How To Use Plume In A Sentence
Many scientists think that hotspots mark locations where diapiric convection cells, called mantle ‘plumes’, rise beneath lithospheric plates.
Thus basal primates might have used ethanol plumes to locate ripening fruits as well as associated fauna.
For two days it had been snowing, great flakes so plume-like that they seemed almost artificial, making one think of the blizzards which originate high in theatre-flies under the sovereignty of a stage-hand who sweats at his task of controlling the elements.
Then I'll Come Back to You
Fragrant blossoms like plumeria and gardenia are especially nice.
Instead, his dull eyes flicked disinterestedly from ice house to ice house, noting the plume of smoke drifting from each.

Finally we were outside and he was walking beside me in his favourite cloak that made him look like a captain, something he had always wanted to be and his wide brimmed hat with the feather plume.
The crew braces for shock, the boat shudders and a giant plume of boat wash is the only mark left in the faint moonlight as the boat races forward into harm's way.
Another man came from behind me and removed his richly plumed helmet.
For similar reasons, deep rips in the crust often accompany the arrival of plumes at the surface.
One team takes samples and finds a plume of oil.
Times, Sunday Times
See this fellow, rage in his face and heart, carrying by the legs his cock, deplumed and dead.
An Eagle Flight A Filipino Novel Adapted from Noli Me Tangere
Sissy went out back and gathered feathers where her mama had recently deplumed a hen.
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
A suite of infrared, wide-field telescopes installed along the length of the aircraft's fuselage detects the missile plume at ranges up to several hundred km.
As for the" squibs "conspiracy theorists claim to see in videos of the WTC collapse, these are plumes of smoke and debris ejected from the building due to the immense pressure associated with millions of tons of falling towers (see Figure 1).
Debating "Skeptic Magazine" on September 11th Issues
He said Alexkor recently "armoured" a particular slimes dam with coarse overburden to stop a windblown "plume" of fine material that was threatening the proclaimed Ramsar wetland site at the mouth of the Orange River.
ANC Daily News Briefing
We can see a plume of smoke rising from the scrub beyond the airport 's perimeter wire.
Times, Sunday Times
It is also possible that upper mantle mafic plumes acted as a heat source for, and made some contribution to, the melting of more felsic rocks in the lower crust.
They have long, conspicuous, forward curving crests on their heads that droop over their eyes and thin, white plumes extending backward from the back of each eye.
We turned on the television and eventually saw the streaks of meteoritic shuttle that are now as iconic as the Y plume of the Challenger.
He was in Prince Albert's 11 th Hussars, and cut quite a dash on horseback in his crimson trousers, braided tunic, tassels and plumes.
Although fairly common now, the great egret came perilously close to extinction at the hands of the hat trade at the beginning of the twentieth century; egret plumes were deemed a fashion accessory.
They'd better be quick about it, because a gas plume would cover the area within eight minutes.
Forasmuch as this self-love is so natural to them all that they had rather part with their father’s land than their foolish opinions; but chiefly players, fiddlers, orators, and poets, of which the more ignorant each of them is, the more insolently he pleases himself, that is to say vaunts and spreads out his plumes.
In Praise of Folly
Tail set high, plumed and carried in a gay curl over the back when moving.
Ruffs and britches disappeared long ago, and there isn't much to distinguish a Balinese from a Siamese today except a wispy fringe on the underbelly and a meek plume of a tail.
An active origin is suggested because volcanism and uplift appear to have preceded rifting, an active plume passing over a large area.
In all directions, you can see huge plumes of smoke.
Where does chivalry at last become something more than a mere procession of plumes and armor, to be lamented by Burke, except in some of the less ambitious verses of the Trouvères, where we hear the canakin clink too emphatically, perhaps, but which at least paint living men and possible manners?
The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
This vision gave rise to slender black suede and velvet sandals embellished with soaring plumes of vulture feathers, based upon a "Mohican" haircut, with a little 'pochette' to match. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
As Tharanal had led them towards it yesterday, he'd seen thick plumes of smoke - and other, more noxious vapors - rising from outlying ventilation shafts like the fumaroles of volcanos.
Its all ephemera and persiflage, as we sit mocking in the plumes as political gadflies who tell the truth.
The north-flowing Gulf Stream collides with a tendril of the southbound Labrador Current there, creating knots and plumes of flow that change daily, even hourly.
Even Goneril has her one splendid hour, her fire - flaught of hellish glory; when she treads under foot the half-hearted goodness, the wordy and windy though sincere abhorrence, which is all that the mild and impotent revolt of Albany can bring to bear against her imperious and dauntless devilhood; when she flaunts before the eyes of her "milk-livered" and "moral fool" the coming banners of France about the "plumed helm" of his slayer.
A Study of Shakespeare
Plumes of spindrift were scouring the top, leaving nothing but a swooping white cleaver of ice.
Two captains ride before them on shaggy ponies, the taller in armor, stained and rusted with many a storm and fray, the other in brilliant inlaid cuirass and helmet, gaudy sash and plume, and sword hilt glittering with gold, a quaint contrast enough to the meager garron which carries him and his finery.
Westward Ho!
In fact, Baroness Staffe wasn't an aristocrat at all but plain Blanche Soyer, a product of the middle classes, who had assumed the title as her nom de plume.
A Nation Holding Out for a Hero
This is interesting for the Plumeria Kingdom to think about as humans need oxygen to breathe to sustain health of the body more than they require oxygen to clean their clothes or freshen the home.
The cause is a plume of Mediterranean air making its way through the country.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of the valuable horse aigrettes, which are encrusted and plumed, are also kept in the treasury.
One dowle [434-16] that's in my plume: my fellow-ministers
Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
Leaving the hot desert behind, we waded and splashed in some of the pools fed by plumelike waterfalls, surrounded by flowers and ferns, and canopied at places by reeds.
The Shepherd’s Song
Passing through plumes of evil-smelling sulphurous smoke and steam, they finally encountered daylight, and emerged from the gaping maw of a volcanic cone.
His high-crowned grey hat lay on the floor, covered with dust, but encircled by a carcanet of large balas rubies; and he wore a blue velvet nightcap, in the front of which was placed the plume of a heron, which had been struck down by a favourite hawk in some critical moment of the flight, in remembrance of which the king wore this highly honoured feather.
The Fortunes of Nigel
A black plume of smoke rose above the city.
Among the branches the squirrels frolicked, whisking their plume-like tails and keeping at a respectable distance from every other animal that was not of their own family.
The Black Phantom
High levels of nitrates and/or bacteria indicate that you have a plume of pollution seeping into your well, possibly from a local farm or industrial area.
Another application is analysis of plume impingement, the effects of firing of thrusters by one spacecraft on another spacecraft nearby.
It suggests the "Enduap" (rondache) of ostrich-plumes worn by the Tupi-Guarani barbarians of the Brazil, the bunchy caudal appendages which made the missionaries compare them with pigeons.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
A bronze figure of Hercules supports an ormolu bowl surmounted by a triple row of plumes, from which rise the three candle branches.
But as the air cleared, we could see the plume of smoke rising half a mile away.
Times, Sunday Times
In this image, dust plumes completely obscure the lowlands west of Bo Hai, and thinner dust plumes mix with clouds over the ocean.
NASA Earth Observatory
For the first day of her hearing Caroline appeared in the tall hat plumes that were her trademark; when she removed this inside, she wound white veiling around her head and over the bodice of her "'richly twilled black sarsenet dress,'" giving the intended dignified costume a bizarre effect.
Framing Romantic Dress: Mary Robinson, Princess Caroline and the Sex/Text
It differs in its lighter brown colour, not becoming darker or purpled on the breast; in the extension of the yellow colour all over the upper part of the back and on the wing coverts; in the lighter yellow of the side plumes, which have only a tinge of orange, and at the tips are nearly pure white; and in the comparative shortness of the tail cirrhi.
The Malay Archipelago
The aigrette, which is a sort of artificial plume, or feather, represents a hand with thirteen fingers, covered with diamonds; allusive to the thirteen ships taken and destroyed by the hero: and it's size is that of a child's hand, at the age of five or six years, when open.
The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 1
Back at your condo, you might take a minute to just sit and smell the plumerias.
I saw that she lay in the position of old knightly tomb figures, her legs crossed at the ankles, a long black sword clasped between her breasts and a red sandstone bowl on her chest from which rose a willowy plume of smoke.
The Skrayling Tree
Since plumerias are dormant and stored in garages and greenhouses for the winter, I would repot it in a larger container in spring.
When he came, Mistress Marian was standing i 'th' great door o 'th' castle, in her hawking gown o 'green velure cloth laced all with silver cord; her plumed hat was on her curls, and her hawk, Beryl, on her fist.
A Brother To Dragons and Other Old-time Tales
For similar reasons, deep rips in the crust often accompany the arrival of plumes at the surface.
“We can take your toughest criticism,” Claire assured each camper at registration, where each received her room key, information packet, and a beautiful lei made of plumeria blossoms.
The Aloha Quilt
The rich plushy, plumelike branches grow in regular whorls around the trunk, and on the topmost whorls, standing erect, are the large, beautiful cones.
Steep Trails
At first it's impossible to see anything through the thick mass of branches, but suddenly I spot a beautiful scarlet-plumed tanager perched on a branch.
Teide is the highest mountain in Spain, an impressive stratovolcano in the center of the island of Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands, a chain formed like the Hawaiian Islands by the passing of the under-lying lithospheric plate across a magma plume.
Teide National Park, Spain
It disappeared in a plume of dust.
Times, Sunday Times
He had a deep-seated loathing of the panoply of the Victorian funeral: mummers, mutes, plumes, palls, and all.
If you think about it, orchids, gardenias, heliconias, Birds of Paradise, and plumerias are all lovely additions to gardens in tropical areas.
The genus Pulsatilla includes about 30 species, many of which are valued for their finely-dissected leaves, solitary bell-shaped flowers, and plumed seed heads.
when Bulukiya landed and walked about the island he found therein many marvels, especially a bird whose body was of pearls and leek green emeralds and its plumery of precious metals; and it was engaged in singing the praises of Allah the Most High and blessing Mohammed (upon whom be benediction and peace!).
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The hypsometers (water boilers) can be seen at each lab station, and the closest one actually has a plume of steam escaping from its top.
On the west the rough highlands of Marin shut off the ocean; in the midst, in long, straggling, gleaming arms, the bay died out among the grass; there were few trees and few enclosures; the sun shone wide over open uplands, the displumed hills stood clear against the sky.
The Silverado Squatters
Fires had broken out during the night and there were several plumes of dark smoke still smoldering throughout the city.
Winds drive the vast plumes of smoke northwards towards the base of the Malaysian peninsula where Singapore sits.
Times, Sunday Times
Chesterton, mystique, mousquetaire de la plume, miroir redresseur de nos travers déformants, humoriste paradoxal et décapant, reste à redécouvrir.
Pour le réenchantement du monde - Une introduction à Chesterton
A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday.
Radiation Plume Could Reach Southern California By Friday
Then white umbels of pignuts contrast with the drooping honey-scented cream plumes of meadowsweet.
The story is that the jackdaw was very quietly displumed.
The town was snow-covered, too, and the frozen river, and wherever one went, the air was full of the gay jingle-jangle of countless sleighbells, while the streets were thronged with a motley collection of equipages, from the luxuriously upholstered double sleigh with its swaying robes and floating plumes, down to the shapeless home-made "pung" with its ragged, unlined buffalo skin snugly tucked in about the shawled and veiled grandma, who smilingly awaited her good man while he purchased the week's supply of groceries.
Half a Dozen Girls
Moreover, because the rift valley of this ridge is very shallow, the hydrothermal plumes carrying live bacteria and animal larvae can get out of the valley and spread in the general ocean currents.
The Continental became the meeting place for journalists covering the Vietnam War and for all the multi-plumed hangers-on anxious to make a dollar out of chaos.
In accordance with these facts, we find the scale-formed plumes of the throat, the crests of the head, and the long cirrhi of the tail, all fully developed before the plumes which spring from the side of the body begin to mane their appearance.
The Malay Archipelago
She will continue to do the magnificent job that she always does. nom deplume, esq.
How will Clinton's surgery affect her job?
Women's coronets were gemmed or plumed, filmy cloaks fluttered from shoulders, lustrous biofabric shaped and reshaped itself to them as they moved.
Thus, downwind males could be located higher in the vegetation to increase their chances of intercepting a pheromone plume and locating a receptive female.
On one side of this could be seen a coloured portrait of the Sovereign in the bersagliere uniform; a fierce military glance shot out of his eyes from under that helmet whose plume of nodding feathers made it look three sizes too large for his head.
South Wind
This reptilian monster has various forms in its plastic representations, according to the style of each region; it can appear as a bicephalous dragon or a 2-headed plumed serpent; and also as a bird with serpent features.
And the pollution plumes from power stations in Adelaide have been used as a case study.
February 21st, 2009 by admin plume over algae moss
Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Cellar
The muhly is the dominant feature in the garden for the next couple of months and we do cheer sunny days for the magic it works with the pink plumes.
Muhly Watch Friday « Fairegarden
Perhaps as accurate a statement as any, of my opinions, was made by George Alfred Townsend, over his _nom de plume_ of "Gath," in the New York "Graphic" of April 12, 1878.
Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
In those days, ostrich plumes were the thing.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
Her photograph show her stiff in her glory of plume and satin.
Fountain grass forms foxtail flowers in the fall, and these plumes wave over the foliage for three months or more.
Grow glorious grasses in your landscape
Plumes of white smoke and sparks rose into the evening sky as each man o’ war loosed off a deafening broadside.
The incandescent plume towered like an awesome thunderhead heralding Armageddon.
Wearing a minimal amount of clothing just slightly filthier than yesterday, and already sweating in the unmoving 115 degree air, they rumble back into the desert trailing plumes of dust mile after mile.
Kangaroo Dreaming
Its dignity, simplicity and beautiful plumelike foliage place it in a class of its own.
Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
This would be ok in the dubya administration but not in Presidents Obama's nom deplume, esq.
Obama calls Lakers, Penguins coaches
Other notable species include South American pochard Netta erythrophthalma and golden-plumed conure Leptosittaca branickii (VU).
Rio Abiseo National Park, Peru
A plume of dust rose, and settled quickly in the rain that plinked over his skin.
Rogue Oracle
You can't see very well because of plumes of smoke.
The Sun
The researchers believe that the spherules formed as the plume of vaporized rock cooled, condensing as liquefied droplets.
The spatial and chronological evolution of the Canary Islands' volcanism is due to eastward progression of the slow-moving African plate over a mantle plume.
Ornamental bird plumes, by weight, were more valuable than gold.
The whole scene was densely shrouded in thick plumes of sulphur.
Juveniles have a dark crown with no plumes or ruff, and a mottled neck.
After the explosion, a plume of smoke could be seen in the sky for miles around.
The eruption also shot a plume of sulphur dioxide gas and ash so high that it punched into the stratosphere.
Times, Sunday Times
Just a day after the enclave gathered to choose the successor to John Paul II, white smoke plumed from the Vatican's Sistine Chapel and the bells pealed across Rome.
Onward it came across the moonlit strip of grassy plain and the soft light falling upon it revealed a plump body clothed in a coat of black fur with white stripes while above, like a silvery halo, waved a bushy, plume-like tail.
The Black Phantom
A plume of smoke rose from the chimney.
Light brown ash covers the snow above the flow deposits, and a tiny plume rises from Shiveluch's growing lava dome. Vegetation surrounding the volcano is colored dark red.
The costume of an Amazonian crest and plume, a tucked-up vest, and a tight buskin of sky-blue silk, buckled with diamonds, reconciled Lady Binks to the part of Hippolyta.
Saint Ronan's Well
Page 408 here! the pompous Magnolia, reigns sovereign of the forests; how sweet the aromatic Illisium groves? how gaily flutters the radiated wings of the Magnolia auriculata? each branch supporting an expanded umbrella, superbly crested with a silver plume, fragrant blossom, or crimson studded strobile and fruits!
Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
We were greeted at the door of the restaurant by waiters who were passing out leis made from plumeria flowers and orchids.
BATON ROUGE From the front door of the aged brick school, the 4-year-olds at Wyandotte Early Childhood Center can spot the cottony plumes from a refinery just over the trees.
Young students often most vulnerable to toxic air
This launched a massive plume of warm air high into the atmosphere that led to bitterly cold Arctic air being shunted down through Europe.
Times, Sunday Times
Dining on the lanai at Plumeria Beach is a sensuous experience.
And he flung open the door and entered with the most severe and warlike expression, armed cap-a-pie as it were, with lance couched and plumes displayed, and glancing at his adversary, as if to say,
The History of Pendennis
Winds drive the vast plumes of smoke northwards towards the base of the Malaysian peninsula where Singapore sits.
Times, Sunday Times
He had a deep-seated loathing of the panoply of the Victorian funeral: mummers, mutes, plumes, palls, and all.
To get to it, one must abseil down through a plume of water, dropping into a dark hole.
Between a Rock and a Waterfall
You can't see very well because of plumes of smoke.
The Sun
The plumes from the main engines wrap forward and dance across the cockpit windows, making light at night like that of Saint Elmo's fire.
Columbia's Last Flight
The presence of a mantle plume beneath the region is widely documented.
Their voracious appetite for bird plumes having exhausted all the worthy species of that family, the fashionistas moved on to cephalopodic accoutrements during the early 20th Century.
Save the endangered tree octopus « raincoaster
He was wearing a dashing embroidered blood-red doublet, cape, and plumed hat.
A dense plume of smoke rose as ambulances and fire engines raced through the narrow streets.
Times, Sunday Times
Using paleomagnetic and geochronological data from the drilled basalts, this project attempts to answer the question of whether the deep Hawaiian and Louisville mantle plumes, the two longest-lived primary hotspot systems in the Pacific, have moved in concert or independently. - latest science and technology news stories
Smoke wafts in pungent plumes but fans of his cuisine dig in with gusto, claiming that the food ‘makes men men’.
And second, in a section called The Fate of all Hydorcarbons, a study done in late September concluded that "most of the initial biodegradation in the plumes involved gaseous hydrocarbons (propane and ethane), rather than oil.
Philip Radford: White House hid truth on spill: The truth and the oil is still out there.
It was Mrs. Graham who rebukefully sent her own braw young brood scurrying homeward through the gathering dusk, and then possessed herself of Mrs. Plume.
An Apache Princess A Tale of the Indian Frontier
A reader of the NYT article might expect to look at the plume from the plant's smokestacks and see lots of smoke.
Bill Chameides: The Sorry State of Environmental Journalism
a plume of smoke
A huge plume of smoke descended on to the pitch sparking the intervention of stewards as well as police.
The Sun
Felix could see a man in the shining armour and plumed helmet of a Reiksguard knight.
I have successfully rooted plumeria branches broken from my plants.
Geophysicists began to think that since hot-spot plumes presumably originated at the core-mantle boundary, this layer might play a role.
But as the air cleared, we could see the plume of smoke rising half a mile away.
Times, Sunday Times
Yes, flying through the plume of a volcanic eruption can be dangerous.
Times, Sunday Times
But because of its marked dormancy, a plumeria can be removed from its pot and stored during the cold months.
Now through rushing chutes, among green islands, where plumelike
Elson Grammar School Literature v4
Smoke seemed to be pouring off the hills, as the winds of mid-May carried the plumes of smoke downward in undulating sheets, in the general direction of the airport.
Excerpt: Strength in What Remains by Tracy Kidder
Exploding gas tanks launched huge fireballs and black plumes of smoke high into the air.
The women's race was won by the American, Patti Sue Plumer.
Europe, that their business was considered as one of great honor, and that they were permitted to assume what may be called heraldic devices on their standards, to carry bright-feathered plumes, and to wear gold ornaments -- such decorations being only allowed to warriors who had, by their deeds in battle, been admitted into an institution which closely resembled that of knighthood; all others dressing in plain white cloths, woven from thread obtained from the aloe.
By Right of Conquest Or, With Cortez in Mexico
It suggests the “Enduap” (rondache) of ostrich-plumes worn by the Tupi – Guarani barbarians of the
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
However, they were nothing less, as Master Aedituus told us; assuring us, at the same time, that they were neither secular nor laic; and the truth is, the diversity of their feathers and plumes did not a little puzzle us.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
Have you ever observed a humming-bird moving about in an aerial dance among the flowers — a living prismatic gem that changes its colour with every change of position — how in turning it catches the sunshine on its burnished neck and gorges plumes — green and gold and flame-coloured, the beams changing to visible flakes as they fall, dissolving into nothing, to be succeeded by others and yet others?
Green Mansions
The stunt came just days after the Vatican signalled the election of new Pope with a plume of white smoke.
And Michael searched, while he strode beneath plane trees half-stripped of leaves and plume-like in the dark, for the fun in his position.
The White Monkey
The environmental coalition also has proposed some type of barrier to prevent further expansion of the underground plume.
At a conference, Grossman heard a presenter claim that the spherules could not have formed from the plume of vaporized rock.
But as the air cleared, we could see the plume of smoke rising half a mile away.
Times, Sunday Times
There's more to the stream now, tall reeds with purple plumes one side, the frizzy remnants of fireweed the other, and oaks, especially a huge one by the path, probably as old as the Howards and in fine fettle.
His hair itself plumed up, then swept back and down over his long skull to cascade to his waist.
The nursery is currently being used to produce ornamentals such as plumeria, monstera, and dracaena.
While it may not win the fight against ragwort on its 'own, it still has a part to play when used with other ragwort control agents such as ragwort flea beetle and ragwort plume moth.
Museum Blogs
Lab officials disclosed this week that the plume had been growing for at least six years.
He was in the process of cutting up some kind of machine with a blow torch, several parts of it were on fire and a plume of oily smoke hovered over it.
For similar reasons, deep rips in the crust often accompany the arrival of plumes at the surface.
The plume of smoke has reached jet flying altitude and plans have been made for planes flying through Icelandic air control space to fly southwardly tonight, said Hjordis Gudmundsdottir, the spokeswoman for Isavia.
Scientists: Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano erupting
Amid crackling gunfire, the truck sets off, disappearing behind a wall before a blast sends up plumes of grey smoke.
The Sun
The good weather is largely down to a plume of warm air from the Continent.
Times, Sunday Times
If they're not terrorists, if they're pirates as you say―although the name makes me think of men in plumed hats with swords rather than semi-automatic weapons―then they are only self-interested and are taking what they want.
A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday.
Radiation Plume Could Reach Southern California By Friday
Highlights included a heart-stopping display by the Red Arrows, whose daredevil pilots flew within whiskers of each other before rising into the sky trailing plumes of coloured smoke.
Also it looks like the Boost Protective Cover to protect the CM from impinging plumes from the LAS is now replaced with some sort of large fairing.
Today's Video - Profiling the Ares Launch Vehicle - NASA Watch
Adult plumage is blue-black or gray dorsally and white ventrally, sometimes with distinctive coloring or plumes on the head.
As the winds switched to an equatorward direction, coastal upwelling ensued and the Columbia plume was replaced by cold, salty water nearshore.
She ran outside to see a billowing plume of smoke.
Times, Sunday Times
Part of the charm of the lupine is the continual stir of its plumes to airs not suspected otherwhere.
The Land of Little Rain
A small plumelet of eagle-down dances over his head.
The Delight Makers
For the first time we saw specimens of the acacia flamboyante, a large tree with broad leaves of delicate green, throwing out from its topmost boughs clusters of scarlet flowers with yellow centres like military plumes.
Due West or Round the World in Ten Months
Her black-velvet hat, with its dejected white plume drooping rakishly over one of her slanting eyes, her imitation-ponyskin coat with its imitation-ermine collar, her cheap black-serge skirt with its undulations half revealing the daintiness of her surprisingly excellent boots -- all struck the watcher anew with their pitiable striving after the prevailing mode in the dress of Occidental women.
My son," said Anne of Austria, showing him the mousquetaire, who stood with his plumed hat in his hand, calm, grave, and collected,
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
We can see a plume of smoke rising from the scrub beyond the airport 's perimeter wire.
Times, Sunday Times
If you think about it, orchids, gardenias, heliconias, Birds of Paradise, and plumerias are all lovely additions to gardens in tropical areas.
The plume contained toxic pollutants, possibly cyanide, from foam, oil, acrylic paints and tyres burnt in the blaze.
The picture was obviously taken for a special occasion - perhaps a trade event or a May Day, when horses were traditionally turned out with ribbons, plumes and polished brasses, as this pair is.
There was one other man there, dressed in fine clothes and wearing a maroon hat with an extravagant plume of feathers on the side.
Headdresses were extravagantly plumed helmets or crowns fusing baroque and classical styles, and the masquers were shod in tightly fitting short boots, or buskins.
white-plumed egrets
This has feathery plumes of purple flowers about 3ft high, and works well when used in large drifts.
Times, Sunday Times
Farewell plumed troop, and the big wars, That make ambition virtue!
They all wore their full-dress diplomatic uniforms with the characteristic three-cornered plumed hats.
Find ne'er a nesty home and eke shed all his plumery!
Arabian nights. English
This is in marked contrast to those reefs close to the mine that are regularly affected by high sediment loads carried by the plume.
If it has come from something like that, then the airborne bacteria what we call a plume could have travelled over several kilometres given the right weather conditions, and that's the scenario we are looking at now.
WalesOnline - Home
What about the bird of paradise itself, the rightful owner of the plumes?
In fact, the most common lowland plants seen today are ginger and plumeria.
Porpoises, snow-white terns sitting on drifting wood, sea-eagles, ospreys, sea-snakes, sails, the smudge of steamer-smoke and its ten-mile plume, sunlit isles and speckless sky, with no sound save the purring of the engine and the prattle of the water against the bows — a catalogue of the commonplace, and yet stimulative of entertainment and content.
Last Leaves from Dunk Island
A large anticyclone over western Russia helped to move a plume of hot air across eastern Europe last week.
Weatherwatch: Warmth dominates Europe
The river draining the proglacial lake carries a much lower amount of sediment than the iceberg and glacial meltwater plumes.
For the crews there was a moment of hope when a plume of darker smoke jetted skywards through the covering pall.
Times, Sunday Times
John W. Shervais, Scott K. Vetter, 2009, High-K alkali basalts of the Western Snake River Plain (Idaho): Abrupt transition from tholeiitic to mildly alkaline plume-derived basalts
Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
Abillowy frock of mauve and pink tulle, with a tiny jewelled bodice, is completedby a tinted wig in the same primula shade, while glittering bracelets, caught withwisps of tulle, show up the fairylike wrists manipulating a great fan of snow-whiteplumes.
Archive 2009-05-01
Cigar smoke plumed toward his nostrils and he choked.
I headed outside to take a deep cleansing breath of plumeria scented air mixed with diesel bus fumes.
Mai Tai Daze
Here's a quote from Yves Duhoux on pages 223 of L'étéocrétois (1982) talking about Gordon's views and his poor grasp of linguistic methodology despite university education: "L'hypothèse sémitique ne nous paraît, dès lors, pas moins (ni plus) respectable que toute autre - mais elle doit, comme les autres, passer au crible de la critique (ceci deviendrait, sous la plume de GORDON 1975, p.158: 'blind denial is no more scientific than blind acceptance').
Archive 2008-04-01
Where is now the enthusiastic Gironde, where the volcanic mountain, the fiery, and eloquent Mirabeau, the wily Brissot, the atheistic Lequinios, the remorseless Marat, the bloody St. Just, and the chief of the deplumed and fallen legions of equality?
The Stranger in France or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tint of Sketches Taken on the Spot.