How To Use Plautus In A Sentence
Whether in fact these scenes are the most strongly contrasted in Plautus we do not know without comprehensive examination of all his septenarii.
I seem to recall seeing apage! used this way in Plautus as well, but I can't recall where. GO TO, THOU ART A FOOLISH FELLOW.
[53] The prologue to the Poenulus of Plautus (verse 49) which mentions 'limites' and a 'finitor', may well be as old as Plautus himself.
Ancient Town-Planning
Whilst they give their wives too much liberty to gad abroad, and bountiful allowance, they are accessory to their own miseries; animae uxorum pessime olent, as Plautus jibes, they have deformed souls, and by their painting and colours procure odium mariti, their husband's hate, especially, — [6280] cum misere viscantur labra mariti.
Anatomy of Melancholy
(Livy xxxix, 9-17), and the comedies of Plautus and Terence, in which the pandar and the harlot are familiar characters.
Acci fuit, ut his consulibus xl. annos natus Ennius fuerit: cui si aequalis fuerit Livius, minor fuit aliquanto is, qui primus fabulam dedit, quam ei, qui multas docuerant ante hos consules, et Plautus et
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
Once at least he seems to have confused the date of an author's _floruit_ and that of his death, making Plautus die in B.C. 200 instead of B.C. 184 (p. 8).
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
In this way, for example, the canons of Salisbury quickly acquired their copies of Cicero and Plautus.
Maître Charmolue drew forth an appalling document, and commenced reading with much gesticulation and the exaggerated emphasis of the Bar a Latin oration, in which all the evidences of the trial were set out in Ciceronian periphrases, flanked by citations from Plautus.
III. End of the Crown Piece Changed into a Withered Leaf. Book VIII
Whilst they give their wives too much liberty to gad abroad, and bountiful allowance, they are accessory to their own miseries; animae uxorum pessime olent, as Plautus jibes, they have deformed souls, and by their painting and colours procure odium mariti, their husband's hate, especially, — [6280] cum misere viscantur labra mariti.
Anatomy of Melancholy
As for "virago", it may be male in Shakespeare, but it was female all the way back to Plautus. TERMAGANT.