
  1. Roman philosopher (born in Egypt) who was the leading representative of Neoplatonism (205-270)
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How To Use Plotinus In A Sentence

  • In chapter 2, through the analysis of Plotinus' theology ideas, this thesis exposes the status and function of "the holy beauty" in his theology.
  • Stretching all the way back to the Neoplatonist Plotinus, experientialism views what the believer refers to as God as "the one beyond all knowing and being (66). blogs
  • Both Greek Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus' Neo- Platonism , their theologies are based on Plotinus' philosophy.
  • To prove its existence in ancient religion he cites the famous passage from Plotinus's Enneads, that initiates of the mysteries must enter them naked.
  • The ancient aestheticians, such as the Plato and Plotinus, were apt to believe that the beauty is an object's attribute. Therefore, there is an objective universality for the beauty.
  • The idea of privation - of the diminishing of the plenitude of the Absolute was an important theme in Plotinus's Neoplatonism.
  • Recalling that from early recorded history the sphere has represented an idealized form of the universe, it is understandable, particularly in light of the late quattrocento "rediscovery" of Plato and Plotinus, that the pearl embodied notions of perfection, unity, and purity in miniature. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • As in Christian theology, Plotinus believed in a tripartite of divinities, these being the One, the Intellect and the Soul.
  • Plotinus wrote these treatises in a crabbed and difficult Greek.
  • The learned Marsilio Ficino translated Plotinus, that great archimage of _platonic mysticism_. Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
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