How To Use Plumaged In A Sentence
However, the most picturesque of all bee-eaters in the world is the crimson plumaged carmine bee-eater, which I had seen once - in a bare, dark thorny tree in Masai Mara, Kenya.
Rather than being shared by all of the brown-plumaged teals, this character appears to be shared by only the New Zealand teals, because male Chestnut Teals (like Mallards) have a fully green head.
brilliantly plumaged parrots
The bird upon the sapling was a robin, the tiny round body perched upon his delicate legs, plump and bright plumaged for mating.
The Shuttle
The juvenal plumage is browner and much more uniform below, lacking the strong yellowish suffusion and streaked appearance below of juvenal-plumaged B. montis.
fully plumaged young bird