[ US /ˈpɫiz/ ]
[ UK /plˈiːz/ ]
  1. give satisfaction
    The waiters around her aim to please
  2. give pleasure to or be pleasing to
    a pleasing sensation
    These colors please the senses
  3. be the will of or have the will (to)
    he could do many things if he pleased
  1. used in polite request
    please pay attention
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How To Use please In A Sentence

  • I had to join this long queue, that snaked around a couple of times, and as each person left, a disembodied voice said, ‘Cashier number seven, please!’
  • Please be assured that eHarmony uses robust security measures, including password hashing and data encryption, to protect our members' personal information. TIME.com: Top Stories
  • But Arthur's do-gooder streak didn't particularly please other Republicans, and he became one of the few Presidents to fail to win his own party's nomination for re-election.
  • I'm pleased I didn't get that job, in a funny sort of way.
  • Please urge all ultralight owners with BRS units (or even hand-deploy parachutes) to re-evaluate the series of attachments that connect the pilot to the airplane, to the parachute, and to both.
  • So I'm pleased to introduce our first presenter , one of the stars of Traffic , Catherine Zeta - Jones .
  • To make room reservation, please use the attached Form to qualify for special room rate.
  • I was watching the match in a pub without sound, and I had forgotten about it, so it was not until I got home that I realised that Langer had taken a hat trick, and that was why the West Indian fieldsmen all looked so pleased.
  • Naturally, her husband was very pleased and only too happy to oblige with the ‘work.’
  • We are pleased to offer our clients access to CBX ASIA through our trading platform as we remain fully committed to providing the broadest selection of liquidity in Asia and globally, ensuring that our clients have a unique and dynamic edge when accessing trading venues". Bobsguide Financial Industry News
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