
[ US /ˈpɫiəˌdiz/ ]
  1. (Greek mythology) 7 daughters of Atlas and half-sisters of the Hyades; placed among the stars to save them from the pursuit of Orion
  2. a star cluster in the constellation Taurus
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How To Use Pleiades In A Sentence

  • The Pleiades are mentioned in Chinese annals in 2357 B.C. A Field Book of the Stars
  • Pleiades, in the penultimate antelucan hour, shod in sandals of bright gold, coifed with a veil of what do you call it gossamer. Ulysses
  • Indeed all the region about the Pleiades, for an area of ten square degrees, is involved in streaky nebulosity. Photographing the Sky
  • There's another reason why you might not spot the Pleiades cluster.
  • This digitally fused panorama was captured earlier this month from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, and includes the Pleiades open cluster of stars just to the upper right of the Moon.
  • The star cluster of the Pleiades is located at 28 degrees Taurus.
  • Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades, is many times bigger than our sun. Photographing the Sky
  • If I find out that someone used to call themself Christian but dropped their faith because they originally believed that God was a purely anthropomorphic individual residing in the Pleiades star system and have since come to believe that the Pleiades is uninhabited, I'm not committing a fallacy by questioning whether they truly had a handle on Christianity. Blind Faith?
  • The cup-boy is a sun rising from the dark underworld symbolised by his collar; his cheek-mole is a crumb of ambergris, his nose is a scymitar grided at the curve; his lower lip is a jujube; his teeth are the Pleiades or hailstones; his browlocks are scorpions; his young hair on the upper lip is an emerald; his side beard is a swarm of ants or a Lám The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Greek mythology a giant Boeotian hunter who pursued the Pleiades and was eventually slain by Artemis; was then placed in the sky as a constellation.
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