plump in

  1. arrive suddenly and unannounced
    He plumped in on a Sunday morning
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How To Use plump in In A Sentence

  • we dropped the rock plump into the water
  • Before long it was dashed against a granite cliff and fell to the ground; but in a moment, the wind found it and drove it, with a shower of trash and dust, bounding and leaping across a barren slope, plump into this kinnikinick nest. Wild Life on the Rockies
  • The chef does wonders with mussels - a pretty blue bowlful of more than a dozen as an appetizer, their plump insides bursting with seawater, their pool of cream sauce swimming with whole cloves of roasted garlic.
  • The water runs with the deep sparkle of cut glass; forget-me-nots grow about it, and reed mace, and figwort and bittersweet; waterhens wander in the shaven grass of its brim, and dabchicks go plump in the current like cricket-balls. Highways and Byways in Surrey
  • the anchor fell plump into the sea
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