How To Use Playgoer In A Sentence
Considering that the production, for the most part, is told in a field, bedroom, and Spanish synagogue - playgoers are hard pressed to believe they are in any of these places.
The director has trouble convincing playgoers that the trio has been separated from one another for as long as the script suggests but does a dandy job bringing subsequent scenes to a feverish pitch.
Such stuff may not have seemed so trifling to women playgoers, since women exerted greater control over movable objects than did men.
The director has trouble convincing playgoers that the trio has been separated from one another for as long as the script suggests but does a dandy job bringing subsequent scenes to a feverish pitch.
The 12 performances draw an audience of more than 1,500 playgoers - among them about 70 industry people, including literary managers, dramaturgs, and artistic directors.

Today, it takes three theaters-an outdoor replica of a Tudor playhouse and two indoor venues-to seat all the playgoers who flock to the Utah Shakespearean Festival.
We do know that history plays were often regarded by contemporaries as capable of inspiring playgoers to imitate the momentous action taking place on stage.
My own opinion was best summed up by the woman with whom I saw the play, a staunchly liberal, theatrically savvy playgoer who, like me, admires Sam Shepard greatly.
What the theater today can show for us realistically, with massive scenery and electric lighting, Elizabethan playgoers had to imagine.
Actually, late sixteenth-century playgoers, actors and playwrights considered the stage as a set of funerary items and buildings.
Pearl was a regular playgoer, always the only foreigner in the crowd squatting in temple courtyards or on hillside threshing floors, and she was also by now an enthusiastic reader of the novels she had first gotten to know through the family cook.
What her true intention was with this design, playgoers hypothesize to no avail.
Pinocchio offers many well-written jokes for the adult portion of the audience but the slapstick comedy and over-the-top characterizations are a real treat that tickles all ages of playgoers.
All this takes five acts and I doff my cap to director Bruce Jamieson as it is to his credit that he has boiled it all down into the present day acceptable length for modern playgoers.
The 12 performances draw an audience of more than 1,500 playgoers - among them about 70 industry people, including literary managers, dramaturgs, and artistic directors.
He shows the hand of a skilled theatrical abridger at work, surgically excising flowery and purple ‘literary’ material, and reworking the remainder for the benefit of players and playgoers.
Either it's an instant hit with playgoers or it leaves them scratching their head during intermission.
Playgoers, in general, tend to show resistance when the chosen theme of a piece conks you on the head like a sledgehammer.
Joseph Holloway 1861-1944, the tireless Dublin playgoer, noted in his journal that Yeats had made ‘a fool of himself in “going” for an article that appeared in this morning’s Independent.
Later Articles and Reviews
The setting of "Billy Elliot" is the British miners 'strike of 1984-85, about which the average American playgoer knows absolutely nothing.
Karl Marx in a Tutu
Part of what makes them so interesting is Mr. Gibbs's point of view, which was that of an unintellectual but highly intelligent playgoer who knew what he liked and was amply endowed with horse sense.
He Knew What He Liked—Not Much
The three roles are most often given to actors of great range and technical virtuosity so that the average playgoer is more aware of their utter unlikeness to himself than of what he has in common with them.
Given all these and other dramatic qualifications of Venetian courtesy, playgoers are not surprised when the dynamics of sadism and persecution in The Merchant of Venice challenge its authenticity.
The staging is complex and its intricacy continuously forces the audience to stay out of any sort of usual playgoer comfort zone.
Bill Swadley: Theater Review: How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found
Last year at the Gate Theatre, Dublin, local playgoers roared at every move made by Ardal O'Hanlon in Ronald Harwood's version of this celebrated French comedy.
It is a difficult work more likely to appeal to the theatre specialist than the average playgoer.
So, in a sense, a playgoer signs up with Albee for a long-term relationship, not a one-night stand.
Edward Albee Festival starts at Arena Stage
Attentive playgoers conclude that the-not-fully-transferred pain of loss kills Brabantio.
Either it's an instant hit with playgoers or it leaves them scratching their head during intermission.
The end result flat-lines the material leaving the playgoer with a feeling of being aurally teased.
Adding insult to injury, the playgoer paid a lot of money for this disappointment.
Journey’s End (The Boomer Blog)
However, when playgoers are asked to sit back and accept all that's not rational, the narrative wrecking ball makes a direct hit and everything comes crashing down.
The same production also introduced American playgoers to the three-walled box set, although it did not completely replace the meticulously painted wing-and-drop sets for many decades.
He shows the hand of a skilled theatrical abridger at work, surgically excising flowery and purple "literary" material, and reworking the remainder for the benefit of players and playgoers.
The front facade will be of glass hung in channels from the roof, reaching down to a lower edge that is canted up to allow a wedge of outdoor plaza where playgoers and public can mingle.
Designing a Dramatic Era
To the playgoer, though, it was his Shakespeare which won him most respect, notably with the Old Vic 1959-61, including a tour of the Soviet Union.
George Baker obituary