How To Use Pneumonitis In A Sentence
Sigabi said inhaled manganese fumes or dust primarily affected the central nervous system, while high concentrations would cause flu-like illnesses referred to as manganese pneumonitis.
ANC Daily News Briefing
In its annual report on U.S. mortality, the CDC said a condition known as pneumonitis had replaced murder as one of the Top 15 causes of death in the country, knocking homicide to 16th place in the list of top killers.
Reuters: Press Release
Ammonia gas exposure is associated with a range of upper respiratory symptomatology, including severe cases of chemical pneumonitis and intense pulmonary inflammation.
• Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes Pharmaceutical • Production of drugs, herbal products Sewage and • Waste removal, treatment plants waste disposal Chronic bronchitis Chronic obstructive lung disease Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (extrinsic allergic alveolitis)
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The authors conclude that the new antidepressant, venlafaxine, can cause both pneumonitis and heart failure.
Murphy said it fell to 16 in 2010, replaced by the lung inflammation known as pneumonitis, common among the elderly. News
Emphysema has been recognized in rare cases of hypersensitivity pneumonitis in nonsmokers.
However, the patient had desquamative interstitial pneumonitis and superimposed bronchopneumonia, not pulmonary embolism.
For the majority of transplant recipients, a prodrome of fever, malaise, and myalgias frequently precedes the onset of pneumonitis, which is heralded by nonproductive cough and dyspnea.
The problem was discovered when a 61-year-old bagpipe player died of the lung allergy hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
The Sun
Chest x-ray showed bilateral focal patchy areas of infiltrate at the bases of both lungs, which was interpreted to be consistent with pneumonitis.
We report a young man who was a dental technician with pneumoconiosis, manifesting initially with interstitial pneumonitis of unknown origin.
The day following a smallpox vaccination, a child of 1 year developed severe pneumonitis.
Slide 26: Clinical course in acute ethylene glycol intoxication 12 to 24 hours Cardiovascular Mild hypertension, tachycardia, and shock Pulmonary Tachypnea adult respiratory distress syndrome pulmonary edema pneumonitis Metabolic Metabolic acidosis with elevated anion gap decreased osmolal gap possible tetany from hypocalcemia, and hyperventilation
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Acid is rapidly disseminated throughout the bronchial tree, producing a chemical pneumonitis within minutes.
A cavitating tumor or post obstructive pneumonitis mimics a primary infection or abscess and can produce symptoms of fever, chills and productive cough.
Objective Using fibrobronchoscope to treat the thorax postoperative pneumonitis or atelectasis.
Asbestosis is the interstitial pneumonitis and fibrosis caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers.
CMV pneumonitis was defined purely on a histologic basis by the presence of typical cytomegalic cells with characteristic intracellular inclusions or positive immunolabeling with a CMV-specific antibody.
Adverse effects include stomatitis, hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis, nausea, abdominal pain, neutropenia, pruritus, fever, pneumonitis and other gastrointestinal symptoms.
The term pneumonitis is synonymous but is best avoided
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Farmer's lung disease is a hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by the inhalation of thermophilic actinomycetes that grow in moldy hay or straw.
Farmer's lung disease is a hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by the inhalation of thermophilic actinomycetes that grow in moldy hay or straw.
Murder dropped enough in 2010 that it was overtaken at No. 15 by a respiratory illness called pneumonitis that is seen mainly in people 75 and older.
The Seattle Times
Objective: The decrease false ball to paralyze sufferer again and again the aspiration pneumonitis occurrence.
Side effects include damage to surrounding organs, which can lead to significant morbidity from esophagitis and pneumonitis.
The CDC announced Wednesday that murder rates dropped enough in 2010 that it was overtaken at No. 15 by a respiratory illness called pneumonitis that is seen mainly in people 75 and older.
Breaking News: CBS News
One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer's lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction.
A fulminant pneumonitis with septicemia that is known as ‘cepacia syndrome’ is the most serious outcome of cepacia infection, although a variable clinical course in those infected with this organism has been noted.
In its annual report on U.S. mortality, the CDC said a condition known as pneumonitis had replaced murder as a leading cause of death in the country.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Tumors in the tracheobronchial tree often occlude major airways producing obstructive pneumonitis and hypoxia.
Sections showed early patchy bronchopneumonia, centriacinar emphysema, and desquamative interstitial pneumonitis.
She presented one year ago with fever, weakness, hepatitis and pneumonitis of unknown etiology.
The administration of steroids and antibiotics was started under the diagnosis of acute interstitial pneumonitis, but the symptoms did not improve significantly.
Risk factors associated with HS bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HS in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy .