How To Use Play In A Sentence

  • There were 42 free-kicks, two penalties, four bookings and three players sent off, two of whom had to be escorted from the pitch by police.
  • A little pyrotechnics display tacked on just serves to emphasise its lack of cutting edge. Times, Sunday Times
  • She tore her eyes from them for a moment to spy the bodhrán player in the tree, tapping out her rhythm with her eyes closed, not noticing the spy amongst them.
  • He wrote and tcanslaited many fortunate connexion « Mr. Boweai other works, and among the rest being unable to pay the costs in-* wa»the author of one play, called curred by the suit in the Spiritual Biographia dramatica, or, A companion to the playhouse:
  • Rows of brick garden apartments all backed onto a massive common garden: a shared backyard for children to play, dogs to gambol, and families to eat picnics together. Day of Honey
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  • The poems, plays, and essays of the committed cultural nationalist are characterized by a markedly hortatory or didactic manner.
  • Petanque may be the only sport inspired by a disability - that of Jules LeNoir, who in 1910 was a dedicated player of boules, a French game much like bocce ball.
  • He literally danced his music into being, conducting his bass players, drummers and horn section with his hips.
  • I have no great picture of her to link because I am out of town in San Francisco and all the pictures I have are the naked librarian Playboy centerfolds I got in email a few days back.
  • I think a lot of players from bigger clubs have spent time on loan at smaller clubs and it has really helped.
  • The house was a semi-detached with a couple of children playing in the front lawn and his son was just arriving home from his days work.
  • Manchester City have put themselves into a different stratosphere and a lot of players want to be part of that. Times, Sunday Times
  • I play the piano, so it is natural for me to think ‘harmonically’ a lot of the time (one can hear harmonies instantly on a piano; also mainstream jazz is extremely harmony driven).
  • Documents with extra-wide margins are now displayed in a browser with a horizontal scroll bar.
  • The affair isn't the thing that makes me believe he needs to be removed from office – it's the monumental lack of judgment he displayed in abandoning his states and his duties as governor. Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
  • Hurrah!" came from the right, and the cheer was taken up from the left, while _crack, crack, crack_, rifles were being brought well into play. Charge! A Story of Briton and Boer
  • There are, true, a few tonal changes: the jokes are jokier, the touches of malice heavier, and she revels more obviously than before in the playfulness she brings to her performances. What Sarah Palin Doesn't Know
  • Receiving the round initial in the third quarter, the Rams would put together the 10-play, 61-yard expostulate immoderate 5 mins as great as finishing it off with the 6-yard TD pass from Stefkovich to So, TE, Joe Migliarese (Blue Bell, Pa.) to tighten the measure to twenty-nine twenty-eight TU. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Flakes with concavities exhibiting steep, unifacial retouch were used to whittle or plane wood, and flakes displaying spurs were used to incise bone or antler.
  • The 27 models on display in Washington, supplemented by paintings, drawings, sculpture and medallions, show the products of a rising social structure and new technique.
  • The aristocracy are made to look like buffoons; the women swoon, the maids are oversexed, and the artist himself - the center of everyone's fawning attention - plays the dandy.
  • Conclusion TSGF test in patients with carcinosis play a very important pole in early diagnosis and the evaluation of therapy effect.
  • And Johnson has some advice for people aspiring to a comfortable living playing music: ‘I've set it in my mind that I will not jive anybody, and not be jived by anybody.’
  • It was nice to play a Wii game that wasn't full of bright greens and blues like another title featuring Mario. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • I can't commend the players highly enough. The Sun
  • In their houses, they play much at that most ingenious game which we call chess, or else at draughts. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • One in 20 changed their marital status to appeal to employers and five per cent falsely claimed to play golf. The Sun
  • And here the concept of the masque comes into play one final time.
  • Mewme was an old cat not like the playful little kitten that Alison had first encountered after her mother entered her life.
  • The players were top drawer. The Sun
  • Running parallel to this tempestuous relationship is the whirlwind romance between weathergirl Hero, played by Billie Piper, and sports presenter Claude.
  • Many had played around the world, including in North America's National Hockey League.
  • Some experienced foreign jumpers displayed hand-in-hand group jumping, wingsuit jumping and somersaults during free fall; all the risky stunts thrilled the audience.
  • Hi! ufficio immatricolazione catania Croce italia marche bollino blu euro 4 Campo golf irrigazione risultato roma milan fiamma tricolore emilia nome canzone cd rudebox COMPRA PLAYSTATION 3 ADESSO biomassa sansa esausta 509 99 perito industriale Reso Condemning MoveOn Passes Overwhelmingly, With Lots Of Dems
  • Its heroes were beastly revellers or cruel and ferocious plunderers; its heroines unsexed hoidens, playing the ugliest tricks with their lovers, and repaying slights with bloody revenge, -- very dangerous and unsatisfactory companions for any other than the fire - eating Vikings and redhanded, unwashed Berserkers. The Conflict with Slavery and Others, Complete, Volume VII, The Works of Whittier: the Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, the Inner Life and Criticism
  • An increasing number of plays are now being signed.
  • She had wiggled through a tot-sized aperture in the alcove, and toddled over to a display of butterfly nets four feet away.
  • Zunun Kadir, the famous writer, playwright and fabulist, was the founder and the pioneer of the contemporary Uighur literature.
  • Taking up the whole stage included three guitarists, a bass player, one on drums, and a xylophonist, but this time no microphone in sight. > Your Access All Areas pass to the latest in Australian rock music! News, Reviews, Photos, Forums and more
  • Each player has to mime the title of a movie, play or book.
  • Once all that is figured out, the most confusing factor in the equation must be pondered: playing time.
  • It was also envisaged that they would play an advocacy and educational role on behalf of dementia sufferers throughout their area.
  • I don't think you're playing devil's advocate (a word every/filmer seems to want use) simply by making entirely senseless comparisons between films like Transformers and There Will Be Blood, and ranting on with points of view that even someone in defense of Transformers would never use. Things I Noticed While Watching 20 Minutes of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek | /Film
  • The 32-year-old actress spent a large proportion of the week playing cat and mouse with the press.
  • Your studies will suffer if you play too much football.
  • The poorer the soil and the older the lawn, the better will be the flower display, but most park lawns will contain self-heal, daisy, achillea, and cat's-ear.
  • We're trying to bring along several promising young football player.
  • In that dingdong struggle both players were reaching great heights.
  • I was filming a music video in Central Kingston in the middle of general elections, when gunmen shot up a group of people on the corner playing ludo (snakes and ladders) and dominoes.
  • It's the closest part he's ever played to his real self, but the fact that he played it kind of nelly was a big risk. A Pirate's Life
  • Of course, you would expect it to be damp in those parts of the Highlands which the Camanachd Association holds as its fiefdom and indeed shinty has suffered in recent weeks with matches being cancelled due to unplayable pitches.
  • One thing's for sure: Rosen won't be trying to play the role of sole rainmaker.
  • Re: [expatwannabe] looking for long term rental in playa del carmen Looking for long term rental in playa del carmen
  • I'm a 25-year-old single bloke who plays international cricket and tours the world.
  • This all plays to the core competence of business attorneys.
  • Tennis or no tennis, we thought it was a perfectly enjoyable playdate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Loman is a rather unpleasant figure throughout much of the play, a boastful blowhard, a bully, a coward.
  • Just like playing poker, it's all about bluffing. The Sun
  • His brother Jeremiah played a stormer at corner back and his accurate deliveries to his forwards were one of the highlights of his play.
  • Years of early art, pencil sketches, architectural renderings, magazine covers, newspaper clippings and personal photographs are also on display in the new gallery.
  • They were too cool to play an encore, or perhaps they had simply run out of songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Private real estate trusts and partnerships may be smart plays for the long term
  • And they sing and play oboes and clarinets and violins and cellos and recorders on through the late afternoon in a warm, close auditorium.
  • Alice played a clear note on the flute, picked up the piccolo and tried it.
  • Stahl Real Estate has applied to demolish two early 20th century buildings, but preservationists are firing back, arguing that the 190 rent-stabilized and rent-controlled apartments, which sit between 64th and 65th streets near York Avenue, have played a vital role housing lower- and middle-class tenants for nearly a century. New Spat Over Upper East Side Rent
  • The club will always be bigger than any player or manager. The Sun
  • Even if you're not into playing the ponies, the setting is marvelous and it's a superb place for a picnic.
  • Her boss did not display any human traits.
  • I record my favourite songs onto blank tapes to play in the car and I normally do them by mood or genre.
  • Players in megabucks tournaments might have great ability in one area, whereas the players on tour have great ability in all areas,’ he says.
  • He fenced and boxed, but also played the cello, drew and had a deep appreciation of painting. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • Christie knows that the continuity in playing personnel is a major strength and it's not one he plans to undermine with a cut-price garage sale.
  • Played three times for his native Northern Ireland. The Sun
  • A son of Israel has no gods whom he can libate," he said, playing with the water to hide his amazement, now greater than before. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • Rohitha bought several bunches of bananas and all the papaya fruits on display, while Pala bought a packet each of the green gram, sesame and ranawara.
  • The background music was provided by an accordion player.
  • Two rows behind the bench sits a sweet-faced junior college girl who just announced her intention to play for Oregon next year.
  • The hostage-takers Bowden spoke with expressed little regret at their seizure of the embassy, but most, like Mirdamadi, lamented the role they played in cementing the repressive rule of the clerics. Into the Den of Spies
  • Thereby, one-dimensional or multidimensional attribute of call events is displayed simultaneously through the invention.
  • Else Lynes had also brought along her active class to perform a display item before a most appreciative audience.
  • That's because Olympic contests are played on a wider ice rink that opens up the game and gives the elite players space to be creative.
  • The political analyst Nikolai Petrov has described Mr. Putin's predicament using the chess term "zugzwang," in which a player sees only moves that will damage his position, and yet does not have the option of passing. NYT > Home Page
  • Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam? Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
  • Yet he's also studied jazz and Indian music and learnt to play the sarod, so his band achieves a curious rapprochement between world-jazz and heads-down, no-nonsense boogie.
  • Of course, the kobold’s nonexistence is no reason to stop playing the game … Matthew Yglesias » The New Atheism
  • MacFadzean plays Richie Excellent, the young funster who wields unearned celebrity.
  • For perciform fishes, the pectoral fin and tail are known to play important roles in propulsion and there is now a substantial literature on the function of these fins.
  • Springtime for Henry played Broadway in the early '30s and then again in the early '50s but became a laughingstock as Edward Everett Horton repeatedly barnstormed it.
  • What is the point of using TV replays when you blatantly ignore what they show you? The Sun
  • Normally, at times likes these, Montgomerie's nerves are so taut that it would be possible to play a guitar solo on them.
  • Watching replays of her victory run induced nervousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • With no requalifying for the Ryder Cup, no wild-card picks and no apparent animosity, the only thing to talk about has been how poorly many of the team members are playing.
  • You can hook up two DisplayPort-compatible computers to a single monitor (and keyboard and mouse, obvs) without converters.
  • They have filthy rich players with a distinct air of decadence about them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shakuhachi is usually played solo or with the koto.
  • Although tensions existed between the army and the group, the president defused them by playing the politics of tribalism and regionalism, often targeting northerners as the source of the nation's problems.
  • That queasy feeling of disillusionment is a universal one says Schmidt; one that makes this particular play accessible for audiences on a very personal level.
  • This time he also plays his own twin brother. The Sun
  • Bosses are keeping tight-lipped about WHO he will play. The Sun
  • I play golf for relaxation.
  • But I doubt anything will compare to the light and clever touch she displays in CCF! Stella Gibbons's novel Cold Comfort Farm is a masterpiece
  • I really got into gambling in a big way, and ended up playing blackjack with some pretty scary people, but it was a riot.
  • Once on the storage server, a photograph can be displayed on any TV screen or monitor in the house via a simple video client.
  • The ensemble playing is lock tight, the soloists are eloquent; the seven pieces (five of them composed by group members) are literate and stimulating.
  • We've seen these kind of games played before in conference, where conferees drop provisions which they should not drop when they're both in the House and the Senate bills.
  • There was no easy play from the left side. Tommy's Honour: The Extraordinary Story of Golf's Founding Father and Son
  • Which is a long-winded way of saying that human nature will play a part in deliberations. Times, Sunday Times
  • By having a strapping man say Katherina's words, it is not real and not naturalistic, so it gives the audience a jolt and makes the play double edged.
  • Mobile Internet services are part of this commitment and are forecast to play an important role in the future of mobile multimedia.
  • Over 300,000 visitors a year enjoy the waterfalls, flower gardens, exotic birds, animal life and the children's playground.
  • But neither of those initiatives, expensive as they are, approach the civic munificence displayed by the Federal Reserve. The Fed's Cash Machine
  • She said the new playground would help give the children greater independence.
  • Beckham is a beaut, probably England's best player, but as captain?
  • He lacks any backbone, as becomes apparent during the toe-curling dinner party that forms the play.
  • I think that while full-on female displays will evoke an easy and instinctual hormone rush -- which, as I said, might be a good complement to a melee brawl -- most intelligent people will agree that some sort of subtlety in sexuality is appealing on more levels simultaneously. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The two merchants didn't look entirely pleased to have the players mooching off of their business, but it was obvious to the eyes of an outsider that the music was actually attracting customers.
  • The arcade is an indoor playground, a room full of games and toys, and people playing them.
  • I was getting really determined that I would hit the ball before we stopped playing.
  • Quick Tag (Mac): Quickly add tags to the current song playing in iTunes with a simple, universal keyboard shortcut and autocompletion for quick tagging. The 23 Best iTunes Add-ons | Lifehacker Australia
  • The gorillas 'behaviour has strong similarities to the children's game tag, but is perhaps more like a playful exchange of punches that must be well-judged to ensure it does not escalate into a more serious fight. Gorillas learn about injustice and revenge by playing tag
  • She plays Silly, a Nova Scotian seasprite of girl who is the subject of a marine tragedy of, er, Titanic proportions.
  • An employee or player likes to know when he/she walks into the manager's office that whatever is discussed between them is in confidence.
  • When equipped with the full unit, a patient sees a display of phosphenes, which looks, as the Wall Street Journal put it, like ‘the light-bulb array of a stadium scoreboard,’ and which approximates - very roughly - the outlines of objects.
  • Since breads play a major role in Indian cuisine, the restaurant imported mud from specific regions of India to make the tandoor, influencing the taste to some extent.
  • Amid fireworks, a color guard and torrents of cheers, 62 former Redskins were introduced on Sunday night at FedEx Field, from Carl Kammerer, who played in 1963, to Darnerien McCants, who retired in 2004. Shanahan, McNabb are helping the Redskins recapture their past
  • The Warriors lost a battle despite outshooting and mostly outplaying their opponents.
  • Compare and contrast the two main characters in the play.
  • No right-thinking person wants to downplay this problem or its implications.
  • NEWPORT, Wales — Phil Mickelson came to the defense of Rory McIlroy on Wednesday, calling him one of the classiest players in golf and his desire to play Tiger Woods is the goal of every player who wants to beat the best. Phil Mickelson Addresses Tiger Woods Feud
  • The men and women did not differ in the duration of their ideal scripts for foreplay.
  • you and your fellow misogynistic homophobes masquerading as "traditionalist anglicans" have played out the string. Breakaway Fort Worth group responds to Episcopal Church lawsuit | RELIGION Blog |
  • MI5, Britain's internal security and counter-espionage agency, is to play a greater role in informing the UK public about terror alerts.
  • Once they'd been on the wrong end of a dressing-down in front of the other players they didn't ever want it to happen again.
  • The acting was hammy, the jokes were forced, and the entire thing came across like a high school play - actors overdoing everything in cringe-worthy performances.
  • Day said: ‘It's an honour to play here and if you can score a try it's even better.’
  • There are two slightly contradictory factors in play. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this lesson, learn the basics of playing barre chords.
  • We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets instead of bombs.
  • The name is dowitcher. article in Monday's Calendar section about the Coachella Music and Arts Festival said Paul McCartney played a portion of Jimi Hendrix's "Foxy Lady. Undefined
  • Learn about regular vs. high low strategies in stud poker in this free casino poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • With a wide and varied selection of events, displays and performances, the festival captures the spirit of Yeats's works and the imagination of Sligo audiences.
  • This thrust, though, is generally reckoned to grant sufficient dynamic counterplay. Times, Sunday Times
  • models displayed clothes on a catwalk at the fashion show
  • Of course, all returning players are comped for their loyalty in the rewards program where they earn 1 point for every $10 wagered.
  • Reuters Samsung Electronics 'Galaxy S smartphone, branded with NTT DoCoMo's logo, on display at Japanese electronics show CEATEC, in Chiba, on Oct. 5, 2010. Samsung, DoCoMo Team Up to Sell Galaxy Devices
  • In the first place there was some music; then tables were placed all about for all kinds of gambling; there was a 'lansquenet'; at which Monsieur and Monseigneur always played; also Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • With three players cup-tied, one suspended and another released this month, there will be four familiar names missing, and some unfamiliar ones on the bench.
  • More than 70 marble, bronze, terracotta and plaster busts and life-size sculptures are on display together for the first time in nearly two centuries.
  • It's often said they're more interested in playing with the wrapping than the gifts. The Sun
  • The music picked up the tempo and overhead a saxophone played sweet jazz.
  • The neighbours, he recalls, allowed him to play until a daily curfew of 10 pm.
  • ‘Irony’ in its original form is the will of the fates or gods played out through the lives of mortals.
  • The group, composed of four brilliant and accomplished musicians playing the guitar, mandolin, bagpipe, piccolo and violin, will bring their highly original sound to the stage.
  • At the touch of a button one of the blank monitors blipped to life, displaying a scene that was being picked up by a hidden remote camera.
  • Lions string together eight successive phases on the last play of the half.
  • Vanessa raised hundreds of pounds for the charity by playing requests in exchange for donations to the appeal.
  • And after rewinding the film and watching it without any adrenaline to threaten our objectivity, it became pretty clear that during this year of epic passing, San Francisco played one of the greatest defensive games in playoff history. OK, Now That Was a Defense
  • We are quietly confident as a group of players. The Sun
  • VSA, the organization on arts and disability, will continue its playwrighting program and its annual young soloists program. Kennedy Center offers Cate Blanchett, hip-hop, 'The Addams Family'
  • It would certainly explain in part why the 31-year-old Watson took so long to win his first PGA Tour event, the 2010 Travelers Championship (he defeated his Ryder Cup captain, Corey Pavin, in a play-off). Bubba Watson and Dustin Johnson add power to USA's Ryder Cup bid
  • Many local children play on the dirt grounds around this farm with the cockerels running loose all day.
  • The predatory player ran through to finish sweetly.
  • To fix a passage of play, you need the captain and a willing accomplice or two. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dolphins have a natural affinity with humans and just being with them, playing with them and touching them, is credited with bringing about wondrous results for sick people.
  • He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion. 
  • I drew a smiley face, played tic-tac-toe with myself, drew another smiley face, scribbled all over it and finally, I wiped the ink off the plastic table.
  • A coach should not favor one player over another on the team.
  • The three-time world champion only resumed playing last month after a six-month ban on disrepute charges. The Sun
  • It is best for 5 or 4 players, and features a novel and ingenious method of bidding to choose the trumps and partnerships.
  • A group of promising young musicians, accompanied by Peter Duffy, played a selection of polkas, marches, and the lovely air ‘Inis Oirr’.
  • All proceeds from the night will go towards the cost of upgrading the equipment in the playground.
  • Some of their work, he felt, was terrific, and they should be able to display and develop their talent.
  • Despite first appearances, it adheres closely to Shakespeare's play.
  • While I'm walking along the beach and eating handfuls of cornflake sand, I encounter a group of envelopes playing horseshoes. Horseshoe Champion
  • Breads, pastries, rice and legume dishes were on display for the viewing and tasting pleasure of interested patrons.
  • Young people want to play snooker and want to see it played on the biggest stage. The Sun
  • No days off and telling the world his players were hopeless after another hiding. The Sun
  • No wonder, as Mr. Hamilton drily notes, that on the wall of the Leipzig Gewandhaus (where Mendelssohn played and conducted) was Seneca's apothegm: "Res severa est verum gaudium. What Music Has Lost
  • He has been playing championship tennis for three years now.
  • Could they make the playoffs with this defense or is the team still a year or two away?
  • Players should now sort out the cards according to suit hearts, clubs, etc.
  • The plan laid out in 1996 to change welfare to workfare recognized and provided for the critical role child care would play in transitioning from government dependency to personal responsibility.
  • In his heyday, he was a great tennis player.
  • Derry Rovers Youths gained sweet revenge over rivals Spink Celtic in this Shield match played in the Ben Mulhall Park on Sunday, April 7.
  • No sooner had he his feet under the table, though, than he was being ballyragged at county board meetings by suits who knew better than he who should be playing.
  • His other key weakness is his inability to detach himself from his players and put them under pressure.
  • He has good on-screen chemistry with both actors playing the sons.
  • He has become gruff and cold, a far cry from the playful, expansive carouser and rabble-rouser of the film's opening scenes. Come and Get It
  • While it's no surprise that this script is based on Nelson's own play, given the perfectly measured arguments, the film is never short on cinematic virtues.
  • Moving Houses was commissioned by the Kronos Quartet, but here it is played (in a revised version) by the frumpily named Ethel.
  • Holmgren played bad cop to the hilt.
  • The offer put forward by the joint agreement includes close control over the number of games players will play. Times, Sunday Times
  • Australia plays a leading role in advancing APEC's responses to human security issues such as communicable diseases, emergency disaster relief preparedness, counter-terrorism, climate change and energy security. Australia Strengthens APEC
  • Poignantly stated and played, the two guitarists spread out and cover the space.
  • Among Lelouch's films starring Ms. Girardot was 1969's "Un homme qui me plait" "A Man Who Pleases Me", in which she played opposite Jean-Paul Belmondo. Obituaries of note: Annie Girardot, Greg Goossen, Eddie Kirkland
  • Thus, Nietzsche underlines our creative power in playing with masks, in taking up selves only to put them down again.
  • Let' s go for a walk instead of playing video games.
  • Since my parents both commuted a long way from home, long before the word "playdate" ever existed, I spent most afternoons running from house to house, soaking up the sounds, smells and tastes. Jessica Seinfeld: Reclaiming Family Food
  • PERRY: There's no question about it, parents who are comfortable with a child who gets a C or D, parents who are comfortable dropping their child off at a school that they no is ragged -- they have watched that school undereducate a generation or two -- parents who are willing to go down and fuss and fight when their child doesn't play on the basketball team, but are unwilling to go down and fight the same way when that child is not being served in -- in the classroom. CNN Transcript Oct 1, 2009

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