How To Use Plotted In A Sentence
They having observed where the Chest stood, and wanting a necessary mooveable to houshold, yet loath to lay out money for buying it: complotted together this very night, to steale it thence, and carry it home to their house, as accordingly they did; finding it somewhat heavy, and therefore imagining, that matter of woorth was contained therein.
The Decameron
German saboteurs plotted a wartime bombing campaign in Britain using exploding cans of processed peas, according to secret files made public for the first time today.
Receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for the early and late stages of the disease in both the areas.
The earthquake centres had been plotted on a world map.
My demise was once plotted here, deep in this dark sombre forest.
Times, Sunday Times
My idea of a desert is an eternal agony, plotted by the fury of the aridity, by the implacable confusion of a sun which, trampled by the wind, melts with the sand, until there is no other landscape than the sand dominating the sky, the ground, the wind.
Flowers in the Desert
Survival curves were plotted using the product limit estimates.
Ahab plotted a course which he hoped would take him to the whale.
The builders have plotted out the area ready for the houses.
While his partner had been busy with that job, Haig had driven pegs into the ground, marked out a grid and plotted the positions of the signals from his metal detector.
Nash's team used its global-positioning - satellite receiver to establish its position, and then through the brownish haze, team members plotted the azimuth and direction to a far-off enemy bunker.
Big radar screens allowed them to view the closer shipping movements and others, further out, were plotted on a big map.
It’s one of my faves, but defending it as tightly plotted is like, well … just go back and read accounts of why the powder blues were supposed to win the last series.
Matthew Yglesias » Short and Sweet
By this fellow’s means, I have counterplotted all his master’s fine schemes.
Saint Ronan's Well
His ingeniously plotted stories, some of which drew on themes from English and Scandinavian folklore, typically portrayed safe and ordered worlds invaded by terrifying agents of unappeasable supernatural malice.
Inspired by the legendary botanical gardens in Padua, Italy where the Medicis plotted the untimely, frothing ends of their enemies, an English duchess has created a garden dedicated entirely to flora deadly and/or narcotic.
Alnwick Poison Gardens
Sayle is on familiar ground here, and the story is well plotted and both dialogue and historical description are credible.
Most of the brighter stars plotted are of the second magnitude, while the fainter ones are of the fourth.
George Lucas on the other hand ruined his own Star Wars myth, and his reputation as a director, if not a money maker, with poorly plotted, miscast prequels which played fast and loose with the fans' cherished memories.
The prisoners plotted an escape route.
My forward observers plotted their defensive concentrations and barrages where we thought they should be.
He plotted the ruin of his enemy.
The captain plotted out the ship's course and told the crew to get ready.
As a first approximation of winter range, I plotted museum specimen records by month on maps of the Western Hemisphere.
The gang plotted to put drugs money into normal circulation through betting.
As the process runs, further sample means are plotted on the control chart.
Although the film is strongly plotted, its leisurely pace and quiet tone take it more in the direction of character study than the rollicking caper promised by the packaging.
In this scenario, Lin and his high military commanders, sensing's treachery, plotted a preemptive coup d'etat.
Though this tale of reincarnation and a love that crossed generations starred the peerless Barbara Harris, as a psychically gifted young woman with a past life just waiting to leap out of her, it was generally agreed that the 1965 production was overdressed, overplotted and more or less out of its mind.
NYT > Home Page
Most of the brighter stars plotted are of the second magnitude, while the fainter ones are of the fourth.
By the way over the small range that you have plotted over a quadratic is a good approximation to an exponential which is exactly what would be expected from the radiative forcing of CO2.
Rabett Run
All basalt chemical compositions can be plotted in the basalt tetrahedron, which has normative quartz, olivine, nepheline and augite at the apices.
An actual radar antenna pattern plotted by using the method shows approximately no difference from the practically measured results based on solar noise.
Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power.
They worried about love, marriage and work, fussed about their children, gossiped and plotted.
The police begin investigating him as an accessory to the murder, for having plotted and planned it with the killer.
Note that sometimes a new point will be plotted further to the right than any previous one (i.e. its fractional part will be larger than any before it).
The positions of the archaeological finds are accurately plotted.
The distribution of soil pressure normal to the culvert periphery is plotted against the central angle in Figure 7.
The data plotted at a single point.
Although the historical characters that make up the cast are a pretty unsavory crew, all thoughts of murder, mayhem, and matricide were still in the future when Agrippina plotted to make her son, Nero, Rome's emperor.
Meanwhile, in Afghanistan -- from where Al-Qa'eda plotted to attack us on 9/11 -- their hosts, the Taliban ( 'union of religious scholars') resurge from the mountains, to undo all of the progress we once made there.
Sound Politics: Floyd McKay Flirts With Bigotry
The captain plotted out the ship's course and told the crew to get ready.
Estimated leaf mass of first-order branches is plotted against basal stem diameter of the branch in Fig.10.
Which brings me to the final complication in that overplotted year.
Lucky Jim may survive in the memory as a series of farcical moments, but it is also a tightly plotted novel.
In figure 2b, the implicit function is plotted for different values of q.
I, personally, look forward to then spending the rest of my life hunting them down, per narrative convention, and exacting elaborately plotted revenge.
By this fellow's means, I have counterplotted all his master's fine schemes.
St. Ronan's Well
The trajectory could then be plotted and extrapolated backwards so that its position could be located.
he plotted the orbit of the moon
During the first and second wars, Chechen rebels sought to acquire radioactive and biological materials, plotted to hijack a nuclear submarine and cased military nuclear installations.
As I plotted the epic crash of this colossus, my heart began to pound in anticipation.
There's no counterproof that that's not exactly what was being plotted.
CNN Transcript Aug 13, 2006
Instead of plotting variables as a function of time spent foraging, foraging activity variables were plotted as a function of an x-axis where numerical increments of one corresponded to individual dives over time.
I had plotted the route in detail and made a road book.
It is truly terrible: leadenly paced, datedly filmed, implausibly plotted and lazily acted.
Times, Sunday Times
Visitors were told how weather data which flow in continuously from around 500 weather stations all over the country are analysed, plotted on maps and then low pressure zones determined to forecast depressions and cyclones.
The work is clearly very well planned and organise, and the story has been carefully plotted to be tight and layered.
A 'logical extension' which is emplotted in ways determined the narrational preferences of the writer reflecting mainstream genres from Romance and Pornography to Intimatopia.
The HUMLab blog
This is a line that is greatly overused in action movies where an evil villain has plotted to take over the world… or whatever.
But as he plotted his exploratory route memories of that odd encounter in the lobby that morning kept intruding.
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It's easily the worst of the many overplotted, would-be fantasy franchises launched.
MovieWeb: News
The time ranges of events have been plotted to take account of the errors on radiometric dates.
On the Panamanian side, city blocks were plotted along radial avenues.
If the complicated courses and distances in this were originally wrong, or if the copy of them is false, it is obvious that they cannot be "plotted" upon a correct chart.
The life of Christopher Columbus: from his own letters and journals and other documents of his time.
The speeds are plotted as abscissae, and the electrical work absorbed in watts divided by 746 as ordinates; then with a series-wound motor we obtain the curve, EE.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884
Yet the surprise I had plotted was uppermost in my mind, and I craved of him right duteously that he would grant me my will.
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While I won't deny that it works within its own confines as drama, the film's final act is a little on the overplotted side.
_magnetization curves_, it is easy to determine other data from which so-called permeability curves may be plotted.
Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
Survival curves were plotted and the significance of differences between life spans of strains was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test.
Radar operators plotted the course of the incoming missile.
However, the key to all these innovations was the written word and the chart on which you plotted your course.
After moving in, they plotted a seven-year remodeling plan, working on their own house in between Pick's jobs rehabbing a growing list of clients' homes.
The paper said it had obtained documents from 1993 showing that the White House "plotted" to push a "Kids First" insurance program if Mrs. Clinton's universal health care proposal failed.
Hillary Partially Vindicated On Story About Woman In Ohio
When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.
The technician plotted the thermal conductivity versus mean temperature.
We plotted a course across the Pacific.
The data plotted at a single point.
Vesey, a literate free black, plotted the only large-scale city revolt during the history of slavery in the United States.
For R N transitions they should have plotted the north magnetic pole.
The highly plotted aspect of this, and the short sections, often from different characters 'points of view, enabled me to write in bursts, often on the morning train I take from where I live in Connecticut to my office in
David Levien - An interview with author
Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power.
Plotted on the abscissa of the graph are the incompatibility values or the proportions of informative sites incompatible with the particular clade in the set of artificially generated sequences.
Civil society organizations and legal experts have criticized the ruling to free the men, who are accused of having plotted atrocious crimes, such as detonating bombs in two of İstanbul's biggest mosques during busy prayer hours.
Congress had a copy of the President's speech a day ahead, so there was no spontanaity in his response, it was .... how can I get my face on every news show and on the internet ... calculated and plotted from the moment he walked in the room.
Wilson insists outburst during Obama speech 'spontaneous'
He checked the loran, plotted the fix and readjusted the autopilot to a heading of 301 degrees magnetic.
The technician plotted the thermal conductivity versus mean temperature.
Here, the amplitude of the eigenvector in the lowest-frequency mode is plotted on the ordinate whereas the abscissa shows the residue number.
They had plotted to blow up the White House.
In this scantily plotted movie, the nattily dressed American meets up with the Gallic twins at a protest in Paris at the Cinémathèque.
New factory's district is all plotted out.
One day, because he was tired and unhappy, he knocked their heads together, and they plotted to destroy him, but they were afraid, and secretly admired what they called his coarse habits.
Ultimately, Prism, the probabilistic model checking tool, is used to do statistics and analysis, and automated analysis results are plotted as graphs.
We plotted our methods of evasion like we were planning a covert military operation, carefully mapping out alternate routes of entry and exit.
The characteristic curve of brake efficiency factors of various domestic brakes vs. friction efficiency of lining is plotted.
Andrew W's Germany have plotted an altogether mazier path to today; second to Ghana in their group, they found some form in beating the USA in the round of 16, then enjoyed winning two of the closest games in the tournament.
Comments for FreakyTrigger
So far I've only plotted the story in a rough form.
When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.
Recruitment curves for beetle populations on each soybean genotype were plotted by fitting a Ricker model to the data using likelihood methods.
The map was plotted with various intel her men had gathered.
When analysing survival data, the survival curves should always be plotted.
The prisoners plotted an escape route.
Then he went back to his hotel, and plotted his route to Everville.
Relative abundance variations of the planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer and àŽàⲱ8O measured G. ruber white variety in core PBBC1 plotted against calibrated years.
Gulf of Mexico SST Proxy « Climate Audit
In the next chapter I shall deal with the use in reasoning of such curves, either actually 'plotted' or roughly imagined.
Human Nature in Politics Third Edition
The story is plotted across a series of incidents, some apparently unconnected, at least at first.
The Times Literary Supplement
8Pedagogically, a florilegium enabled students to envision memory as a garden, carefully plotted for seeds and cuttings collected from other exemplary lives and works.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
With downcast eyes they advance and retreat through a series of carefully plotted steps that maintain a tight dynamic.
Times, Sunday Times
For this analysis, all residual values were normalized according to the square-root of the line scan intensity and plotted as a function of distance from the nearest Z line.
data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in Figure 2
Brave new storylines are plotted, tackling issues like illiteracy, drink driving and vote rigging.
Number 11 is a baroquely plotted, densely allusive, heart-on-his-sleeve, state-of-the-nation satire.
Times, Sunday Times
This cold war confrontation point even inspired an eponymous board game called Fulda Gap: The First Battle of the Next War, in which opponents plotted the invasion, and defense, of Western Europe.
We then placed this lumped linear genetic map on both x- and y-axes and plotted the positions of the epistatic interactions detected.
With the timing information and the ephemerides from 4 satellites, a GPS receiver can perform trilateration, which allows a point to be plotted accurately to within about 5 to 15 meters (15 to 45 feet).
Ars Technica
They retrieved all but one of 700 parts and so meticulous was their work - the position of each was plotted with a theodolite and recorded - that even now they could still all be taken back to the exact points where they were found.
The transformation of austenite below the eutectoid temperature can best be presented in an isothermal transformation diagram, in which the beginning and end of transformation is plotted as a function of temperature and time.
The old leather chart spilled out to show a cleverly plotted route of the swamplands.
The five stories are intricately plotted and seamlessly woven together.
Mean values and 95% confidence intervals for F are plotted against mean density values for each bin.
Greenhouse temperature can be plotted against plant growth.
My idea of a desert is an eternal agony, plotted by the fury of the aridity, by the implacable confusion of a sun which, trampled by the wind, melts with the sand, until there is no other landscape than the sand dominating the sky, the ground, the wind.
Flowers in the Desert
Mr. Milburn was described as a vile Yankee type of miser and overreacher, who had plotted against the fortune of a gentleman and the virtue of his daughter for a long series of remorseless years.
The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's Times
The six-year-old case, which includes allegations that Basciano plotted to kill Judge Garaufis as well as a former top federal mob prosecutor, is scheduled to begin in February.
Jerry Capeci: Death Trial Sets Up Gorgerous Clash With Joe Massino
This curve can be plotted well against particle radius.
Two years, they had plotted and planned this scheme, progressing their efforts and perfecting their means.
The ratio of P and Ca retention to protein gain for all animals older than the newborn calves was then plotted against animal age.
In a perfectly plotted world, one of Chua's girls will, according to plan, become the concertmistress of a world-class orchestra, and the other will avenge herself by novel or memoir-and sell more books than her mother and father combined.
The New Yorker
For R N transitions they should have plotted the north magnetic pole.
They plotted oat a plan of action in advance.
And the Skins crew, scrappier and sluttier than their soapy forbears, had a mess of a get-together where sex (pubescent playa Tony plotted to get loser bestie Stanley laid), drugs (Stan's first- time-to-be nearly O.D.'d), and violence (fight! fight! fight!) collided in a way that would have left One Tree Hill under a state-mandated curfew for a month.
Watercooler: Only Skins Deep?
Simple Ratios: The ratio of two primary measures is plotted against time.
These data were plotted on polar coordinate paper and area was estimated using a planimeter.
Measure for Measure is one of Shakespeare's later comedies and one of his most intricately plotted plays.
But the quality of TV drama (or, more accurately, American TV drama - there's something seriously wrong when the hammily acted, poorly plotted Doctor Who gets a BAFTA award for Best Drama programme over here!) is another factor.
Filmstalker: Is Television taking over the Cinema?
The builders have plotted out the area ready for the houses.
We schemed and plotted by internet, e-mail and conference call, and now the team has come together for the first time.
Fanny Gore Brown and her fellow Wrens plotted the movements of German ships and submarines.
The figure shows the regression lines plotted between the 10th and 90th centiles of the self reported general health distribution within each region.
Terrorism attacks by committing suicide refer to the plotted violent acts prompted by ideology or religious factors, and their success depends on the executors' violent self-murder.
In days of old, England has had Statesmen, such as Pitt and Castlereagh, who were true to their country and easily counterplotted and put down the Jesuit conspiracies in Ireland.
The article abounds with graphs sporting unlabeled axes, imprecise axis scales, inaccurately plotted points, and confused methods explanations.
Meeting spaces around the building are plotted along the y-axis, session times along the x.
The outcomes for a range of spins and velocities can be plotted on a graph.
And as the dying merchant prince lay in bed, he plotted his last great strategy for the enhancement of Seattle.
The ssNa record is a 20-year smoothed version, resampled at 6-yr resolution, and is plotted against the time scale for GISP 2 from Meeker and Mayewski, 2004.
Gulf of Mexico SST Proxy « Climate Audit
He took the rejection of his suit to the princess hard, and has plotted revenge against those caused the rejection of his suit.
After plunging into a sorry plight, the pollster quit poking about and plotted a conspiracy.
A glucose tolerance curve is the plotted results of the test.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
The software automatic plotting activityonnode network is developed, and the diagram plotted by it has clear logical relations, rational layout and simple appearance.
The speeds are plotted as abscissae, and the electrical work absorbed in watts divided by 746 as ordinates; then with a series-wound motor we obtain the curve, EE.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884
This map is plotted in galactic coordinates - the plane of the Milky Way galaxy passes across the middle of this chart with the zero point of galactic latitude and longitude pointing directly at the galactic centre.
Curves of internal thermal resistance of different typical structures vs. heating chip areas and external resistance vs. package surface areas are plotted.
Old friends are reacquainted, new ones made, and future plans plotted.
The total cost curves (total means not divided by numbers of vehicles as for average cost curves) are plotted for each capacity.
The percentage of genes transcribed at a certain level (y-axis) is plotted against the relative level of gene transcription (x-axis).
When these curves are plotted on the same axes, their intersection points define the stable points of the system.
Such numbers can be plotted as points on a graph.
This exact curve has been plotted as a dotted line in Fig 2A.
They incubated sedition and plotted with the Iceni against Rome.
He checked the loran, plotted the fix and readjusted the autopilot to a heading of 301 degrees magnetic.
Hence, neither the historical dynamics of myths nor their impact upon present culture can be traced with confidence or systematically plotted.
Finally, frequencies versus displacement amplitude curves were plotted for different layered systems.
These ternary plots suggest that the three suspect samples (plotted red, yellow and green) are in fact from the same source, and unique, when compared with many samples from other sources (plotted blue)
To provide quick reference for the file designer the data in Table 6.5 has been plotted in Fig. 6.11.
The net force acting on both charges, obtained by the summation of individual forces is plotted as a bar diagram in Fig.11 D.
So what I did was I plotted this data, the centripetal acceleration versus the mean distance to the sun and I did that on log paper.
The difference in decoded locations (separations) for the 'fixate' and 'saccade' trials are plotted in Theoretical neuronal populations response to a pair of dots.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
(F, lower level) densitometric analysis of gene expression plotted as the expression ratio to GAPDH, used as internal control.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Greenhouse temperature can be plotted against plant growth.
As with all of his novels, it's tightly plotted, extremely well written, with twists and turns aplenty.
Isochronal tail current amplitudes were normalized to the maximum amplitude obtained from that oocyte and plotted versus test potential.
Plotted is the maximum bin length value averaged over 50 simulated populations.
Although it may be smartly scripted and ingeniously plotted, this is unapologetically a genre flick.
Lathe plotted the actual and relative growth of the trees by year against total nickel production in Canada.
All basalt chemical compositions can be plotted in the basalt tetrahedron, which has normative quartz, olivine, nepheline and augite at the apices.
The portrayal of Bob and his boat could perhaps be said to reach inward -- although this is done through concentration and indirection, not through the tedium of the "free indirect" method -- as well as to expand outward and around Bob in concentric circles of thinly-layered exposition, but it could hardly be said to ever really push forward into a plotted narrative.
Experimental Fiction
Terrorism attacks by committing suicide refer to the plotted violent acts prompted by ideology or religious factors, and their success depends on the executors' violent self-murder.
They schemed, they plotted, they resorted to the wiliest of strategies and delaying efforts-including the invention of the most wonderfully complicated “census-taking” known to man - to ensure that no Jews under their govemance fell into German hands.
Today is the 66th anniversary of the rescue of the Danish Jews. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
Young leaders, such as Saig Takamori (182777) and kubo Toshimichi (183078) of Satsuma, plotted to undermine the shogunal authorities.
The story is plotted across a series of incidents, some apparently unconnected, at least at first.
The Times Literary Supplement
Enjoyably plotted, sometimes dextrously turned, but groaning with moral sententiousness, This Happy Breed is peppered with moments in which characters proclaim the importance of using their own words, of not slipping into jargon, in particular the second-hand vocabulary of 1930s socialism.
This Happy Breed; Henry IV, Parts One and Two – review
Career paths have been plotted, exotic holidays are there for the taking, they can afford the car of their dreams and all the designer clothes they desire.
When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.
They plotted to make the whole Mississippi Valley secede from the United States.
Babylon 5 which I consider one of the great series ... because it DOES have a logical and plotted progression ... still ends with that "noble sacrifice" business so popular in nerd-world.
Is a grim, dark, nihilistic view of the future in SciFi...groundbreaking?
We therefore also plotted individual dose-response curves of log plasma gastrin against the basal-subtracted acid output.
A useful approach was proposed by Schulz who suggested that a cumulative mass fraction be plotted against the molar mass.
However, the manually plotted graphs were time consuming and susceptible to drafting errors.
Every angle is carefully plotted, and tension builds steadily throughout the film.
The reconstructions of outlines corresponding to extreme individuals using the inverse Fourier transform are plotted on the PC1 - PC2 projection.
The group's bail conditions prohibit them from using online nicknames or using internet relay chat websites, the forums where Anonymous members are alleged to have plotted attacks.
The results are plotted in the traditional way, with the second formant on the horizontal axis and the first formant on the vertical axis, both plotted so that the origin is (in effect) in the upper right-hand corner.
Alfred's law declared that a man's life and property were forfeit if he plotted against the king.
The Thai Marines used compasses to mark the minefield and plotted the locations of the mines.
The last feature would be especially useful in light of traffic conditions, and alternate destinations can be plotted by voice to comply with hands-free legislation in Ontario and similar laws in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and B.C.
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The trajectory could then be plotted and extrapolated backwards so that its position could be located.
Whatever you may think of the lady's literary ability, an Agatha Christie whodunit is going to be cleverly plotted, make no mistake.