How To Use Pleach In A Sentence
As they had driven through the winding avenue of dogwood and into the cobbled courtyard surrounded by pleached limes, she had grown uneasy.
You also might want to experiment with some specialized design techniques, such as using pruning to create a pleached tunnel of ironwood trees or a living fence of espalier currants.
Arrived at Master _Agnew's_ Doore, found it open, no one in Parlour or Studdy; soe _Dick_ tooke the Horses rounde, and then we went straite thro 'the House, into the Garden behind, which is on a rising Ground, with pleached Alleys and turfen
Mary Powell & Deborah's Diary
In Ireland, don't even think about growing it unless you live in one of those hot pockets warmed by the Gulf Stream, where it should do well pleached on a warm sunny wall.
If space is really a problem, consider pleaching a pear tree against a south facing wall.
The farmer is now pleaching the hawthorn and wild plum.
You also might want to experiment with some specialized design techniques, such as using pruning to create a pleached tunnel of ironwood trees or a living fence of espalier currants.
Blanched men, starved women, whom no arts can pleach.
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
pleach a hedge
Cut back the orange and yellow stems of pollard willows and pleached limes.
Times, Sunday Times
As they had driven through the winding avenue of dogwood and into the cobbled courtyard surrounded by pleached limes, she had grown uneasy.
Photograph by Alexandre Bailhache Pleached hornbeam arches and chestnut pergolas create verdant alleys connecting one garden room to the next and provide shaded, secluded walks.
Paradise Regained
It's probably a pleach as it's a morph of the two tasty stone fruits. | Top Stories
Cut back the orange and yellow stems of pollard willows and pleached limes.
Times, Sunday Times
The sides of the bowl are defined with pleached linden trees and parterres of golden privet, santolina, althernanthera, Korean boxwood and red-leaf Japanese barberry with begonias, lantanas, fucshia and cone-shaped yew topiary.
The process included grafting and pleaching, as well as other specialist techniques he called ‘trade secrets.’
The farmer is now pleaching the hawthorn and wild plum.
Without Title teems with words like “atrorubent,” “barathea,” “Pasiphaean,” “haruspex,”” pleach-toned” and “shotten.”
2007 July 04 « One-Minute Book Reviews
Employing one of three horticultural training methods espalier, pollard or pleach may be the answer to a space problem. Chronicle
There are pleached trees laden with apples and a huge fig tree drips with almost-ripe fruit.
An avenue of pleached limes has the lowest branches springing out from the main stem a good 2m from the ground, allowing a clear view through the young trunks.