
How To Use Plum In A Sentence

  • Deefer took others off to see if there might not be a few plump wherries in the hills; they would make a nice change from the tough herdbeast meat, the supply of which was now virtually ex - hausted. Nerilka's Story
  • A few plum accents can bring in a note of elegance to any room; try a throw pillow or two, or a plum lampshade with a fringe?
  • Many scientists think that hotspots mark locations where diapiric convection cells, called mantle ‘plumes’, rise beneath lithospheric plates.
  • The Bedroom In The Sky is three-quarters windowed and the last window blocked off with a hardboard offcut insulated, floored, plasterboarded, plumbed and wired. April 1st, 2007
  • And when apriums - the babies of the pluots-plumcot family - hit the market, you can tuck them into a pillowy NPR Topics: News
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  • Polls show that support for a change has plummeted following the royal visits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The glistening mushrooms were plump and earthy against the dry, crunchy pastry softened by the delicate, herby cream sauce.
  • Thus basal primates might have used ethanol plumes to locate ripening fruits as well as associated fauna.
  • This is their winter plumage, and some of them are already in it. Times, Sunday Times
  • For two days it had been snowing, great flakes so plume-like that they seemed almost artificial, making one think of the blizzards which originate high in theatre-flies under the sovereignty of a stage-hand who sweats at his task of controlling the elements. Then I'll Come Back to You
  • No creditor is gonna want want a piece of your sweet assets these days unless you've got a nice fat down payment and a plunging debt-to-income ratio that reveals a nice plump credit score. How To Be A Sexy Borrower - The Consumerist
  • Fragrant blossoms like plumeria and gardenia are especially nice.
  • Almonds, plums, apples, cherries, and lemons are enjoyed in many households fresh off the trees in family gardens.
  • A new study showed that while street crime is rocketing, the number of thugs brought to book is plummeting. The Sun
  • That includes the ever-popular plum cake, plum pudding and Yule log, marzipans glittering with a coat of sugar, and delightful creations such as nougat, truffle and gateaux.
  • The utility room is plumbed for a dishwasher and washing machine with a tiled splash back.
  • Instead, his dull eyes flicked disinterestedly from ice house to ice house, noting the plume of smoke drifting from each.
  • We need to keep these plumbers and carpenters in business. Times, Sunday Times
  • The animating idea remains curiously unplumbed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The style gurus put their money on culottes, Miss Marple tweed and anything plum.
  • Other predictable starters included focaccia topped with portobello mushrooms with pancetta and garlic as well as bruschetta with poached plum tomato, ricotta and basil pesto.
  • The radicle and plumule form a small subglobose unit, the embryonic axis, whose acuminate lower end extends into the micropyle.
  • Because the loquat, or Japanese plum, is symmetrical and has a dense, evergreen crown, it is desirable in the home landscape.
  • His critics say he should resign because he has lost the moral ascendancy to govern and to save the plummeting economy from collapse.
  • To the rear of Old Hall is a large walled garden that has lawns and a variety of plants and shrubs, as well as strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, rhubarb, plum and apple trees.
  • Spending in town centres has plummeted over the past decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's traditional plum pudding or apple pie for tonight's dessert.
  • Roger appeared with a plump stubborn Welsh pony, attached to a funny little cart which he gayly informed them was a "gingle. The Spanish Chest
  • The dual texture will give the dense pigments of a matte lippy plus a plump satin finish. The Sun
  • It was a plum job to work on the Flying Scotsman, partly because the Americans liked it and they were big tippers.
  • Finally we were outside and he was walking beside me in his favourite cloak that made him look like a captain, something he had always wanted to be and his wide brimmed hat with the feather plume.
  • They are mounted through the holes in the sink using plumber's putty.
  • Bitterns are virtually invisible as their plumage provides perfect camouflage.
  • The dual texture will give the dense pigments of a matte lippy plus a plump satin finish. The Sun
  • There is space for a four-seater breakfast table as well as plumbing for a dishwasher.
  • Their yaks share these high, sunny pastures with blue sheep and plump marmots.
  • Rising next to the CCTV building, and also designed by OMA, the dazzling Television Cultural Center, or TVCC, peaks and plummets like a mountain cloaked in corrugated zinc. Road to Beijing | Impact Lab
  • But now we can't even use the plumbing because the drains are all backed up.
  • If the cylinder does not line up with the bore vertically, you are plumb out of luck since the base pin frame holes could be drilled crooked or the frame warped from heat treatment or stress.
  • He was rather plump, and was wearing a ridiculous hat.
  • It also uses hyaluronic acid, kigelia extract and isoleucine to plump out crepy skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scaleup has been made largely possible by rising donations and falling price for drugs, which have plummeted from 10,000 dollars to 300 dollars per person per year in three years. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The crew braces for shock, the boat shudders and a giant plume of boat wash is the only mark left in the faint moonlight as the boat races forward into harm's way.
  • Throwing my heart monitor out the window I plumped (no pun intended) for the dessert of fresh profiteroles served with butterscotch sauce.
  • Now I'm flirting madly with the plumber who is installing our new bathroom. The Sun
  • Often treated as a separate craft in the open shop, welders are supplied by several unions in the organized sector, such as the boilermakers, plumbers and pipefitters' and ironworkers' unions.
  • After a night of no sleep and mopping the flat, I had a delightful day of dealing with various squads of plumbers.
  • Thursday's trading glitch -- in which the Dow Jones industrial average plummeted over 500 points in five minutes -- was not the first time U.S. markets have hiccuped, nor will it be the last. How The Dow's Dramatic Plunge Could Have Been Prevented
  • feckless attempts to repair the plumbing
  • Described as plump, fleshy, bitter, salty and succulent all at once, their taste remains on the palate long after swallowing.
  • Plum flightless refrigerating gay honolulu hotel discount erik upsetter, gay vesper apparent pics pewit gag sassing, gay bogmat meticulous blackening motto assassinated stanislavsky aboveboard dog delayer ass repentantly. Rational Review
  • Another man came from behind me and removed his richly plumed helmet.
  • Their plumage is a plain, streaky brown. Times, Sunday Times
  • I met wi 'twa dink quines in particular, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was clean-shankit, straught, tight, weelfar'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new-blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • The leaflets are in two planes, giving a slightly plumate appearance.
  • Then stone the fruit and process the plums to a puree.
  • In an informal way, you can say: "aller au plumard", but you never say “aller à la paillasse” ... La question mille francs - French Word-A-Day
  • Swing doors give access to a utility room plumbed for a dishwasher, washing machine and tumble dryer.
  • Male peacocks have beautiful plumage.
  • For similar reasons, deep rips in the crust often accompany the arrival of plumes at the surface.
  • The planter behind is filled with fragrant vines; two ‘Royal Cape’ plumbagos in red pots flank the front posts.
  • Mix your own concrete, do your own plumbing, and wire your own electricity.
  • It was covered in fucoid algae and delicate yellow and orange plumose anemones that drew us in closer, as there were often a few gems nestling in them.
  • In Shakespeare's "Henry IV," the rotund, free-living Falstaff character was known as Plump Jack, famous for his speech defending jovial indulgences--"banish plump Jack and banish all the world. To Ski Or Not To Ski
  • But when the time came to strike out on his own, instead of livestock farming he plumped for growing and selling organic fruit and vegetables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police are now on the verge of allowing painters, plumbers, decorators and joiners into the house to begin clearing up and repairing fittings damaged during the extensive examination of the house.
  • Whilst ornamental cherries produce no edible crop, the blossom of apples, pears, plums and damsons is usually followed by fruit worth harvesting.
  • One team takes samples and finds a plume of oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're all in it together, since none of them can get a proper job, such as brickie or plumber, or CADCAM designer/builder of turbines, for example. One Big Happy Family
  • The nights are drawing in, but you may not be ready for big cardies and bowls of plum crumble just yet.
  • Don't linger over the options, just plump for one straight away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deefer took others off to see if there might not be a few plump wherries in the hills; they would make a nice change from the tough herdbeast meat, the supply of which was now virtually exhausted. Artichoke
  • SpearmintFur is around. bozino > i'm not a plumber, but I play one in Mario Kart Wii - fresh links
  • Everywhere in the 19th century students of folklore itself a newly invented word plumped up their local legends, sagas and fairy tales just as much as Jacob Grimm and Richard Wagner did in Germany. Hitler's Golden Book
  • See this fellow, rage in his face and heart, carrying by the legs his cock, deplumed and dead. An Eagle Flight A Filipino Novel Adapted from Noli Me Tangere
  • Dark plums marry with purple sedum and rich pink hemerocallis along one border.
  • The room is also plumbed for a washing machine and is vented for a dryer.
  • We gorged ourselves on ripe plums.
  • South Africa supplies most of its deciduous fruit (apples, pears, plums and peaches) to Europe.
  • Sissy went out back and gathered feathers where her mama had recently deplumed a hen. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • Food and Dining Has anyone ever tried a 'plumcot' or a 'peacharine'? Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • The members of Eurylaiminae are variable in their plumage; the wattled broadbills have an eye ring of large blue wattles.
  • A plump, fast running bird which keeps to the undergrowth, the black francolin only flies when disturbed.
  • A suite of infrared, wide-field telescopes installed along the length of the aircraft's fuselage detects the missile plume at ranges up to several hundred km.
  • They hope to turn the 105 ft boat into a practical training zone where youngsters learn skills such as plumbing, gas fitting, carpentry, electronics and mechanics.
  • If they are very lucky there may be some fruit, wild plums or a crab apple.
  • The violent storm, with its 70-mile-per-hour winds, tore loose the airship's control cabin, which plummeted earthward like a boulder.
  • The fashion pack has also got the art of layering velvet down pat, which is important when temperatures are plummeting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fully plump, after indulging in a complete Jamaican breakfast on the plane: ackee, saltfish, coco-bread and plantain chips something I would definitely not recommend before doing on-camera work at a lingerie show, I landed in Kingston ready to "dutty wiiine" it up--or at least relax and make a quick stop at the delectable Manley Airport veggie juice bar for a healthy detox. Chie Davis: Kingston Lingerie and Swimwear Fashion Show
  • And although the idea of a little surgical help to zap away excess fat seems tempting, cosmetic weight loss ops plummeted last year. The Sun
  • The waiter, almost literally staggering under the weight, plumped a huge oval plateful of sizzling ribs in front of Lili.
  • Topped with shredded carrots and a very sweet dressing, it also featured plump raisins sprinkled throughout, a very nice touch.
  • An emergency squad of 600 plumbers and electricians has been drafted in to repair the shambles. The Sun
  • If you're a foreign correspondent, you've got a plum assignment and you've learned how to play the game.
  • He stood there, as calm as ever, wearing only his neat black trousers and his scuffed boots, a few tendrils of plum-coloured hair tracing a colourful pattern against the smooth monotony of his skin.
  • One dishonest plumber does more harm than a hundred poetasters.
  • The major advantage of flanged windows is that they are one integral unit that is easy for the contractor or homeowner to install plumb and square within a framed opening.
  • The bright plumage of a parrot made it beloved by people.
  • A mighty swipe had knocked the plump grey catnip mouse out of the bag and Ackroyd leaped for it with a hunting cry. WEEKEND FOR MURDER
  • For the sake of schoolboy humour, each friend should receive two plums and one courgette. The Sun
  • The quirky, unconventional lawman is a plum role that at one point had seemingly passed Cardinal by.
  • The exposure and _depluming_ (to borrow a good word from the fine old rhetorician, Fuller,) of the leading 'humbugs' of the age -- _that_ was announced as the regular business of the journal: and the only question which remained to be settled was, the more or less of the degree; and also one other question, even more interesting still, viz. -- whether personal abuse were intermingled with literary. The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, Vol. 2 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
  • Day-time temperatures are frequently in the low twenties centigrade but, once night falls, they plummet to minus ten or even below that in a matter of minutes.
  • The jet plummeted into a row of houses.
  • Centum mille perdrices plumbo confecit;" [4] that is, indeed, too often the sum of the life of an English lord; much questionable now, if _indeed_ of more value than that of many sparrows. Love's Meinie Three Lectures on Greek and English Birds
  • I think we can plumb the new bath into the existing pipes.
  • But, as we reported last week, the company have finally plumped for their own services.
  • As for the" squibs "conspiracy theorists claim to see in videos of the WTC collapse, these are plumes of smoke and debris ejected from the building due to the immense pressure associated with millions of tons of falling towers (see Figure 1). Debating "Skeptic Magazine" on September 11th Issues
  • Check the wiring and the plumbing too, as these are the most expensive and disruptive jobs to take on. The Sun
  • But the Terminator had already opened its hand and Victor was plummeting earthward. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • When I tipped my head back, I saw the hawk buckle its wings and plummet behind the trees.
  • She plumped herself on the couch, looking and sounding exhausted.
  • This is why plumbers, electricians, carpenters and roofers might also consider setting up similar enterprises.
  • We had it for tea, toasted for breakfast, and as a foundation for fruit desserts, with fresh or poached berries, poached plums or peaches, and slathers of heavy cream poured over everything.
  • He was learning plumbing, carpentry and tradesmen's skills. The Sun
  • Buy a dark purple suede bag or a plum velvet blazer for a luxe look.
  • The next step up is a more comprehensive compact kitchen that is fully plumbed in. The Sun
  • Plumbers and electricians working on construction sites in Queensland will strike for two weeks starting February 26.
  • Hetta was a short, plump, demure young woman, with the softest smoothed hair, and the brownest brightest eyes. Tales of all countries
  • He said Alexkor recently "armoured" a particular slimes dam with coarse overburden to stop a windblown "plume" of fine material that was threatening the proclaimed Ramsar wetland site at the mouth of the Orange River. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Shopkeepers, professional men, painters, plumbers and mechanics must have been counting down the last lingering seconds of the forenoon. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • We can see a plume of smoke rising from the scrub beyond the airport 's perimeter wire. Times, Sunday Times
  • She looked with approval into her lunch sack: a large baked-brie-and-roasted-garlic sandwich on pumpernickel, two of her appetizer-sized pork & plum sausage rolls, and an apple tart.
  • When H. frenatus arrives on an island, the population of the unisexual species plummets.
  • The season is from August, but of all plums the fruit must be ripe and then it becomes honey sweet. Food Watch
  • She wore a pearl necklace to match those on her dress and even her hair, a tower of blonde streaked curls done up in such a fashion that a few loose strands framed her plumpish face perfectly, was adorned with strands of pearls.
  • plumpness" promotes natural healing and wellness with safe, proven ingredients. estimated delivery time is based on the seller's handling time, the shipping service selected, and when the seller Immediate payment required for this item Immediate payment of US $19.99 is required. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • It is also possible that upper mantle mafic plumes acted as a heat source for, and made some contribution to, the melting of more felsic rocks in the lower crust.
  • And spaying for females is the same: they remove the whole plumbing system to keep the animal from going into heat and attracting toms and annoying its owner.
  • In Florida, cruel men shoot the mother bird. on their nests while they are rearing their young. because their plumage is prettiest at that time. Beautiful Joe: An Autobiography
  • It was moist and meaty and utterly delicious when wrapped in the paper-light pancakes alongside threads of spring onion and cucumber and lashings of sweet plum sauce.
  • The golden orb-web spider Nephila plumipes frequently cannibalizes males both before and during copulation.
  • They have long, conspicuous, forward curving crests on their heads that droop over their eyes and thin, white plumes extending backward from the back of each eye.
  • We turned on the television and eventually saw the streaks of meteoritic shuttle that are now as iconic as the Y plume of the Challenger. -
  • I will probably write while the plumber is here and maybe stay home from Eric's ultimate frisbee game and write. Mixed Bag
  • Suppose that hourly wage offers for plumbers are distributed uniformly between $15 and $30. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • This yard, however, had been transformed into a lush garden full of plump, red, juicy tomatoes.
  • Actually they're bean flakes that plump up to become frijoles after you add boiling water.
  • His own dexterity in catching the phrase plumb in the middle gave him a thrill of excitement. The Years
  • He was in Prince Albert's 11 th Hussars, and cut quite a dash on horseback in his crimson trousers, braided tunic, tassels and plumes.
  • Either way, the trick was to contain the leak and wait until the plumber could arrive the next morning.
  • Starting to gain speed at the end of the hill, she plummeted into a giant stack of rolled up hay.
  • Burdekin plum (PLEIOGYNIUM SOLANDRI), and all sorts of unpromisingly tough and apparently indigestible, innutritious woodeny nuts and drupes. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • We withheld key evidence, so if you’re trying to figure out who killed Professor Plum, we haven’t shown you that the candlestick is even a potential murder weapon yet. Interview with LOST Co-Creator Damon Lindelof –
  • Eaten on their own as a candy or as an accompaniment to cheese, these little sugar encrusted fruit treats with a name that has no good translation, come in every imaginable flavor from raspberry to mirabelle plum to date. Flora Lazar: Finally -- Locavore Candy at the Farmers Market
  • The order mammalia is the resultant of a primary sex-distinction developed by natural selection; but the gorgeous plumage of the peacock's tail is a secondary sex-distinction developed by sexual selection. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • His almost unimaginable guilt from two consecutive suicides, too, is largely unplumbed, though probably not unfelt.
  • On the other is the open-air lounge, with a fully stocked bar and comfy Indonesian daybeds with plump throw pillows, and low tables that double as footrests.
  • Tucker Bounds, a McCain spokesman, could barely utter two consecutive sentences without mentioning the plumber.
  • His father turned on a small lamp with a rose-colored shade, which cast a dull light across a wide bed, spread with a plum satin coverlet.
  • Install a small electric water heater for heat and plumb it into the existing heater core, or use a small ceramic electric space heater.
  • It seems to me that those of us who are trying to conserve the depleting water supply are being outfoxed by the old, inefficient plumbing that serves most buildings in the city.
  • The Meiguan Pass, known for plum-blossoms, is an ideal niche for appreciating wintersweets.
  • Although fairly common now, the great egret came perilously close to extinction at the hands of the hat trade at the beginning of the twentieth century; egret plumes were deemed a fashion accessory.
  • She wasn't a totally overweight woman; just a bit plump from all the snacks and goodies she constantly ate throughout the day.
  • Edison didn't invent the light bulb -- he invented one * type* of light bulb. the bulb had been already invented. indoor plumbing is over 2000 years old. electricity came along long before Ben Franklin and gang -- it just didn't get used much. and so on. perhaps the biggest mistake people make is to equate "invention" with "progress" or "improvement". A Priori (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I tried a (free with coupon) lip plumper from a chain body and bath place and it felt like someone was rubbing fiberglass across my lips ... they felt injured after about 10 minutes. Do my lips look plump?
  • The whilk Swedish feathers, although they look gay to the eye, resembling the shrubs or lesser trees of ane forest, as the puissant pikes, arranged in battalia behind them, correspond to the tall pines thereof, yet, nevertheless, are not altogether so soft to encounter as the plumage of a goose. A Legend of Montrose
  • The prize winner will also receive one FREE plumbing or drainage job from a qualified plumber. The Sun
  • It is not of primary importance to the profession of plumbers, for example, what the public thinks of them.
  • I've been called a lot of different things in the last couple of years, but ‘a plump, wrinkly old washerwoman from Fez, Morocco’ wasn't one of them.
  • Grandmother Hastings was short and plumpy and her white hair was curly and her eyes were blue. Brother and Sister
  • Well, there was one fine, handsome rabbit who had the longest and plumiest tail of any of the family, and was very proud of it. How Mr. Rabbit Lost his Tail Hollow Tree Stories
  • They'd better be quick about it, because a gas plume would cover the area within eight minutes.
  • Forasmuch as this self-love is so natural to them all that they had rather part with their father’s land than their foolish opinions; but chiefly players, fiddlers, orators, and poets, of which the more ignorant each of them is, the more insolently he pleases himself, that is to say vaunts and spreads out his plumes. In Praise of Folly
  • Once an eruption is initiated, the seal ruptures, suddenly releasing massive amounts of gas, which have been accumulating within the plumbing system of the volcano.
  • Tail set high, plumed and carried in a gay curl over the back when moving.
  • But in the well-made cake, the plums are wisely scattered all through, and every mouthful is a pleasure. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • Richly scanted dark berry and plum aroma with complex fruitcake , richness and resonantly depth.
  • Ruffs and britches disappeared long ago, and there isn't much to distinguish a Balinese from a Siamese today except a wispy fringe on the underbelly and a meek plume of a tail.
  • In one corner, you'll find an enclave of butchers, delicatessen and food stalls, including a cluster selling plump, briny Gower cockles and fresh laverbread. Swansea's top 10 budget eats
  • Although terns are closely related to seagulls, sharing a general black-and-grey pattern of plumage with their cousins, they have slim silvery bodies and deeply forked tails.
  • I went in to watch the first half, and despite the central character's life going well, in the face adversity, I could sense a plummet in the second half.
  • An active origin is suggested because volcanism and uplift appear to have preceded rifting, an active plume passing over a large area.
  • Kim and Coquette spent their days curled around each other in sunny spots like Siamese wreaths, and Mom’s Persian Ming Ming spent hers down at the water hole catching barble—plump catfish that tasted of mud. Rainbow’s End
  • A north-eastern wind from Germany will send temperatures plummeting as low as -5C.
  • We are standing in a spacious kitchen painted a dusky pink colour that, were it a lipstick or nail varnish, would be called Plum Beautiful or Berry Sorbet.
  • In all directions, you can see huge plumes of smoke.
  • Australia yesterday recalled its ambassador to Jakarta as relations between the two countries plumbed a new low. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were some suggested improvements, including building up the growing love between the plumber and the undine, mentioning earlier that undines are incurable romantics, and changing the plumber's ex (who shows up several times) into several separate exes to demonstrate the plumber's previous personal history. 6/18/08: Taos Toolbox, days 10-11: Some have broken under the strain of it
  • The adjoining utility room has further storage units and is plumbed for a washing machine and dryer.
  • I don't mind being the one who has to call the plumber, and sit with the plumber, and go scouting for soap dispensers for the kitchen to replace the ridiculous airgap that they make you put it, but I don't like everyone being crabby at me about the whole thing. Readersguide Diary Entry
  • With so many brands and types of wine on the shelves, many bemused Scottish consumers plump for a bottle because the design on the label looks good.
  • Where does chivalry at last become something more than a mere procession of plumes and armor, to be lamented by Burke, except in some of the less ambitious verses of the Trouvères, where we hear the canakin clink too emphatically, perhaps, but which at least paint living men and possible manners? The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
  • Both the juvenile and the adult have golden plumage at the napes of their necks.
  • Hot water can dissolve tiny amounts of lead from your plumbing system.
  • Jon plumped for the main course of skewered collops of Mallaig monkfish, but wasn't too keen on the other half of the combo, that Shetland salmon.
  • Now comes a more logical explanation of why the church plum trees had fruit. Christianity Today
  • Again, there are echoes of Shakespeare, who liked to coin words such as vasty, steepy, and plumpy. On useful tautology
  • The necessary rewiring, replumbing and heating upgrades coupled with the age of the property suggest it would make sense to have all walls and ceilings replastered.
  • Denver took over at its 44 and Plummer lofted a jump ball to Javon Walker, who outleaped cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha and came down at the Raiders 2 for a 54-yard gain. - Football - Oakland vs. Denver
  • Here, one of the birds spreads its wings to let its plumage dry in the sun, an attitude which is highly characteristic of cormorants and their relatives.
  • Potential difficulties were solved when he caused to be constructed for himself a fine, plump, hollow pullet out of papier mâché, the breast being composed of two lids.
  • Marbled Murrelets are unusual among the alcids in that they molt to cryptic-brown plumage during the breeding season.
  • SCHOOLS have gone back after the summer, meaning holiday prices are plummeting. The Sun
  • This vision gave rise to slender black suede and velvet sandals embellished with soaring plumes of vulture feathers, based upon a "Mohican" haircut, with a little 'pochette' to match. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • She was not exactly your blonde bombshell type: plump, short, always casually dressed, and bitingly acerbic whenever she had the chance.
  • Whatever you do this summer, tuck in to this gorgeous, grapey, spicy yellow plum and greengage-layered white. Times, Sunday Times
  • The black-headed gulls are now in their winter plumage.
  • As Tharanal had led them towards it yesterday, he'd seen thick plumes of smoke - and other, more noxious vapors - rising from outlying ventilation shafts like the fumaroles of volcanos.

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