How To Use Plight In A Sentence

  • The striker was criticised by fans after voicing concerns about the club 's financial plight. The Sun
  • The lightship has had uplighters added to its fore and aft masts with lighting units added around its deck and jetty.
  • If we don't save the rich people today they might be extinct tomorrow just like the dinosaurs. * shedding a fake tear for the plight of the rich* knixphan Says: Think Progress
  • The term Great Depression was a perfect fit in the 1930s; nobody has coined a phrase to properly describe our current plight. RSS
  • Possibly one of the most compassionate pieces of music ever made, it asks us, no, arranges that we see the plight of what I'll be brutal and call a lovelorn drag queen with such intense empathy that when the singer hurts him, we do too. Archive 2009-02-01
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  • The world will be no less confrontational just because of its economic plight; in all probability it will be more so. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is the cure for the plight of the homeless?
  • The state of the health services and the plight of many of our old people are just two reasons why we cannot afford to squander money on another stadium.
  • My sister, indolent and unimaginative as she was, had visions of endless touch-typing speed trials supervised by austere women under flickering striplights.
  • One can't help feeling sympathy with his plight, and admiration for the way he meets his end.
  • In one isolated village the people weep and wail, bemoaning their plight.
  • The respect is designed in lamplight, indirect lighting combining direct lighting is given priority to, in order to emphasize the lobby of the space is concise, modern and metrical sense.
  • In four days of diving last summer, I often spotted colorful stoplight parrotfish, doctorfish, sergeant majors, trumpetfish, four-eye butterfly fish, squirrelfish and school masters. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Masham Parish Council wanted to add uplighters to the stone bridge over the River Ure at a cost of about £4,500, but the scheme is strongly opposed by North Yorkshire County Council whose officials say it would be illegal.
  • The crew were in a sorry plight by the time they reached shore.
  • In the golden lamplight, knots of heavily armed guardsmen were talking in low voices.
  • I hope the renovations don't eliminate one of NYC's last remaining "wheelie" stoplights from the 1920s... Central Park Police Station to Be Made Stable
  • Why then does his plight overshadow the tender story of the prince?
  • My friends and I were deeply touched by Lydia's plight and wanted to do something to help her.
  • The striker was criticised by fans after voicing concerns about the club 's financial plight. The Sun
  • Motorists and hauliers should expect at least a recognition of their plight. The Sun
  • Richard also had certain visions, such as having uplighters up the staircase; I'm still looking for the right fittings to get that look.
  • The plight of native reserves has long been known in various departments at the federal and provincial levels of government.
  • If you want narrow dogma, how about the plight of a major political party in which being pro-life disqualifies you from seeking national office because special interests forbid it?
  • As California's harvests begin next month, Juan's plight will highlight a nation's shame.
  • The newspaper ended the article with the following words: "Just days earlier, Phillips was in her car at a stoplight when someone smashed the passenger-side window and grabbled her handbag. ANC Today
  • So the illume of bedroom lamplight should consider to do design illume by different functional requirement.
  • Would the same have happened if we'd ignored their plight? The Sun
  • Jeff Madrick discusses the work of Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi on the plight of middle-class two-income families with children. what families spend a lot more on, the authors calculate, is a house in a safe neighborhood with a ... EconLog: September 2003 Archives
  • In college, Jeannette is singled out by a professor for not understanding the plight of homeless people; instead of defending herself, she keeps quiet. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls: Questions
  • The fire had come only five years after Upton Sinclair published his book The Jungle, which detailed the plight of the workers at a meat packer's plant.
  • How, in all good conscience, do we say ‘no’ to climate change refugees who point at our profligate use of energy that contributed to their plight?
  • A lamplighter was up a ladder, replacing the candle in one of the hanging lanterns in the square. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • What portion of himself or herself any one complicated physical and psychological human being really and truly 'conveys' to another by means of the simple contract known as the "plighted troth" or that of a larger deed called the called the "solemnization of matrimony", is a riddle difficult of solution; and as to how much one may claim on the strength of one or other of these indentures, that is a more difficult problem still. Hints for Lovers
  • Today, the Uruguayan analyst Esteban Valenti has coined another phrase to rightfully describe his country's plight: los nuevos ricos (the nouveau poor).
  • But behind the latest official displays of concern lie the same indifference for the plight of the Asian masses.
  • B. G.) which graced the board with its plastic forms, suggestive of the most pleasing objects, -- the spiral ringlets pendent from the brow of beauty, -- the magic circlet, which is the pledge of plighted affection, -- the indissoluble knot, which typifies the union of hearts, which organs were also largely represented; this exceptional delicacy would at any other time have claimed his special notice. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 117, July, 1867.
  • The plight of Mountain Rivera is a common tragedy, repeated in familiar ways time and time again.
  • The U.N. refugee chief has called on countries to end the plight of some 12 million stateless people caught in what he described as "limbo," denied basic human rights because no country will grant them citizenship. The Seattle Times
  • In the blue world we need more understanding of the economic plight of those left behind by globalisation and bewildered by a new multicultural world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here is a different way to think about Barack Obama's plight: President Hillary Clinton a phrase somehow in the air just now would not have had this much trouble doing a deal on the debt ceiling. Obama's Deal With the Debt Devil
  • Meanwhile, Nick breaks the awkward silence with Madge concerning her current plight, and a not very plausible ginger-haired halfwit continues to pursue the ladies. Tonight's TV highlights: Asian Gracefully | Benidorm | Friday Night Dinner | The Simpsons | Ron Sexsmith: Love Shines | Treme
  • The book follows the plight of an orphaned Irish girl who marries into New York society.
  • But after the ignominious recapture of a king who appeared bent on internationalizing his plight, other monarchs were alarmed.
  • It's a good habit to take the car out of gear while you're at a stoplight.
  • The lamplight was dim, and it shone rather unsteadily, casting only a weak glow over the ground, but it would have to do.
  • They knew, they all knew, Jahanara thought, and accepted their discreetness gratefully, for she could not have borne a public proclamation of her plight. Shadow Princess
  • There are better ways to highlight the plight of the homeless.
  • The vine twisted and writhed in the ring of lamplight, like a dying snake.
  • Industry, while prepared to welcome any reduction, however small, in its current plight, was miffed.
  • The plight of greyhounds past their racing days has touched the hearts of staff at a dog stadium.
  • Boo-Khaloum and his steed were both wounded, and Denham was in a similar plight, with the skin of his face grazed by one arrow and two others lodged in his burnoos. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part III. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
  • He is trying to raise public awareness about her plight in order to win some state-sanctioned clemency, but it might be too late.
  • They wept over the plight of the unfortunate individual and his difficult life of travail.
  • he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight
  • He has been sleeping rough in the streets to highlight the plight of the homeless.
  • The Walker family's plight is one that he is not comfortable discussing. Times, Sunday Times
  • We feel deeply for the plight of the refugees.
  • This type of lighting can be supplied by table or floor lamps, uplights, downlights, spotlights and hanging lights.
  • As Wimbledon go under, we are immune to their pain, unmoved by their plight.
  • The plight of the Kurds gained global visibility.
  • Sweetness and plight Slavery on sugar plantations is a thing of the past.
  • THE shocking new wage figures prove just how dismal the plight of struggling workers has been - and will remain for years. The Sun
  • A fortnight ago, this very newspaper ran the story about Livingston's financial plight.
  • This was the first of several films that Capra would make spotlighting the plight of the common man overcoming the deception and greed of the rich fat cats.
  • We have paid no concerted attention to the plight of spin bowling for 20-odd years and we are now reaping the harvest of that. Times, Sunday Times
  • She studied the pale skin of his face in the dim lamplight.
  • This type of lighting can be supplied by table or floor lamps, uplights, downlights, spotlights and hanging lights.
  • As the looting following February's earthquake served as an eye-opener to the country's social and economic inequalities, the plight of the trapped miners has again exposed the hardships Chile's poor face in a country where 14 percent of the population lives in poverty, according to the World Bank. Stacy Torres: How My Father Survived Chile's Mines
  • The pontiff called for a ‘resolute effort’ to resolve the plight of the refugees.
  • He would often spend a whole day settling and resettling in their cases the various stones that be had collected, such as the olive-green chrysoberyl that turns red by lamplight, the cymophane with its wirelike line of silver, the pistachio-coloured peridot, rose-pink and wine-yellow topazes, carbuncles of fiery scarlet with tremulous, four-rayed stars, flame-red cinnamon-stones, orange and violet spinels, and amethysts with their alternate layers of ruby and sapphire. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • B. G.) which graced the board with its plastic forms, suggestive of the most pleasing objects, -- the spiral ringlets pendent from the brow of beauty; the magic circlet, which is the pledge of plighted affection, -- the indissoluble knot, which typifies the union of hearts, which organs were also largely represented; this exceptional delicacy would at any other time have claimed his special notice. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The plight of being brought back to life and forced to live in limbo is explored in all its complexity in Nick Moulton's "The Quick And The Dead". Nov, 14th, 2008 - Issue 0.010
  • Each apartment has gas-fired central heating, a full range of integrated appliances, low voltage downlights and uplighters and hardwood doors.
  • Such circumstance is breakneck, have a bit shake, hang overhead droplight to fall down likely, consequence is very serious.
  • What he found shocked him but also made him more determined than ever to alert others to the plight of those living without clean water and sanitation.
  • The plight of passengers at bus stands is much worse.
  • the woeful plight of homeless people
  • Ms. Hui's movie-making career has spanned more than three decades, and she has covered topics that include the plight of Vietnamese boat people, Alzheimer's disease and lesbianism.
  • Here the physical presence of the motorway is unavoidable as its superstructure looms over the building, but sail-like uplighters bounce and diffuse light up through the tall volume.
  • In benign triumph the Cardinal draws Raphael by the wrist towards his niece for the contractual plighting of hands but she, noticing Raphael's distaste, is slow to unfold her arms.
  • Whether DMX is a lycanthropy sufferer or simply identifies with the plight of the four-legged, it remains to be seen.
  • It showed us the plight of Pam, a 50-something still-attractive widow who, having raised at least one daughter, is now devoting her middle years to the care of her ageing mother, Olive.
  • The plight of the highly indebted eurozone economies has forced harsh cuts in spending. Times, Sunday Times
  • People travel on false passports and do all the things he disparages because of the plight they are in.
  • There j'ai fait la connaissance de la mere de Kousma [Footnote: A jocular translation into French of a Russian slang byword "Kousma's Mother," popularly used to indicate a difficult plight. Leo Tolstoy: Childhood and Early Manhood
  • The big-hearted team, which is based at Bumpers Farm, Chippenham, donated £250 to the appeal last week, after reading of Lydia's plight in the Gazette.
  • At the stoplight ahead, a vendor of dubious naturalization was selling tiny U. S. flags for ten bucks a pop. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • Under the apple boughs, there did I take you when our troth was plighted, there gave my hand and vows, and there you were requited, where once your mother was abased and slighted.
  • In the March 2001 issue Sir Ranulph Fiennes, the Polar explorer, is Guest Editor and articles include a look at the plight of the albatross and Britain's sea coalers.
  • The plight of a York woman's friend is spurring her on to run the London Marathon for the first time - and hopefully raise hundreds of pounds.
  • A lot is made of her intelligence, which has the unfortunate effect of implying that her plight would somehow be less painful if she were stupid.
  • She was gone, melted into the dark shadows of the night outside the dim circle of lamplight.
  • The plight of others is less clear-cut. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am fully sympathetic with their plight and the difficult conditions under which they often have to survive.
  • The copyright disputes were brought to public attention when the Register ran a story detailing Mr Millington's plight.
  • All of the units are finished to a high standard, from beech kitchen countertops to uplighters on the terrace and balcony.
  • Medals hung from above the breast pocket, glittering coldly in the lamplight.
  • But after his plight hit the headlines the father of four was bombarded with job offers. The Sun
  • One of Cumbria's most famous sons is highlighting the plight of the region's threatened farmland birds.
  • It was further matured, and the faith of all the then thirteen States expressly plighted and engaged that it should be perpetual, by the Articles of Confederation in 1778.
  • Ehrenreich's book investigates the plight of some of the low-wage workers studied by the EPI report.
  • All anyone could talk about now was the coming confrontation between Crassus and Pompey; the plight of the Sicilian was a bore. Imperium
  • But the Bruins seemed to accept their plight, rather than challenge it, and that may have most distressed Harrick.
  • Their plight was one of the triggers for the birth of the modern conservation movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aid agencies are increasingly concerned about the plight of people trying to escape in overloaded and flimsy boats. Times, Sunday Times
  • The French doors opening onto the meadow were hanging open, with lamplight spilling out across the verandah flagstones.
  • The uplighting within the three halls can be boosted with downlights as needed; however, there is less natural lighting than the architects had intended.
  • Passengers trapped on the tarmac is a suitable symbol for the present plight of air travelers and airlines. Christine Negroni: Tarmac Rules Trap Passengers and Airlines on a Flight to Nowhere
  • By ‘ulterior plighting’ I mean ulterior trothing with death.
  • Furthermore the King sighted in that hut a lady of exquisite beauty and comeliness sitting in a corner direly distressed: her hands were fast bound with cords, and at her feet a child of two or three years of age lay beweeping his mother's sorry plight. Arabian nights. English
  • Ulster's history suggests their plight is almost hopeless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do we hear daily of the plight of the Silesian Germans? The Volokh Conspiracy » Genetic Evidence Shows Common Origins of Jews
  • The graffitist may be trying to draw attention to Gannon's plight by drawing his picture on the sidewalk. Dr. Robert Glenn and the Mystery of the Pernicious Penis
  • Humans engage in war for many reasons, mostly egoistical, and we cannot train other species to sacrifice their own lives for the plight of humankind. Military Animals: Suffering or Salvation?
  • I can't count the times we sat by the fire in our cottage during foul weather, music playing on the radio and reading by lamplight.
  • At night, the building's silver aluminum soffit is lit with high-energy, high-efficiency uplights, and the lower-level walls are lit by wall-wash downlights recessed around the perimeter.
  • A feodary, I should observe, was an officer of the Court of Wards, who was joined with the escheator and did not act singly; I conceive therefore that Shakspeare by this expression indicates an associate; one in the same plight as others; negatively, one who does not stand alone. Notes and Queries, Number 45, September 7, 1850
  • The general situation ( and perceived plight ) of China's Muslims has resonated amongst the global jihadist community.
  • She dealt sensitively with the plight of a rape victim.
  • Other features of the scheme include new on-street parking bays, new and updated benches, bins and bollards and new trees with uplighters.
  • They also became targets in their local areas but the then Government ignored their plight. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have been passing homeless beggars on the streets for so long we have become immune to their plight.
  • But we could also argue that the act of portraying the high priest of the Old Ones in such cutesy-kitschy form represents an attempt to tame, defang, and neuter the shrieking horror of our plight instead of gleefully accepting it. Archive 2010-03-01
  • The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees.
  • The tent contained a collection of herbs and strange concoctions which glistened in the lamplight, lending a sinister glow to the place.
  • Western concern at the plight of workers in sweatshops is touching.
  • The plans also include repaving the area and installing uplighters to illuminate the memorials and St Mary Magdalen Church.
  • Promoted to Headline (H2) on 3/30/09: The U.S. has 'no moral standing' to criticize Iran: Zunes yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'The U.S. has \'no moral standing\' to criticize Iran: Zunes '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: An interview with the Middle East analyst and expert, Prof. Stephen Zunes, on the U.S. double standards against Iran\'s nuclear dossier, Palestinians\ 'plight and regional conflicts.' The U.S. has 'no moral standing' to criticize Iran: Zunes
  • Since our common plight is precisely to live in such uncertainty, what's wrong with this? Comedy in Literature
  • The smokers in the room were most appreciative of her cognisance of their plight!
  • First introduced in 1989, Adopt-a-Pet aims to highlight the plight of abandoned animals and encourage more responsible pet ownership.
  • Thus it is important to examine critically the different explanations of our present plight, and the different proposals to solve it.
  • Andrew Miller was still up, reading a book in the parlor by lamplight.
  • When she reaches the subject of current events, however, she seems to me to verge on the fantasy to which policy now appears plighted, and which events seem unable to dislodge.
  • The plight of the famine victims commands everyone's sympathy.
  • Thank goodness I have other things to fret about, like disaffected youth and the plight of the inner cities. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the dusk fell, heart-wrenching songs on the plight of child workers were sung.
  • But on the freeway there are neither stoplights, yield signs, nor crosswalks at which to pause, only furious and never-ceasing movement.
  • Betrothal vows were often as binding as wedding vows, and ‘plighting the troth’ was often an excuse to consummate the marriage ahead of the actual ceremony.
  • He was sent to prison, where he wrote a letter about his plight to the New York Citizen newspaper.
  • Mara slowed at a stoplight and switched on the right blinker.
  • And regardless of financial plight, many schools award bursaries or grants to the children of parents employed in the armed forces or clergy, or as teachers.
  • England's plight has led to a wide-ranging review of the management and coaching structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘We appeal to the government to look into the plight of its workers because delays in paying salaries demotivate them,’ he said.
  • The canister, chain-shot, and langrel of the French foe had caused much injury to the Ariadne, and her canvas was in a sore plight. No Defense, Complete
  • They were treated as dogs, they were hungry, and the goddess of justice refused to review their plight.
  • The scope of the Met's financial plight became increasingly horrifying. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • Rossamund Bookchild is finally becoming a lamplighter. Lamplighter by D. M. Cornish: Book summary
  • The book chronicles in vivid detail the boy's plight, starting with the relocation of his family to the Warsaw Ghetto.
  • Working by lamplight, Johnny finishes the mold, though he is not fully satisfied with it.
  • Sarah Palin and a Republican led government are the domestic terrorists yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Sarah Palin and a Republican led government are the domestic terrorists'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: To me true \'domestic terrorism\' is where a government does not respond to the plight of its people. ' Sarah Palin and a Republican led government are the domestic terrorists
  • Facing many of the same problems Tibetans have due to their religious views such as religious restrictions, forced abortions, imprisonment and execution, the Uyghurs '(also spelled as Uygur, Uigur, Uighur) plight isn't as visible to westerners as the Buddhist's situation. Global Voices in English » The Uyghurs: Persecuted Muslim Minority in NorthWest China
  • While the odds were stacked against them, the trio were able to establish contact with Wellington-based Maritime Radio which relayed their plight to Bay of Plenty Coastguard.
  • There is a certain rigidity and politicization about the issue of child support, custody, and visitation that ignores the plight of fathers. Guilty pleasures. « A Bird’s Nest
  • The book follows the plight of an orphaned Irish girl who marries into New York society.
  • They claim the captain has ignored their plight and blamed them for bringing the bug on board. The Sun
  • The fixture type most commonly used for indirect lighting in most spaces is the pendant linear fluorescent uplight.
  • As Maharaj was speaking at length about the plight of residents of Bunsee Trace, located significantly in the Siparia constituency, who had a 'cowshed' for a community centre, he raised a huge photograph of the centre. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • In a report highlighting the 25 most endangered primate species, conservationists have outlined the desperate plight of primates from Madagascar, Africa, Asia and Central and South America, with some populations down to just a few dozen in number. golden headed langur, which is found only on the island of Cat Ba in north-eastern Vietnam, is down to 60 to 70 individuals. The Guardian World News
  • The lamplight was dim, and it shone rather unsteadily, casting only a weak glow over the ground, but it would have to do.
  • Little was gained legally from this demonstration, but it did succeed in drawing attention to the sheep producers ' plight.
  • The hero often strives to not only give meaning and purpose to one's actions and unite the group, but also attempts to interpret history and provide a means of enunciation so that one's current plight is placed within some sort of context. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Pleasant, thinks I. 'Here, boy, let's have a look at this precious little account -- hum! ha! hunting-saddle, gag-bit for Lamplighter, head-piece and reins to ditto, ~317~~" racing-saddle for chestnut mare, 'etc., etc., etc.; a horrid affair as long as my arm -- total £96 18s. 2d. Frank Fairlegh Scenes From The Life Of A Private Pupil
  • The Five howled mockery and derision, the cards danced and beckoned luringly in the mellow lamplight, the Judge pulled his coat-tail, the Major Premise tugged. The Desire of the Moth; and the Come On
  • Lizzie's plight was not helped by the death in the past month of her doting dad, Seamus.
  • We were looking for a fabulous gold shimmer reflection from all the candles and uplighters that we plan to use during the dinner parties that we'd like to have.
  • The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees.
  • Never mind the irony of the situation - the plight of those we went to help along the coast, just a few kilometres south.
  • We have paid no concerted attention to the plight of spin bowling for 20-odd years and we are now reaping the harvest of that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women seeking counsel on how to get the most out of their husbands can dip into a river of self-help books, tawdry daytime TV shows and features that dramatize the female author's plight in women's magazines.
  • The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.
  • The back to the ignore our plight. The Sun
  • But the combination, at one particular point, of sizzling striplights, medieval religious chants and khaki-clad first world war tommies produced a feeling of sensory and aural overload. King Lear – review
  • But as the first help trickled in on Sunday, it was the plight of the living that seemed the most desperate.
  • A small Yorkshire charity has been helping the plight of Romanian orphans for the past decade.
  • This quixotic politician became obsessed with the plight of Afghanistan, the Afghan people, and with taking the fight to the Soviets directly.
  • The same folks blubbering about the reigning obsession with thinness as an insult to fatness are making a disgusting mockery of starving people's plight.
  • The prayer also represents a tacit acknowledgement by the Church of the plight of the wives and girlfriends of armchair football fans. Times, Sunday Times
  • It might not be the famine of biblical proportions which decimated the country in 1984 and which wakened a disbelieving world to the plight of the Ethiopians but unless something is done it is a disaster in the making.
  • To her surprise, they asked her to go to other war zones, to bring attention to the plight of refugees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Levels of income, forms of democratic constitutionalism, and cultural regard for education are all determinants in the plight of children in the workforce.
  • Smitten by her disinterestedness as well as by her beauty, Lord Clavering would gladly marry her, but is bound by his word plighted to Lord Dunbar's daughter. Balzac
  • Hugh, "said Master Bernard, coming up to help his old friend out of his bewilderment --" plighted, that is, by themselves, by the right of a true and loyal love. In the Days of Chivalry
  • Instead, he chose to illustrate the plight of an overloaded and tired hatcheck girl from her view of the festivities.
  • What is the cure for the plight of the homeless?
  • 'Candy Buds' is one of Hamilton's best-known short stories, set on Tropicana, the only Adamist world where bitek remains legal by the late 24th Century, where the richest man on the planet finds himself unusually touched by the plight of a young girl he was planning to exploit for her astonishing discovery. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Unfortunately Evan's conclusion distracts us from the plight of refugees.
  • She blamed her plight on a hurtful comment by a critic about her weight. The Sun
  • Perhaps the working poor should threaten to incorporate in order to get local leaders to seriously address their plight.
  • The starkest fact highlighting the plight of fishing is that the amount of adult demersal fish - those living on the seabed - has fallen by 90 per cent since the early 1970s.
  • Sari was bemoaning the plight of the hero on screen.
  • The Higden debt, both for the rent and the stores, was the only one at which she did not blush, since, great as was her indiscretion, in not enquiring into her powers before she plighted her services, it would be palliated by her motive. Camilla
  • The report was they had been dining the night before on loin of veal while chatting about the plight of the common man in America.
  • First introduced in 1989, Adopt-a-Pet aims to highlight the plight of abandoned animals and encourage more responsible pet ownership.
  • Richard also had certain visions, such as having uplighters up the staircase; I'm still looking for the right fittings to get that look.
  • The park also boasts a chillingly effective World Extinct Wildlife Cemetery to illustrate the plight of endangered species.
  • It may speak of the plight of the political prisoner but that is just one of many possibilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plight of Aboriginal people today has just as much to do with the past as with the present.
  • Their plight was made much more apparent by the sudden deluge of enclosure acts at the end of the eighteenth century. DEVASTATING EDEN: The Search for Utopia in America

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