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How To Use Plod In A Sentence

  • If it were a little more curved it would collapse, imploding on itself in a cosmic crunch; a little less curved, and every star, planet, sun and galaxy would fly apart from each other and so would every atom of matter in each of them.
  • Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • Lee's debut on the Xbox does not resemble a dragon, but prefers to plod along like a sloth, short on all the crucial fronts, lazily bumbling along everywhere else.
  • An established order of seeing, of understanding, of ruling, is simply exploded - the Modernist spirit asserts itself.
  • To wake up with her belly-up and demanding affection is to have your heart explode with the kind of joy that compels some people into a life of large-scale oil painting.
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  • It is patent that dusk found them weary and worn, plodding and wading silently "homewards," shovel on shoulder, across four or five kilos of desolate mud; falling and tripping over stagnant bodies, masses of tangled wire, bricks and jagged wood-work everywhere impeding progress. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • When flammable powders are dispersed in the air, they can explode.
  • The sight of the fireball was followed by a sonic boom as the meteorite exploded into thousands of pieces over Barwell near Leicester. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strange emotions welled up inside her until she felt like she was going to explode from the pressure C7: Chapter Five – Lost on Earth « Write Anything
  • Due to the very long stroke and alloy conrods, the motor is redlined at 7,000 and will definitely explode if persistently over-revved.
  • As the days and games tick by, perhaps they will implode under the pressure of expectation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Father exploded a bombshell when he forbade us to go to the prom
  • She was following him at a slow plod.
  • The bomb exploded and blew them all to kingdom come.
  • On impact the shells explode in a fire ball, producing a fine dust.
  • It was not unknown for an unexploded portion of an old charge to remain dormant but active for years under such conditions.
  • At last, a women's magazine to explode the myth that thin equals beautiful.
  • My stepson is assaulted outside a night club by door staff, the plod arrive and, as he is the one unconcious on the floor, he’s knicked. Sonnex and Farmer – only a matter of time. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I watched her plodding her way across the field.
  • Rubber blanks exploded through the bush I was crouching behind, but none hit me.
  • The Soviets had exploded their first atomic device in 1949, but they lacked credible delivery systems to threaten the United States directly.
  • German saboteurs plotted a wartime bombing campaign in Britain using exploding cans of processed peas, according to secret files made public for the first time today.
  • The men in the trenches stayed down while the enemy shells were exploding.
  • The trail becomes more precipitous as we plod steadily across a long ridge that is barely discernible from the fog folding around us. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the ‘dinosaur coast’, near Scarborough, the footprints of a diplodocus show that the sandstone there was laid down 150 million years ago.
  • The area is still littered with landmines and unexploded ordnance.
  • Hearing this, Val fell silent and then suddenly exploded into fits of wild laughter.
  • As she crossed the fields a shell exploded close to her, fracturing her legs and knocking her to the ground.
  • Those marines were in a lightly armoured vehicle when it hit the bomb, flipped into the air and exploded in a fireball.
  • By the same laws of probability, the chances that a random bus will spontaneously explode for no reason are slim to none.
  • Their sordid complots are destined to explode into an orgy of violence.
  • But Ruben liked to pick and pick at her until she exploded so he could turn around and call her childish.
  • EXPLODE The bomb fell on a field and exploded harmlessly.
  • We've been doing this tedious plod for almost five hours, and I think about hypothermia.
  • But that is no excuse for treating the scientist like a child who does not know what is good for him and must be protected by the parental arm of PC Plod.
  • But very early on Monday morning, windows began to implode.
  • This has given him an insight into the animals' social organisation and he has been able to explode myths about them.
  • A bomb exploded at the American Center in Katmandu last week which lead to the consolidation of all volunteers, evacuation and now suspension of the program altogether. Wanderlustress:
  • Walleye fry were stocked. In less than ten years the fish population exploded from 200, 000 to eight million, and tribal members were allowed to resume commercial fishing.
  • Now the microwave oven was pretty old and I'm not surprised it conked out, but the iron was relatively new and I hadn't been expecting it to explode in my hand for another couple of years at the earliest.
  • Add to that decades of se vere drought that drove nomads south onto their neighbors 'land, as well as meddling by Libya, America and Chad — which militarized Darfur tribes as Cold War proxies — and by the mid-'80s, the region had ex ploded in civil war, which spi raled into an international con flict with escalating atrocities. Explaining Darfur
  • The horse plodded up the hill.
  • Many boys explode firecrackers on the Fourth of July.
  • Police found an "amateurish" but potentially powerful bomb that apparently began to detonate but did not explode in a smoking vehicle in Times Square, authorities said Sunday. Bomb found in car near Times Square
  • The sudden compression of air as the rammer thrust with the fleece could explode the residues of unburnt powder that was caked to the breech walls, so a gunner, wearing a leather thumbstall, pressed his thumb over the vent to stop the airflow. Sharpe's Waterloo
  • The bomb was exploded by remote control.
  • One of the reasons given for the dumping of the turbosupercharger concept was the fact that a turbo had exploded on the YFM - 1's first test flight on 28 September 1939.
  • Some parts of Australia have traditions of huge reptiles suggestive of long-necked sauropods, the dinosaur group which includes Diplodocus and Apatosaurus.
  • I read another article today concerning Luis Figo being sent off and exploding at the referee after seeing the card.
  • The bomb exploded in a flash of yellow light.
  • An unexploded bomb belt was also found close by. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first time he had drunk it he had been violently sick, then had fallen to the ground in a dead faint as the mildly poisonous root exploded through his system.
  • The champagne bottle exploded
  • There's an earsplitting boom and Stephen Lang hits the deck hard as the windows implode. Terra Nova Exclusive: On the Set of TV's Hottest New Show
  • The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary
  • The minehunters had been in the area clearing unexploded weapons, including mines, from the approaches to the port.
  • The myth of the Japanese sniper is exploded by returning officers.
  • On 12 July 1953, when the Soviet Union exploded its first hydrogen bomb, equilibrium was restored.
  • She laughed that remarkable laughter that sounds so very much like chimes, the laughter of feminine innocence, pure joy, a laugh that begins in the diaphragm, explodes through a grin and electrifies the eyes. Stop the runaway horses
  • The police were equipped with guns that fire rubber bullets, as well as exploding pellets of pepper spray, electric prods, and a host of other new ‘less lethal’ weapons.
  • The fancy can no more soar and disport in skyey regions, the beloved object ceases at once to be celestial, and remains plodding on earth, entirely unromantic and substantial. The Virginians
  • The crews contained the fire within an hour and prevented the cylinders from exploding, but were only able to secure the area by late afternoon on the following day, allowing residents to return to their homes.
  • But after being successfully kept under wraps for months, their love match exploded on to the front pages this week. The Sun
  • The pilot tried to turn back but the jet exploded and a large fireball ripped into a crowded residential area.
  • It was impossible to hear anything over the deafening crashing of the desks or the unbearable exploding of the hallways.
  • Car ownership has exploded in Edinburgh over the past two decades.
  • Oil is notoriously difficult to explode or burn, as it keeps putting itself out, but these were quarrymen, versatile, and well used to explosives, danger and hard physical labour.
  • One exploded after a bomb disposal robot accidentally cut the wrong wire. The Sun
  • Five minutes later he was plodding steadily ahead of his big Mackenzie hound into the peopleless barrens to the south and west. Philip Steele of the Royal Northwest mounted Police
  • Both the United States and Britain insist that, to keep the country from imploding, it is essential that the Balkan nation remain under the political authority of an internationally appointed "High Representative," who governs the nation's affairs. Elmira Bayrasli: Electing an Independent Bosnia: The High Representative Must Go
  • Fossils of a previously unknown species, which is believed to have belonged to the herbivorous sauropod diplodocus family, were found along the banks of a tributary of the Amazon river in the northern state of Maranhao.
  • I think it is incorrect to view my batting as plodding along at one pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm half-hoping he picks Chuck Hagel just because the sound of ten thousand Progressives 'heads exploding will make a more interesting noise than the nation-sized collective yawn that's going to greet whoever else it might be. Lance Mannion:
  • I imagined how this very township must have looked - that silent starlit night when the three Wise Men plodded along the silvery sands to greet the birth of a new born baby.
  • An established order of seeing, of understanding, of ruling, is simply exploded - the Modernist spirit asserts itself.
  • There was a huge bang as if someone had exploded a rocket outside.
  • Now however[Sentencedict], a miniature version of the race riot that Gallagher had predicted exploded on campus.
  • They are moving incredibly quickly through dried brush and chaparral that practically explode when they ignite, threatening the life of any firefighter nearby.
  • The captain and his crew were left drifting aimlessly on the tiny raft after their boat, the Gullborg, exploded south of Shetland almost 32 years ago.
  • Keep your eyes moving across the sky and stay alert; brilliant fireballs or bolides (exploding meteors) are possible.
  • The results include inky splodges of paint like sea spray and mottled fields of blue. This week's new exhibitions
  • VATICAN, April 26, 2006 - The world media has exploded with stories suggesting that the Vatican is soon to release a document "easing the ban on condoms". Vatican Cardinal on Condoms:No Document, Just a Study
  • Two words that describe the pace and plot of this film are plodding and uninteresting.
  • The sky was exploding as the blood red sun sank below the horizon.
  • The plodding pace at which he batted meant those following him had to sacrifice their wickets to the cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm happy just to plod along. The Sun
  • An unexploded bomb is lodged ominously in the courtyard, a neat visual allegory for the sense of imminent threat in the film. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of the light fixtures and electronic devices currently plugged in exploded from the jolt of electric energy that had rocketed from the sky.
  • The round, muted bluesy guitar is solid and unassuming until it explodes into a dizzying solo.
  • Album opener ‘Petrified Possessions’ is guided by a plodding piano line that's backed by a tremulous guitar adorned with tines of feedback.
  • It was easier to see Frankie jumping up and down in a mosh pit than plodding around in Vince's arms to a dreamy Anita Baker love song. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • The crew survived, but the aircraft exploded when its payload of munitions blew up breaking the windows of many local houses in the blast.
  • Victims were vomiting, writhing in agony and screaming that they felt their heads were about to explode. The Sun
  • So by rights we should be in the midst of spring, with lambs leaping, the smell of dew hanging in the air and the sight of rowers happily plodding home from the Cherwell.
  • | Reply | Permalink it is my offer only splodge wrick Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • Most of these fireballs burn up or explode in the atmosphere and vanish without a trace.
  • We also witness huge elk grazing, and for a brief intoxicating moment, a massive moose plodding across a stream.
  • But when Dev arrives at his shop it explodes in a fireball, which sends him flying across the road, leaving him battered and bruised.
  • The bomb exploded, sending shrapnel whistling through the trees.
  • DUSHANBE (Reuters) - A bomb exploded in a nightclub in Tajikistan's capital Dushanbe overnight, wounding at least five people, security sources said on Monday. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • The enemy exploded the bridge
  • The chemical is liable to explode on contact with water.
  • Spring is also the time when wild flowers start to explode across the countryside, even in semi-desert areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two of his colleagues had died and a second, unexploded bomb had been spotted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Investigators found two unexploded devices next to the pipe bomb in a roadside bin. The Sun
  • Florida's population exploded after World War II.
  • This book finally explodes some of the myths about the origin of the universe.
  • It was a dribble past the entire team, and the whole stadium exploded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Luckily, the reactor was turned back on before the submarine imploded from the pressure of being beyond its maximum design depth.
  • In the paper, the dependability of explode energy of blasting fuse through space attenuation ignite the high energy ignition compositions was learned.
  • And, as if the moment couldn't turn any more unfortunate, one of these shadow spikes struck the car's fuel tank, rupturing it and causing the yellow cab to explode into shrapnel and into flames.
  • And it hurts when we have this clumsy, plodding exchanges because he was my best friend, and now we can't seem to talk to each other without diffidence and discomfort.
  • They even turn the amps up and indulge in a little fuzzy guitar noodling near the end, but the song still plods along the nap time path.
  • As the boat plodded into British waters and up the English Channel, Customs had their eye on her.
  • Worse, I expect the designer Mini-Me craze to explode once cloning enters the market. Baby Boom
  • But an insect, the spruce budworm, has its own dynamic, periodically exploding in population, denuding trees, competing directly with the industry.
  • The bomb exploded while the plane was en route from Paris to Tokyo.
  • In Basrah, Red Cross instructor was conducting mine and unexploded ordnance awareness activities with schoolchildren.
  • The park has been closed since early Saturday, when the pipe bomb exploded during a free concert.
  • The boiler from excessive pressure of steam exploded.
  • With this clue we recognise that the big pink splodge that occupies the rest of the paper must be Venus - Twombly's inept attempt to paint a recumbent nude; if, however, we read the breasts as heads, the splodge could equally well be interpreted as the lovers sexually engaged, the detached penis now a superfluous synecdochism. Evening Standard - Home
  • Yet Norwich's defensive frailties were exposed once again as they imploded under minimal pressure from the opposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flames, fueled by gasoline and exploding ammunition, shot into the air.
  • She was entering the lobby when a fireball exploded from the elevator shaft.
  • Recall the dull front-runner, unloved but unavoidable, who plods ahead to victory in his place.
  • He hurled it into the chest of the monster and the trident transformed itself into a shaft of lightning, exploding into the beast.
  • The infectious glam stomp of the closer Retreat explodes in delirious joy, a fitting high note on which to end. Times, Sunday Times
  • An incendiary device exploded in the store, setting fire to furniture.
  • A bomb exploded at an army recruiting office.
  • Wide-eyed youngsters watched as dozens of fireworks exploded in a shower of colour to kick-off the celebrations with a bang.
  • But would anyone turn up their nose at a wedge of fresh home-baked Victoria sponge, sandwiched with a generous splodge of farmhouse strawberry jam and dairy cream?
  • For a second, I thought he was going to explode with anger.
  • Darling, I've got to see Jon before I explode with the force of an H-bomb and devastate the diocese. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • A 25-year-old Catholic policeman who had just joined Northern Ireland's police force was killed after a booby-trap bomb exploded as he got into his car in the town of Omagh, police and neighbors said. World Watch
  • When the time was appropriate to give vent to her wish, she just exploded without even a proper training or a formal ‘guru’.
  • Carruth's anguish is part of a common but little talked about consequence of the summer of oil: People overcome by stress and worry, who are having a hard time navigating a world that seems so different from the one they knew before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, sending waves of crude and tar balls toward the coast. Gulf Oil Spill Well Is Dead, But Not Residents' Anguish
  • Unusual position though it is, let me defend Ratner by exploding a couple of myths.
  • I heard their heavy boots slowly plodding across the hardwood floors to the back stairs that led to his room.
  • The police explode a bombshell when they arrested the old banker for stealing money from the bank.
  • No such cutwork is needed on Twilight, which is merely better suited to the large screen than the large print, where within its 600 pages it was at worst, plodding, and at best, tendentious. Interviews with various vampires
  • She touched him as though he was a bomb unfused, and likely to explode. Final Resting Place of The Pen
  • Thinking that a few motivational platitudes and clichés will save them, the rest of the band plod on, uninspired and surrounded by yes men.
  • The pellets simultaneously explode to initiate the entire outer surface of a high explosive component in hemispherical form under the shell. Iran nuclear report: IAEA claims Tehran working on advanced warhead
  • DYNAMITE: The term applies to TNT's bittersweet Men of a Certain Age, continuing its terrific second season, but not so much to the instantly tiresome new legal dramedy Franklin & Bash, which implodes in the belief that aggressive quirkiness, smarmy frat-boy sexual innuendo and a "suits are douches" philosophy will endear its Peter Pan protagonists to a wide audience. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • In 1861, horse-drawn wagons clip-clopped to the top of the newly completed carriage road in a plodding three hours.
  • Populations of howler monkeys, iguanas, and leaf-cutting ants exploded.
  • I hate boys," she exploded, "they're the worry of our lives, Car'line and mine, -- they get into our garden, and steal all our fruit, and they hang on behind our chaise when we ride out, and keep me a-lookin 'round an' slashin 'the whip at 'em the whole livelong time; O my -- _boys! _ Five Little Peppers Abroad
  • An army bomb squad was scrambled to dispose of an unexploded mortar shell found poking out of a rabbit hole on Easter Sunday.
  • This thumb claw varied in size, shape and orientation among the sauropod groups: it was particularly big in diplodocoids, where it was also laterally compressed and notably deep, and clearly separated from the rest of the metacarpus. Archive 2006-04-01
  • From time to time aftershocks of the earthquake shook the ground, and could even be felt on board ship, seeming to those on board that depth charges were being exploded in the sea.
  • He's a plodding, conventional square, she's a get-ahead, modern girl who doesn't need to cling to conventional wisdom.
  • Those that do not explode lie on the ground like landmines, waiting for people to step on them.
  • All follow a similar pattern, juxtaposing ‘free’ sections - in rhythms derived from operatic recitative that recurrently explode into whirligig scales and arpeggios - with fugato sections of varying degrees of formal rigidity.
  • They might as well not bother and just plod on. The Sun
  • She finally exploded, sending me straight to the principal's office.
  • The neighbouring Museum of Natural History has the third-largest dinosaur collection in the world, including skeletons of tyrannosaurus rex, diplodocus and stegosaurus.
  • All had clashed with their civilian superiors, and their campaigns imploded for the same reasons that led to those clashes: assertions of intellectual superiority, moral certitude and the lack of a common touch.
  • Tom Hawthorne was at the Social Security office picking up paperwork for a disabled associate when the bomb exploded.
  • I watched her plodding her way across the field.
  • We all exploded into wild laughter.
  • THREE people suffered serious burns when a fondue set exploded during a dinner party. The Sun
  • He devised a cheap lamp that would burn in the methane-rich atmosphere of the crept workings without instantly exploding.
  • The handset then exploded, causing serious injuries to the welder.
  • The panoramic window imploded, sending shards of glass flying in all directions.
  • At his best with hyperearnest Creed-style rock numbers, he couldn't deliver a song that required the least bit of funk or humor, as he proved on Tuesday's Elvis night with a couple of plodding numbers including a dirgelike rendition of A Little Less Conversation. American Idol Fails to Tinker with Taylor - Tuned In -
  • And if I can help explode stereotypes and misinformed beliefs, so much the better.
  • Workmen digging up a front garden got a fright when they discovered an unexploded Second World War bomb.
  • Electricity privatisation has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power.
  • The car was juddering and vibrating as if it would explode.
  • The bomb exploded harmlessly 20 kilometers above the ground, leaving a train of smoke that remained visible for an hour.
  • We exploded the nuclear bomb
  • Then, a couple of years ago, free, automated publishing systems began appearing on the Web, which caused blogging to explode in popularity.
  • A bomb exploded at an army recruiting office.
  • What makes him do that is his belief that the man is about to explode a bomb.
  • We're just plodding along like we always do, working hard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pounding on the door sounded like a bomb had exploded and Nikolas woke with a start.
  • In 1949 a Mexican archaeologist began an excavation that exploded the temple theory.
  • Last week he tackled the thorny issue of pensions in front of a group of retired folk with the use of cardboard slides to illustrate his points, looking and sounding more like a plodding professor than the next president.
  • As the boat plodded into British waters and up the English Channel, Customs had their eye on her.
  • We'd rather just plod along quietly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story ended unhappily for all parties concerned: Harris was disgraced and his reputation exploded, but the forgers were also hounded out of Australia.
  • In 1908, an asteroid or comet about 60 metres long exploded over Siberia with the force of 600 times the Hiroshima bomb, reducing a 40-km wide patch of forest to matchwood.
  • It would, he thought with a smile, be most unfitting to explode on landing under the circumstances.
  • Two colliers, besmutted wretches, plodding homeward from the 'pit' which is half a mile away. A Life's Morning
  • She is about 13 years old, living proof of the tensions that have grown up over decades in Redfern, passing down the generations and exploding into a full-blown race riot.
  • For instance, Mai has found that freshly made copper acetylide can be heated to 60° C. or higher without explosion; but that if the compound is exposed to air for a few hours it explodes on warming, while if warmed with oxygen it explodes on contact with acetylene. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The soldier picked up the unexploded bomb and hurled it away into the safety of the forest.
  • But the plot is plodding and the battle scenes are uninspiring - offering neither camp silliness nor emotional heft. The Sun
  • I'm fairly certain that the Motorola product doesn't pressurize the methanol and thus with no pressure, there's nothing to explode at all.
  • As the show continued, Marshall's slow plodding, material began to wear on many of the unconverted.
  • In the meantime, the study may just give the rest of us permission to just let go and explode with our favorite curse word when we bump our shins on the coffee table.
  • Crowds of French and British families plodded around in yellow plastic macs.
  • It was a choice between being open to new funding or just plodding on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Equally important, a peace settlement with Washington is needed to defuse the military standoff at the 38th parallel, where a conflict could explode at any time, bringing detente to a halt.
  • It was making a second attempt to land when a fuel tank is thought to have exploded. The Sun
  • “I used to like the big sword claymore, but now … now they have to make them all splody and full of — what do you call that stuff, Nemain?” A Dirty Job HTML
  • The vacuum inside the tube caused it to implode when the external air pressure was increased.
  • A bomb had exploded in the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • Character, narrative, plot - only a dogged, dull-witted plodder like Malcolm Lodgebury bothers with that sort of stuff now.
  • Sometimes anxiety explodes in a panic attack, marked by a general feeling of terror.

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