How To Use Plumbago In A Sentence

  • Digestive effects: The roots of Plumbago zeylanica were found to stimulate the proliferation of coliform bacteria in mice and act as an intestinal flora normaliser. Find Me A Cure
  • I have several blue plumbagos in pots on my patio, and they do very well.
  • I've got a feeling the BLUE plant in the terracotta pot is a plumbago (is it, Kristin?) ... having a friendly conversation with the RED busy lizzies in the old bucket. Avant-propos - French Word-A-Day
  • If I recollect right, steel and plumbago, which you mentioned in the last lesson, are both carburets of iron? Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • So, yes, in blue, I'm sure now it is a plumbago, but the red flowers "dans le seau" (in the bucket) are not busy lizzies - and not geraniums either. Avant-propos - French Word-A-Day
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  • Cut back robust greenhouse climbers such as passion flowers and plumbago to within a few inches of the old wood.
  • While the garden's toughest souls - including agaves, plumbago and ornamental grasses - remain healthy enough to prevent us from feeling total despair, other plants are showing signs of stress.
  • The garden is completed by tall jacaranda trees, conifers, and in the rockery just below the house, is a tumble of lavender, plumbago, rosemary, agapanthus, hibiscus and hydrangeas.
  • Here are the magnolia, the laurel, the Japanese medlar, the oleander, the pepper, the bay, the date-palm, a tree called the plumbago, another from the Cape of Good The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • I've got a feeling the BLUE plant in the terracotta pot is a plumbago (is it, Kristin?) ... having a friendly conversation with the RED busy lizzies in the old bucket. Avant-propos - French Word-A-Day
  • This remarkable phenomenon, which has been fully recognized only of late years, has been called by chemists allotropism, * and the diamond, plumbago, and charcoal are different allotropic modifications of the element carbon. Religion and Chemistry
  • Graphite, locally known as plumbago, the only commercial mineral of the country, might be seen in the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy. Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
  • Prune greenhouse and conservatory climbers such as plumbago and passion flower.
  • Pruning to increase flowering is particularly true with some indigenous shrubs such as plumbago or Cape honeysuckle.
  • A few that come to mind — Mertensia virginica Virginia bluebells, Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Perennial plumbago, and this little beauty. Now showing: Veronica ped. ‘Georgia Blue’ « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Having melted the grease that is fresh, pour it into another pot; having levigated plumbago finely and sifted it, and mixed them together, boil and stir at first; boil until when poured upon the ground it concretes; then taking it off the fire, pour it all into another vessel, with the exception of the stony sediment, and add resin and stir, and mix a little oil of juniper, and what has been taken off. On Ulcers
  • The quinones in stem of Plumbago zeyanica L. was extracted by steam distillation, and the content of plumbagin in the quinones was determined.
  • While the garden's toughest souls - including agaves, plumbago and ornamental grasses - remain healthy enough to prevent us from feeling total despair, other plants are showing signs of stress.
  • Bees hum in the plumbago.
  • But if you wish to effect the cure by suppositories, take the shell of the part fish a third part of plumbago, bitumen, alum, a little of the flos aeris, galls, a little verdigris; having poured a small quantity of boiled honey on these, and formed an oblong suppository, apply until you remove them. On Hemorrhoids
  • Like a wingless albatross I plummeted two storeys into an overgrown plumbago.
  • The house still stands - a jolly yellow house, with green roof, and a begnonia and plumbago hedge, with poinsettias in the front garden.
  • _grandiflorus_ (A); pomegranate; white kerria, _Rhodotypos kerrioides; _ smoke tree, _Rhus Cotinus; _ rose locust, _Robinia hispida_ (A); spireas of several kinds; _Stuartia pentagyna_ (A); snowberry, _Symphoricarpos racemosus_ (A); lilacs of many kinds; viburnums of several species, including the European and Japanese snowballs; weigelas of the various kinds; chaste-tree, _Vitex Agnus-Castus; _ Thunberg's barberry; red pepper, _Capsicum frutescens; Plumbago Capensis; _ poinsettia. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • Prune greenhouse and conservatory climbers, such as plumbago and passionflower.
  • The greatest standby to the amateur gardener should undoubtedly be the blue-flowered shrub known as "plumbago". Three Elephant Power and Other Stories
  • Lilac plumbago, red hybiscus, and golden allemanda mingle with pink and purple lantana, yellow daisies, and hedges of scarlet tassels, enclosing wicker huts in patches of banana and cocoanut. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • The planter behind is filled with fragrant vines; two ‘Royal Cape’ plumbagos in red pots flank the front posts.
  • A few that come to mind — Mertensia virginica Virginia bluebells, Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Perennial plumbago, and this little [...] Virginia bluebells: a kaleidoscope of spring color « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Carbon, combined with a small quantity of iron, forms a compound called plumbago, or black-lead, of which pencils are made. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • By means of the plumbago and the led in the copper base slide, and take measure of high strength plumbago of exterior bilateral to develop to lubricate it, the idea makes a good lubricative effect.
  • The pureness of whites in some celebrated old pictures is rather to be attributed to a proper method of using, careful preservation of the work, and in many instances to the introduction of ultramarine or a permanent cold colour into the white -- such as plumbago -- helped also by judicious contrast. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • The house was a vast 1950s waterfall brick affair hanging off a hill and it was overgrown with the kinds of shrubs that everyone had in the 1950s; weigela, hibiscus, plumbago. What I cooked last night.
  • Test is made to antioxidation activity of extracts of Plumbago Zeyanica L. by ESR method, photosensitized compound microbiological method and photometric method.
  • So, yes, in blue, I'm sure now it is a plumbago, but the red flowers "dans le seau" in the bucket are not busy lizzies - and not geraniums either. Avant-propos - French Word-A-Day

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