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How To Use Pledge In A Sentence

  • It joins a host of other multinational businesses making similar pledges. Times, Sunday Times
  • He pledged his gold watch to pay for her birthday gift.
  • Gadafy's striking non-endorsement of the Democratic candidate focused in part on Obama's pledge of "unshakeable" support for Israel, which caused dismay, if not surprise, across the Arab and Muslim worlds last week. Obama Taking Over Democratic National Committee Partly To Avoid Kerry's Fate
  • We have the superdelegates who are the 796 folks who are unpledged.
  • He has pledged to bring his country to peace by the end of the year. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The suit further alleges that the sheik reneged on repeated oral pledges to provide for her long-term care.
  • The judge was making the point that the Pledge, in its current incarnation, is only about 50 – 60 years old and that the language “under God” was inserted at a particular time in response to concerns of that time and that the Pledge is not some sacrosanct invocation from the founders. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Reinhardt’s Dig on Sarah Palin
  • Zechariah, however, is given a punitive sign, while the annunciation to Mary concludes with her pledge of willing submission.
  • They also have abandoned past pledges and now threaten first use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.
  • People who have pledged their lives to fighting Islamic extremism, when asked about Charles Johnson now, unsheathe a word they do not throw around lightly ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Comparing Left and Right Blogospheres
  • The prime minister pledged again that his government would not implement conscription for overseas service.
  • So far 640 people have pledged to run, some wearing undies. The Sun
  • Saleh, a vital U.S. ally who has ruled Yemen for more than three decades, has pledged to step down when his term ends in 2013. Outside Yemen's capital, anger and grievances run deep
  • The Servian action is that by which a landlord sues for his tenant's property, over which he has a right in the nature of mortgage as security for his rent; the quasi-Servian is a similar remedy, open to every pledgee or hypothecary creditor. The Institutes of Justinian
  • How to go local• Support local farmers by shopping at a farmers market, or buy a share in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group, a community of individuals who pledge to support a farm operation so growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production. With summer here, consider eating more locally grown foods
  • Those delegates are pledged to individual candidates based on participation that begins in precinct caucuses on election night and ends in senatorial district caucuses at the state convention. The Texas Primacus–uh, Caucary - Swampland -
  • Companies will pledge to reduce salt by about 15% in a step towards the government target of an adult's daily intake not exceeding six grams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pledgee may obtain pledge report from its DP and verify creation of pledge. viii After the loan is repaid, the pledgor will instruct its DP to close the pledge by submitting the "Pledge Form" with a tick on "Close Pledge". Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Wad ye say what the maning is, and what name goeth pledge for the fafty poon, Mary Anerley
  • To any bladdery bloggers attending my talk this afternoon, I issue this solemn pledge -- I promise to let fly with at least one or two irresponsible comments that you will be able to jot down and get a butt-boil about later. Whiz Kid: James Wolcott
  • Lang has also pledged himself to an increased emphasis on the teaching of art history at secondary school and college level.
  • The conclusion is a pressing exhortation to Catholics to be discerning, and a pledge to undertake a critical dialogue with those affected by New Age influences.
  • Dolphin added: "The only pledge that we would preserve is higher funding for international development, not only because it is a relatively small amount of spending (although it is) but in recognition of the urgency of providing more funds to low-income countries badly hit by a financial crisis not of their making. Don't spare the NHS from cuts, says leftwing thinktank
  • Something pledged, especially an engagement by contract involving financial obligation.
  • The government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims.
  • Sutton's police chief has pledged to make the borough the safest in London by waging war on career criminals and drug traders.
  • From the firmness of its drawing, and the depth and singular purity of its colour, "Godiva" stood, if we judge aright, as at once a great performance and a great pledge. Famous Reviews
  • They must know the national anthem and pledge the oath of allegiance. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you sell the property, be sure to have the buyer pledge the property as collateral by signing a Deed of Trust.
  • His proof came in the guise of soundbites that he pledged "were not edited," and the "methodicalness" came by a member of the O'Reilly crack staff going out to the Iraqi War Protest in Washington this past week to ask questions of Sean Penn, Jane Fonda, Susan Saranden and Tim Robbins. Methodical Bill O Proves There Are No Other Options To Bush Iraq Policy
  • A pledge was likewise exchanged between the estates and the pleni - potentiary, that neither party should enter into any treaty with the The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Volume 18: 1572
  • Several European governments have pledged to work together to crack down on child pornography and sex tourism.
  • To pledge you need the barcode from one of their promotional packs, but no purchase is necessary - you can simply write down the barcode when you're in the supermarket.
  • Pledges for Geraldton's proposed community bank are flowing in and the working group behind the project remains optimistic the bank will become a reality.
  • Countries signing the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer have pledged to eliminate manufacture and use of halocarbons.
  • In fact it will be more of a wish list than an inventory of pledges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ministers will pledge to invest in digital, energy, construction and transport infrastructure for each region. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Government has pledged 2 million so far to cope with the impact. Times, Sunday Times
  • The force has pledged to hire 5,000 more ethnic minority officers by 2009.
  • The existing oath of allegiance for people seeking British nationality is to be changed to a citizenship pledge.
  • • Involvi growth ng in the process and changes that is never ending and self - initiated Increasing one's positive self-image and overcom - ing stigma Commitment means to duty or pledge to some thing or someone, and can refer to: • ersonal commitment, interaction dominated by obligations. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Ten retailers, including supermarkets and newsagents, have pledged their support to the appeal.
  • The Conservative manifesto pledged only a free vote, not a guaranteed repeal of the ban. Times, Sunday Times
  • We pledge to use our skills, resources and energy, through individual and collective action, to empower disadvantaged people, eliminate racism and promote a non-racial society whose resources are used to the benefit of all its people.
  • Those seeking state funding should have to pledge themselves not to teach intolerance or disrespect for secular law.
  • The money is a welcome boost to the donations and pledges of cash already made since the appeal's launch in September.
  • Various countries pledged soldiers, bases and funds to the war in Afghanistan.
  • The government has also pledged to build more sheltered housing for women who are fleeing abusive relationships. Times, Sunday Times
  • I beg permission to have a few witnesses examined concerning my character; and if their testimony shall not overweigh my supposed guilt, I must be condemned, although I would pledge my salvation on my innocence. Chapter 8
  • To say that they should abstain from endeavoring to affect administration in a beneficial manner, is to say not only that they should de-citizenize themselves, but that they should violate their pledges and abandon their sworn duty. Donahoe's Magazine, Volume 15, No. 2, February 1886
  • Chap. 415. 357 the article or articles pledged, the name of the pledgor, the amount of the loan, the rate of compensation, the date when the loan is made, the date when it will be payable, the page of the book where it is recorded, and a copy of sections eight and nine of this act. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • I satnd bythis pledge unless somehow I need the Darfur votes to count Presidential candidates sign joint statement on Darfur
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan - claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. Top Stories - Google News
  • This cash is in addition to the 200 million pledged by the four banks over the next two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The three men will be his "liason" to their respective services to help raise pledges. MYKAWARTHA - Home
  • Half a million immigrants pledge their allegiance to the United States each year.
  • In exchange for the removal of the weapons the USA pledged to lift the blockade and refrain from invading Cuba. Twentieth Century History - Basic Facts
  • We had shaken on it, writing it down as a solemn pledge against dating one boy.
  • With pledges and donations throughout the day he has raised £140 but hopes the amount will increase.
  • The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.
  • As patron of the charity Age Concern, he attended the launch of its Business Pledge campaign to encourage employers to recruit the over-50s.
  • The first-term MPP for Mississauga South has been meeting with Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Brad Duguid to make sure he doesn't back away from his predecessor's pledge. MISSISSAUGA - Home
  • And now, when you have pledged my uncle, who threatens you with what he calls a brimmer, I will tell you what you think of me. '' Rob Roy
  • Ill would it beseem my habit and my calling, to thrust myself into match-making and giving in marriage, but worse were it in me to see your lordships do needless wrong to the feelings which are proper to our nature, and which, being indulged honestly and under the restraints of religion, become a pledge of domestic quiet here, and future happiness in a better world. The Monastery
  • Unfortunately for Dr. Newdow, the mother she spends the other 20 days or so with is just fine with the pledge, and the court isn't interested in refereeing the family feud. Archive 2004-06-01
  • B. G.) which graced the board with its plastic forms, suggestive of the most pleasing objects, -- the spiral ringlets pendent from the brow of beauty, -- the magic circlet, which is the pledge of plighted affection, -- the indissoluble knot, which typifies the union of hearts, which organs were also largely represented; this exceptional delicacy would at any other time have claimed his special notice. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 117, July, 1867.
  • I admire the President for always trying to include the Republicans within his agenda, even when they have pledged to resit and vote NO on all his proposals. Obama invites senators from both parties to discuss vacancy
  • Releasing more bailout funds will require the International Monetary Fund and European institutions to vouchsafe that Greece has not fallen short of its privatization and austerity pledges and the IMF will have to maintain that Greece's mountainous debt burden is sustainable. Move Buys Time for Greece, But Growing Debt Looms
  • Bonds that pledge no collateral are called debentures.
  • The council has won a pledge of £200,000 to put together a team of people to shape the future of the West End.
  • City centre officers are also pledged to have more of an impact on cycle thefts and on cyclists riding in restricted areas.
  • The document highlighted failings in a government pledge to deport dangerous offenders once they have served their sentence. The Sun
  • Half the money has been pledged by the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • He lifted the trade embargo on Vietnam and pledged to work towards the creation of a trans-Pacific free-trade zone.
  • New citizens make an oath of allegiance or affirmation and a pledge to respect the rights, freedoms and laws of the UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chief constable has made pledges in this regard and we want to see those kept.
  • “Troth, I’ll pledge naebody the night, Maister Touchwood; for, what wi’ the upcast and terror that I got a wee while syne, and what wi’ the bit taste that I behoved to take of the plottie while I was making it, my head is sair eneugh distressed the night already. — Saint Ronan's Well
  • Although repeated again and again this pledge has fallen into abeyance in the post-colonial era.
  • Drug Administration has pledged to issue regulations curtailing certain types of cigarette advertising and distribution.
  • She will pledge to tackle the irresponsible behaviour of big business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today the 1983 pledge seems prescient. Times, Sunday Times
  • No harm shall befal you; for the Caliph, fifth537 of the sons of Al – Abbas, hath pledged himself for your deliverance and I have forgiven you. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The Republican's 48-page "Pledge to America" is suffused with evocative, "feel-good" imagery designed to console and revivify America's frustrated and forlorn population. Mark Cassello: The Road to a New Progressive Narrative, Part Two: The Right's Winning Non-Rational Propaganda
  • Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Homa Sabet Tavangar: In Unity Is Our Security: Baha'i Wisdom For Violent Times
  • In addition to the turbines, ASU President Michael Crow recently made a pledge to the American College & University President's Climate Commitment to remold Arizona State's four campuses to be "carbon neutral" by 2025, meaning a 100 percent decrease in direct greenhouse gas emissions from on-campus activities and indirect emissions from the energy purchased from off-campus sources. A University's Steep Path Towards Carbon Neutrality
  • And the pledges were largely of the motherhood and apple pie kind-wholesome, sensible and entirely unobjectionable.
  • The meeting provided a ding-dong battle in a tense atmosphere: the Americans had pledged to regain the cup after it had remained in European hands for six years.
  • When my friends or classmates pledged allegiance to the flag, I remained seated and silent.
  • Vowed to take better care of your finances, bought one of those little red cashflow books, ruled into narrow blue feint columns, pledged to note in it your incomings and outgoings, create for yourself a budget?
  • Grant and his staff already have a pledge from the fertile swamp grounds in Terrance Saintil. Pipelines: Coaches rely on relationships
  • They comprise pledges on national standards and a new set of promises specifically geared to the local area.
  • The other is that the signing of the pledge was a form of indirectly enforced good behaviour.
  • Gary Locke, in a valedictory to the judiciary, on Monday urged judges to take the pledge against drinking in public - or at least to hold themselves to a single drink.
  • Last year, the Chinese Eximbank pledged $20bn in development funds for African infrastructure and trade financing over the next three years, funds that outstripped all western donor pledges combined.
  • He asked her to pledge the house as security for a loan.
  • They've since pledged to limit the length of their trips, even if it means taking a red-eye to get home.
  • He backtracked last week to the point of erasing the most controversial of his manifesto pledges on healthcare from his campaign web site. Times, Sunday Times
  • At my altar, I deploy cotton pledgets dipped in remover, clean flecks of old polish off each nail, then file the sides
  • Secondly, he pledged more money for flood defences.
  • They have already pledged billions of dollars in aid.
  • Ultimately the laws of the 10th and 11th centuries show the beginnings of the frankpledge associations, which came to act so important a part in the local police and administration of the feudal age. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • The Prime Minister pledged to do all that was necessary to root out the criminal minority behind the campaign of terror.
  • Then the Haute-Normandie region and the county of Calvados pledged to provide backing. Cineuropa
  • Plans to improve health, cut crime and create more jobs have been pledged as part of a long term vision for Rossendale.
  • The substantial pledge has been refined into the invisible rights of a mortgage or hypotheca; and the agreement of sale, for a certain price, imputes, from that moment, the chances of gain or loss to the account of the purchaser. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • But how best we secure the reform and additional investment that are vital if we are to deliver to the people we are pledged to serve.
  • Clinical studies have shown that only approximately one third of a cocaine solution placed on pledgets is absorbed via the nasal mucosa, providing an added margin of safety for the surgeon.
  • The government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims.
  • Even at the time this pledge was made, the reaction was one of scepticism and incredulity.
  • We solemnly affirm that we pledge our time, effort, and resources to the fullest extent that we can, so that no one has to fight cancer alone.
  • Councils that need homes should be allowed to use borrowing pledged for areas with little demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, this kindly pledge is not forthcoming in the case of the third R, arithmetic, for in mathematics, virtually every time you turn your brain around they challenge or, maybe better said, taunt you with a new potentially ego-threatening subskill to conquer. A Mind at a Time
  • Within a few months of his swearing the oath that he was to break in so many ways, the President receded from both these pledges.
  • At many past NPT review conferences, the nuclear "have-nots" blasted the "haves" -- particularly the United States -- for moving too slowly on their pledge to disarm. Obama administration discloses size of U.S. nuclear arsenal
  • US President Barack Obama pledged to "use every single available resource" amid fears that it could become the worst environmental disaster in US history.
  • RICH tax dodgers are to be targeted in a Government crackdown, ministers will pledge today. The Sun
  • The manager says in his statement that those shares had been pledged as security for another loan.
  • The government has gone back on a pledge to exclude fracking from the country's most important natural sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • Red-faced environment chiefs today pledged there will be no repeat of the Hampshire scandal which saw tons of recyclable waste dumped in rubbish tips.
  • And the minister pledged that the government would respond "nimbly" to any appeals that the organisation makes. Epolitix News
  • Pledged Shares may only be tendered with the consent of the relevant pledgee. Reuters: Press Release
  • Young studs across the country will pledge their allegiances to institutions of higher learning.
  • Brown was ready to mollify the union leaders, with whom he has a long and close association, with a pledge to continue the debate on the issue.
  • May they soon come, in penitence, to pledge eternal fealty to the nation. The Curtained Throne
  • That person will agree to be all the other pledgers ' representative in the House of Lords.
  • Israel failed to win firm pledge that Moscow Halt Advanced Weapons sales to Syria. obaid karki an outcast underdog libertarian diogenesist kabbalist spinoziste qutbist pantheon hexalingual automath former uae under secretary independent street-knowledge urban talking-head. unaffiliated to a state, an organized religion group, a sect or a kin and an anti tribal gentile. administration plans to revamp rescue plan american arrested near pakistani border americans face wide spectrum of money problems apparently drown in hawaii's 3 tourists high surf apple aims to defy gravity asia markets: tokyo stocks surge over 12%; financials on fire asia markets: tokyo takes off as trading resumes, nikkei up 13% asian stocks soar after us rally asia-pacific extends world market rebound assailants attack us consulate in mexico at indian call centers, another view of us australia plans $7.4 billion to boost economy australia plans us$7. 4 billion to boost economy australia unveils $7.4 billion fiscal stimulus plan austria: 'horror dad' trial likely delayed until 2009 bailout sit-down: treasury, fed and major wall street players meet bailout, part two ballmer's luck in yahoo failure gives microsoft nice miss 'as stock slips banco santander to take over sovereign bancorp in $1. 9-billion deal boeing talks with striking machinists break down boeing, machinists halt talks on ending 5-week strike boeing: contract talks with machinists off again budget cuts force rhode island to scrimp on services bush to announce $250b bank share buy-up bush to announce expanded bank bailout - Business News
  • This decision would open him to attacks that he had broken his earlier pledge to adhere to the spending ceilings.
  • The wound proper is cleared of all foreign material either by clipping with the scissors, curetting or mopping with cotton or gauze pledgets. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Asquith ended the pension announcement with the footnote that the Liberal party had fought 'the last election entirely unpledged on this matter'.
  • Accumulate all the possible circumstances which shall re-enforce the right motives; put yourself assiduously in conditions that encourage the new way; make engagements incompatible with the old; take a public pledge, if the case allows; in short, envelop your resolution with every aid you know. An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy
  • Microsoft founder Bill Gates pledged $ 100m to the search for an Aids vaccine.
  • As long as the policing pledge is mentioned to all callers I am sure they will be happy with no actual response (as resonse officerS are dealing with neighbourhood ASB, … NO N/HOOD on duty … for a change. .or commited at meetings …) grrrrrrrrrrrr soz, but it would b nice if EVERYONE actualy pulled their weight (please no more “NOT WITHIN MY REMIT”). Policing Pledge Response Times – The Ugly Truth! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A repo is a repurchase agreement which allows an investor to buy and sell the bonds back at convenience while a pledge is the use of government bonds as collateral to borrow money.
  • Wilder cited Deeds 'pledge as one reason why he declined to en-dorse the Democratic nominee. News for
  • You must have felt that even the formula of the Church of Rome would be a blessed power to exercise, could it but once be accepted as a pledge that all the past was obliterated, and that from that moment a free untainted future lay before the soul -- you must have _felt_ that; you must have wished you had dared to Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
  • RICH tax dodgers are to be targeted in a Government crackdown, ministers will pledge today. The Sun
  • Many TV celebrities have already pledged their support to the appeal.
  • Marrying Marguerite would provide him the perfect pretext for releasing the infanta from this pledge. A Friday Snippet
  • But when you put the escalation next to Obama's wavering on the public option; next to his broken promises of transparency; next to his stances on the Patriot Act and Gitmo; next to his full-on abandonment of his NAFTA pledges -- well, you get the kind of demoralization that Kos's new poll shows. David Sirota: The Demoralized Democratic Base
  • She was released after reportedly signing a pledge not to do it again or speak publicly. The Sun
  • This is the LAW (the author and I use no different terms) which this new government, almost as soon as it could cry in the cradle, and as one of the very first acts by which it auspicated its entrance into function, the pledge it gives of the firmness of its policy, -- such is the law that this proud power prescribes to abject nations. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12)
  • The scheme could be a one-off pledge or renewable annually as a type of debenture or membership fee.
  • Securities pledged to counterparties where the counterparty has the right, by contract or custom, to sell or repledge the securities were $6,398,168 and $5,341,587 as of June 30, 2008 and 2007, respectively. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Since Maine's three major dairies require farmers to pledge not to use hormones, farmers who do use them have to ship their milk to out-of-state dairies.
  • He pledged that he would never lie to the American people.
  • Many of the audience have pledged to do far more than just one of the ideas suggested in the programme.
  • Obama responds by reiterating tax pledges he wouldn't keep, while specifically (and "misleadingly") attacking Reason Magazine
  • By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who pledged to outlaw abortion altogether had been elected.
  • The founding agreement of the coalition included a pledge to 'review the taxation of nondomiciled individuals'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diplomat Chris Stevens says the TNC has pledged to improve its human rights performance after international criticism.
  • Pledge opponent Michael Newdow fittingly will also appear at this convention of cozenage. Archive 2004-09-12
  • Britain's five big banks are considering making a lending pledge to support businesses as part of a new pact with the Government. Times, Sunday Times
  • These modern railcars will provide greater comfort and reliability of services for passengers and in many cases substantially increase capacity, the minister pledged.
  • Half the money has been pledged by the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • It comes despite a Government pledge to cap fees where patient damages are under 100,000. The Sun
  • • Northern Ontario: Premier Dalton McGuinty made a vague pledge on Tuesday that the budget would introduce relief for hard-hit northern residents and businesses over and above the help being earmarked for the Ring of Fire, a massive deposit of chromite, which is used in the manufacture of stainless steel, that the government hopes will spark another Gold Rush in the north. - Home Page
  • The sense of the pledge as debt implied by both translations suggests that the vow or promise is predicated on a loss already inscribed in the speech act.
  • Pulmonary infection after cardiac surgery has been reported as a sequelae of Teflon pledget or graft erosion into adjacent lung parenchyma, resulting in cardiopulmonary fistula and hemoptysis.
  • The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.
  • In exchange for the removal of the weapons the USA pledged to lift the blockade and refrain from invading Cuba. Twentieth Century History - Basic Facts
  • The Temperance Society, an organisation in which people pledged to be teetotal, was first established in 1832.
  • The Liberal Democrats cower behind a feeble pledge to establish a Royal Commission on cannabis.
  • Unity was the work of leaders, he said, adding: ‘This is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity.’
  • Last week he pledged to announce a new plan to complete construction of the already over-budget megaproject
  • The company has pledged to investigate claims that its products are unsafe.
  • All chapter 166 and 151 bonds are secured by a pledge of the state's liquor profits, net of all operating costs of the division of liquor control and revenues from the $3.38 gallonage fee that is deposited directly to the state's general revenue fund. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The association said that the government must keep its manifesto pledge to sustain 3,000 rural post offices. Times, Sunday Times
  • The minister has pledged his whole-hearted support for the scheme.
  • The judge was making the point that the Pledge, in its current incarnation, is only about 50 – 60 years old and that the language “under God” was inserted at a particular time in response to concerns of that time and that the Pledge is not some sacrosanct invocation from the founders. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Reinhardt’s Dig on Sarah Palin
  • “They are too slight and unsolid pledges, my lord,” said the Queen; “add at least a handful of thistle-down to give them weight in the balance.” The Abbot
  • Malaysia has also pledged to send personnel to Indonesia and has provided two military aircraft for rescue missions.
  • Donations and pledges from fans neared £13,000.
  • B. G.) which graced the board with its plastic forms, suggestive of the most pleasing objects, -- the spiral ringlets pendent from the brow of beauty; the magic circlet, which is the pledge of plighted affection, -- the indissoluble knot, which typifies the union of hearts, which organs were also largely represented; this exceptional delicacy would at any other time have claimed his special notice. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The name pierced the core of his silence and shat'tered into echoes, each one a pledge of compassion. Stormwarden
  • He also pledges that'we will not endanger the life of any innocent person '. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the crowds all gathered around, Vic invited local people to pledge their allegiance with more than 100 people stepped up to pledge their allegiance, receiving certificates for being true Yorkshire tykes, white roses and a stick of good old Dewsbury on Sea rock.
  • When a customer hypothecates goods to his bank, he purports to create a security, which constitutes neither a legal mortgage nor a pledge.
  • As a bishop, she is pledged to uphold church law and file charges against pastors who openly defy it.
  • mortgage, literally a “dead pledge”; a pledge by which the landowner remained in possession of the property he staked as security. mortmain, a statute restricting the conveyance of land to the “dead hand” of a religious organization oyez, often calqued as hear ye!, The Volokh Conspiracy » The influence of French words in English legal terminology
  • In many American schools, the students pledge allegiance at the beginning of the school day.
  • After the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was called to order.
  • She was released after reportedly signing a pledge not to do it again or speak publicly. The Sun
  • The Coalition has pledged to overhaul the current system and even scrap existing plans.
  • He said that an incoming Conservative administration would need to find extra jail places quickly to meet its pledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The one advantage he did possess was inherited wealth, which he pledged to spend for the benefit of others.
  • A York scrapyard owner has pledged it will be business as usual tomorrow - despite counting the cost of a fire which ripped through more than 300 wrecked cars.
  • Before independence, the Indian National Congress had consistently propagated a federal structure for the free India with unilingual states and had pledged constitutional safeguards for the minorities.
  • Not after Vince pledges to take his counsel and not his bullheaded ex-con father's in the year to come. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • He said he hopes Clinton will follow through on his pledge to restore aid to legal immigrants in later legislation.
  • There were four different workshops in all, each named for one of the "Hs" in the 4-H pledge. stories
  • Our commitment's been demonstrated in the $10 million we've already given to the United Nation's Trust Fund and our pledge of an additional $10 million in in kind logistical support to the United Nation's mission in East Timor, which is known as Unimet. Australia Indonesia Business Council
  • In association with the Bertie Bowl project, the new government has also pledged to build extra facilities, both locally and nationally, which will serve the needs of sporting bodies.
  • The key to her stance is her conviction that no utterance can inaugurate an exchange in which it could ensure a return on its speculation: What pledge would guarantee you for me if/I were so generously to set you free? Tragedy and the War of the Aesthetic
  • This year, I pledge to reduce my stock of ‘stuff’ to shippable levels so that when we need to send it over to the other side of the world, we can do it in a couple of crates, rather than having to charter a ship of our own. 2008: the year of the binbag « Sven’s guide to…
  • But let's not throw sticks at her - she's pledged to become part of the order, rather than the chaos of society.
  • Marquette lived up to pledges he wrote years before this passage, when he had promised never to suffer fear or anxiety.
  • Each participant spent a couple of weeks getting pledges of money for time spent in a continually moving rocking chair.
  • Those who had already pledged him their votes spent last week looking at their shoes.
  • This riot of manifesto pledges then calls into question the very efficacy of politics as an agent of change. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is something more than the faith-based pledge of allegiance suggested by mega-churches and multimillionaire television evangelists. The Bushman Way of Tracking God

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