
How To Use Plentiful In A Sentence

  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
  • There are two course menus and an a la carte menu with plentiful seafood in season, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • I'd say name it except for your second point, that named Wealden brachiosaurids are plentiful and once better material is described, some would near certainly be synonymized. ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part IV
  • With abundant rainfall and a temperate climate, crops were plentiful; citrus and olive groves abounded.
  • The challenge is that the main ingredient in glass, sand, is plentiful and cheap _ often cheaper than cullet, which is glass that has been prepared for recycling. Breaking News: CBS News
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  • That daunting task was made worse by plentiful leanings, curves, twists and turns.
  • There were about 35 of us there, lots of friendly people, some gorgeous food, plentiful vino and lots of cheesy dancing!
  • Taxis are plentiful and can be found at major hotels as well as in main tourist areas or cruising the streets.
  • Of the gambling – booths there was a plentiful show, flourishing in all the splendour of carpeted ground, striped hangings, crimson cloth, pinnacled roofs, geranium pots, and livery servants. Nicholas Nickleby
  • Suddenly, Fashion Bug didn't seem like a fun place with cute, kicky, affordable clothes and plentiful opportunities for advancement.
  • Commercial and private sea craft were plentiful nearer the coast and the boardwalk at the beaches was lit up for nighttime visitors.
  • The masseuse applied fragrant medicated oils on the head and body in plentiful measure as one lay on a high wooden plank on the secluded verandah of an open walled courtyard.
  • Because while we may find a snippet of moral fibre here and detect evidence of it there, somehow it seems to be far less plentiful these days.
  • For a start, this music is uninhibited, drawing plentifully from the lightweight and somewhat swingy end of the spectrum.
  • Bushmen in his employ, they came to a deep water-hole, where the precious fluid, though "brak" (alkaline) and stagnant, was still plentiful and drinkable, and within working distance of which the newly-discovered "fields" were located. A Rip Van Winkle Of The Kalahari Seven Tales of South-West Africa
  • There was a plentiful supply of cheap labour.
  • Food is at its most plentiful during the short summer months, when the snow melts to uncover the higher mountain pastures.
  • Mountain beavers live in small colonies, occupying areas with plentiful green vegetation and cover.
  • More recently, the demand for fast breeder reactors has seemed less urgent as worldwide supplies of uranium have become more plentiful.
  • Men do not actually "die of a rose in aromatic pain," though many may become uncomfortable and fidgety by sniffing delicious wattle-blossom; and one of the crinum lilies owes its specific title, (PESTILENTIS) to the ill effects of its stainless flowers, those who camp in places where the plant is plentiful being apt to be seized with violent sickness. My Tropic Isle
  • And in the FOR ME column of our imagined list, not in the treasured top slots but up there, would be the gift of Joycean spam upon a digital reemergence: boltmaker stippled scrapy heartedness burgoo overplentiful unended hydrophobous. Eveline | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • I stuffed the bottle with scraps of paper and tinder-dry sticks of which there was a plentiful supply.
  • The coasts of the outlying islands were rich in seals and the sea plentiful with whales. War Nears New Zealand
  • She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty.
  • the plentiful rain germinated my plants
  • But while Joe has beaten him before, plentifully, Kerewin has only been kind and repeatedly succored him with food.
  • Hot climate and plentiful rainfall favor the growth of plants.
  • The frizzle-headed man-eaters were loath to leave their fleshpots so long as the harvest of human carcases was plentiful. THE WHALE TOOTH
  • The reason that political progeny are so plentiful is simple: a famous last name confers instant recognition among voters — and very often Mom's or Dad's network of donors, too. Down Year for Dynasties
  • But this was not the time for delay; I disencumbered the dogs of their dead companion, gave them a plentiful portion of food; and, after an hour's rest, which was absolutely necessary, and yet which was bitterly irksome to me, Chapter 7
  • Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition.
  • Dr. Shroder is an active geoscientist with plentiful research experience in South Asia (Afghanistan and Pakistan), the Middle East and Africa. Contributor: John Shroder
  • Binford, following upon this idea of hunter-gatherer affluence, proposed that preagricultural peoples living the good life would live it where it was best, in those optimal ecological zones where the most plentiful supplies of wild plants and animals could be found. The Goddess and the Bull
  • Where nutrients are plentiful, productivity is high, production far outstrips decomposition, and organic sediments accumulate on the lake beds.
  • My duck was the best I have tasted: tender meat with crispy skin, and, to top it all, plentiful.
  • I took solace in drink, of which there was a plentiful supply.
  • These days, the police are gone, the coca is plentiful and locals close off roads for multiday block parties—not rumbles with law enforcement. Cocaine: The New Front Lines
  • The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest. William Blake 
  • Fresh fish - including sea bass, red mullet, and daurade - are plentiful and widely eaten, as is the famous fish stew, bouillabaisse.
  • With movables and all kinde of furnishment, befitting a house of such outward apparance, hee caused it to be plentifully stored onely to receive, entertaine, and honor all Gentlemen or other The Decameron
  • It's positive points are much more plentiful than its negative ones.
  • I knew he was well off, so probably he could afford the £5; but at the end of the term pocket-money was not a plentiful commodity. Tom, Dick and Harry
  • Their brown tigery sides rose and fell peacefully in the sound slumber induced by the plentiful fare of Clairville, but no sleep came to their master. Ringfield A Novel
  • Mrs. Tuitt was and is a good role model at a time when these are not plentiful.
  • Beds are fitted with Egyptian cotton linen and the stylish bathrooms have fluffy towels and bathrobes and plentiful toiletries, which you are invited to take away.
  • She turned on the tap and gave a whoop of delight as water cascaded forth, hot and plentiful.
  • Everything good in nature and the world is in that moment of transition, when the swarthy juices still flow plentifully from nature, but their astringency or acridity is got out by ethics and humanity ’.
  • For all its pretensions and elitism, the art movie industry - the producers, the distributors, the cinemas - did at least ensure a diverse and plentiful supply of world cinema.
  • I took a plentiful supply of games to keep the children amused.
  • On the one hand, they must secure a plentiful supply of food from the ocean.
  • Winter-flowering pansies and violas are in plentiful supply for this job.
  • We were having stir-fried vegetables and steak, along with a bowl of sweet rice with a few plentiful drops of soy.
  • We hope the future will be one of plentiful, continuous, and widespread resources and undisturbed roosts for the welfare of our shared bat species, ecosystems, and ecological processes.
  • Traders say it would take some time before fruits become a plentiful commodity in these parts.
  • Decorations were plentiful but without discrimination, organisation or style. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • When there is a loss of habitat, the woodland caribou becomes a prime target for wolves that gorge on their plentiful prey.
  • Although it was a much less popular war, photos of American dead were plentiful from the Korean War. Dave Lindorff: Censorship American-Style: Hide the US Dead
  • Lowly valley" hardly does justice to the glories of the local scenery which offers tumbling streams, plentiful birdlife and the northern hairy wood ant. Rudely-named places guides let walkers pick their way to The Nostrils
  • Nestled within these bleak volcanic highlands are fertile valleys filled with game plentiful enough to satisfy even the appetites of dragons.
  • Transport in Beijing is plentiful in the shape of regular buses, minibuses, subways and taxis.
  • Splayed out against an ink-dark sea, the beaches are superb-and plentiful enough to escape from all those German tourists who insist on parading around in the buff.
  • A land where plastic shamrocks are rare, whin bushes are plentiful and the green isn't made in Taiwan.
  • He was a somewhat diminutive boy, clad in a velvet suit with a lace collar, both of which were plentifully bespattered with mud.
  • Green Sea Turtles enjoy warm, tropical and subtropical, shallow water near continental coasts and around islands where the sea grass is plentiful.
  • It is filled with dilute hydrochloric acid, and after the expulsion of the air by a current of gas, plentiful quantities of chromous acetate are passed into the bottles. Scientific American Supplement, No. 497, July 11, 1885
  • The farmer informed us that the game was very plentiful; and when we entered the first stubble field, we saw a nide of fourteen pheasants run into the hedge row. Memoirs of Henry Hunt, Esq. — Volume 1
  • Domestic coal supplies were more plentiful in the mid-1950s.
  • So much he told the seekers in few words; and then while they grovelled on the earth and wept for pure joy, whereas the sun was down and it was beginning to grow dusk, he went and looked around soberly to see if he might find water and any kind of victual; and presently a little down the hillside he came upon a place where a spring came gushing up out of the earth and ran down toward the plain; and about it was green grass growing plentifully, and a little thicket of bramble and wilding fruit-trees. The Story of the Glittering Plain; or, the land of Living Men
  • In the _Merchant of Venice_, at all events, there is hardly a single character from Portia to old Gobbo, a single incident from the exaction of Shylock's bond to the computation of hairs in Launcelot's beard and Dobbin's tail, which has not been more plentifully beprosed than ever Rosalind was berhymed. A Study of Shakespeare
  • The cast was goofy and funny, while the action was plentiful and rollicking.
  • Cranford" (PBS), a three-part "Masterpiece Classic" on life in an 1840s English village, addressed poverty, education, class, the role of women, child labor and more -- all in a work profoundly romantic and plentifully endowed with heartbreak, misprized love, matches made in heaven and the other sort. Live From New York, a Miracle
  • November 17th, 2009 at 7: 54 pm dp: Our daily lives are lived by faith that someone else has performed the necessary experiments to insure our cities are safe, our food in plentiful, and our medicine is reliable. Contemporary Mythologies
  • During our stay in the Sound, we were plentifully supplied with fish, procured from the natives at a very easy rate; and, besides the vegetables our own gardens afforded, we found every where plenty of scurvy grass and cellery, which I caused to be dressed every day for all hands. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 14
  • Michigan afforded a rich field for "fowling" and fishing, and its forests were plentifully supplied with various kinds of game. The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock
  • Local lore has it that the fish were once so plentiful that it was possible to skewer them with hay forks.
  • Besides, we have left them a plentiful supply of needfuls, and our trading with them has been fair and generous. A Negro Explorer at the North Pole
  • The same open-handed policy applied to gooseberries which grew plentifully where I lived; but not to strawberries or plums, which were private property.
  • Celebrations were plentiful and the overall spirit of the night was very high.
  • Industry sources warn that diamond and precious stone scams are plentiful and ever-changing.
  • And plentiful. ws: That parking garage in downtown is owned by Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (LORA) which is a public entity. Wednesday lunch in L.O. (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Malta's clear waters are home to plentiful fish, despite continuing illegal spearfishing.
  • We both had the lamb platter with lemon fries, again fabulous and plentiful. NJ Dining: A Taste of Greece 2.0 (UPDATED)
  • - Although arable lands were generally plentiful and population densities low, achievement of higher productivity per farm family was hampered by lack of evolution of modern, improved farming techniques, by rigid and unprogressive organizational and land tenurial practices which discouraged long-term investments by external cultivators, and by absence of credit facilities to farmers and farmers 'aversion to cooperation societies. 1. Sustainability of land use systems: the potential of indigenous measures for the maintenance of soil productivity in sub-sahara african agriculture.
  • Our plentiful though homely meal was soon discussed, for hunger, like a good conscience, can laugh at luxury; and the "greybeard" made its appearance, with the usual accompaniments of hot water and maple sugar, which Judy had scraped from the cake, and placed in a saucer on the table before us. Roughing It in the Bush
  • The lobster cocktail was plentiful but a touch cotton-woolly in texture, and for no visible reason arrived on a plate.
  • Yellowlegs, yelper, willet, marlin, dough bird, stilt, and avocet are often common, but they do not begin to be as plentiful as they are in the more fertile lands to the eastward, and the ranchmen never shoot at them or follow them as game birds. II. Waferfowl
  • He then, in cant terms, with which his whole conversation was plentifully besprinkled, but which would be quite unintelligible if they were recorded here, demanded a glass of liquor. Oliver Twist
  • The food was good, though a shade plentiful for Toronto appetites: lobster, bread, salad, potatoes, strawberry shortcake and coffee. A BODY SURROUNDED BY WATER
  • The cast was goofy and funny while and the action plentiful and rollicking.
  • And a continuing -- although decreasing -- number hunt the wild animals that remain plentiful.
  • The same open-handed policy applied to gooseberries which grew plentifully where I lived; but not to strawberries or plums, which were private property.
  • This, though a plentiful, and by no means unwholesome fare for growing boys, was not what he had been accustomed to, and feeling far too heavy and unwell after it to venture upon an encounter with the Doctor, he wandered slow and melancholy round the bare gravelled playground during the half-hour after dinner devoted to the inevitable "chevy," until the Vice Versa or A Lesson to Fathers
  • This same gene has also been linked in a different study to dictatorial behavior, and the hormone, called vasopressin, made by this gene has been found to be plentiful in voles that mate for life. Top Stories - Google News
  • As the crowd perambulated among the hellebores and hostas, enjoying the plentiful supplies of champagne and canapes and admiring the elegant garden furniture and sculpture on sale, musicians played. They Must Think Cabbages, Not Carats
  • In all four plaques the enameler has made plentiful use of the devices we have already discussed for creating a sense of three-dimensionality.
  • Eggs are plentiful at the moment.
  • -- This sapindaceous tree is plentiful in tropical Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
  • Even in rural Australia, however, kangaroos may have been less plentiful in the face of systematic destruction by pastoralists.
  • Tracks can hardly afford to scare away the best horses now that rich races are plentiful and horse transportation is routine.
  • Food became a little more plentiful and fluctuated from the earlier diet of one bowl of rice and a cup of water to three or four bowls of rice a day. Baird, William A.
  • Thus at this season a man may travel for days through regions where antelope are most plentiful during the hot months and never see one; but if he does come across any they will be apt to be in great numbers, most probably along the edge of the Bad Lands, where the ground is rolling rather than broken, but where there is some shelter from the furious winter gales. VI. A Trip on the Prairie
  • These islands are mountainous, with rainforests that make the climate equable and supplies of fresh water plentiful.
  • The film comes through as 1.85: 1, but is letterboxed into 2.35: 1, something incredibly unfashionable in these days of plentiful anamorphic widescreen transfers.
  • Then the river was full of fish: some went fishing for their livelihood: some for amusement: salmon were plentiful and great fish such as porpoises sometimes found their way above Bridge. The History of London
  • Our daily lives are lived by faith that someone else has performed the necessary experiments to insure our cities are safe, our food in plentiful, and our medicine is reliable. Contemporary Mythologies
  • It is this, primarily, because suitable cover is afforded for protection and food is plentiful for the young fishes.
  • Plentiful olive trees yield oil considered so fine and healthy Cypriots guard the output for themselves.
  • A plentiful supply of soap, clean towels and nail brushes should be available.
  • Those trees matured around the 1970s, leading to another timbering boom that created plentiful deer habitat and "browse" - twigs and shoots on which they feed. Undefined
  • In pollination management, a good pollenizer is a plant that provides compatible, viable and plentiful pollen and blooms at the same time as the plant that is to be pollinated. Pollination
  • Haseling-field in Cambridge-shire, Haselmeer in Surrey, and other places; but more plentifully, if the ground be somewhat moist, dankish and mossie, as in the fresher bottoms, and sides of hills, hoults, and in hedge-rows. Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • And they have to wash the whole thing down with a pint of lager or some cheap and plentiful plonk.
  • Books, treatises, speeches, workshops and seminars on the topic are plentiful.
  • The liquid is burnt in a plentiful supply of air and the temperature rise in the surrounding water bath is measured.
  • In third or fourth, torque is plentiful, yet the ride is smooth and serene.
  • Eight-point bucks almost certainly will remain plentiful.
  • Where food is plentiful, like at a salmon stream, you will often see a sloth of bears.
  • Transport in Beijing is plentiful in the shape of regular buses, minibuses, subways and taxis.
  • Nor indeed do we know how the New York dealers Scott & Fowles ultimately disposed of the Adelaide Lawrence, if in other words they found a local buyer; it seems at least possible, because the United States did not enter the War until April 1917, and money was still plentiful in New York, despite the economic malaise of 1913 – 14. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Animals were plentiful for hunting, and there was an abundance of wild cereals on the mountain ridges.
  • From the wikipedia entry linked above: Marcus Pembrey and colleagues also observed in the Överkalix study that the paternal (but not maternal) grandsons of Swedish boys who were exposed during preadolescence to famine in the 19th century were less likely to die of cardiovascular disease; if food was plentiful then diabetes mortality in the grandchildren increased, suggesting that this was a transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. The Volokh Conspiracy » But Isn’t It a Bit Hard to Predict With a 7-Year-Old?
  • From the wikiepedia article: Marcus Pembrey and colleagues also observed in the Överkalix study that the paternal but not maternal grandsons of Swedish boys who were exposed during preadolescence to famine in the 19th century were less likely to die of cardiovascular disease; if food was plentiful then diabetes mortality in the grandchildren increased, suggesting that this was a transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • Swamp bay, loblolly bay, and swamp dogwood are plentiful; the Virginia chain fern and the swamp fern are almost always present.
  • A way of life beckons that promises peace in a beautiful place, where the weather is kind, wine plentiful, and food exquisite.
  • By providing your body with frequent and plentiful influxes of aminos, you are sending it the message that it does not need to tear down muscle mass.
  • Take for example a society in a desert where water is very scarce and at the same time consider a society that dwells in a tropic setting where water is plentiful.
  • Food was plentiful, the weather was comfortable, horses were regaining their fat, and spirits were high among the Crows.
  • Tomatoes are plentiful in the summer.
  • Crops are plentiful, including the native grain - called tef - as well as sorghum, at least three varieties of wheat, chickpeas, beans and others. NYT > Home Page
  • In a buyer's market, the commodity is plentiful and so its price is not high.
  • The pity that proves so possible and plentiful without that basis, is mere _ignavia_ and cowardly effeminacy; maudlin laxity of heart, grounded on blinkard dimness of head -- contemptible as a drunkard's tears. Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • It's just hard to envision these characters living the plentiful backstory that's bantered around.
  • a plentiful year
  • A good skipper will have a plentiful supply of bottled water in the icebox, but it is as well to check before leaving port that he had laid in enough to last the day.
  • The study focused on ellagitannin, a type of phytochemical plentiful in pomegranate fruit. Alternative Medicine
  • Some families have pantries that are well-stocked and plentiful; refrigerators bursting with Tupperware containers of homemade sauces and soups and salads.
  • This reaction is assisted or catalyzed by the hydrogen ion, a substance plentiful in acid (low pH) solutions such as wines.
  • A the moment the bonito and common thresher breeds of shark are relatively plentiful.
  • It was a very tedious time and as rations were none too plentiful, foraging parties used to go down to the beaches with the hope of collecting any odd dainties, such as tinned chicken or tinned fruit that might be found in the vicinity of the canteens that were being rapidly dismantled. The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918
  • Ideally, your urine should be plentiful, very pale yellow or almost colourless, and odourless.
  • Ginseng was both native and plentiful in New England and was highly regarded by the Chinese for its use as a curative for a variety of ailments.
  • Glasgow for guid letters during these yeirs, for a plentifull and guid chepe mercat for all kynd of langages, artes an sciences. ' Andrew Melville Famous Scots Series
  • Best buys of the week are carrots, which are plentiful and cheap.
  • In most cases these are agricultural groups clinging to river valleys where water and nutrient rich soils are plentiful.
  • Likewise sterile supplies and instruments are less plentiful than you may remember.
  • Aquatic invertebrates are more plentiful in the south, but even in the frigid arctic waters sea stars, sea urchins, and crustaceans can be found, having found ways to adapt to the low temperatures.
  • Men do not actually “die of a rose in aromatic pain,” though many may become uncomfortable and fidgety by sniffing delicious wattle-blossom; and one of the crinum lilies owes its specific title, (PESTILENTIS) to the ill effects of its stainless flowers, those who camp in places where the plant is plentiful being apt to be seized with violent sickness. My Tropic Isle
  • The liquid is burnt in a plentiful supply of air and the temperature rise in the surrounding water bath is measured.
  • I stuffed the bottle with scraps of paper and tinder-dry sticks of which there was a plentiful supply.
  • Therefore examples of mugs, plates and other mementos of this ‘event that never was’ are plentiful and not of great value.
  • Atlantic spadefish, for example, which average 3 to 4 pounds, are plentiful for now and are relatively good to eat.
  • The supersizing trend highlights the charmed nature of our peaceful, plentiful 21st-century existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • More plentiful adult material, about sexuality for the long haul, would have deepened the work.
  • If they did not consume their golde in these vanities, it would be very plentifull and good cheape in Pegu. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Its closeness to the canalized river must have provided plentiful water for irrigation of its trees and plants.
  • It's a plentiful treasure house of intelligence which is worth excavating continuously.
  • Blessed with plentiful water from the nearby Mekhand Dam, Shantinagar soon abounded with flowers and flowering shrubs.
  • The lobster cocktail was plentiful but a touch cotton-woolly in texture, and for no visible reason arrived on a plate.
  • The copperhead is plentiful here if you get to rocky areas, especially camping areas of the cons.dept. in Ozarks. Puff This!
  • Wild pigs, crayfish and paua were plentiful and used to supplement the food supply.
  • The shaggy whiskers, almost bare in places, and in others massing into bunchgrass-like clumps, were plentifully splashed with gray. CHAPTER 22
  • Shower water is more plentiful (and greyer) than sink water. Wireless Shower Control System – Grohtherm
  • At dawn we resumed our toilful march, and travelled until four o'clock the following morning, when we reached an extensive valley, where grass and water were plentiful. The Expedition of the Donner Party and its Tragic Fate
  • When water is plentiful, these organs reabsorb little water and release a dilute urine.
  • The Northern Territory has plentiful resources of renewable energy, solar, wind, wave, tidal.
  • Among these was a blacksmith and farrier, who took cognizance of his carcase, every limb of which having examined, he declared there was no bone broken, and taking out his fleam, blooded him plentifully as he lay. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Cottonwood and willow trees, typical of a desert floodplain, are plentiful. Houston Chronicle
  • The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest. William Blake 
  • A the moment the bonito and common thresher breeds of shark are relatively plentiful.
  • Epigallocatechin gallate, plentiful green tea, is perhaps more potent than any other antioxidant.
  • Of plentifulness of labour for hire, the cause is dearness of land: cheapness of land is the cause of scarcity of labour for hire.
  • Hot climate and plentiful rainfall favour the growth of plants.
  • Because of the large space between seed trees and the plentifulness of light, the phototactic insects are favoured in existence and propagation.
  • Even at this stage of the season the excuses are plentiful, and a number of them were detailed in the programme.
  • Objective To seek the plentifulness of Zhang Ailings novels artistic form commanded by the ideological content.
  • By offering an extra two million barrels a day, OPEC's aim is to reassure the market that crude is plentiful.
  • Coal is still plentiful and can easily be gasified into a mix of hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Huge, shiny, gas-guzzling American cars not that their thirstiness matteredpetrol was plentiful at just a few cents a gallon. Fathers & Sons
  • Besides, the cinders are a little too plentiful. The Long Portage
  • The stew was nothing special: The meat was undercooked and might have been slightly gammy, but the worst was covered by the plentiful addition of spices.
  • Another shrub, _trat_, also much cherished by camels, was plentiful here. Across Coveted Lands or a Journey from Flushing (Holland) to Calcutta Overland
  • Besides its nod to general abundance, the title refers to chanterelle mushrooms nicknamed "Horn of Plenty", which were plentiful at the time.
  • They are especially common around ranch buildings and corrals where perches are plentiful.
  • The rivers of eastern Sierra Leone contain some of the most easily mined and plentiful supplies of diamonds on the planet.
  • The most plentiful source material from the Middle Ages in Ashkenaz are responsa — questions and answers written by the leading rabbinic authorities of the time. Medieval Ashkenaz (1096-1348).
  • Vinegar was plentiful, as well as cheap, and served as a natural bactericide, enhancing food safety while adding flavor and masking off tastes. Celebrating Barbecue
  • Let's just say they are in plentiful supply and some of them have webbed duck's feet. Beware The Oddball Gun
  • Several small burns rushing towards the river are easily crossed, and the vegetation is symbolic of marshy land, with bog myrtle plentiful.
  • Their family has a plentiful harvest this year.
  • Suggestions for reforms that might limit house price inflation are plentiful enough.
  • The word copious means plentiful in number deriving from the Latin copiosus, from copia, meaning "abundance. News
  • During the day, viperfish hunt deep down in the ocean, but at night they come up to shallower waters where food is more plentiful.
  • Fish are plentiful in the lake.
  • Newly hatched wood storks cry for food, sending parents to hunt for newly plentiful minnows.
  • Take of my electuary with a spoon after supping, and wash it down with a sherbet made of rose conserve; but first sup off mutton and house pigeon plentifully seasoned and hotly spiced. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She turned on the tap and gave a whoop of delight as water cascaded forth, hot and plentiful.
  • It was a constant practice with them, in their midnight consistories, to swallow such plentiful draughts of inspiration, that their mysteries commonly ended like those of the Bacchanalian orgia; and they were seldom capable of maintaining that solemnity of decorum which, by the nature of their functions, most of them were obliged to profess. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Being paid for their physical affectations on the altar, a plentiful supply of altar boys to sodomise and the company of like-minded perverts is surely one of the more colourful swan songs of the Christian era. The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • Mountain beavers live in small colonies, occupying areas with plentiful green vegetation and cover.
  • During years when spring temperatures are moderate and precipitation is plentiful, you'll notice fields of yellow-blooming mustards and purple-blooming filaree that seem to appear out of nowhere. - Latest News

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