
How To Use Pliable In A Sentence

  • What we do have here is a rather queer looking creature with a faceless Charlie Brown head, duck legs, two jointless yet pliable arms, and tentacles.
  • But when it is warm, the rubber is pliable and retains high elasticity, even when being stretched hard.
  • We close by stressing the importance of implementing effective, efficient and multipliable small group collaborative learning environments online.
  • Several barriers in his consciousness that normally stand sentinel around his impressions of women become pliable and my image begins to migrate towards that of his mother.
  • A topologist is someone who imagines all objects to be made of unbreakable but very pliable playdough, and therefore does not see the need to distinguish between a coffee cup and doughnut because either can be turned into the other. Algebra
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  • This accounts for the modern forms limb (limber has excrescent b, regardless of whether it means "shaft," "holes in timber," or "pliable"; none of them is related to limb) and crumb.
  • Using tweezers, Geoff carefully removed the tiny, pliable plastic disc.
  • Considered the next-generation in flat panel displays, this technology involves the use of pliable plastic instead of rigid glass in TFT-LCD production.
  • Some kinds of plastic become pliable if they're heated.
  • In its ancient usage, weaving creates surfaces and volumes by the regular interlacing of pliable strands - the warp and the woof - passing over and under each other at right angles.
  • He was seen as overly reliant on handlers and aides, and easily pliable.
  • He kept in by being an oak, not by being a willow, by a constancy in virtue, not by a pliableness to vice. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The female swimmerets are slightly larger and more feathery with tiny hairs, while the tail itself is often larger and more pliable to accommodate the eggs.
  • Bread of flour is good: but there is bread, sweet as honey, if we would eat it, in a good book; and the family must be poor indeed which, once in their lives, cannot, for such multipliable barley-loaves, pay their baker’s bill. Sesame and Lilies. Lecture I.-Sesame: Of Kings’ Treasuries
  • While ligaments are pliable and flexible, permitting free movement, they are also wonderfully strong and inextensible. A Practical Physiology
  • In the water, his short legs, with his double-jointed knees and pliable ankles attached to size 14 feet, help him undulate like a dolphin. Built to swim, Phelps found a focus and refuge in water
  • It took centuries to still the fear in some pliable animals - domestication it's called - but most cannot get over their fear, and I doubt they ever will.
  • So how can we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to receive this pliable heart?
  • To secure a pliable news staff, he led what he called a "jailbreak" from his old employers, NBC, bringing dozens of top staffers with him to Fox News. The Guardian World News
  • But this is the city which gave the world ‘Salaam Bombay,’ for it to salute the undying spirit of a metropolis which glories in its infinitely multipliable complementary contradictions: its grime and glitz, insularity and cosmopolitanism, arrogance and vulnerability, its indifference and unexpected caring.
  • The pastry was light and pliable, the nuts were freshly roasted and crushed, hence gloriously free from the rancity that comes with age and they had a lovely homemade butteriness and just enough syrup to moisten.
  • In all likelihood, the team just wanted a more pliable head coach.
  • Jordan, angry and insulted, would have none of it, and suggested that the police find someone more "pliable," telling the powers that be to take him or leave him. Hector Jordan - Trail-blazing Hispanic Hero
  • About the development of informal finance, the complexity of the informal finance requires to maintain enough flexibility in financial policy, and the developing ways should also be multipliable.
  • Were the skull composed of more pliable materials, cranioscopy would be more accurate in its facts, but while it preserves a uniform exterior, the interior often undergoes remarkable changes. Buchanan's Journal of Man, January 1888 Volume 1, Number 12
  • One of your earlier conquests is not proving as pliable as I had hoped. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • The laughable element in both cases consists of a certain MECHANICAL INELASTICITY, just where one would expect to find the wide-awake adaptability and the living pliableness of a human being. Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
  • Her breasts are two incredible mammiform protrusions, no mere pliable mass of feminine tissues and fats, but living sculpture.
  • Finally, some key research findings are summarized, suggesting that this methodology may be more effective than the facilitated small group for promoting creative ideas, as well as being more efficient and multipliable.
  • Jesuits themselves were wont to call their own pliableness. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • You wanna make a new game , SL-like , or do you wanna re-write the existing Laws and Regulations appliable to Financial Markets ? Financial Market Meltdown in Second Life?
  • The high sugar content of fruits such as mangoes, bananas, stone fruits, figs, and dates acts as a preservative, therefore, they need be dried only until pliable and leathery. 14. Saving seeds for planting
  • The consequences of the strength of the political spirit are not all direct, nor does its strength by any means spring solely from its indulgence to the less respectable elements of character, such as languor, extreme pliableness, superficiality. On Compromise
  • It has tender flesh; smooth-textured, soft, and pliable skin; and a somewhat flexible breastbone cartilage. 3.
  • Dry skin lotions, creams, or thicker preparations may be used to lubricate the skin, prevent fissures, and keep the skin pliable.
  • You think they're going to vote for a Republican like McCain, who allies himself with the criminal, recidivistic regime of George Bush and Dick Cheney, the most multipliable impeachable presidency in American history? Your Right Hand Thief
  • This accounts for the modern forms limb (limber has excrescent b, regardless of whether it means "shaft," "holes in timber," or "pliable"; none of them is related to limb) and crumb.
  • These were sights, sounds, smells and emotions which could not be accommodated in the soft, pliable naïveté of her life of just last week. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • She likes that these younger players are more " pliable, " a quality that she came to miss as her WNBA career continued. Back to School for a Basketball Coach
  • Space itself was knotted up, its convolutions pliable enough to be pressed through but only with the greatest difficulty. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • After the Supper was over, the Count renew'd his Addresses to _Isabella_, who seem'd a little more compliable, but would not allow him the Fredom he desir'd, which had the usual Consequences of encreasing his Inclinations: It growing late, he carry'd her, to his Chamber, where after some Time, she, was oblig'd to go to Bed with him. Tractus de Hermaphrodites Or, A Treatise of Hermaphrodites
  • The canoe or "mun" is a large sheet of bark cut from the gum-tree, carefully lowered to the ground, and then heated with fire until it becomes soft and pliable, and can be moulded into form, it is then supported by wooden props, to keep it in shape, until it becomes hard and set, which is in about twenty-four hours, though it is frequently used sooner. Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia and Overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound in the Years 1840-1: Sent By the Colonists of South Australia, with the Sanction and Support of the Government: Including an Account of the M
  • For when the soul is tempested, troubled, and left to itself by unrest, then it is time to pray, for to make itself pliable and obedient [140] to God. Revelations of Divine Love
  • Mummy would be crossish, hasty, distracted; then briefly guilty, pliable; then gone again. Land Divers
  • This physically elastic and histrionically pliable performer is as acrobatic on a stage as an aerialist under the big top.
  • Some cells in the dermis secrete a plasticizing protein that loosens the grip on the collagen fibrils, enabling them to slide past one another and making the overall tissue soft and pliable.
  • Palestinians are no Nazis, I know, and I hope that after Arafat, their goal is rational accommodation, so nowadays, maybe, the Dilemma may be appliable. The Economics of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • CHEVRIL, from kidskin, which is elastic and pliable. Every Man in His Humor
  • For your first calculation, you are incorrectly applying the measurement - 4.7 is not multipliable by 1024, since the 4.7 GB number is NOT a binary-derived number.
  • Why, my dear, it is possible, that you may be more compliable than you have been. Clarissa Harlowe
  • They should know that all of us are pliable and suggestible to some degree, but that children are especially vulnerable to suggestive and leading questioning.
  • They use earplugs or soft, pliable pods attached to a flexible metal or plastic band, which can be used behind the head, under the chin, or over the head.
  • But that could change in a flash if another universally-appliable, frictionless model for making money on the web appeared. How Google Stole Control Over Content Distribution By Stealing Links - Publishing 2.0
  • Louis-Napoleon seemed a pliable figurehead to the old monarchist élites, a means of resurrecting royalist values at a time when traditional monarchy was truly impossible.
  • Most of them are cast in a somewhat soft and pliable plastic and at first I was disappointed in this thinking that a more rigid plastic would have been preferable.
  • The end of their trunk feels firm but kind of pliable, like the cartilage in the end of your own nose. The Nature of Jade
  • Furthermore, the fact that Washington's goal in Iraq is complete control of that territory either directly or via some kind of pliable government seems to indicate that the mercenaries will be there awhile. The Illusion of Dividing and Conquering in Iraq
  • To make a rectifier, the researchers considered an anharmonic chain sandwiched between two harmonic caps, one with stiff springs - which vibrate at higher frequencies - and the other with more pliable springs.
  • Some squamates, like iguanas, rely heavily on vision to locate food, and use their pliable tongues to grab it.
  • Serpentine layering Climbers such as clematis, jasmine, wisteria and honeysuckle root wherever their long pliable stems touch the soil.
  • It has tender meat; soft, pliable, smooth-textured skin; and flexible breastbone cartilage. 3.
  • Senior officials would have preferred a more pliable government.
  • Not caring, she continued to sit there, muscles that had been corded with stress, now lax and pliable.
  • Well, in clay animation, each object is sculpted in clay or a similarly pliable material such as plasticine, usually around an armature.
  • It's a Fictional Virtual Declaration of Virtual Policy of Virtual World , appliable inside the magic circle. SWI's Declaration of Virtual World Policy
  • The new range of inspired designs showcased will include a combination of lighting and furniture designs made of naturally soft and pliable materials such as hand-made felt, clay, and angora. New Furniture and Lighting by Ayala Serfaty for Aqua Creations
  • One of your earlier conquests is not proving as pliable as I had hoped. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Serpentine layering Climbers such as clematis, jasmine, wisteria and honeysuckle root wherever their long pliable stems touch the soil.
  • The need is for a clear and simple, appliable Tax Code which Everyone will be opposed to amending. lgl Single Tax Rate, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In each work, the play of texture seems to transform the rigid stone into a more supple or pliable substance like plastic or clay.
  • You think they're going to vote for a Republican like McCain, who allies himself with the criminal, recidivistic regime of George Bush and Dick Cheney, the most multipliable impeachable presidency in American history? Archive 2008-02-01
  • But who does not feel in the son the serious charm of a power of adaptation and pliableness which we can never associate with the hardy and more rigorous nature of the other? Critical Miscellanies, Vol. 3 (of 3) Essay 2: The Death of Mr Mill - Essay 3: Mr Mill's Autobiography
  • Between 6 and 7 p.m. each evening, the computers “gelatinize” the assignments for the next day — make them firm enough to tell passengers exactly when to show up at the airports, but still pliable enough that pilots and planes might be reassigned if last-minute requests come in. Taxis in the Sky « Isegoria
  • Am I right to assume that the extra glycerin is to make the soap more pliable for rolling? Final Photos & Instructions for Jelly Roll Soaps
  • It has tender flesh; smooth-textured, soft, and pliable skin; and a somewhat flexible breastbone cartilage. 3.
  • If the sponge has been dampened in warm water, you will have a more pliable and flexible sponge.
  • We'll just get our own grip on that pliable feminine mind!
  • Perhaps the perfect comfort food is fresh bread, warm and pliable, filled with airy pockets and yeasty incense, and as satisfying to make as it is to consume.
  • In a similar way, those who wanted to embrace Jesus and the life he called them to needed to become pliable and flexible, willing to be taught a new way of thinking and acting.
  • Its hardness or obstinacy, in opposition to the pliableness of a heart of flesh, is principally intended in this expression. Pneumatologia
  • But there was no employment for any in capital causes, excepting for those I have already mentioned; because Antonius, who was always courted on these occasions, was very ready to give his service; and Crassus, though not so compliable, generally consented, on any pressing sollicitation, to give _his_. Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker.
  • Neither will I chew tanned horsehide until it becomes soft and pliable for the shoes of a desert scavenger!
  • However, research increasingly suggests that humans are just pliable puppets, with definable biological and chemical responses to certain stimuli.
  • They make a huge range of PVC-based plastics more pliable and durable and improve the spreadability of antiperspirants, soaps and face creams.
  • Finding, by experience, how unsuccessful those measures had proved, and observing the low condition to which he was now reduced, he resolved to alter his whole conduct, and to regain the confidence of his people by pliableness, by concessions, and by a total conformity to their inclinations and prejudices. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part E. From Charles I. to Cromwell
  • One of your earlier conquests is not proving as pliable as I had hoped. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Dandy and I saw a friendly, rich, pliable sort of red-faced American approaching, with a smile on his face. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • Why, Miss, I fancy, if you were to shew a compliable temper, your friends would shew a compliable one too. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Normal fats are very supple and pliable, but the trans fatty acid is a stiff fat that can build up in the body and create havoc.
  • If sealants around those openings are no longer pliable, re-seal and caulk them.
  • Vibracoustic North America, a division of Freudenberg-NOK, uses microcellular urethane, a more pliable form of rubber, to reduce noise, vibration and harshness in the 2002 Lincoln Blackwood.
  • As we get deeper into the n|om, our body becomes so light and pliable that we can feel ourselves stretching. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Is the government, is the political process pliable enough?
  • It has tender flesh; smooth-textured, soft, and pliable skin; and a somewhat flexible breastbone cartilage. 3.
  • It seems his muse, once so pliable, has become perverse and wilful: I commiserate.
  • Brush the bread with enough olive oil to soften and make pliable 1/4 cup of olive oil should be plenty. All They're Cracked Up to Be
  • Lastly, there is a continually increasing demand for popular art, multipliable by the printing-press, illustrative of daily events, of general literature, and of natural science. Lectures on Art Delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary term, 1870
  • An elastic, pliable lens is required to change your focus from your wingman to your kneeboard.
  • Mr. Wheler was taken off, -- despair perhaps rendering the man, who had been in opposition futilely before, compliable. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
  • This instance of the pliableness of the disciples, gives us a good example of obedience to the command of Christ. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • It is such a soft and pliable metal that it needs to be alloyed with other metals, into brass or bronze, before it can be used for a structural purpose.
  • Immediately after the molt, the crab's new ‘soft shell’ is pliable and easily stretched.
  • These are the vendors who lug two heavy-looking panniers around with the help of a piece of pliable wood across their shoulder.
  • The zipper fastens for security (I have twice had items stolen in flight); the bag will pack flat should you want to pack it on your return (because you had to have that handbag from Prada's Via Montenapoleone store); and because it is soft and pliable, depending upon what you put in it, it will double as a pillow (I know, because I've used mine for this and many other purposes, including a footrest.) Luggage: An Open and Shut Case
  • Being sure that the weaver is damp and pliable, with fingers, or "pliers," bend up the stakes close to the weaving, at right angles with the base, and continue weaving until the basket is four inches deep. Construction Work for Rural and Elementary Schools
  • Instead, I lowered myself till I lay flat on my stomach and peered aggressively into the rotted tile; I poked at one corner and found it pliable, claylike. Excerpt: Asta in the Wings by Jan Elizabeth Watson
  • In this respect, the theory is pliable enough to accommodate varying Pagan paths.
  • They should know that all of us are pliable and suggestible to some degree, but that children are especially vulnerable to suggestive and leading questioning.
  • A healthy udder is soft and pliable, and has two well-developed teats.
  • Move a number-crunching little beastie around a grid to munch on a series of multiples (numbers multipliable by 2, then by 3, etc.).
  • The gels, which are soft and pliable at room temperature, become firm when warmed to form a secure seal between the mask and the patient's face.
  • Then, as governor of Texas, he was graced with a pliable enough bipartisan Legislature, and the Legislature is where the real work in that state's governance gets done.
  • Cotton gauze has been used to dress wounds for hundreds of years because it is naturally soft, pliable, and absorbent.
  • It seems his muse, once so pliable, has become perverse and wilful: I commiserate.
  • Often, the courts remain a pliable tool to reinforce that power.
  • It was easily pliable, but amazingly tough, withstanding hundreds of pounds of pressure and scorching heat that could have charred the flesh off of a human being.
  • I use synthetic rubber almost exclusively, and it's certainly soft and pliable.
  • The goodliest minds are those that have most variety and pliableness in them .... Montaigne and Shakspere
  • The Review Board could be mandated to use the cheapest Drugs and medical treatments appliable to said illness, cutting Malpractice insurance costs as well as Doctor-purchase by Drug companies. Cost of Health Care Regulation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Born in 1922 and crowned in 1941 by French colonisers eager to install a pliable puppet, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in 1955 to contest the country's first elections.
  • Original matter - the source of the multiplicity in the world - was essentially something multipliable by its very nature and capacity.
  • A second piece of silicone sealsthe PZT in, creating a pliable, biocompatible material that's fourtimes as efficient as previous flexible piezoelectrics.
  • With vulcanization, crude natural rubber could be heated and chemically treated to make it not only more stable but also more pliable. He Hit the Road, Found Rubber
  • Dandy and I saw a friendly, rich, pliable sort of red-faced American approaching, with a smile on his face. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • There are hundreds more where you came from; they're campus-fresh, younger, pliable, cheaper and hungry for work at any cost.
  • 'made pliable,' or 'flexible' conveying the notion of deftness and dexterity rather than that of simple strength. Expositions of Holy Scripture
  • Building flexibility into search, email, and other Google products is critically important as we seek to organize the world's information, and it's only natural that we should continue to look for ways to make the use of such statistics more "pliable" as well. Archive 2007-03-01
  • It was incredibly thick, dry, pliable; filled minutely with cells of a liquid-gaseous something which she knew to be a more perfect insulator even than the fibres of the tegument itself. Children of the Lens
  • Ninety percent of the customers at Riva seem to end up with pizza at one point in the meal, and even in a city saturated with new pizza concepts, Travi's pies have their niche - crusts thin and pliable as shirt cardboard, bottoms annealed shiny and black by the heat of the brick oven, and sparingly topped with things like tomato and buffalo mozzarella, underflavored meatballs, shrimp "scampi," or potatoes and Fontina cheese, a concoction that turns out to resemble a custardy French gratin plopped down on a crust. LA Weekly | Complete Issue
  • Normal red blood cells are round and pliable, but in persons with sickle cell anemia these cells become firm and inflexible.
  • This physically elastic and histrionically pliable performer is as acrobatic on a stage as an aerialist under the big top.
  • Often, the courts remain a pliable tool to reinforce that power.
  • Thus far I have not mentioned speech, not perhaps the most inestimable of human gifts, but, if it is not that, it is at least the endowment, which makes man social, by which principally we impart our sentiments to each other, and which changes us from solitary individuals, and bestows on us a duplicate and multipliable existence. Thoughts on Man: His Nature, Productions, and Discoveries
  • Although modern, urban spaces were pliable enough to reflect historical changes, their concrete nature suggested that gender differences could not be eroded easily.
  • Engineering News said in a statement on Thursday the structure would be built using a pliable asphaltic concrete core that could resist shocks without cracking and would be one of about 60 such dams in earthquake zones worldwide. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They should be speckled with brown, and puff up when turned, but remain soft and pliable - rather like an Indian chapati.
  • By contemplating compassion and love, we become familiar with the pliable mind of peace.
  • Phthalates are used to make plastic soft and pliable and in the past were found in soothers, teething toys, babies' bottles and other baby goods.
  • Fourthly, that it is no less absurd to say, as the Papists do, that our satisfaction is required as a condition, without which Christ's satisfaction is not appliable unto us, than to say, Peter hath paid the debt of John, and he to whom it was due accepteth of the same payment, conditionally if he pay it himself also. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Branches should be pliable and not snap very easily.
  • Wrap pliable wire around the container below the lip to form a handle for hanging.
  • They are covered in glistening, black scales, like the hooded serpents that steal the eggs from our hens, but stretched and pliable, like the most well-worked leather riding hand-coverings.
  • Working in random, one-inch sections, take a dab of pliable pomade, and coat and twist hair as you go.
  • There are decent, pliable corn tortillas and a searing, aromatic green salsa with which to make your own chicken tacos.
  • they soaked the leather to made it pliable
  • The creation was the self-diremption of the infinite into finite expression, the fall was the self-discovery of this finitude, the incarnation was the awakening of the finite to its essential infinity; and here, a sufficient number of pages having been engrossed, the matter generally hastened to a conclusion; for the redemption with its means of application, once the central point in Christianity, was less pliable to the new pantheistic interpretation. The Life of Reason
  • But then to draw this down a thesi ad hypothesin, and to determine the bounds of each, by showing exactly where malice ceases, and where a faultless inadvertency begins; this, I confess, is most difficult, and perhaps, by any one common rule, constantly and universally appliable to every particular action, not to be effected. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • Another group of test plates have cavity arrangements of two sizes, the second size thereof being an integrally multipliable value greater than the first size.
  • Not caring, she continued to sit there, muscles that had been corded with stress, now lax and pliable.
  • I like the fact that in the metric system everything is divisible and multipliable by ten; but, darn I hate it that the kilometer is so much smaller than the mile.
  • Working in random, one-inch sections, take a dab of pliable pomade, and coat and twist hair as you go.
  • Unhappy with the kind of moneybags owners their club has been attracting, many Newcastle fans are demanding - it's not too strong a word - that a more pliable billionaire comes along to buy them over. Undefined
  • OLEDs come in pliable, layered sheets which conduct and emit light, making them great for screens and display monitors. GREEN BUILDING 101: DESIGN INNOVATION | Inhabitat
  • Bread of flour is good: but there is bread, sweet as honey, if we would eat it, in a good book; and the family must be poor indeed which, once in their lives, cannot, for such multipliable barley-loaves, pay their baker's bill. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • This is a resilient fabric that resists wrinkling in addition to being pliable and soft with a good drape.
  • The entire mask is constructed of the best hardened wire, extra heavy padded with goat hair, and the padding faced with the best imported dogskin, which is impervious to perspiration, and always soft and pliable, each. Spalding's Baseball Guide and Official League Book for 1889
  • Is he, that is apte by goodnes of witte, and appliable by The Scholemaster
  • In the 1930s, this led it into conflict with Franklin Roosevelt's economic programs, and provoked a Presidential threat to stack the Court with pliable appointees.
  • The best time to take cuttings is during the softwood stage in spring or early summer, when stems are still green and pliable.
  • It is such a soft and pliable metal that it needs to be alloyed with other metals, into brass or bronze, before it can be used for a structural purpose.
  • As your baby grows bigger, his bones become less pliable.
  • Why not make real and compliable agreements to the two-state solution as put forward by Saudi Arabia and the Arab league, and supported by 164 countries of the UN - a plan that HAMAS publicly signed up to 2 years ago? Gaza’s Smugglers Start Digging New Tunnels - The Lede Blog -
  • Well, in clay animation, each object is sculpted in clay or a similarly pliable material such as plasticine, usually around an armature.
  • In the fine plates of this period, you have thus the united powers of the pen and pencil, and both absolutely secure and multipliable. Ariadne Florentina Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving
  • The soft cuticle is pliable but tough and not easily pierced.
  • Dandy and I saw a friendly, rich, pliable sort of red-faced American approaching, with a smile on his face. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • I came to know that though the Director was an efficient and upright officer, she happened to incur the Minister's displeasure for the simple reason that she was not pliable.
  • Immediately after the molt, the crab's new ‘soft shell’ is pliable and easily stretched.
  • Remove, shape into a disc, wrap in clingfilm and chill for about an hour, until pliable but not sticky to the touch.2. How to cook perfect tarte au citron
  • But enough of illustrations: although these, multipliable to any amount, might bring, each in its own case, some specific tendency to throw light upon the path we mean to tread: it is wiser perhaps, as implying more confidence in the reader's intellectual powers, to leave other analogous cases to the suggestion of his own mind; also, not to vex him in every instance with the intrusive finger of an obvious application. The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
  • Seabeck, from his very unaccustomedness to women, seemed to her particularly pliable. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • His good nature, his benevolence, and the pliableness of his disposition may surely be allowed to compensate for many defects. Italian Letters, Vols. I and II The History of the Count de St. Julian
  • Just in case you need to make plenty of video calls under low light conditions, the Kensington Video Chat Light might just do the trick, requiring a single USB port to power it alongside a flexible gooseneck which is sturdy yet pliable at the asme time. Ubergizmo
  • Most of them are cast in a somewhat soft and pliable plastic and at first I was disappointed in this thinking that a more rigid plastic would have been preferable.
  • When minds are young and pliable - government experts understand this principle - you can fill them with nonsense that is practically impossible to root out.
  • Their skin is very pliable and internal organs are easily punctured.
  • A healthy udder is soft and pliable, and has two well-developed teats.
  • It seems his muse, once so pliable, has become perverse and wilful: I commiserate.
  • The word "ratings" is not some kind of pliable, esoteric concept. RedState
  • Amorphous solids are thermally plastic, being hard, rigid, and brittle at low temperature, and soft, flexible, and pliable at high temperature.
  • I'm staggered by Arndt's apparent argument that education should be about preparing young people to be pliable media fodder in sporting and entertainment fields.
  • You must send me no more letters: but a compliable one you may send. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Yea he extolled him to a more heigth then was appliable to the nature of man, calling him the woorde, the spirite, the soule of GOD, borne out of a virgines wombe, whome he also with many wondrefull praises magnified. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie

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