How To Use Plum pudding In A Sentence
Besides the icing cakes, the bakers have steamed a plum pudding that may well rock the regular variety.
We closed off with plum pudding made without milk or eggs.
That includes the ever-popular plum cake, plum pudding and Yule log, marzipans glittering with a coat of sugar, and delightful creations such as nougat, truffle and gateaux.
Any one who knows the rudiments of cookery, will recognize that with this system no viand can have any particular flavor, the partridges having a taste of their neighbor the roast beef, which in turn suggests the plum pudding it has been "chumming" with.
Worldly Ways and Byways
PETER : Then for dessert there's traditional plum pudding or apple pie, plus coffee.

Some of the wartime recipes you will find are rhubarb bread pudding, nettle champ, Irish stew with venison, kedgeree, hardtime omelette and mock plum pudding.
A woman's hatpin could go through a plum pudding not more easily than did my blade go through the Italian.
Chapter 11
In this great plum pudding of a book a reader dips into its pages to find unexpected treasures alongside familiar figures.
Probably he thought they heightened effect, much as Charles Lamb spelt plum pudding with a b ” “plumb pudding,” because, he said, “it reads fatter and more suetty.”
Fifty Years of Railway Life in England Scotland and Ireland
They's a fire burning in the miggle of the carpet -- a blue fire, jest like a plum pudding!
Sisters Three
By 1595, the frumenty was replaced by a plum pudding with eggs, breadcrumbs, dried fruits and flavoured with spirits and ale.
It's not excess of turkey and plum pudding that has been indigestible; it's the surfeit of news.
That includes the ever-popular plum cake, plum pudding and Yule log, marzipans glittering with a coat of sugar, and delightful creations such as nougat, truffle and gateaux.
Last year's Eighth Floor was not even a story, just a series of Christmas-themed tableaux, and those were constructed from the remains of previous years 'tableaux from actual stories -- if you'd been to the Eighth Floor a lot you could spot the dwarves from Snow White as elves, and the plum pudding from Mary Poppins, and like that.
Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
When I was a child we stirred next year's plum pudding in October and made mincemeat in November.
It was clear that the merry season of Yule logs, plum pudding, fruitcakes, marzipans, macaroons and roast turkey had not yet come to a close.
When required to make plum pudding, the chefs would draw out measured quantities of the mixture and add fresh apple and grated carrot, besides spices such as cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg.
Then those of my dear neighbors nearest my heart decided to prevent a lonely Christmas for me, so on December 21st came Mrs. Louderer, laden with an immense plum pudding and a big "wurst," and a little later came Mrs. O'Shaughnessy on her frisky pony, Chief, her scarlet sweater making a bright bit of color against our snow - wrapped horizon.
Letters of a Woman Homesteader
The dinner would consist of roast beef, roast mutton, roast pork, and vegetables, plum puddings, Christmas cake, and tea, and would be served to about 1,200 poor people.
Today's traditional Christmas pudding is derived from frumenty and plum pudding.
For you, Christmas is about family and traditions, and you rather enjoy the rituals of going to church at midnight and turning off the lights before flaming the plum pudding.
We finally produced carrots and potatoes, fresh green peas and mint, tinned meat, gravy, plum pudding and custard, nuts, raisins and sweets.
Besides the icing cakes, the bakers have steamed a plum pudding that may well rock the regular variety.
There's traditional plum pudding or apple pie for tonight's dessert.