How To Use Plodding In A Sentence

  • It is patent that dusk found them weary and worn, plodding and wading silently "homewards," shovel on shoulder, across four or five kilos of desolate mud; falling and tripping over stagnant bodies, masses of tangled wire, bricks and jagged wood-work everywhere impeding progress. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • I watched her plodding her way across the field.
  • The fancy can no more soar and disport in skyey regions, the beloved object ceases at once to be celestial, and remains plodding on earth, entirely unromantic and substantial. The Virginians
  • Five minutes later he was plodding steadily ahead of his big Mackenzie hound into the peopleless barrens to the south and west. Philip Steele of the Royal Northwest mounted Police
  • I think it is incorrect to view my batting as plodding along at one pace. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Two words that describe the pace and plot of this film are plodding and uninteresting.
  • The plodding pace at which he batted meant those following him had to sacrifice their wickets to the cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • Album opener ‘Petrified Possessions’ is guided by a plodding piano line that's backed by a tremulous guitar adorned with tines of feedback.
  • It was easier to see Frankie jumping up and down in a mosh pit than plodding around in Vince's arms to a dreamy Anita Baker love song. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • So by rights we should be in the midst of spring, with lambs leaping, the smell of dew hanging in the air and the sight of rowers happily plodding home from the Cherwell.
  • We also witness huge elk grazing, and for a brief intoxicating moment, a massive moose plodding across a stream.
  • And it hurts when we have this clumsy, plodding exchanges because he was my best friend, and now we can't seem to talk to each other without diffidence and discomfort.
  • I heard their heavy boots slowly plodding across the hardwood floors to the back stairs that led to his room.
  • No such cutwork is needed on Twilight, which is merely better suited to the large screen than the large print, where within its 600 pages it was at worst, plodding, and at best, tendentious. Interviews with various vampires
  • In 1861, horse-drawn wagons clip-clopped to the top of the newly completed carriage road in a plodding three hours.
  • He's a plodding, conventional square, she's a get-ahead, modern girl who doesn't need to cling to conventional wisdom.
  • I watched her plodding her way across the field.
  • At his best with hyperearnest Creed-style rock numbers, he couldn't deliver a song that required the least bit of funk or humor, as he proved on Tuesday's Elvis night with a couple of plodding numbers including a dirgelike rendition of A Little Less Conversation. American Idol Fails to Tinker with Taylor - Tuned In -
  • We're just plodding along like we always do, working hard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last week he tackled the thorny issue of pensions in front of a group of retired folk with the use of cardboard slides to illustrate his points, looking and sounding more like a plodding professor than the next president.
  • Two colliers, besmutted wretches, plodding homeward from the 'pit' which is half a mile away. A Life's Morning
  • But the plot is plodding and the battle scenes are uninspiring - offering neither camp silliness nor emotional heft. The Sun
  • As the show continued, Marshall's slow plodding, material began to wear on many of the unconverted.
  • It was a choice between being open to new funding or just plodding on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lame gags, boring characterization, and a plodding story makes for a very long 97 minutes.
  • At times he was slightly plodding. The Sun
  • In a set comprising 20-odd songs there's something for everyone though, if just a few too many plodding ballads.
  • a little Electric Prunes-style psychedelic trippery here, some Tommy James-ish fuzzed-out pop, and a little plodding knuckle-head blues boogie there. Hartford Advocate: News
  • Many donkeys pattered by under their loads of encinal fagots, the ragged, expressionless drivers plodding silently at their heels. Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras — Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond
  • The acting from the four members of the cast is adequate, but the real problem is the plodding pace of the script and the somewhat laboured dialogue.
  • It was a strange disjuncture, the visual narrative hinting at a post-modern playfulness that the plodding music couldn't muster. Times, Sunday Times
  • To school plodding stubbornly through the snowdrifts in short trousers with chapped knees to sit in a draughty classroom in abject fear of a teacher who had recently traversed Europe inside a tank turret and who took no prisoners with his booming voice, the result of his deafness. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • The site is well illustrated, but cries out for a search engine to save plodding through up to six pages per category.
  • Plodding up the 18th, needing just a par to make the cut, he was big with his approach, chipped back and could not drain the putt from eight feet.
  • They are only intended to add ponderous weight to Eastwood's simple, plodding narrative, which might as well be a 45 minute episode of a cop show.
  • She walked all day, plodding down deserted alleyways and running across busy intersections.
  • It is the little old men, dressed in rubber-tire sandals, wearing white cotton pants and guayabera, stooped over and plodding down the road with an enormous load on his back, secured by a tumpline across his forehead. San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas
  • Undeterred, we just keep plodding on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Discs (or Pentacles) are the pragmatic suit. Sometimes people see them as plodding and a bit slow, but this is unjust.
  • It's a shame then that after such an inventive start the album begins to flag midway, with a series of mid-tempo ballads plodding by in unremarkable succession.
  • Stack said he set aside cash to survive a downturn, a strategy he said many of his rivals considered "plodding" in the debt-is-good ethos of the 1990s and earlier this decade. Entrepreneurs smell opportunity
  • Well, when you're plodding along with your stick and your wonky knees, walking further on hard pavements than you ought, you're entitled to direct some small spite at the drivers who've stolen your space, aren't you?
  • It is too long and occasionally plodding, and, despite the effervescence of the cast, not every song is a show stopper.
  • Some guidebooks describe this ridge as relentless, and it is, but underfoot conditions are good and it's just a question of plodding upwards with ever widening views all around you as consolation.
  • He watched her go, heavy and thickset, plodding toward the number 3 with her bulging carrier bags. Red Wolf
  • The Ulsterman made 32 plodding pars in his opening 36 holes.
  • They're still plodding along with their investigation.
  • And there came to me the jaded voices of men, in curse and snarl of slow - plodding, jaded animals. Chapter 12
  • Oh, no - not another one of those plodding Russian plays swamped by dreary intellectuals and miserable servants…
  • Dumb though half the kids may be, they're just plodding meat fodder for a shockingly arrogant TV experiment, which exists for no apparent reason other than to demoralise any genuine teachers watching, potentially to the point of suicide, which really would cause a crisis in our educational system. Charlie Brooker: Jamie's Dream School – a youth club with David Starkey instead of a pool table
  • Behold him now, his huge body astride of an enormous horse -- for, although the grenadier was a foot-soldier, he could still ride after a fashion -- plodding along through the mud and the wet and the cold on the mission which, if successful, would perhaps enable Napoleon to save the army and France, to say nothing of his throne and his family. The Eagle of the Empire A Story of Waterloo
  • Kerry's lightness of touch, compared with Bush's relentless plodding, is a surprise considering what we all know about their backgrounds: Bush never thought of becoming President until a few years before he did; Kerry thought of it in prep school. When George Meets John
  • Mark had been raised with farm horses, slaving for the uncle who grudged him house-room and food, and he still rode farm fashion, inelegant but durable, now that the bishop's stable had provided him a fine tall gelding in place of a plodding farm drudge. His Disposition
  • The only highlights of this uneven, plodding documentary are the (far too few) moments when we do see footage from his films.
  • You know, good old Mom, plodding along.
  • Plodding around in evil weather in the dark can be very mind numbing, I assure you.
  • Its five songs are divvied up in several, nearly indistinguishable movements, but the album moves wholly, as a gross, plodding, overstuffed mass.
  • One significant feature common to all three series is a dramatically compelling (as opposed to a didactically plodding) struggle between good and evil.
  • I see an intrepid adventurer plodding blindly through a world of booby traps, goblins, jesters and dragons.
  • I watched her plodding her way across the field.
  • The music mocks the pompous words with its crude, plodding scales, and speaks of horror rather than triumph.
  • The Canadian brand of hero is ‘flawed, ordinary, unaggressive, committed to truth and justice, but rather plodding in his pursuit of it…‘
  • It was just this sort of plodding dullness that made corporations work relatively efficiently.
  • And once you have those items, deriving the required engineering data to build a useful bomb is an exercise in plodding along (or, with more money, certain parties just might be willing to sell you that supposedly ultra-secret data). Genies and Wish Lists « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • I found it plodding, uninteresting, and, with the substitution of repetition for analysis, rather less informative than might be expected.
  • A version of the title episode from Fantasia (1940) doesn't appear in Jon Turteltaub's plodding potboiler until two-thirds of the way through, but by that point, so many other blockbusters have been plagiarized, I was surprised that (SPOILER!) the Boston Phoenix -
  • Alex is just plodding along at school, making very little progress.
  • In Somalia and Afghanistan clerics matter-of-factly described to your correspondent the range of jinn they had encountered, from the saintly to the demonic; those that can fly, those that crawl, plodding jinn, invisible jinn, gul with vampiric tendencies (from which the English word ghoul is taken), and shape-shifters recognisable in human form because their feet are turned backwards. Archive 2006-12-01
  • The Sarah Connor Chronicles only served to deaden my love for the Terminator mythos further, as the casting choices were predominantly poor and the storylines meandered between plodding and preposterous -- but this isn't about my lament for a failed franchise, it's about a promising novel. Wish List Wednesday #27: The Alchemy of Stone
  • He's a plodding, conventional square, she's a get-ahead, modern girl who doesn't need to cling to conventional wisdom.
  • If their struggles against Lithuania, Iceland and the Faroe Islands are anything to go by, it will be another plodding effort, overtly physical, occasionally ill-tempered and, very possibly, without even a goal to enhance it.
  • There was wanting but one accessary to complete the sense of rapturous excitation, and he possessed it by being once more mounted on the back of a fiery and active horse, instead of plodding along on foot, as had been the case during the preceding days. The Abbot
  • These 'Coffee-mules' are wonderfully careful and sure-footed, spending their whole lives in plodding up and down the narrow hill-tracks with a great bag of coffee packed on each side. A Christmas Cake in Four Quarters
  • this writer ploddingly accumulates detail after detail
  • An oystercatcher was plodding slowly along the tide line near her, dipping its beak into the sand. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • It's a painfully bittersweet film, but told without any of the plodding, maudlin notes that in less sturdy hands could have sunk the entire endeavour.
  • I walked into the bar and let out a breath, slowly plodding through the barroom, ignoring the late-night barflies.
  • The listening test features unemployable actors or robots reading out unnatural sentences in plodding monotones, or with inflections in the wrong places.
  • Slightly plodding, but worth it. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the plodding negotiations have been bad news for another country: Portugal, whose creditors fear they may be force-fed the same difficult debt restructuring terms that are on the table for the Greeks. Greek Wrangling Bodes Ill for Lisbon
  • He just kept plodding on. The Sun
  • Every man in the team was strictly enjoined to "scrounge" any scrap of wood he could find en route, and it was a common sight to see a driver suddenly hop off his horse, dart across the road triumphantly to seize a stick he had spotted, after which he rushed after his team and scrambled into the saddle again, the horses meanwhile plodding patiently along. With Our Army in Palestine
  • We're all plodding along, meeting each other for lunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a book that intends to be unbeautiful, "plodding", sometimes it makes all the difference to expect that as you enter the narrative. Furies
  • MOTOR shows make your feet hurt like hell from all the plodding around. The Sun
  • I think it is incorrect to view my batting as plodding along at one pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • By a combination of starlight and deep familiarity with the yard itself, she discerned the horse and stoneboat, with her husband plodding beside it, coming through the gate. More Than Human
  • All of a sudden, Dayne has become this slow, plodding running back who wasn't fast enough and couldn't catch a ball if you threw it underhand.
  • If you have an ambition to do anything in the world, or to be anything more than a plodding character in the tide of human life, see to it that the man whom you are to marry is one who is competent to aid you in the attainment of noble and useful things, instead of being an "incumbrance" and a hinderance. Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
  • Over the course of the next hour he watched them disappear and reemerge, light and fleet on the straight-aways, plodding and stealthy on the sharp bends and acclivities. Heaven Lake
  • I'm plodding on with the street scene painting and it's beginning to come to life in spite of my tremulous incompetence.
  • But on this occasion Mr Salmond probably meant a "saphead" or plodding fool. Top stories from Times Online
  • I see an intrepid adventurer plodding blindly through a world of booby traps, goblins, jesters and dragons.
  • Until the oversized beasts known as megafauna went extinct, our ancestors had to learn to survive on a landscape populated with creatures like sabre-toothed tigers, oversized eagles, and plodding giant sloths. Monster Movie
  • The cramped seating and plodding pace of the ceremony, however, soon disappointed those expecting a virtual pornotopia. Undefined
  • Many guests were plodding along with the ants, mostly staphylinids of which we secured five species, a brown histerid beetle, a tiny chalcid, and several Phorid flies, one of which was winged. Edge of the Jungle
  • The bell on the little old church by the hillside, at Nyack, was calling the plodding Dutch settlers to morning service. The Von Toodleburgs Or, The History of a Very Distinguished Family
  • Don't you hate how Taurans get type-cast as plodding, stubborn, unimaginative dullards?
  • Yet as we pushed off into the middle of the flow we quickly picked up speed, until moments later we were skipping across the wake of the plodding tourist boats cruising under Tower Bridge.
  • Research has shown that a policeman plodding the streets is likely to apprehend someone committing a crime only once every 8 years.
  • That's why you see people in the gym plodding away on the treadmill and not losing much weight. The Sun
  • The whole disc is jumbled riffing and passages that are ham-fistedly smashed together, making each ‘tune’ come plodding out of the speakers like a wet, grumbly fart.
  • Temperamentally the gelding is a patient, plodding, beast of burden, and though under good grooming he may show considerable life, while under the control of his driver, he seldom shows any interest in other members of the horse family, either male or female, and in the pasture or on the ranch his neutral sex temperament is ever apparent. The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction Also Sexual Hygiene with Special Reference to the Male
  • But the series has a solid fanbase – and beyond that are no doubt many gamers who like the idea of plodding across America in a massive steel beast, with temperamental cohorts at your side, with enemies to turn to cannon fodder mush, with Kinect controls that let you ram down a periscope or jam a pair of metallic legs into gear.10-15 years ago, this kind of esoteric Japapanese treat was much more common on Western release schedules. Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor – preview
  • We're just plodding along like we always do, working hard. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the rest of the year we are the plodding percheron of commerce, patiently tugging our wain; but on that morning there wambles back, for the nonce, the pang of Eden. Mince Pie
  • Unfortunately, that decision really makes this a slow, plodding film.
  • And once again this barmy idea that they are a boring team plodding up the field was taken apart. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a choice between being open to new funding or just plodding on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plodding and predictable, it seems unable to manufacture suspense from the kind of situation and setting that would have had Hitchcock rubbing his hands with anticipatory glee.
  • Some eight decades later, John Wolcot seizes on the founder of epic - indeed, of all poetry - as an exemplar of uncreative, unselective, plodding attention to detail.
  • In the various stages of its existence, the fortress would have sheltered both plodding as well as derelict rulers fleeing the rage of enemies or the wrath of their own masses.
  • MOTOR shows make your feet hurt like hell from all the plodding around. The Sun
  • ‘Big Alligator River’ is a disjointed, plodding, tacky foray into pop herpetology.
  • I walked into the bar and let out a breath, slowly plodding through the barroom, ignoring the late-night barflies.
  • We're all plodding along, meeting each other for lunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was easier to see Frankie jumping up and down in a mosh pit than plodding around in Vince's arms to a dreamy Anita Baker love song. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • Volcanic outcrops of rock silhouette the skyline and farmers work the fertile land with their buffaloes heavily plodding through the muddy, shimmering soil as they pull aged ploughs.
  • They complained of being unable to run freely and fast, claiming they were restricted to plodding around the pitch. The Sun
  • This has to be the most plodding, uneventful, unmemorable, uninspiring, (insert your favourite un-word here) ‘punk rock’ album ever.
  • He has wisely retained many Marathi words in the text, thus avoiding plodding English circumlocutions such as ‘flat millet bread’ for bhakri.
  • This song, in particular, lacks the energy and dynamism of the previous two singles, merely plodding along at its own pace.
  • But the plot is plodding and the battle scenes are uninspiring - offering neither camp silliness nor emotional heft. The Sun
  • This band was too plodding, to uninventive to draw Hendrix out of his depressed shell.
  • To him it was sheer romance to parade through town with a tin haversack of carbons for the arc-lights, familiarly lowering the high-hung mysterious lamps, while his plodding acquaintances "clerked" in stores on Saturdays, or tended furnaces. The Trail of the Hawk A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life
  • Life seems to be plodding along nicely. The Sun
  • He was an uneducated man, a plain unpretending plodding man,’ a neighbor remembered; one who ‘attended to his work, peaceable - quiet and good natured.’
  • It was easier to see Frankie jumping up and down in a mosh pit than plodding around in Vince's arms to a dreamy Anita Baker love song. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • The juxtaposition of his carping, meticulous fetishizing of cuisine punctilios with that of his abecedarian, pompous-yet-undereducated plodding attempts to guild his prosaic sensibilities with grandiloquent language only serve to expose the charlatan behind the greasy, smacking lips and cheap, brass-plated tongue. Rouge
  • Ms. Abbott also denies herself one of the great stodgy pleasures of biography: laying out the chronology of a subject's life in what impatient reviewers might call the plodding approach. More Than a Girl With a Gimmick
  • In fact, since the plodding dreariness is usually broken by bouts of howling misery, the slow points come as rather a pleasant respite.
  • The plodding pace at which he batted meant those following him had to sacrifice their wickets to the cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • But most of the walk was a weary exercise in plodding along the old military road, warily eyeing up the murky clouds while midges attacked me and clegs took chunks out of my legs.
  • Nevertheless, for a short book it develops an amazing richness of colorful detail, so that there is never a dull moment nor a plodding page.
  • At times he was slightly plodding. The Sun
  • His ears didn't pick up anything but the digital tick of the cardiograph, not the plodding footsteps or melodic dry thumps of a cane.
  • But between these fascinating detours is a lot of plodding self-referentiality, tenuous literary allusion and dull road trivia. The Times Literary Supplement
  • a broader road which bore unmistakable signs of military workmanship in its construction, and here he met, and passed with laconic greeting, a few peasant women returning with empty baskets from some neighbouring market; or perhaps a "cantonnier" here and there, plodding home with The Slave of the Lamp
  • The "luckless" farmer simply did not _perceive_ the indications of wealth under his plodding feet; or, if he saw signs of oil, he did not realize that they _denoted_ the possibility of millions. Certain Success
  • They complained of being unable to run freely and fast, claiming they were restricted to plodding around the pitch. The Sun
  • The world No1 is currently embarked on yet another swing change, while the other two are back doing what they did before winning their solitary major championship, which is to say plodding along and making a very good living on the PGA Tour. Europe will win the Ryder Cup – and win at a canter
  • For adults, it will seem extremely plodding and predictable.
  • Slightly plodding, but worth it. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the plot is plodding and the battle scenes are uninspiring - offering neither camp silliness nor emotional heft. The Sun
  • And that was probably all that saved them from another embarrassingly low finish as this plodding ballad sent the entire world to sleep simultaneously.
  • I find it hard to keep plodding or pottering away with mid-level tasks every day.
  • Four hundred volumes transcribed with the plodding pen! each word collated and each page diligently revised, lest a blunder or a misspelt syllable should blemish those books so deeply venerated. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • At this point, the movie slows to a talkative, plodding pace and loses most of its early energy.
  • It was a speech that showed a self-absorption and a plodding mind of the sort that simply will not work on the campaign trail.
  • We are apparently still not learning from our mistakes, as the monstruous Gateway project keeps plodding along. The Granville Street effect « Stephen Rees's blog
  • He just kept plodding on. The Sun
  • Plodding of that type seldom facilitates benignity, genial tolerance towards opponents, or leisurely musings on the joys of artistic creation.
  • It was a choice between being open to new funding or just plodding on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plus the Warriors' new fast-paced offense hardly seems suited for the plodding Marshall.
  • But the plot is plodding and the battle scenes are uninspiring - offering neither camp silliness nor emotional heft. The Sun
  • I pulled on Jonathan's arm, urging him to stop the oxen in the their slow plodding steps.
  • The car company, which lives on despite, and because of, becoming a byword for reliable plodding, was promoting a new range of electric vehicles to council delegates visiting the racecourse yesterday.
  • Undeterred, we just keep plodding on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The show itself, though, with live music and a terrible plodding half hour album chart at the beginning, had lost much of its life and vitality, which is a shame.
  • He did twiddly things with his fingers while I was still plodding away without phenomenal skill, but with enormous, infectious passion.
  • Married to a plodding farmer, who for 15 years didn't have a clue about her secret life, things must have been pretty dull for her.
  • She walked all day, plodding down deserted alleyways and running across busy intersections.
  • As I approached the flat square of grass where Judo was held, I slowed to a walk, slipping off my sandals, and plodding down into the grass, my toes squishing into it like a shag carpet.
  • Jim Tressel is a good coach, but somehow Ohio State has been outclassed the last few years in their title appearances, giving the perception of a plodding, overachieving sort of team. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • That's why you see people in the gym plodding away on the treadmill and not losing much weight. The Sun
  • I watched her plodding her way across the field.
  • Most of the day I've kept myself busy, working on the website, plodding steadily through the task of establishing a new, unified approach to the archives.
  • Neither spoke, so they carried on, the horse plodding slowly along the path.
  • The plodding tempo makes this countrified toe-tapper a bit middle of the road. The Sun
  • The actors, left with little choice but to act their socks off to save face, sporadically energise the plodding script but there are many dull stretches.
  • The teamsters, surly and self-contained, wear slouch hats and great cowhide boots; while the stage-drivers, their faces seamed by the hardship and exposure of their long drives with every kind of team, through every kind of country, and in every kind of weather, proud of their really wonderful skill as reinsmen and conscious of their high standing in any frontier community, look down on and sneer at the "skin hunters" and the plodding drivers of the white-topped prairie schooners. The Cattle Country of the Far West
  • This plodding, wandering, disconnected story pulls out every melodramatic stop to tug at your heartstrings.
  • That's why students of the U.S. S.hool of Music get ahead twice as fast -- _three times as fast_ as those who study old-fashioned, plodding methods. Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930
  • Aunt Leah was a plodding woman of innocent wit and demeanor, more loveable than pathetic, less an adult than an overgrown child.
  • And it is, say those familiar with previous inspections, a plodding, unglamorous business involving diplomacy, boring leg work, cunning and much analysis.

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