How To Use Pleasantly In A Sentence
The carbonation is a little heavier than what I normally expect in a stout, but not unpleasantly so.
Miasmatic Review
We put through a couple of days pleasantly enough, after our hardish bit of work.
Robbery Under Arms
Put all the fruit in a saucepan on a gentle heat and add a couple of tablespoons of caster sugar and a slug of something pleasantly alcoholic such as brandy, whisky or even sherry.
Around me the room was pleasantly dark, rolling in drunken contentedness.
I was pleasantly surprised to see him shown in such a spiritually redeeming light.

It's a guid deed we'll 'a doon this day," he remarked, pleasantly.
What others have failed to duplicate is the appealing shopping experience found in these pleasantly feminine one-stop-shopping specialty stores.
Part of this may be cultural — Korean variety shows certainly display a pleasantly anything-goes aesthetic — but my sense is that merely singing in English semiotically signals a certain kind of Muzak quality within a dramatic context.
Archive 2008-04-01
Slim means pleasantly thin. It is often used to describe women who have controlled their weight by diet or exercise:She has a beautifully slim figure.
I was pleasantly surprised to find my ingenious, distant relative had a setup I had never imagined.
And he who were pleasantly disposed could not well avoid to liken it to the exploit of that gallant man who thought to pound up the crows by shutting his park gate.
The lemon granita is slushy with large crystals—chunks you'll need to break up with a spoon—and a sweetness that, as it approaches too much, becomes pleasantly tart.
In Search Of The Perfect Gelato
The flavour is pleasantly strong and gamey, robust enough to stand up against some powerful sauces, thus the black peppercorns in this one.
A network of tingly sensations traveled pleasantly through his stubble face.
Talking Heads « A Fly in Amber
The plotline is pleasantly, pulpily thin: college kids invade a sun-and-sex spring break spot, a volcanic eruption unleashes a swarm of flesh-eating prehistoric piranhas.
Jessica Szohr Reveals Why She ‘Freaked Out’ While Filming ‘Piranha 3-D’ » MTV Movies Blog
They're on the phone pleasantly discussing the niceties of the forthcoming Christmas season.
The sleeves of her coat were blown back; but surprisingly, the wind was pleasantly warm, like the wind before Winter had come.
Gingerly prising the door open half-expecting a private party or aftermath of a wedding reception, we were pleasantly surprised to be ushered in and offered drinks.
But hearing himself forespoken so pleasantly, he came to a stand and peered at them through his gold-rimmed glasses.
News from the Duchy
Jonathan has found a array of aged Shakespere texts in a living room of a Franklin Inn Club which assumingly have been left here during assorted times by members of a Society, as good as he has pleasantly donated or sent during a behind of to their place of proceed these copies of a Bard's plays.
Archive 2009-11-01
There is nowt wrong with a bit of politics mixed in with dance and you'd be wise to go and see Rambert's performance for yourself - even hardened dance-phobes might be pleasantly surprised.
he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest
I'm alarmed that people over the age of 16 can act so unpleasantly towards their fellow humans, but I suppose that makes me naive and thin-skinned.
Farkas beamed pleasantly, leaned forward, let his whole sensorium drink her in.
All over the world, bottles of red wine are being uncorked and coffee percolators are burbling away pleasantly in anticipation: it must be time for Norah Jones's second album.
Thank you, Davies, for several of the pleasantly queasiest moments I've ever seen scripted.
"She's a Bleak .... Hooooouse. She's mighty mighty ..."
I was also pleasantly surprised by how effective yet unaggressive the molded-in frame texturing was.
* Thus, in "The state was made, under the pretence of serving it, in reality the prize of their contention to each of these opposite parties," it is unpleasantly doubtful whether the writer means (1) _state_ or (2) _parties_ to be emphatic.
How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
`Good morning to you, Maurice,' said Grey pleasantly.174 `And thank you kindly for savin ' our bacon last night.
This high-principled lophobranch is so careful of its callow and helpless young that it carries about the unhatched eggs with him under his own tail, in what scientific ichthyologists pleasantly describe as a subcaudal pouch or cutaneous receptacle.
Science in Arcady
The training period was pleasantly like being paid money to play cards all day long.
Oh, my Leddy, then it isna what we hae dune for oursells, but what we hae dune for others, that we think on maist pleasantly.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
The third was a very handsome, pleasantly featured man flush with radiance.
Taking long strides towards him, Brett was pleasantly surprised to find that he was taller than the model.
In an embayed recess among the surrounding yew trees, leaning her back against the pedestal of a pleasantly comic version of the Medici Venus, executed by some nameless mason of the seicento, he saw Mary pensively sitting.
Crome Yellow
To some observers there seemed something unpleasantly appropriate about the fact that his recreational passion at Sagamore Hill that summer of 1903 was the so-called point-to-point “obstacle walk,” the one rule, the only rule, being that the participant must go up and over, or through, every obstacle, never around it.
The Path Between the Seas
Red House today stands secluded behind a pleasantly weathered red-brick wall surrounded by a forest of bungalows and semi-detached houses.
This high-principled lophobranch is so careful of its callow and helpless young that it carries about the unhatched eggs with him under his own tail, in what scientific ichthyologists pleasantly describe as a subcaudal pouch or cutaneous receptacle.
Science in Arcady
He not only pleasantly agreed to translate these poems, but also remembered a past meeting with the poet.
These men who had awakened, laughed dissolvent laughs, and the old muddle of schools and colleges, books and traditions, the old fumbling, half-figurative, half-formal teaching of the Churches, the complex of weakening and confusing suggestions and hints, amidst which the pride and honor of adolescence doubted and stumbled and fell, became nothing but a curious and pleasantly faded memory.
In the Days of the Comet
Part of the problem is how pleasantly but unvaryingly wholesome the evening is.
Times, Sunday Times
It was pleasantly cool in the house after the sticky heat outside.
And then there's me, being pleasantly surprised that I can still swim quite easily, even though I'm only mid-way up the easy-peasy pool.
I counted more than 20 dishes chalked up on the blackboard and was pleasantly surprised with what was on offer.
He smiled, pleasantly, as if they were chatting over tea and crumpets.
Slowly: he felt pleasantly languid, a shade hungover still.
‘And I would like to point out I can use guitar string as garrote wire,’ Val chirruped almost pleasantly, though the half-berserk glimmer in his eyes warned of sincerity.
So it is pleasantly ironic that the dearth of male births in the imperial family looks set to force a change in the succession law to allow the first empress since 1771.
Full hide trim finished in a light grey make for a pleasantly unclaustrophobic cabin.
Then I had to wait some three years, and the attitude in hospital and lack of administrative efficiency was unpleasantly conspicuous.
The derma came out sliced in five or six pieces and seared on both sides with terrific beef gravy. I gingerly put my fork in expecting the worse, but I was pleasantly surprised.
The purpose of life is to while away the intervening time as pleasantly as possible.
Times, Sunday Times
I enjoyed their crunchy crumbly texture and deep flavor very much - and was pleasantly surprised, too, for baking by instinct is usually a rather risky endeavour.
When I was in danger, they twanged unpleasantly inside me.
My Fair Succubi
The noise of the stream had a pleasantly somnolent effect.
Miss Roper, with all her skill, could not extract a word pleasantly soft from him one a week.
The Small House at Allington
Lemon beer tastes like beer but also like lemons, as you might expect: sweet yet pleasantly malty, as if it had been brewed in the sticky old socks of laborers working in the molasses-gathering industry.
An Interview with Dean Koontz about The Book of Counted Sorrows
How far in other directions besides mere versification he and his fellows had slipped from the right way, may be perhaps most pleasantly and quite fully discovered from the perusal, which is not very difficult, of his tragi-comedy or extravaganza, _The Goblins_.
A History of Elizabethan Literature
When the mimosa I had asked for arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by the delivery.
He had said he would drag her through every court in the land, which sounded unpleasantly threatening.
I would always leave with my stomach bulging, feeling slightly but pleasantly sick.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm being paid enough to ensure that I respond pleasantly.
The coins tickled the tips of his fingers very pleasantly as he let them fall, and jingled musically in the darkness.
The Fortune of the Rougons
Politian had used the freedom of a friend, and pleasantly, in the form of a Latin epigram, corrected the mistake of Scala in making the _culex_ (an insect too well-known on the banks of the Arno) of the inferior or feminine gender.
he had been unpleasantly surprised
We have lively discussions which pleasantly employ our time and our thoughts.
Kolinahr seemed like overkill; yet Kirk kept his expression pleasantly neutral.
I was so unpleasantly occupied, for some time after her departure, with the knaveries said to be practised among the dense cover of the Windmill Wood, that I did not immediately recollect that we had omitted to ask her any particulars about her guests.
Uncle Silas
I think, all evidence to the contrary, she was pleasantly surprised when I turned out to be a studious, introverted, bashful child.
His pleasantly keening voice is just not enough.
On Kite Hill, children flitter about like butterflies while their parents sit patiently under perfectly blue skies, pleasantly oblivious to the shouts of joy and rings of laughter.
CLOUD DANCING • by J. Thomas Arant
We had the green onions for the softness, the beans and pistachios took care of the crunch - both of them complementing the pleasantly firm codfish really well.
The word "pot" to me had the quotation-marked ring of moms and teacher trying to sound hipper than they really were, which was unpleasantly close to a description of myself.
Jonathan Franzen: I Keep Pot In My Freezer
Up and after ordering some things towards my wife's going into the country, to the office, where I spent the morning upon my measuring rules very pleasantly till noon, and then comes Creed and he and I talked about mathematiques, and he tells me of a way found out by Mr. Jonas Moore which he calls duodecimal arithmetique, which is properly applied to measuring, where all is ordered by inches, which are 12 in a foot, which I have a mind to learn.
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 22: May/June 1663
The charity in question is Chicago Gateway Green, which spends most of its energy keeping freeways and medians pleasantly landscaped.
Along with rice, it was served with a salad — simple strips of lettuce and a pleasantly sharp dressing that worked well to combat the heaviness of the meal — and home-fried potatoes.
Inoffensive, energetic and pleasantly silly comic froth, David Dobkin's jaunty Shanghai Knights serves up robust verbal cut and thrust from the ever willing Chan and his charmingly dippy, English-baiting foil, Wilson.
The cabin or "cuddy," which had been surrendered to them by the fishermen who were now outside, was a diminutive place, smelling unpleasantly of fish and burnt grease.
Frank Merriwell's Reward
The architecture and culture feel pleasantly familiar and the friendly atmosphere makes Tenerife particularly attractive.
I didn't quite know what to expect of cinnamon oranges, but the garnish of fresh orange slices tasted pleasantly of cinnamon.
It really is a good movie, engrossing, touching and funny all in one in the pleasantly dreamy, melancholic way only the French can manage.
Can anyone reassure me I'm being unpleasantly jaded and cynical… or has it crossed other minds?
He says many closeted workers are pleasantly surprised when they reveal their orientation to colleagues.
It exceeded the 4 x 6 inches allowed by the jail, so I was pleasantly surprised that it was not rejected by the trigger-happy mailroom.
There was a soft, earthy smell, and it was pleasantly warm, with a fire burning low in the hearth.
The soup was pleasantly light, although I found that the store-bought vegetable stock somewhat overwhelmed the soup's mushroom flavour.
The interior is furnished simply but very pleasantly in keeping with the old-world cottage ambience of the house.
The visit to the establishment, perched above the Museum of Scotland, had begun pleasantly enough.
Nemeth was probably being taken to Tardonia, either to be ransomed or more likely to be unpleasantly executed, body charred and features withered by hostile magic.
He smiled pleasantly and held up a black-gloved hand to show a short, wicked knife with a taped handle and curving blue blade.
Pleasantly in-the-face, the play divests mythological heroes of their aura and presents them in a lacklustre light.
He felt pleasantly drowsy and had to fight off the urge to sleep.
People think prisoners go around with stripy shirts, but they will be pleasantly surprised if they visit the prison.
The baby was in her crib pleasantly conversing with the wall.
They pleasantly surprise the reader by additional introductory notes, comments, and excurses.
Unsurprisingly, with all the activities she was involved in, her tall figure was femininely muscular and pleasantly shapely.
Again, Saoirse shivered pleasantly, enjoying the cool of his hands against her warm, humming skin.
The plotline is pleasantly, pulpily thin: college kids invade a sun-and-sex spring break spot, a volcanic eruption unleashes a swarm of flesh-eating prehistoric piranhas.
Jessica Szohr Reveals Why She ‘Freaked Out’ While Filming ‘Piranha 3-D’ » MTV Movies Blog
Now nothing, to a common observer, could be less à-propos than Bronze’s foregoing speech was to Miss Milvar; but the name chimed in so pleasantly with the agreeable dreams, that Sir Philip thought the l’on dit quite à-propos also.
The Enchantress; or, Where Shall I Find Her? A Tale
Chamomile flower (Matricaria spp.) has a pleasantly bitter and sweet taste.
It was pleasantly cool outside, and the air was delightfully fresh compared to that of the city.
With ingredients such as ginseng and tea these pleasantly scented products do the job very nicely.
This reminds me -- not unpleasantly -- of the "famulus" social-engineering familiars in Ian McDonald's brilliant novel Out on Blue Six.
Boing Boing: May 18, 2003 - May 24, 2003 Archives
His attempt to shout to the last row makes his voice unpleasantly harsh.
I love it when I'm pleasantly surprised by the vagaries of human sexuality… glad to be of service.
M. Yriarte, however, goes a step further, and prefers to translate it as "corsage," which at once, and unpleasantly, falsifies the picture; and he adds matter to dot the I's to an extent certainly not warranted even by Infessura.
The Life of Cesare Borgia
Given the title and director, I was expecting something grotty and disturbing, so I was pleasantly surprised when the film turned out to be a lighthearted kitschy romp.
The yearning for romance blurted out by these sweet imaginings is fierce, but the paintings are pleasantly calm, as if the act of painting them were part of a healing process.
That's why I'm pleasantly surprised to see that Blogging Dippers is actually growing.
Archive 2007-05-01
I was pleasantly surprised to discover a clamorous, dim room filled with networked computers available dirt-cheap.
‘Right this way,’ he led them to a pleasantly appointed room where they deposited their packs.
The vocalist is pleasantly reminiscent of Billie Holiday.
"Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay."
Poached pears in curried cream. It was pleasantly disorienting, like being momentarily lost in a foreign city and regaining one's bearings at the sight of a familiar landmark.
Then I had to wait some three years, and the attitude in hospital and lack of administrative efficiency was unpleasantly conspicuous.
As you pack the reluctant family into the rental car's hot fug, remember that galleries are pleasantly air conditioned.
Times, Sunday Times
But when the inquisitor asks for the names of backing musicians, the response ranges from total bewilderment to pleasantly surprised acknowledgement of utter ignorance.
He spake as a man distraught and redeless; but she smiled on him pleasantly, and said: Now by this time shouldst thou have devised what was to do, and spared me the pain thereof.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
Kate Hunt smiled pleasantly and said hello, but when she looked towards her husband I saw his quick shrug of incomprehension.
Most food is equally palatable hot or cold, apart from very high-fat foods, which stick around the mouth unpleasantly when cold.
The papers were fragmentary, consisting of parts of a Reclaiming Petition and some portion of a Proof that had been led in support of a brieve of service; but I got enough to enable me to give the story, which I shall do in such a connected manner as to take the reader along with me, I hope pleasantly, and without any inclination to choke upon the foresaid bones.
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
Their pleasantly radiused shape along with the secure pocket clip make this one of the most carry friendly folders I've ever used.
After a clutch of films in which he has essayed powerful characters with a negative side, Irfan was pleasantly surprised some time last year when a London-based producer approached him with the offer of a lead role in a film.
We were pleasantly surprised at the profit we made.
He felt pleasantly drowsy and had to fight off the urge to sleep.
He pleasantly offered to act in the capacity of general baiter and taker-off of fish.
The researchers were pleasantly surprised to find 56 more gorillas.
All that's missing is a "blam" and a "ka-pow" on-screen -- thought there just might be one or two of those tossed into the unpleasantly ornate backgrounds without our knowing.
DVD Talk
Slim means pleasantly thin. It is often used to describe women who have controlled their weight by diet or exercise:She has a beautifully slim figure.
The architecture and culture feel pleasantly familiar and the friendly atmosphere makes Tenerife particularly attractive.
Felt almost delirious from the lack of sleep - but pleasantly so.
The Sun
The centre is pleasantly extended by 19th-century wings on both sides in matching red brick.
Times, Sunday Times
I have to confess to rather liking Jane Green though – I read ‘The Beach House’ simply because it is set in Nantucket which is one of my favourite places, and was very pleasantly suprised indeed.
Me and Chick-Lit « Tales from the Reading Room
I was pleasantly surprised with this wine, which had a slight effervescence and an intense fruitiness.
I hopped on out to the patio to stand in quite pleasantly warm sunshine and peered up at the pellucid blue sky.
The general tone of the piece is cynical, morbid and unpleasantly other-worldly.
And so they came in Christmas, muffled up in furs and with mountains of luggage, and were pleasantly surprised.
Her voice was pleasantly low-pitched and sultry.
I made it back to my loft, safely, and I lit my kerosine lamp which made my room glow pleasantly.
Black Mind
And, for good measure, there is a versifying King Rat, pleasantly old-fashioned scenery from Terry Parsons, and a spectacular underwater film sequence, requiring 3D specs, in which octopus-tentacles alarmingly reach out to us, and sharks loom in our faces.
Dick Whittington - review
For once they are not cartoons but people whose intelligence is pleasantly plausible instead of being a brainless plot device.
Much gin was drunk, much inane rubbish and some serious stuff was discussed, and we all went home pleasantly squiffy.
The farmers about here consider him as rolling in wealth, and I must say that, though the parsonage is absolutely bare of luxuries, one is not there often unpleasantly reminded that the parson is a poor man.
Oldtown Folks
As a theological conclusion this is pleasantly orthodox; as poetry it seems footling.
The Times Literary Supplement
All over the world, bottles of red wine are being uncorked and coffee percolators are burbling away pleasantly in anticipation.
I would always leave with my stomach bulging, feeling slightly but pleasantly sick.
Times, Sunday Times
But it was not to be avoided: he made her feel that she was the object of all; though she could not say that it was unpleasantly done, that there was indelicacy or ostentation in his manner; and sometimes, when he talked of William, he was really not unagreeable, and shewed even a warmth of heart which did him credit.
Mansfield Park
His life becomes pleasantly entangled with the lives of studio clients.
Slim means pleasantly thin. It is often used to describe women who have controlled their weight by diet or exercise:She has a beautifully slim figure.
The four-pot JTS motor is smooth, flexible and, though over-silenced, sounds pleasantly fruity.
Otter spraint smells pleasantly musky or fishy.
The night had so pleasantly progressed to a different conclusion than either of them had intended that they had both thought it cruel to interrupt it with discussion of the impracticality of their relationship.
O: A Presidential Novel
He was pleasantly surprised to discover that he was no longer afraid.
In a word, this parson did his duty well, and pleasantly for all his flock; and nothing imbittered him, unless a man pretended to doctrine without holy orders.
Mary Anerley
The New England clam chowder is pleasantly piquant and peppery.
Buy the latest Robert Crais or Robert B. Parker instead, and be pleasantly surprised by how literate, humorous, and touching a hard-boiled detective novel can be.
In the centre of her landaulet sat the lady in black and lavender, chatting pleasantly first with one, then with another of that fortunate few in cutaways who had found their way to speaking distance in the first rush.
Tales of the Jazz Age
The sounds of merry birds chirping and horses neighing pleasantly awoke Nyerel.
Some thought that veteran, longtime directors might snicker at the idea of formalized training organized by the UCI, but Flory said they were pleasantly surprised at the enthusiastic response from sport directors who were keen to participate in the classes.
New UCI rules will require director’s license by 2013
Originally designed as freight ships, these may not be the most glamorous vessels afloat, but are pleasantly spacious.
Given the title and director, I was expecting something grotty and disturbing, so I was pleasantly surprised when the film turned out to be a lighthearted kitschy romp.
Gordon drove with his mind pleasantly vacant, lulled by the monotonous miles of road flickering through his vision, the shifting forms of distant peaks, virid vistas, nearby trees and bushes, all saturated in the slumberous, yellow, summer heat.
Mountain Blood A Novel
Could she speak pleasantly to her aunt? could she even look pleasantly at her? could she "forbear" all unkindness, even in thought?
Melbourne House
I shouted for something fruity and red, and she pleasantly nodded and brought me a glass of something fruity and red.
We went for the safe and familiar 25A: pleasantly sweet chicken brochettes called yakitori, served on wooden sticks similar to satay.
Sheltered by trees and shrubbery, with mature hedging on both sides, it has an extensive patio and is pleasantly secluded.
The restaurant was pleasantly full: and the menu nothing if not adventurous.
Don Peters had been pleasantly surprised to find the Prime Minister's forthright manner lived up to her advance publicity.
With a pleasantly vengeful fury, as if performing a valuable task, we pursued every last component with our mallets until we had pulverized it into unrecognizability.
Her cape was a sodden woolen mass, and her walking boots squished unpleasantly when she walked.
The boy coughed politely, the sound rumbling pleasantly in the back of this throat, and I realized that he was still waiting for me to grasp his hand.
About seven in the evening I got into a chaise on shore, and was driven through the nastiest city in the world, though at the same time one of the most populous, to a kind of coffee-house, which is very pleasantly situated on the brow of a hill, about a mile from the city, and hath a very fine prospect of the river Tajo from
The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
Disbelieving chortles over forecasts of an abrupt change will die away as temperatures fall sharply from the pleasantly unseasonal 18.6C 65.4F reached on Sunday in Southampton and the Royal Horticultural Society's gardens at Wisley, Surrey.
Cold snap to end UK's Indian summer
I pleasantly tell him that she is underage and both he and our department could get in legal trouble for having her look at such material.
Mr. Rubbino's style is pleasantly mod—a combination of blocky colors and fine lines—but a closer look reveals its contemporaneousness.
A Vintage Look for Picture Books
The concrete under foot was cold and unpleasantly damp, with intermittent soft squelches and sharp jabs.
I give it a quick spritz of dry shampoo and am pleasantly surprised when my hair is more voluminous than the first day.
The Sun
Though pleasantly matey, he has the fatigued, abstracted air of someone who has been summarising his CV in dressing rooms for three decades.
I did a neat backward somersault and landed in the river in a welter of blue and silver, unpleasantly aware I could not swim.
Oh, and people with unpleasantly posh Home Counties accents who speak far louder than they need to in an enclosed space should probably be gagged with gaffer tape.
In 1755, some seventy years after the last dodo's death, the director of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford decided that the institution's stuffed dodo was becoming unpleasantly musty and ordered it be tossed into a bonfire." [p. 564] This was the last specimen left in existence.
Well, good gracious me, I was very pleasantly surprised.
Time for all passed pleasantly until the time of departure drew nigh.
History buffs will be pleasantly regaled by this charming little chamber piece.
I requested it on a whim — since I thought this sort of pleasantly mellow, yuppieish music would be good for the aborted magazine column’s readership.
2007 February :
The worms, he suggested, are best deepfried, and grasshoppers are pleasantly citrussy.
Times, Sunday Times
Slim means pleasantly thin. It is often used to describe women who have controlled their weight by diet or exercise:She has a beautifully slim figure.
In the fourteenth and fifteenth chapters of _Lavengro_ he is pleasantly described by his pupil, who adds, with characteristic 'bluff,' that d'Eterville said 'on our arrival at the conclusion of Dante's _Hell_, "vous serez un jour un grand philologue, mon cher."'
George Borrow and His Circle Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of Borrow And His Friends
Instead, I wandered free as a bird across Michelin maps and estate agents' websites, and used house-hunting as an excuse for a series of pleasantly unfocused trips to parts of France I hardly knew at all.
Chamomile flower (Matricaria spp.) has a pleasantly bitter and sweet taste.
I was pleasantly surprised by my exam results.
She stands in front of new arrivals and pleasantly explains where they can find the baggage claim and the taxi ranks.
I was pleasantly surprised at the generally well kept and clean appearance of the town, a compliment to all residents and your public facilities.
She amiably offered a smile in return, which pleasantly surprised him.
The gallus radio figure with his seemingly off-the-cuff put downs is in fact an intelligent and pleasantly modest fellow who researches his material meticulously.
The early morning serenity surrounding us is pleasantly disturbed by a steady and melodic hum.
The soft lens allows flexibility, moulding the goggles to the face for a comfortable cosy fit while the air system feature enables air to pleasantly circulate around the eyes.
THE CHINESE LANTERN: Pleasantly effective scenes in a Chinese studio.
The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays
I'm given to entertaining pessimistic thoughts on more than the rare occasion, so I'd always have some smart-alecky remark for him when he'd ask me, but we'd always take it in stride and laugh it off, and lo and behold I would almost always be pleasantly surprised.
Tearing Up the Recipe Card
One of the smaller plates from the set, a four-foot-long cutaway drawing in pleasantly soft sepia tones, hangs over my couch, and has followed me from Notre Dame to New York and finally to Milwaukee, a reminder that I must measure myself — success and failure alike — not against my peers, but against the great cathedral-builders of old, who had to think big as a matter of course.
Matthew Alderman in Dappled Things
In fact, the extra content is what sticks to my mind now, while the film itself is fading to a pleasantly dissonant collection of images and emotions.