fox to launch Podcasts for 24, Arrested Development
The only thing cheekier would be to take one of the most successful podcasts of all time and then lazily -- yes lazily, you heard me right, Mr. Gervais -- repurpose it into an animated series.
Michael Giltz: DVDs: "Archer" -- The Funniest Sitcom Around
It's an understatement to say that I'm gratified by the response generated by the inaugural podcast.
What I'd like to get hold of at the moment are video podcasts, or videocasts, or whatever you want to call them, except vodcasts because that's clearly just stupid.
Euro 2012 Listen to the bonus edition of our podcast roadshow thetimes.
Times, Sunday Times
The new separate libraries for Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts (with a nice RSS-style number-of-new-unlistened-to indicator), Audiobooks and Radio really make things look cleaner and more organized.
First Impressions: Apple iTunes 7.0 — Meandering Passage
Drexel CoAS talks mp3 podcast: Integrating WebCT with vodcasting and podcasting. comment-link {margin-left:. 6em;}
Integrating WebCT with vodcasting and podcasting
They get half the product right (iTunes handles podcasts perfectly) and fuck the other half up (iPods covered in scratches and with batteries dying after a few short months).
Scripting News for 2/10/2007 « Scripting News Annex
Podcasting and Internet radio allow anyone to become a DJ, and digital video cameras and webcams are used by a new generation of filmmakers.
No audio podcast of my sermon is available but my sermon notes can be downloadedhere.
And if a subscription is just too big a commitment for you, you can also become a fan of The New York Review of Books on Facebook — the podcasts are all fed to the page.
I describe the evolution of my teaching practices using technology over the past few years, involving blogs, wikis, podcasting, vodcasting, games and class workshops. audio podcast (mp3) streaming Flash screencast
Teaching Organic Chemistry with Blogs and Wikis (JCBMarch07)
Now the channel is expanding its list of podcasts of popular shows, according to an announcement today.
This is a great way to podcast your lecture or presentation.
She has announced plans to "popularise" what to many are the impenetrable scores of Wagner pieces, envisaging giant TV screens and even podcasts.
Latest news breaking news current news UK news world news celebrity news politics news
I think focus is a great rule, but 'being tiny' as a mindset/rule, so you can flip the company for less than $50M to get around accounting issues with your true valuation is just the anthesis of entrepreneurship to me. evhead did sell his first company to Google and get his second podcasting one substantially funded, which I didnt, so The Farmer may be right, or lucky.
The Evan Williams vs Jim Collins Mash-Debate
One of the first questions a budding podcaster is faced with is what equipment to buy.
My Podcasting Rig | Fantasy Fiction - Brian
Gotta to agree with everyone else: hands down the best podcast on the 'net. rory mc great podcast, and in that pic Stephen a doppelganger for Hayden Christensen!
The Tobolowsky Files Ep. 5 - The Middle Chapters | /Film
In this week's episode of the Writing Excuses podcast, Dan, Howard, and I talk about antiheroes.
WARBREAKER at GoodReads, B&N, and Romantic Times
You can download the podcast from my website.
The Sun
Podcasting represents a shift from mass broadcasting to on-demand personalized media.
The 30-minute podcasts will include interviews with soloists and conductors.
Times, Sunday Times
Simply click on the arrow above to stream a podcast about rootkits through your browser.
It won't be long until podcasts can be easily downloaded directly to cell phones and automobiles.
« Briefs: The Quaero project – new European search technology; Podcast: Breaking down the e-books barrie
Eugene Garfield Launches HistCite « ResourceShelf
These guests call into our UNL studio, where our student-hosts command the microphone with dog-eared, highlighted copies of the guest's most important law-review articles at hand, giving each other high-fives whenever a guest says, "Student podcaster, that is an excellent question.
Marvin Ammori: Law Podcast Series: American Constitution Society, UNL
It even has a handy "MP3 Voice" setting that converts podcasts and audio books to something like 56kb/mono/abr.
MP3 Quality Modifier Packs More Music On MP3 Players | Lifehacker Australia
Drexel CoAS talks mp3 podcast: Integrating WebCT with vodcasting mp3. comment-link {margin-left:. 6em;}
Integrating WebCT with vodcasting mp3
This week on the most excellent Pseudopod horror podcast, David Nickle's fantastic story "The Inevitability of Earth," a tale about the ignobility of those who would fly:
Boing Boing
Instead, they will spend more time learning how to use a computer and download a podcast.
The Sun
The Vatican is beginning to distribute podcasting from the Pope.
Please if you want to do podcasts go on ign hell go on 1up but please if you really do want to apologize never go on the bombcast again.
No More Sparks On Podcasts
Podcasting is a low-cost method of transferring audio information.
Much of the technological mindset behind podcasting has its origins in the world of blogging.
In the area of futurology and the meaning of life, these are a couple of podcasts from IT Conversation that spoke to me lately.
A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words that is presented on Norm Sherman’s fiction podcast, The Drabblecast.
What the Heck is a Drabble Anyway? | Living the Liminal
I'll try to get a recording of it, and alternatively it is repeated in a podcast for a week, so I'll post up the link of that tomorrow.
Rachel, if you could have seen me last night, when your voice filled my apartment via podcast, I was pawing the air and saying, GAW.
La Coquette:
It’s not only that podcasting is unconstrained from a regulatory perspective, but also from an environment perspective.
Day One of New Life
Euro 2012 Listen to the bonus edition of our podcast roadshow thetimes.
Times, Sunday Times
She produces both an online journal and light-hearted podcasts about her life, but it's the latter that's more popular.
Listen to this spellbindingly interesting new podcast and you'll feel ashamed at your lack of curiosity.
Times, Sunday Times
But with podcasting you're talking to yourself for the express purpose of being heard.
Now podcasting is taking this one stage further, allowing you to download audio files.
I interviewed him last year at his home for a podcast.
Times, Sunday Times
You can download the podcast from my website.
The Sun
With iTunes the scope of possibilities is endless. iTunes-U is an academic vault for seniors or college (too american) but the free podcast library at iTunes is huge.
June 2009
The speed with which people are adopting podcasting compared to blogging is surprising.
I know some of you might be wondering what the holdup is on my getting a regular podcast going.
ADPoV: The PodCast – WTF??
I realise that picking on Microsoft is the in-thing to do in the bogger/podcaster/Apple user circles that Gina runs with however this is all getting a bit ridiculous.
Never Use Inactive Webmail As Your Secondary Email Account | Lifehacker Australia
Good podcast to help tie up Season 3 I liked the "outro" too
LOSTCasts 58: Through the Looking Glass
Attention horology fans: here's the podcast you're looking for, courtesy of Ariel Adams and John Biggs.
New watch podcast: HourTime Show - Boing Boing
Music (For Robots) « Podcastin 'MP3's (say to the tune of Big Pimpin') |
Beautiful post post (Music (For Robots))
Several of these podcasts have led to cases being re-examined and retried.
Times, Sunday Times
The podcast will be available for download on our website.
The Sun
A new 7th podcast will be released next week that introduces the solar system as seen by the Venus Express, Mars Express, Rosetta, Cassini-Huygens, SoHO and Cluster.
Explore the Universe with Science@ESA | Universe Today
Also today, continuing the Star Wars theme, I had a long and delightful chat with Arnie from the Star Wars in Action podcast site.
Clone Wars 4 update
There is some disagreement about the role of advertising in podcasting.
Related to this is the growth of podcasting; authors presenting audio versions of their novels as a way to build a fanbase and using that to propell themselves into print.
What is the Future of Science Fiction Short Stories | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
Possibly what the radio of the future will be like: downloadable programmes that can be listened to at your leisure, otherwise known as podcasting.
I'm thinking of making it available on a podcast.
The Sun
David, Jenni and Jon at Abaddon Books and Solaris Books drill directly in through your ears to your cerebrel cortex, monkey up your medulla oblongata and play hell with your limbic system in "what consistently remains the Coco Pops™ of the Podcast world.
Archive 2010-05-01
You can also listen to the audio edition podcast.
Times, Sunday Times
To listen to the podcast on GIS for risk assessment in gas distribution, and for more information, visit www.
Media Newswire
A mix of jazz. rockabilly, lounge and burleycue and your chance to meet the man behind the Lounge music podcast The Cocktail Nation.
Retro To Go Forums
Another addition is a “Top Stories” and “RSS & Podcasts” subscription box at the bottom of each article.
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » U.S. Congress Votes Database
How inane is it that marketers at Microsoft balk at entering the podcasting market because they think the name helps Apple.
Scripting News for 6/7/2006 « Scripting News Annex
Another cool feature from one of their Japanese engineers in the Six Apart Scratch-a-Thon nice to see a real global company- who developed some automagical podcasting support for Typepad : It's easy.
Archive 2005-08-01
En tant que blogueur ou podcasteur vous aurez peut-être la chance d'être sélectionné parmi ceux qui recevront une invitation pour venir couvrir la conférence.
Blogger Accreditations for LeWeb Paris — Climb to the Stars
If the content's not readily available from a publication, podcast or on-demand video, a quick Google search will probably yield content that's at least perceived as coming direct from the source, "unmediated" by publishers and their ilk.
Bob Wells: Disillusionment And The 'Knowledge Economy'
It strikes me that you could argue that podcasting now represents a potential bottom-up disruption in the same market.
Her last column will appear this month although she will continue to contribute to a podcast.
Times, Sunday Times
If you are a podcaster, you can transcribe your podcasts in a blog post.
These include an alarm clock, purchasable games, easy access to podcasts and the ability to store general data files.
Times, Sunday Times
Science Weekly podcast: The birds and the bees X-rated version
The strange powers of the Placebo Effect
The title poem from Andy Hopkins' Dark Horse Pictures is featured in the current edition episode #219 of Larry Winfield's excellent Sundown Lounge podcast.
Archive 2010-06-01
You can also listen to the audio edition podcast.
Times, Sunday Times
Simply click on Listen Again or download a podcast.
The Sun
If you have a hobby or interest, you'll probably find a podcasts on it… or 10 podcasts on it!
I can't tell from his wikipedia entry whether or not he has a blog, a podcast or videocast.
The podcast will be available for download on our website.
The Sun
I hadn't even heard of PotterCast, the regular Harry Potter podcast website that, gives a Harry Potter fan more than an hour of Potteresque entertainment each week in the form of the latest news and intriguing discussion.
Archive 2006-07-01
Because I'm in marketing and marketers make up new words and phrases like "supersize" and "fourth meal" and "podcast" to sell you things.
Literati Cafe - The Delicious Dictionary
You can make some great connections by inviting influencers to come on your podcast.
The weekend paper is now supplemented by a daily blog, with podcasts and moblogs.
Files are only available for 10 days after posting, so jump on that podcast on the history of boogaloo before it disappears.
He is in the process of putting the material online, but the first podcasts are available here.
Brian is an online publisher, blogger and podcaster in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Again, it provides tools to manage and transfer podcast, electronic magazine and video blog subscriptions.
Motown is also producing a series of podcasts to be rolled out gradually over the year.
2009 January :
I notice you didn't even introduce the problems of podcasts (or future videocasts) to the problem.
To finish up the day I played "hooky" from work today as I was a bit under the weather with a stomach virus I listened to some of my favorite podcasts from the University of Houston in a series called "Engines of Our Ingenuity".
Books, Movies, and Coincidence
The family of products are multiplatform and allow you to watch movies, listen to music, download podcasts, vodcasts and so on all over the house.
What I look forward to is students creating more and better multimedia content to contribute to the community through their own blogs, podcasts, and vodcasts.
You can record a radio show and podcast it today.
Christianity Today
If you're unfamiliar with him, Curry is the former MTV veejay who co-invented podcasting, and his DSC is one of the top podcasts in the world.
Her podcast mentioning "dragoon" had to come from here
Red Letter Challenge -update
In a later podcast, Cutts said that while Buzz perhaps needed more testing, rapid deployment allowed Google to get rapid feedback on Buzz and "iterate" quickly and "try out a lot of different things" (see latter half of clip above).
Simply click on Listen Again or download a podcast.
The Sun
Her last column will appear this month although she will continue to contribute to a podcast.
Times, Sunday Times
Since we're talking about podcasting anniversaries, here are a few Legal Underground podcasts that I remember somewhat fondly from the past year:
I mean he invented RSS, podcasting, and I'm guessing in 2 years we'll say "Dave invented OPML" in the same way we rever RSS and podcasting.
Dave Winer and the Lost Orchestra Special
Mark Forman is the podcaster who's been serializing my novel Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom read aloud, one chapter at a time, with backing from great, Creative Commons-licensed music.
Boing Boing: October 9, 2005 - October 15, 2005 Archives
Briefs: The Quaero project – new European search technology; Podcast: Breaking down the e-books barrie
Briefs: The Quaero project – new European search technology; Podcast: Breaking down the e-books barrie « ResourceShelf
This article discusses the features of the podcasting, analyzes the instructional promotion effect through one representative case of educational podcasting of Apple Computer Inc.
One of the most popular podcasts downloaded from Radio France's many stations is from a program devoted to philosophy, "Les nouveaux chemins de la connaissance" New paths to knowledge.
I Think, Therefore I Am Happy
Ch Von Heyl in the Oranges and Sardines podcast said the same when she wished for an arrogant "dickhead" out there a la Greenberg making some kind of pronouncements. just to bounce off of.
I am tired of art critics writing things like this
Simply click on Listen Again or download a podcast.
The Sun
Think of a podcast as a radio programme that you can pick up from your computer.
Times, Sunday Times
Uploaded: 2010-07-25 video podcast - exercises for tendonitis and carpal tunnel www. a couple of exercises to prevent injuries such as tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome - Articles related to Germany plans memorial for music festival victims
And finally I asked how many of them were podcasting... and the majority said that they were not.
In this vein, General Motors has adopted podcasting to promote several of their product lines.
| Reply you know this was on de pc gammer podcast a while ago, the guy (from pc gammer), said that he used to boxed and that he was sending his request to box uwe boll … dont know if he is the one owe boll boxed with.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Uwe Boll Beats Up Critic in Boxing Match
In-store Lectures and Podcasts Provide Tips for Supporting Healthy today (and recall his doughboy past) to know that the designer is doing something right in terms of taking care of his body. - Articles related to Glamour Magazine Woman of the Year and MISSION Skincare Co-Founder, Serena Williams, Teams Up with CVS/pharmacy to Launch National 'Active Lifestyle Skincare Destinations'
Her last column will appear this month although she will continue to contribute to a podcast.
Times, Sunday Times
As with the most successful podcasts, there were reoccurring themes and story arcs.
Times, Sunday Times
From Monday, TiVo owners will be able to access breakfast and drive-time podcasts from each of the five Nova and two Vega stations.
TiVo Adds Nova, Vega Radio Streams | Lifehacker Australia
This is Action Strategies 'first video podcast or' 'vodcast' '. - Articles related to Technology, social networking transforms giving
The weekly podcast was an initiative of the newspaper's editorial page editor.
Six video podcasts, each less than five minutes long, offer a focused mini-workout — one each for abdominals, arms, shoulders, legs and glutes as well as a series of yoga sun salutations.
A Personal Trainer in the Palm of Your Hand
| Reply played ‘em all except for number 5. starcontrol ii was phenomenal. personally, i thought multiplayer doom was more fun than halo and unreal because you still got to shoot up all the monsters in the middle of frag fests. wasteland is absolutely glorious. scott, remember me telling you that i wanted to have a podcast discussion about that game?
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The top 5 PC games you never played.
They launched a turnkey service for publishing and subscribing to podcasts.
Jesse Brown is the host and co-producer for Search Engine, an audio and video podcast for TVO, and the co-founder of Bitstrips. com.
Literacy News from Digg – 251th Edition « Digest « Digests « Literacy News
Have you considered the possibility that ‘podcasting’ is a nonsense phrase that is the product of your fevered imagination?
The resulting picture is something that I wish I had an appropriate podcast to use this as a logo for, or *something* appropriate.
Everyone should have a cyberskeletal hand
Whether you're a musician, audio engineer, broadcaster, or podcaster this unit is very handy.
When we first began podcasting, we were podcasting at writing center clients almost exclusively.
No, I'm kidding, but I seriously WOULD like to see if there's any way to creatively use things like podcasting to test out hypotheses related to orality/aurality.
Did Matthew Know Luke? A Neglected Angle on the Synoptic Problem
I have a hunch the “clique” comment about OD may be related to the podcast, sometimes it seems a little chummy and “in crowdy”, but in the context, it doesn’t bother me.
Pathfinder Modern Pledge Drive Leaves Me Ambivalent « Geek Related
Blogs, wikis, podcasts, videocasts, and open source software are just a few of the emerging technologies prompting discussions about social networking, censorship, misinformation, plagiarism, and the role of technology in our schools.
However, I hope to catch up on a few posts today and sometime next week (in betwixt mixing down the next podcast and all the crap that's been keeping me busy lately).
Z0mbieastronaut: .Ha HA!! I am here!Sorry, fellow a
With growth has come teething problems though: Every podcaster is complaining or trying to understand how they format their podcast, its titles, graphics, even chapters for I-Tunes 4.9, and ironically, directories such as podcastalley. com (much in the way Technorati/Feedster act as a go between for search engines and blogs), are auo-formatting podcasts and then delivering an aggregated solution to Itunes.
Open Source Podcasting & 4.9 Consolidation
Tagged with: Apple • atari • atfmb • brandon sanderson • cd • facebook • fantasy • felicia day • functional nerds • humor • iPad • iPhone • iPod • music • nerd • Podcast • science fiction • scifi • scifi songs • steam • the guild • twitter • valve • whuffie
2010 March
As long as you've got a computer, and if you're reading this I imagine you do, you can subscribe to and watch videocasts, just like you never needed an iPod for podcasts either.
Either the VC commentariat is exhausted from discussing these issues, or really, really hates podcasts.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Yoo v. Epstein on Executive Power and the Al-Quaeda 7:
Thank you for helping us poddies out with our Chinese ... your sentence corrections, your Dear Amber and Qing Wen podcasts ...
Learn Chinese - ChinesePod
Keith and the Girl spend a TOTAL of $30 per month on their podcast in outgoing cashflow.
Archive 2005-11-01
Right-click the link below to download the podcast, or left click the link to play.
Of relevance to the growth of podcasting has been the development of MP3-type devices with larger storage capacity.
The day of the straight amateur or professional podcaster is coming to an end I think.
Ricky Gervais Podcast 2m Downloads. Karl Amazed.
In his ears were the iPod plugs, playing back a podcast.
Times, Sunday Times
Podcast Alley, the grassroots podcast directory that played a big role in spurring the popularity of podcasting, has been acquired by PodShow.
Archive 2005-09-01
Last night, as I often do these days, I downloaded some podcasts to listen to while going to sleep.
Mur Lafferty has written for over 15 role-playing games, one textbook, one book on podcasting, and several magazines.
MIND MELD: The Hugo Awards - Success at Picking the Best, How Well it Represents the Genre, 2009 Predictions & Overlooked Titles
Local rap label rumored to begin podcast rap label in Billings, is rumored to begin a podcast showcasing local artist's music with a dash of "talk radio" as - Articles related to Adam Lambert's 'For Your Entertainment' debuts at top of the charts despite his racy AMA performance
You could watch the video on your computer, clips of the audio were inserted into podcasts and rebroadcast.
Some podcasts once were radio programmes; others go straight to the format.
Times, Sunday Times
For good measure, he then adds a list of ten political podcasts he follows regularly.
Times, Sunday Times
You can also listen to the audio edition podcast.
Times, Sunday Times
Simply click on the arrow above to stream the podcast about rootkits through your browser.
Podcastin 'MP3's (say to the tune of Big Pimpin') (Music (For Robots))
Podcastin' MP3's (say to the tune of Big Pimpin') (Music (For Robots))
In this eWeek podcast hosted by Mike Vizard, the vice president of technology for Blue Coat Systems, Dave Asbrey, explains how customers are saving thousands of dollars by using application acceleration technologies to "decelerate" the amount of bandwidth being made available to end users accessing Web 2.0 applications such as YouTube and Facebook on corporate networks.
EWeek - RSS Feeds
Maria Lectrix public domain audiobook podcast – for people with catholic tastes
#1686: Part 7 of On the Soul and the Resurrection by St. Gregory of Nyssa « Maria Lectrix
Games arrive to rescue college football from the most off of off-seasons Alabama, No. 1 in preseason football rankings, a healing force in Tuscaloosa Eight Miami players must sit out games and repay benefits, NCAA rules Arizona and Arizona State deal with rash of odd injuries College football is much better in on-season with corny Lee Corso in headdress, Ralphie on stampede, Beano Cook on podcast and Nevin Shapiro in prison.
News -
Remember, you can learn more about ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, an up-and-coming radio telescope high in the Chilean Andes that will probe astrochemistry like never before, from their website, Richard Drumm's 365DoA podcast, or my first URSI update.
Archive 2009-02-13
To quote my sadly anonymous podcaster: "the future is not something to be afraid of; it is after all a sputnik moment.
Jason Derr: Seeing The Future In 3-D: Incarnation And The Sputnik Moment
I'm thinking of making it available on a podcast.
The Sun
The same thing happened at work this afternoon when resuming a podcast I'd been listening to at the gym, in competition with the usual sound system, a second music source outside, and frequent tannoy announcements about new classes.
Archive: Oct 08 - Mar 09
Instead, they will spend more time learning how to use a computer and download a podcast.
The Sun
I listen to audiobooks, podcasts, and archived radio programs.
Combination with other media assets (Podcasts, videocast, news and blogs feeds, company feeds, etc.) can then be envisaged as well.
Listen to the Alex Jones show 24\7 for FREE at info war's. com Or downlod Podcast - Financial News
I'm continuing to catch up on some of the things I would've linked, asked, discussed and shared with everyone here at SVGL had I had more time over the past couple weeks -- in that spirit, I should've linked this like ages ago, but I was invited to be on a podcast earlier in the month by the nice dudes of First Wall Rebate.
Archive 2009-05-01
After podcasting, which lets users subscribe to audio files, comes vodcasting, the easiest way to bring Internet video to your desktop.
Episode 6: History of "cowabunga", new side-scrolling Mario for DS, RIAA says ripping cds to your iPod is not fair use, Tunecore beta may bring down the RIAA and "The Big Four", Hacker cought trying to get info about UFO cover up, German Pornmaster presents: The Not Another Tech Podcast song, call to Joe, replacing motherboard means you must pay for new Windows license, crazy websites.
Blogging from the Alley
February 27, 2010 at 06:02 PM havent listened to the newest podcast.. but while had this thought.. season 1 epi 1 when they hear the Monsters in the woods and see the trees moving opposite of each other... could this have been jacob and smokie? like chimps who confront each other they were beating the ground up and stuff.
LOSTCasts 82: The Lighthouse
Screen capture, podcasting and the use of quizzes is discussed.
Opportunities for E-Learning in the College of Arts and Sciences at Drexel University
I'm continuing to catch up on some of the things I would've linked, asked, discussed and shared with everyone here at SVGL had I had more time over the past couple weeks -- in that spirit, I should've linked this like ages ago, but I was invited to be on a podcast earlier in the month by the nice dudes of First Wall Rebate.
Archive 2009-05-01
The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a podcast from or iTunes (search for "shortwave" in podcasts)
Radio Project Front Page Podcast
If you look you’ll realize for a couple of people the question of deleting that article turned on whether or not Dave Slusher the podcaster is the same person as Dave Slusher, host of the radio show “Reality Break.”
Second Thoughts on Wikipedia
If you struggled through my early podcasts with the terrible audio and dodgy sound levels this will bring a sense of nostalgia.
Received random mass email from mysterious personage entitled "Edward Champion" which we almost deleted but then it turns out this entity is also affiliated with "The Bat Segundo Show," a podcast series of interviews with, like, almost every interesting author in the universe.
Archive 2010-03-01
You can also get a chance to beta-test products (I can assure you that's not all bliss either), access to CEA's newsletters and podcasts (ditto) and the chance to contribute to CEA's blogs.
CEA launches 'Tech Enthusiast' membership