How To Use Pluton In A Sentence
The waste from a defunct reactor is full of plutonium, a highly toxic metal used as the explosive in atomic bombs.
In addition to information about glassified waste from national defense projects, such as plutonium production at Hanford, DOE also is interested in information that could be useful if the nation decides to reprocess commercial nuclear fuel and then glassify the waste from reprocessing.
The Seattle Times
How big is a plutonium cube of 6 microns on a side?
In fact, the great plutonic action is confined to the central portion of the island; there, rocks of the trappean and volcanic class, including trachyte, basalt, and tuffs and agglomerates associated with streams of lava, have made this a land of supernatural horrors.
Journey to the Interior of the Earth
Within the Grenville basement these are represented by alkalic to tholeiitic mafic dykes and alkalic to peralkaline granite plutons.
The magmatic fabric of a plutonic rock forms during a relatively short time interval, after ascent and before final crystallization of magma.
The waste from a defunct reactor is full of plutonium, a highly toxic metal used as the explosive in atomic bombs.
There are strange out-takes from 1960s documentaries on plutonium waste-disposal and magnetism.
The country will start building a nuclear reactor in June that can produce weapons-grade plutonium, diplomats said Wednesday.
_ -- The whole formation is Archean and Primary (with a few modern plutonic outbursts), and chiefly consists of granite, felspar, quartz, gneiss, schists, amphibolite and other Archean rocks, with Primary sandstones and limestones in the basin of Lake Nyasa (a great rift depression), the river Shiré, and the regions within the northern watershed of the Zambezi river.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
During Early Cretaceous times, there was a significant period of plutonism and crustal growth in the magmatic arc.
The Conference on Disarmament is seeking to start formal negotiations on banning production of fissile materials such as weapons-grade plutonium and uranium.
She refused, instead offering peace to the Talz, recognizing their sovereignty, and pulling all Pantoran presence off of Orto Plutonia.
The University of Southampton used mass spectrometry to probe samples for plutonium, radium and caesium.
Perhaps one reason that societies allow plutonomy is because enough of the electorate believe they have a chance of becoming a Pluto-participant," he wrote back then.
How American Income Inequality Hit Levels Not Seen Since The Depression
The nitric acid solution is then mixed with an organic solvent and the uranium and plutonium are separated from the waste products.
Plutonium is very dense.
Along with more plutonium, this new design required more machining, more complex assembly procedures, and more extensive safety controls.
In addition, to the active stockpile of 5,113 warheads, there are somewhere around 8,000 to 9,000 "obsoleted" nuclear weapons - weapons that will not be kept in good repair, but will be dismantled eventually and their 30 tons or so of weapons grade metal recovered; and another 38 tons of military plutonium that has never been fabricated into a weapon.
Permian and Triassic plutonic complexes comprise monzonite, granite, granodiorite or tonalite with minor gabbro and diorite.
Of far less importance are occurrences in gneisses and amphibolites, in small plutons derived from syenitic and gabbroic magmas, and in certain contact-metamorphic rocks.
The programme, broadcast last night, also showed that liquids containing plutonium and uranium had been stored for years in plastic bottles.
Times, Sunday Times
Although it's obvious that Luke and Lorelai are working towards getting back together, or at least a friendly plutonic reconciliation, it feels kind of forced.
Random TV Tidbits for a Tuesday | the TV addict
No one is going to steal our plutonium - it is too well guarded, too hard to handle, too dangerous.
And in the west of the basin, the plutonic hot fluid in the basement fracture zone may be the main influence factor of organic matter's maturation.
Correlated systems include radioactive metals, such as plutonium, and compounds based on so-called rare earth elements and transition metals, such as cerium, ytterbium and copper.
The Median Tectonic Zone, which separates the Western and Eastern Provinces, is a narrow belt of Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic plutonic rocks with minor volcanic and metasedimentary units.
And they have reactivated a mothballed nuclear reactor that can produce weapons-grade plutonium.
These numbers compare with 200-210 MeV released by the fission of one uranium-235 or plutonium-239 atom.
Accelerator-driven nuclear energy
Plutonic rocks can be dense, silica-poor and dark in colour, like most cumulates, or silica-rich and pale in colour like the melt remaining after cumulate formation.
The mountain ranges (sky islands) are a geologic mix of Tertiary volcanic and intrusive granitic rocks, Paleozoic sedimentary layers, and some Precambrian granitic plutonic rocks.
Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
The calcium in Gordon's bones transmogrified into an allotropic titanium-plutonium alloy; his nervous system mutated into a broadband fibre-optic TCP/IP network; his muscles became a carbonfibre-reinforced weave; his organs became high-capacity chemical processing plants.
The creation of Brown-man
The programme, broadcast last night, also showed that liquids containing plutonium and uranium had been stored for years in plastic bottles.
Times, Sunday Times
Overthrusting, volcanism, and plutonic igneous intrusion were identified as originating above the subduction zone where one plate is forced beneath the edge of its neighbour.
Nine samples of plutonic rocks were selected for dating.
The lopolith lies with complete discordance upon plutonic and metamorphic rocks of complicated structural and metamorphic history, and is overlain concordantly by rhyodacite tuffs which are intruded by the granophyre and are in turn overlain concordantly by sedimentary rocks.
For a complete descriptive listing of all planets now open plus a special list of those to be opened in the near future add another half pluton.
Tunnel In The Sky
Plutonium might work, but Geez, the shielding is so heavy.
Bush Team Seeks Dictatorial Financial Powers « Blog
Given enough plutonium or enriched uranium, he thought they might have been able to produce a bomb in two to three years.
Now there are 75 tonnes of plutonium and 3,336 tonnes of uranium recovered from reprocessing, all stored and closely guarded but with no obvious use, at Sellafield.
It took 500 construction workers five years to build and has the largest declared plutonium stockpile in the world.
Times, Sunday Times
Even a seemingly tiny piece of radioisotope like plutonium can be emitting many millions of alpha, beta or gamma particles per week.
Such spent fuel could be reprocessed to produce plutonium for nuclear arms.
He urged the international community to adopt measures to control sensitive parts of the nuclear fuel cycle, which he listed as enriched uranium and the reprocessing of plutonium.
The University of Southampton used mass spectrometry to probe samples for plutonium, radium and caesium.
In the Antarctic Peninsula, an early Jurassic gap in intrusive activity was followed by widespread mid-Jurassic silicic plutonism in eastern Graham Land.
Plutonium does not exist in nature but results from radioactive decay of uranium - 239.
On mafic plutonic rocks, they are mostly Mollic and Typic Haploxeralfs and Typic Rhodoxeralfs.
Coastal Hills (Bailey)
Plutonites, also magmatic, form in conditions of extreme heat and pressure far deeper within the Earth; colourful translucent crystals such as aventurine, peridot and rose quartz are the result.
Some plutonium was about to be consumed by fire.
An atomic bomb uses conventional explosives to slam together two lumps of fissionable material, usually uranium-235 or plutonium-239.
Both Wadi Sikait and Regal Ridge classify as Type I emerald deposits, where Be-bearing quartz or pegmatite veins from a granitic pluton intruded Cr- or V-bearing mafic or ultramafic rocks.
During the mid-Cretaceous a phase of plutonism in Palmer Land caused uplift and erosion that supplied sediment from the arc.
This subsection contains mainly Mesozoic granitic and mafic plutonic rocks, Jura-Triassic volcanic rocks, Pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks, and Eocene and Oligocene marine and nonmarine and Miocene marine sedimentary rocks.
Coastal Hills (Bailey)
Then we must answer our own question, the Designer is inscrutable and anyway might be an alien from the pluton Pluto.
Wherein I argue emotionally about the definition of "planet" - The Panda's Thumb
Used fuel is about 95% uranium-238 but it also contains up to 1% uranium-235 that has not fissioned, about 1% plutonium and 3% fission products, which are highly radioactive, with other transuranic elements formed in the reactor.
Nuclear fuel cycle
And plutonium is difficult to handle — sufficiently radioactive to require shielding, awkward to transport without setting off radiation detectors, and extremely dangerous even in minute quantities if it is breathed in, swallowed, or absorbed through a cut or open wound.
How to Get a Nuclear Bomb
Accidents could result in explosions which could spread plutonium and other harmful radioactivity over large areas, it says.
Internal contamination with plutonium, americium, or curium can occur through a variety of routes including ingestion, inhalation, or direct contact through wounds.
Or we could convince congress to let NASA buy plutonium from the Russians, but their stocks are only a little larger than ours, and they aren't currently producing either.
MSL Delay: Add 2 Years and $400 Million (and counting) - NASA Watch
The programme, broadcast last night, also showed that liquids containing plutonium and uranium had been stored for years in plastic bottles.
Times, Sunday Times
A promised "immobilization" facility that would have taken plutonium that is not fit to be processed and stored it in canisters until it could be moved has been dropped from the Bush budget.
Capitol Letter: What To Do With Nuclear Waste?
Enstatite occurs in plutonic basic and ultrabasic rocks such as peridotite and norite, and also in some high-grade metamorphic rocks.
If you want to read the Citigroup "plutonomy" memo (which I highly recommend), go here.
Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Capitalism: A Love Story -- A Must-See Subversion
This subsection contains mainly Mesozoic granitic and mafic plutonic rocks, Jura-Triassic volcanic rocks, Pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks, and Eocene and Oligocene marine and nonmarine and Miocene marine sedimentary rocks.
Coastal Hills (Bailey)
The five-megawatt reactor at Yongbyon generates spent fuel rods laced with plutonium, but they must be removed and reprocessed to extract the plutonium for use in a nuclear weapon.
No one is proposing to make bombs out of the small amount of plutonium produced.
It was the first commercial manufacturer of plutonium and americium neutron sources for oil well, logging and other applications.
The nitric acid solution is then mixed with an organic solvent and the uranium and plutonium are separated from the waste products.
Environmental Affairs for its "blase" attitude towards the transportation of 1,7 tons of radioactive plutonium around the country's coast by Japan.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Bent on defeating Nazi Germany, Wigner worked on plutonium production and made superb engineering designs for the air-cooled atomic pile built by the DuPont Corporation.
They planed plan to use the plutonium as fuel fuel for civilian nuclear reactors.
The reactor was designed for breeding plutonium and can readily be converted to do so.
Once machined into their final shape, the plutonium parts were plated with nickel and removed from the glove box system.
Under this system, Pluto is a planet, dwarf planet, pluton and something else?
Pluton? « Whatever
The days of reprocessing spent fuel to produce plutonium and uranium for potential reuse are numbered.
Michael Moore's movie "Capitalism, A Love Story" brought attention to a concept known as "plutonomy," referring to economic growth that is powered and consumed entirely by the wealthy.
Dave Johnson: Congress Giving Up On Helping Unemployed?
Workers there recently learned that they were exposed to both plutonium and uranium.
Mesozoic Era complex plutonic masses from Shangyong area are composed of the plutones that are formed by Indosinian and Yanshanian cycle of structural magma and have different combination types.
Over and over again, it is the story I get from nearly every visitor to various islands, most of which are described as lusciously green and serene and not the place to go with plutonic friends.
Traveling In My World: Kauai «
Since this is only the world's largest nuke complex, with only seven reactors on site, and only several hundred barrels of nuke waste tipped over, and far fewer had their lids fly off, and the gas emissions the utility lied about were only tritium, which is less deadly than plutonium, the fact that all of Japan was not engulfed in a catastrophic radiation release (yet) will be used to sell more reactors.
Harvey Wasserman: PR Nuke Flacks Do the Kashiwazaki Quake Death Spin
Thus, even today, it has only enough plutonium for one or two crude nuclear devices.
A highly radioactive solution of water, plutonium and uranium is constantly leaking out.
The documents tell me this is genuine weapons-grade plutonium and to my eyes the boxes look genuine.
Curiosity is a beast of a rover, weighing one ton, measuring ten feet long by seven feet tall (at the top of the mast), and powered by a plutonium-238 fueled electrical generator.
Experts say that breathing in even the tiniest amounts of plutonium can increase the risk of cancer, especially among children.
Release of plutonium, americium and curium could occur from laboratory or industrial accidents.
The plutonium pits of nuclear weapons employ an alloy with gallium to stabilize the allotropes of plutonium.
Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
In both cases, the sequence of events started with extensional basin magmatism and culminated in emplacement of plutons, passing through basin subsidence.
Plutonium has five different crystal-type conditions or ‘phases’ that it can be in, and has five possible valencies.
A failed high-altitude nuclear launch left a legacy of low-level plutonium contamination, and an old Agent Orange storage site caused some residual contamination as well.
These plutons generally contain a variety of rock types, ranging from appinites and diorites through tonalites, granodiorites and rare syenites to ademellites and granites.
At the nuclear reprocessing plant they extract plutonium from spent atomic fuel rods.
The IAEA also states that Iran has completed nearly two-thirds of the heavy water reactor at Arak, which is capable of generating an output of 40 megawatts and manufacturing plutonium.
Numerous undated granitic and dioritic plutons intrude the Palaeozoic rocks and form large areas of Karlik Tagh and Barkol Tagh.
Because of the very slow natural process of decontamination of soil tainted by strontium 90, cesium 137, and plutonium, the agricultural consequences will persist for forty to fifty years.
Their target, later identified as a not yet operational nuclear reactor modeled on the Yongbyon reactor in North Korea—a uranium-fueled reactor that is capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium as a by-product—was destroyed.
How the End Begins
They produced plutonium for Britain's early nuclear weapons.
Times, Sunday Times
Several countries today separate plutonium and uranium from irradiated fuel for recycling.
A truckload of plutonium waste has been hijacked on the waterfront.
Given that just 8 kg of plutonium is enough to fabricate a nuclear weapon, this figure is significant.
16 « November « 2008 « Niqnaq
It will also place sanctions against "dozens" of Iranian companies and organizations that are allegedly involved in supporting Tehran's nuclear program, including its development of centrifuge machines and a plutonium-producing reactor in the city of Arak.
U.K. to Join U.S. in Financial Sanctions on Iran
The new elements were named neptunium and plutonium, respectively.
The key judgment here is not just that it was a nuclear reactor, but that it was the type of reactor designed to produce plutonium as a by-product that could be used to make nuclear bombs.
How the End Begins
Plutonic action would be very general, and volcanic mud, ash, and sand would be ejected and spread far and wide, which, sinking to the bottom of the water, may possibly be the origin of what we now designate the azoic or metamorphic slates and schists, as also the early Cambrian and Silurian strata.
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Gunner talked like a peacenik but Trout knew "Plutonium Jack" would never hesitate to pull the nuclear trigger if he had to.
Because of the very slow natural process of decontamination of soil tainted by strontium 90, cesium 137, and plutonium, the agricultural consequences will persist for forty to fifty years.
Thus, any serious, nonproliferation policy aims to make it as difficult as possible to obtain plutonium.
This plutonium is a reject load being returned to British Nuclear Fuels by Japan.
Part of the research involved injecting a number of people with radioactive plutonium.
We have been in this setting pretty much since the Miocene, with the exposed roots of volcanoes the coast maountain plutonic complex as evidence.
Sinking river delta could mean trouble along Fraser « Stephen Rees's blog
In particular they show that the conspicuous strike swing in the host rocks around the complex is an earlier structure, that passively controlled emplacement, and is not the result of diapiric pluton emplacement.
Plutonian temperaments are available to the individual as well as the resources represented by the higher form of Plutonian and eighth house expression.
The result was the Yosemite that tourists see today, jammed with awe-inspiring plutons with rounded tops and steep, vertical sides.
Considering the closed fuel cycle, Generation I-III reactors recycle plutonium (and possibly uranium), while Generation IV designs are expected to have full actinide recycling capability.
Nuclear power reactor
He decided to risk that half pluton to find out what was going on.
Tunnel In The Sky
Olivine in the plutons is only partly serpentinized.
All eruptive rocks penetrate, as ramifying veins either into the sedimentary strata, or into other equally endogenous masses; but there is a special importance to be attached to the difference manifested between 'Plutonic' rocks* (granite, porphyry, and serpentine) and those termed 'volcanic' in the strict sense of the word (as trachyte, basalt, and lava).
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
How many people want someone who can design a plutonium reprocessing plant?
Isotopes of uranium and plutonium which fission in a fast neutron environment are said to be "fissionable", as distinct from fissile.
That would leave the bulk of the bag free for the plutonium 239 and the firing mechanism John had described.
The division of the world into rich and poor, what Citigroup describes as a "plutonomy and everyone else," worries even big financial services companies oCAHP93ivtdBcGtNdYL%2FGPh%2B8LHufM13xzhRMKrDPDWB1DlkkdhmK4UQ8wiYASgmNrkmgELjBSklED67kpphnQ%3D%3D @SashaHalima Facebook's plan to share users' home addresses, phone numbers:
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Some 600 m below this breccia the pluton is pervaded by a fine-grained granophyre, apparently the product of a sudden and final crystallization.
It is used in MRI scanners and in sensors detecting smuggled uranium or plutonium.
Times, Sunday Times
The half-life of (radioactive) plutonium is about 77,000 years.
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Karle's husband, Jerome, was tasked with preparing plutonium metal directly from crude plutonium oxide. The work was dangerous.
Those rods can be reprocessed into weapons-grade plutonium, enough for potentially three nuclear bombs.
Use of uranium in nuclear power plants produces plutonium, and that is a key material of choice of nuclear weapons builders.
Reprocessing is only for the purpose of harvesting plutonium to make weapons.
While plutonium can be used in nuclear weapons it also has civilian purposes, including power generation.
The mountains are comprised of acid plutonic and volcanic rocks belonging to the Precambrian basement complex of the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula.
Red Sea Nubo-Sindian tropical desert and semi-desert
There's no secret network of plutonomic billionaires funding the overthrow of Obama? Main RSS Feed
Once ingested, radioactive plutonium, cesium and strontium atoms morph into agents of death in the body, stealthily emitting radiation internally and constantly bombarding the genes of nearby cells.
As a general rule, however, the biggest hurdle for a would-be nuclear power is the acquisition of fissile material - enriched uranium or plutonium.
Even as North Korea declared the 1994 Clinton-era "framework" for containing its plutonium-fueled nuclear program "nullified" -- raising the danger that it would begin producing more plutonium bombs -- Bush officials insisted the program could be salvaged.
A Wide World Of Trouble
Those include the huge processing canyons for removing plutonium from irradiated fuel, waste burial grounds, liquid waste disposal areas and the deep vadose zone.
The Seattle Times
Eagle Zone at Dublin Gulch (67Mt @ 0. 92gpt indicated + 14Mt @ 0. 8gpt inferred) - all low grade bulk tonnage deposits consisting of sheeted veins or porphyries above shallowly emplaced plutons (monzonite).
Workers at the facility were exposed to radiation as well as the chemicals uranium, plutonium and fluorine.
Another surprising disclosure is an internal Citigroup memo that claims that the US doesn't have an economy, but a "plutonomy" -- an economy based primarily on spending by the very rich.
Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Capitalism: A Love Story -- A Must-See Subversion
But a fine grain of plutonium - a chemically inert metal - never dissolves.
The plant reprocesses deadly plutonium to make fuel for nuclear power stations.
Plutonium and highly enriched uranium and other heavy fissionable isotopes fall into this category, but tritium does not.
Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
Curiosity is a beast of a rover, weighing one ton, measuring ten feet long by seven feet tall (at the top of the mast), and powered by a plutonium-238 fueled electrical generator.
A pluton can be defined as any igneous intrusion of rock that forms a kilometer or more below the Earth's surface.
Formation of the Earth's crust
Laws can be changed and that particular one is under review; but a world fuelled by plutonium seems likely to be a significantly more dangerous place.
Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
Some had received large doses of densely ionizing radiation while processing plutonium.
Once ingested, radioactive plutonium, cesium and strontium atoms morph into agents of death in the body, stealthily emitting radiation internally and constantly bombarding the genes of nearby cells.
However this has nothing to do with nuclear power, where impure plutonium is a minor by-product of the fission of uranium.
These metamorphic and plutonic igneous rocks form the uplifted core of the broadly anticlinal Owl Creek Mountains, a mountain range that formed during the Late Cretaceous.
As a general rule, however, the biggest hurdle for a would-be nuclear power is the acquisition of fissile material - enriched uranium or plutonium.
The emphasis then shifted to testing materials and fuels (metal and ceramic oxides, carbides and nitrides of uranium and plutonium) for larger fast reactors.
Fast neutron reactors (FBR)
The lifetimes of the first ‘transuranium’ elements - such as plutonium, curium and californium - were very close to the values predicted by the liquid-drop model.
Plutonium is graded by its isotopic composition.
Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
The Chilwa province is composed of several granite, syenite, and nepheline-syenite plutons that are associated with extrusive carbonatites and agglomerates.
The answer is probably a database of bosons which is interesting because any intelligent life anywhere in the universe will eventually discover plutonium and assemble a critical mass of it and this can be detected in a database of bosons.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Bette is still trying to keep Gilgamos alive by spilling her Plutonian secrets to the alien hunter Orian (hunter of aliens or an alien that is a hunter?).
Comic Review: Irredeemable #11 | Fandomania
Spent uranium extracted from so-called Magnox reactors was intended to be reprocessed for use as fuel in Fast Breeder reactors, providing plutonium for weapons and civilian use.
Amelia say Pluto should be called neither planet nor dwarf planet, but "pluton" or "Plutette.
September 12, 2006
Volt, Waid-World’s Black Lightning analogue, is funny, and he owes a serious debt to the now-evil Plutonian.
08 « August « 2009 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
These were bombarded with neutrons which converted the uranium to plutonium.
The plutons are composed of medium - to coarse-grained, porphyritic quartz monzonite, quartz syenite and granite, together with smaller amounts of equigranular gabbroic and monzonitic rocks.
Video Even if Pyongyang doesn't seek to sell weapons-grade materials such as reprocessed plutonium, Pentagon officials say just the possibility it might sell nuclear-weapons designs poses a security challenge to the U.S.
Tests Point to Spread of Weapons Trade
They blended and heated plutonium with gallium and cobalt and then slowly cooled the molten mixture.
Granite and granodiorite are examples of silica-rich plutonic rocks.
In pure form, plutonium exists in six allotropic forms or crystal structure - more than any other element.
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev engineers have developed a technique to "denature" plutonium created in large nuclear reactors, making it unsuitable for use in nuclear arms.
Research & Development Today's News
Although closely associated with plutonic igneous rocks, porphyry mineralization commonly encompasses large volumes of the surrounding host rocks to the intrusion.
They had to be named after the next two planets, and so were called neptunium and plutonium - both found at Berkeley using the new cyclotron.
A highly radioactive solution of water, plutonium and uranium is constantly leaking out.
Operating from 1950 until the fire in 1957, they converted uranium to weapons-grade plutonium for nuclear bombs.
Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
That would leave the bulk of the bag free for the plutonium 239 and the firing mechanism John had described.
BEER-SHEVA, Israel, March 9 (UPI) -- Engineers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel say they have developed a way to "declaw" nuclear fuel, ensuring only peaceful plutonium use.
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“I'm sure that in 1985 plutonium is available in every corner drugstore, but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by.”
Veronica Mars movie confirmed by Rob Thomas
Immediately to the north and west of Great and Little bays, a granite intrusion of Exeter diorite comprising the Exeter pluton (i.e., part of the Hillsboro plutonic series) is present.
Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, New Hampshire
The two different bombs they devised over the next 28 months, Little Boy and Fat Man, fissioned baseball-size cores of uranium or plutonium to deliver explosions equivalent to thousands of tons of TNT.
The Atomic Bomb
At the nuclear reprocessing plant they extract plutonium from spent atomic fuel rods.
The treacle pudding in particular was akin to chewing plutonium.
Times, Sunday Times
If 20 tonnes of highly radioactive liquefied uranium and plutonium fuel had leaked out of a reprocessing system you'd think there might be a bit of a fuss wouldn't you?
To develop a comprehensive set of nuclear weapons, enriched plutonium and uranium are needed.
A mineral consisting of titanium dioxide in crystalline form; occurs in metamorphic and plutonic rocks and is a major source of titanium.
His writings were many and ranged over such subjects as diverse as slaty cleavage, metamorphic rocks, plutons, and Pleistocene glaciation in the Isle of Skye.
For a beautiful projection reel showing this planet send one pluton to 'Information, Box One, Emigrants' Gap, New Jersey County, Greater New York. '
Tunnel In The Sky
From anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements and extensive microstructural data, the magnetic fabric of this pluton has been inferred to correlate with the magmatic fabric.
The Berkeley cyclotron created many elements never found in nature - including plutonium, which directly follows neptunium in the periodic table.
The dip slopes are interpreted as separating individual sills near the base of the pluton.
A violet, coarse-grained, porphyritic quartz syenite, which makes up large parts of the pluton, was collected for dating.
There are tales of UFOs and plutonium, veiled critiques of macho money-grabbing rap and more electronic bleeps than in a digital telephone exchange.
It forswears the use of commercial plutonium as a fuel, because of proliferation risks.
Plutonium has two particular characteristics: it is of high strategic value for weapons and it is highly radiotoxic.
The Berkeley cyclotron created many elements never found in nature - including plutonium, which directly follows neptunium in the table.
Another design is the implosion assembly method in which the uranium or plutonium is severely compressed with the use of chemical explosives. hydrogen bomb is the other main type of nuclear weapon and is also referred to as a thermonuclear weapon or an H-bomb.
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That quintile between Pluto and Uranus met and re-met altogether five times (due to the retrograde motions), and Plutonium was created at the last of these five quintiles.
They blended and heated plutonium with gallium and cobalt and then slowly cooled the molten mixture.
Water would naturally percolate through the rocks, and this would speed up the cooling of the pluton.
Plutonites, also magmatic, form in conditions of extreme heat and pressure far deeper within the Earth; colourful translucent crystals such as aventurine, peridot and rose quartz are the result.
The days of reprocessing spent fuel to produce plutonium and uranium for potential reuse are numbered.