How To Use Plenteous In A Sentence
And as I demonstrated when I dropped one into the bucket, a hagfish can exude from its skin a substance so slimy and so plenteous it seems supernatural.
City, a Friar Minor, an Inquisitor after matters of Faith; who, although he laboured greatly to seeme a sanctified man, and an earnest affecter of Christian Religion, (as all of them appeare to be in outward shew;) yet he was a much better Inquisitor after them that had their purses plenteously stored with money, then of such as were slenderly grounded in Faith.
The Decameron
Her beauty was dazzling; even her enemies - and they were plenteous - could not deny this.
For a poor and graceless scribbler to feel some degree of envy at the "plenteous fatness" of Mr. H.'s purse is extremely natural.
a plenteous grape harvest
The harvest is plenteous but the labourers few.
The next person that addressed himself to the chief was a gentleman of a very mathematical turn, who valued himself upon the improvements he had made in several domestic machines, and now presented the plan of a new contrivance for cutting cabbages, in such a manner as would secure the stock against the rotting rain, and enable it to produce a plenteous aftercrop of delicious sprouts.
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
People travel from far and wide to visit this town's plenteous antique stores.
We attach great importance to the cooperation with you, hoping our joint venture will obtain a plenteous result.
There grow all manner of spicery, more plenteously than in any other country, as of ginger, cloves-gilofre, canell, seedwall, nutmegs and maces.
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
These things do mitigate or disannul that which hath been said of melancholy meats, and make it more tolerable; but to such as are wealthy, live plenteously, at ease, may take their choice, and refrain if they will, these viands are to be forborne, if they be inclined to, or suspect melancholy, as they tender their healths:
Anatomy of Melancholy
There are plenteous places in Singapore where we get economically-priced burgers, sandwiches and cold coffee.
We surveyed Roosevelt Road, where churches seemed as plenteous as liquor stores.
So, I spent my first evening in Singapore contemplating my penniless state, surrounded by glamorous people, and drinking the plenteous free refills the barman provided me with.
Of the plenteous perks of publishing a birding blog, and rest assured, they are manifold, one of the best has to be the free stuff.
Their achievements are so plenteous they could fill a book.
We have a plenteous harvest this year.
Andorra, a name corrupted from the Arabic el (al) darra, "a plenteous rainfall," showing how the Moors appreciated this feature of so well wooded and hilly a district after the arid plains of the south.
Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
Whereof the one, in the words of the English chronicler, was "intrayled with anticke works, the old god of wine called Bacchus birlyng the wine, which by the conduits in the erthe ran to all people plenteously with red, white, and claret wine, over whose head was written in letters of Romayn in gold, 'Faicte bonne chere qui vouldra.'
The Story of Rouen
He made ready a plenteous dinner, and inquired through the town for such poor knights as were in misease by reason of prison or of war.
French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
Third, it leaves plenteous room for continued debate and diverse private opinion about the issue.
There was no need of this caution, for the elder Sedley himself began immediately to speak of the event, and prattled about it, and wept over it plenteously.
At last she arose, and when she had plucked and eaten some handfuls of the strawberries which grew plenteously on the sweet ground of the eyot, she went down to the landward-looking shore, and took the water, and swam slowly across the warm ripple till she came once more to the strand and her raiment.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
Your Honour, although my notes are plenteous, I think I have covered most of what I have to say.
And the king made silver and gold at Jerusalem as plenteous as stones, and cedar trees made he as the sycomore trees that are in the vale for abundance.
Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
The plenteous natural resources like water and fertile soil and the greenery, keep people satisfied.
In summer there was an interval of half an hour between the lecture and the sermon, "when," says Mr. William Cairns, "there was opportunity for a delightful breathing-time, and the youths who were swift of foot could just reach the bottom of a hill whereon were plenteous blaeberries, and snatch a fearful joy if one could swallow without leaving the tell-tale marks on the lips and tongue.
Principal Cairns
Marseilles is taken, and put under martial law: lo, at Marseilles, what one besmutted red-bearded corn-ear is this which they cut; -- one gross Man, we mean, with copper-studded face; plenteous beard, or beard-stubble, of a tile-colour?
The French Revolution
We lay buried to the head in bracken that filled one side of the byre, and keeked through the plenteous holes in the dry-stone wall at the passing army.
John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn