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  1. chronic respiratory disease caused by inhaling metallic or mineral particles

How To Use pneumonoconiosis In A Sentence

  • Most importantly, you attack MPs who support dangerous industries when they provide jobs in their own constituencies but tou ignore the actions of this fat, old, bullying dypso who spent his entire career defening the glorious right of his constituents to die of pneumonoconiosis - a condition that had killed his own father. The Sunday Cyril: "What is Nye Bevan" Jeannie
  • I accept that there were few alternatives to coal for most of the 20th century, but there certainly was by the mid 1980s when many Labour MPs supported a year long strike in order that miners could continue going underground in order to contract pneumonoconiosis. The Sunday Cyril: "What is Nye Bevan" Jeannie
  • Most importantly, you attack MPs who support dangerous industries when they provide jobs in their own constituencies but you ignore the actions of this fat, old, bullying dypso who spent his entire career defening the glorious right of his constituents to die of pneumonoconiosis - a condition that had killed his own father. The Sunday Cyril: "What is Nye Bevan" Jeannie
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