How To Use Plausible In A Sentence
They have kept it alive in the past and continue to make it plausible for millions of people today.
One plausible scenario, he said, was that he had indeed threatened the cops with a dummy gun.
Home advantage and better preparation make that outcome entirely plausible, as long as England seize the initiative early.
Times, Sunday Times
This is plausible because the enzyme citrate synthase is localized in the mitochondrial matrix.
But others, founding their assertions upon more plausible reasoning, say that the petty Mussulman kings, who were the neighbours or tributaries of Benabad, justly alarmed at his alliance with a {93} Christian king, solicited the support of the Almoravide.
History of the Moors of Spain

Another seemingly plausible, but impracticable scheme is feared to end up wasting the nation's energy and worsening social division.
A sumptuous garniture, we learn, was commissioned by Charles V to make his son Philip look more plausible as a candidate for emperor in 1550.
Armor as Wearable Sculpture
He goes on to talk about the Pentagon's ongoing, undebated plans not only to keep bleeding our treasury in Iraq (and, I would add, Afghanistan), but also to keep spending billions to design and build Cold War-era weapons "that lack not only a current military need but even a plausible use in any foreseeable future.
Robert Koehler: Cross of Irony
Therefore, word sequences that are grammatically acceptable are considered to be more plausible than word sequences that are grammatically unacceptable.
However, what is impossible within the fixed boundaries of political organisations may be more plausible in the far more fluid world of political ideas.
So far the trend is that the self-assembly paradigm gets more convoluted and improbable as the search continues, and the design paradigm gets more and more plausible.
A Good Saturday Evening Flick
Perhaps that seemed more plausible than global warming.
Times, Sunday Times
The Englehart incarnation of bats is one that is plausible to have a successor for.
Review: Captain America - Reborn #4 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
He listens politely, then makes plausible but essentially empty gestures.
What do you mean, it all sounds utterly implausible?
Times, Sunday Times
Many modern philosophers consider that claims to knowledge of an unembodied consciousness (a God) are too dubious and implausible to be worth considering.
I'm far more offended by minstrelizing robots with no plausible connection to hip hop by any imaginative stretch and the use of mudflap a derogatory term involving the assumption of a dirty and uncivilized penis than a series of black monsters set in Africa of all places.
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
There's no new insight into the cause of the failure of the port wing, but Oberg spells out just why some analysts think it's plausible that the crew lived through the minute or so after the shuttle started to yaw to port.
So I had to cancel our booking and come up with a plausible excuse as to why we couldn't go any more.
Times, Sunday Times
A plausible narrative could have unfolded in this way.
Times, Sunday Times
Apocalypse comes cheap in the movies today: whatever happened to create the blasted and underpeopled landscapes of The Road, The Book Of Eli or Zombieland may have its far more plausible roots in something like what we see in Contagion.
Contagion is the latest change in Steven Soderbergh's chameleon career
A reasoning becomes plausible if it is logical and if there is empirical support.
He disputed this apparently plausible report with some vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
In the present state of our knowledge delle Vida's argument is plausible but not decisive.
We are also a sucker for anything that sounds like a plausible story.
Times, Sunday Times
Bayesian 'suggested the implausible image of a process that gets the correct answer, then adulterates it with a bias.
Daniel Kahneman - Autobiography
A plausible explanation may be that, when - oo occurs as a slang suffix rather than an infix (as in superoo for super or smasheroo for smash (er)), the primary stress of the word shifts from the first syllable to the last.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 4
I admit: It's unlikely that a bug that large would lack legs, although I do still think it's plausible that he lost them in some kind of bedbug warfare.
It's Not You, It's Your Bedbugs
After the pair enjoyed an implausible pop stardom together, Flynn baled out and found peace with his inner self.
Meanwhile, Nick breaks the awkward silence with Madge concerning her current plight, and a not very plausible ginger-haired halfwit continues to pursue the ladies.
Tonight's TV highlights: Asian Gracefully | Benidorm | Friday Night Dinner | The Simpsons | Ron Sexsmith: Love Shines | Treme
It gives us a plausible look at time travel and its potential consequences without having characters popping around through time changing events willy-nilly with no consideration for logic or continuity.
20 « March « 2009 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
Now, the perpetrator governments have agreed to this legal conclusion, although they maintain the implausible assertion that gun confiscations were not the result of official policy.
This explanation sounds plausible, but we need to be wary of assuming that the Danes and East Angles still thought of themselves as fundamentally different from one another.
Since then more and more circumstantial evidence, much of it detailed and plausible, has been discovered as more alleged victims have come forward.
Times, Sunday Times
When Auerbach was casting the film, she was very aware that the actors had to be plausible together as mother and son.
gave the teacher an implausible excuse
Where the medium is not continuous on the scale of the measurement being made the assumption is not so plausible.
Second, a more plausible critique of eurozone diplomacy says that the deal is botched.
Times, Sunday Times
However, there is another equally plausible candidate for the role of villain.
A couple of years ago this kind of scenario seemed plausible to thousands of people who committed themselves to self-build co-operatives.
Dutt actually looks plausible as the weather-beaten old literary lion, galled by his own unfashionability.
If they found an earthlike planet there it would make it seem that much more plausible.. and if nothings found at least it should put the matter to rest.
Kepler Discovers Planets-like Objects Hotter Than Stars | Universe Today
Plausible deniability" is how the presentation put it.
Archive 2008-08-01
The evolution of inherited forms of behavior is as plausible as the evolution of any function of the organism when the environment can be regarded as reasonably stable.
She could find no plausible explanation for its disappearance.
Both sides are able to make a pretty plausible argument that the alteration is what they want it to be.
Is Proposition 8 Legal? | Heretical Ideas Magazine
A synthetic memory of an earthquake would automatically be supplemented by confabulated but plausible cliques.
World Wide Mind
But his book was recently reissued, and in the context of the past 40 years his theories now look very plausible indeed.
Times, Sunday Times
It sounds plausible till you examine it.
Times, Sunday Times
This idea is totally implausible.
But there are a number of plausible competing explanations.
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
The plays require neither plot structure nor plausible dénouement to produce the recurring fantasy of woman's life in the absence of men.
If experiments conducted in the here and now are to shed light on the there and then, they must meet two conditions: They must demonstrate in the first place the existence of a detailed chemical pathway between RNA precursors and a form of self-replicating RNA; and they must provide in the second place a demonstration that the spontaneous appearance of this pathway is plausible under pre-biotic conditions.
Berlinski stirring the pot
Because no one has thus far exposed the pattern, each attack may seem plausible on first impression.
But at the end of a week of hasty retreats on payday lenders and cigarette packaging such crazy symmetry sounded horribly plausible.
Times, Sunday Times
Now a scientific study is a scientific study — inherently criticizable — but surely there are more plausible criticisms than that!
The Myth of the New Anti-Semitism | Jewschool
But the theory is biologically plausible, and the evidence intriguing.
Times, Sunday Times
Of all the impossible occurrences in Fantastic Four, none seems as implausible as scientist Reed Richards's scheme to make billions of dollars by studying the human genome through the exposure of plants - yes, plants - to cosmic rays.
Home advantage and better preparation make that outcome entirely plausible, as long as England seize the initiative early.
Times, Sunday Times
Martin had a way of making a very plausible argument for resettling the Karma circle back on it's axis.
He has plausible deniability if things go wrong.
Peter Wiggin, the eldest, is a cruel and sadistic boy with grandiose but entirely plausible ideas of ruling the world.
Ender’s Game: Lost Childhood « A Working Title
Still he as constantly maintained them, with a kind of congruity that astonished me, and even rendered many of them plausible.
Anna St. Ives
From describing the Iraqi insurgency as being in its "last throes" (when it was patently just getting revved up for its second throes) to calling the acceptability of waterboarding a "no-brainer" (when even the people who conduct it say that the information it yields cannot be relied upon), he continues to defend the indefensible with the implausible and the discredited.
Ellis Weiner: International Man of Mystery
One quite plausible possibility is the absorption of ultraviolet light.
Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
With a plausible excuse, and seeming indifference, he gracefully opened conversation with the mantuamaker as only a Parisian can.
Condensed Novels
The Hot is self-explanatory, given that the most plausible explanation for the burkini was the Australian sun; Flat, because the speed of the web ensures an audience of millions, even billions, within hours for the smallest detail of someone's everyday life, and Crowded, because for a celebrity, nowhere is safe from the long reach of a paparazzi zoom lens.
Nigella Lawson and the great burkini cover-up
The shop will contain numerically controlled milling machines and lathes, as well as other expensive equipment, and will require a plausible explanation — a front company set up to manufacture, say, transmission components.
How to Get a Nuclear Bomb
By adopting the stingiest plausible interpretation of the Constitution's protections for religion, the administration is steering us toward years of unending legal battles.
On Religious Freedom, Years of Battles Ahead
Also, it's entirely plausible to me that there are shrinks out there who overdiagnose because they think they are actually helping parents and their kids and solving problems.
Savage autism.
He largely refused to offer explanations or interpretations of his films: when he did so, they were implausible.
The Times Literary Supplement
That is practically what Michelet did, and though the garrulous old gossip drivelled endlessly about matters of supreme unimportance and ecstasized in his mild way over trivial anecdotes which he expanded beyond all proportion, and though his sentimentality and chauvinism sometimes discredited his quite plausible conjectures, he was nevertheless the only French historian who had overcome the limitation of time and made another age live anew before our eyes.
No argument but if the nature of building block biochemicals and natural laws indicate that a process culminating in a cell is implausible - what then?
Berlinski stirring the pot
Plausible though the notion may seem, there are serious difficulties in formalizing Wolfram's notion of ‘computational irreducibility.’
Taken together these approaches provide a startlingly comprehensive picture for a plausible understanding of the socio-ecological origins of human life.
So what Daniel was conceived on island and they left the others so she wouldnt die … its plausible.btw. the chronology is getting really confusing.
The Tail Section » Discussion for Episode 5.3 “Jughead”
Like most X-Box scuttlebutt, the various elements of the leaked spec. are tantalisingly plausible - bloody obvious, if you think about it, possibly too obvious - but too vague to draw any real conclusions.
His story was/sounded perfectly plausible.
An enactment which threatened the essential elements of any plausible conception of democratic government would lie beyond those boundaries.
This unsourced accusation, which probably originates in the expatriate Iranian community, strikes me as completely implausible.
Nobody can know what kind of world will result from the interplay of these forces, but it is possible to envisage plausible futures.
The everyday familiarity of chicken makes the threat seem all the more plausible.
But we always made fulfillment of the pledges contingent upon the Magnificent 40's approval of a new and plausible business plan.
And there are the various motives and alibis, plausible and im-, all of which lead to the eventual solving of the crime.
James Scarborough: Snooty and the Beast, All American Melodrama Theatre & Music Hall/Screaming Mimi!, Act Out Mystery Theatre
And for those of us who remember the last death rattle of the portable cassette player as the first iPod appeared, it sounds plausible.
Times, Sunday Times
It is quite plausible to think that the first five agential operators satisfy the conditions of the traditional square and the traditional threefold classification scheme:
Deontic Logic
He's got the victim's blood on his jacket and he has no plausible alibi for the night of the murder.
Times, Sunday Times
But humanity long ago chose to neglect those plausible reasons.
Christianity Today
He twists and contorts the impossible and the plausible, having his characters do impossible things that make absolute sense.
But there was a plausible excuse for this - the war was still in full flow.
Times, Sunday Times
The second of these scenarios became less plausible by the day.
Times, Sunday Times
Between 1846 and 1914 - the period when the British claim to hegemony seems most plausible - the United Kingdom too suffered a few reverses, of course.
Second, I think the most plausible versions of utilitarianism frame themselves as theories of how to treat people (or sentients) equally, and this conception is a big part of their intuitive appeal.
Vegan Envy
It's entirely plausible the forecast could be for inflation above 2.5%.
Times, Sunday Times
Unfortunately, in this reviewer's estimation, it is a flawed one: an attempted blend of evolutionary theory as the basis for psychology and implausible Freudian psychobabble.
It is departing from the realm of plausible re-election prospects, in other words, and moving towards a Jimmy Carterish netherworld.
Unfortunately, I find it plausible that the case for free trade cannot sink in when it is presented in nonmathematical form.
Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The effectiveness of some cysteine substitutions at even-numbered positions is also plausible because they are close to the trans pore entrance and apparently not buried in the membrane.
The most plausible explanation of its origin seems to be that it came in via American English, calqued on German ‘hoffentlich’.
In any case, some of the claims made by those who believe they are being controlled by these electronic weapons do not seem plausible.
The role equality plays in motivating a special concern for the worst off is just the idea of equal consideration that will be a feature of every plausible moral system, including aggregative views like pure utilitarianism.
Inequality: Does Anyone Really Care?
The whole plot of the film is ridiculously implausible.
For Amelia Heaton-Renshaw, that implausible yarn is the true story of her two-year-old Shanghai business, Amelia's Marketplace, which bills itself as the city's 'jam and chutney hotline.'
As I've explained, the Administration bill would purport to "construe" Common Article 3 of Geneva to prohibit only what the McCain Amendment prohibits (and to cut off any judicial review that might overturn that implausible interpretation of Common Article 3).
A helpful tip from a friend and partner, granted from a position of plausible deniability.
They have plausible arguments to put forward, and these we must try to answer.
In reality, the prospect is implausible: reduce a man's propensity to lust and he will compensate with an increased aggression or cupidity.
I treated that information as plausible conjecture and afforded it credibility as such.
Critics say the film is dated, "stagey," and implausible.
Tom Gregory: California Kicks Right-Wing Butt
Such omissions may have been plausible in the first blush of enthusiasm for reform, but they seem indefensible after many decades of evidence that adventurous teaching is rare. quoted from 《teaching practice: plus que ca change》, p38
Human-Error Processor
The first cad we meet - a man who has conceived a fantastic hatred for a small physical flaw in his wife - is plausible and shocking.
You could invent a plausible excuse for leaving early.
Times, Sunday Times
U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee threw out the banks as defendants last year, saying that allegations "that the banks and [R.A. North] were in cahoots with TRM" were "simply implausible.
Lure of quick profits snared investors in Carolina land deals
Again, the distributed associative memory model may well suggest efficient and plausible ways of doing this.
The second of these scenarios became less plausible by the day.
Times, Sunday Times
Raven was clearly justified in eliding details of the two plots, in the interest of stiffening his adaptation, and making it plausible to 1970s viewers.
The only drawback to this eminently plausible case is that there is not a scrap of evidence for it.
The most plausible accounts of the Buddha's life before and during the awakening are found in bare and simple narratives in which the Buddha seems to speak of his own experience.
Nothing of the implausible metaphysics of this poem, let alone its specific Neoplatonic decor, need obscure what comes to light, and to ear, by such associations about a continuous human potentiality modeled in verse itself.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
I see here another case of a combined psychical (partial) operation of a "mediumistic" kind; and this hypothesis makes very plausible the other no less impressive hypothesis of the observer that his mind was reading (in a subconscious way) the mind of the horse.
Lola or, The Thought and Speech of Animals
Though we should remain sceptical about these accounts – as Domning noted – it is not implausible that they were genuine, and Domning cites a radio-tracked Florida manatee that, in 1995, got as far as Rhode Island.
Archive 2006-01-01
It is lipophilic (the log of the octanol-water partition co-efficient (K ow) for BPA is between 2.2 and 3.82 (NTP, 2008)) and it is plausible that partitioning to lipid rich tissues could occur with frequent exposure.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
But even seemingly baseless reports such as these can sound plausible in the current climate of rumour-mongering.
Globe and Mail
But there are a number of plausible competing explanations.
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
I believe that alien visitation is completely plausible, even given the tremendous travel limitations that would be presented by sheer distance and the Theory (LAW) of Relativity.
Is “The Fourth Kind” real or fake? Secrets revealed » Scene-Stealers
And there are the various motives and alibis, plausible and im-, all of which lead to the eventual solving of the crime.
James Scarborough: Snooty and the Beast, All American Melodrama Theatre & Music Hall/Screaming Mimi!, Act Out Mystery Theatre
It sounds plausible till you examine it.
Times, Sunday Times
If, on the other hand, we find that Timaeus or the Eleatic visitor talks about forms in a way that does not harmonize with the way Socrates conceives of those abstract objects, in the dialogues that assign him a central role as director of the conversation, then the most plausible explanation for these discrepancies is that Plato has changed his mind about the nature of these entities.
Not knowing her at all is becoming an increasingly implausible option.
Times, Sunday Times
Ever since Ronald Reagan's henchmen coined the phrase "plausible deniability," that's become our national motto.
Ethan Casey: Terry Jones' America Is A Dangerous Place To Be
A neurobiological diathesis similar to anxiety, specifically panic disorder, is a neurobiologically plausible mechanism to explain triggered reactions to ambient doses of environmental agents, real or perceived.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Professors and Intelligent Design:
The ‘moral age of consent’ argument is indeed a plausible one, though one that I think on balance is unsound.
That is, it is plausible to hypothesize that observations of altered plasma steroids in contaminant-exposed juvenile and adult alligators are, in part, a response to nitrogenous pollutants.
Originally it may have been plausible for you to misunderstand, that is no longer the case.
Is That Legal?: "Aryanization" and the Question of German "Coercion"
Because sense-datum theories are most plausible when applied to intransitive bodily sensations, many philosophers, who believe that a naturalist account of ordinary perception can be given without introducing sense-data, have attempted to understand pains and other bodily sensations as species of ordinary perception (exteroception).
Four hundredweight in a one-horse cart was low in comparison with the weights carried by scheduled carriers but it is a plausible average to use for traffic on the rural roads of Cheshire.
Even so, its new forecast of flat prices looks plausible and matches my view.
Chatterton claimed to have transcribed this poetry, which was written in a plausible pastiche of late Middle English, from old parchments found in the muniment room of the parish church of St. Mary Redcliffe, where his father had been a lay clerk.
The Marvelous Boy
The suggestion here is that you cannot ‘do that ie. the preparation of the state will create the ‘right environment (at least that is how I understand it), but this argument seems very unplausible to me (this comes close to non-local conspiracy theories).’
I think that if we have a situation where the Taliban comes into power in Afghanistan, it's going to be very difficult to deter them from somehow hosting Al Qaida elements, because they can very easily establish what you call plausible deniability.
CNN Transcript Nov 12, 2009
National differences in factor abundance offer plausible partial explanations for international variations in patterns of specialization and trade.
Competing in a Global Economy
The company has been seen as a takeover target, but that looks implausible.
Times, Sunday Times
The case against climate change is plausible: the earth has always experienced large cycles in temperature, caused by natural events which dwarf man's current industrial exhalations.
The more unplausible the event the more it will hurt you.
So I had to cancel our booking and come up with a plausible excuse as to why we couldn't go any more.
Times, Sunday Times
You could invent a plausible excuse for leaving early.
Times, Sunday Times
A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.
She could find no plausible explanation for its disappearance.
Of course there are many plausible reasons why two firms might wish to merge.
Principles of Corporate Finance
It's wildly implausible, it's a cheap and uninvolving way to tell a story, and it shows the film's willingness to betray its characters for the sake of a laugh.
These are all plausible objections to globalization as the defining element in contemporary order.
Until the newest critics of trade give at least one plausible example of how a policy of unfree trade could make a country richer, I'm sticking with the orthodox conclusions.
There's another more plausible reason though.
The Sun
The operation against the mech was a success, in the sense that a plausible threat to the ship was removed.
Tides Of Light
A discourse for which there were few takers earlier began to sound plausible.
And a flat earth actually sounds quite plausible compared with some crackpot theories.
Times, Sunday Times
The shifty look, the evasive stare, the implausible excuse.
Times, Sunday Times
But his book was recently reissued, and in the context of the past 40 years his theories now look very plausible indeed.
Times, Sunday Times
All this seems plausible enough but it's not the full story.
Times, Sunday Times
And now I can actually see a plausible interpretation that Santorum mistakenly starts to say the word lives before he says people's, so he then self-corrects, adding people's before he repeats lives again.
Sam Sommers: Santorum: Freudian Slip or Stutter?
A plausible narrative could have unfolded in this way.
Times, Sunday Times
These studies confidently predict that at any plausible temperatures in Jupiter no solid molecular hydrogen surface is encountered.
The second hypothesis, which is more plausible, is that Helen is illegitimate - one of her debauched father's by-blows.
All this seems plausible enough but it's not the full story.
Times, Sunday Times
The problem is that these very complications are all too neat and not too plausible.
The proposal for a new building had a more plausible scale and circulation pattern in a somewhat lower structure.
In popular consciousness, Evangelical or evangelistically minded Christians and Muslims are two plausible contenders.
Ben DeVan: Evangelicals And Muslims Loving God, Each Other, And The World Together?
It's not entirely implausible that a galaxy could be identical to our own.
It is a handsome period recreation, full of action that is both exciting and plausible, and gives you a thing or two to think about.
He said: ‘Elderly householders are vulnerable to plausible deceivers who create anxiety by claiming to observe defects in their houses and then offer to repair them.’
Each Loser is introduced with a comic rendering of their likeness, a handful of mildly implausible stunts keep things visually interesting, and then there's the egg-shaped superbomb that Max refers to as "The Snuke".
Something Awful
Home advantage and better preparation make that outcome entirely plausible, as long as England seize the initiative early.
Times, Sunday Times
Rupert Everett is a brooding Higgins: he's too Heathcliffian to be entirely plausible as an obsessive noter of accents, but Shaw, who must have identified with the professor, might have liked that.
Spur of the Moment; Pygmalion; The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist; The Magical Menagerie
Margaret found his excuse somewhat implausible.
Schopenhauer has a very clear and plausible answer: location in space and time.
The paper not cited in the article Cordova A, et al., Amino acid catalyzed neogenesis of carbohydrates: a plausible ancient transformation.
Abiogenesis: How plausible are the current models? - The Panda's Thumb
It now sounds highly implausible.
Times, Sunday Times
Thorne cites several theories which have been advanced by etymologists and cookery writers, none of which is particularly plausible.
But the theory is biologically plausible, and the evidence intriguing.
Times, Sunday Times
Reality develops in a way inconsistent with the models, so quickly conject a plausible mechanism most marks if the mechanism can be somehow blamed on humans, update the models to include this mechanism and reclaim perfect hindcasting.
The Coming Katrina Anniversary « Climate Audit
In every case they are very plausible and gain the confidence of a trusting generation.
Yet, somehow, she made her character seem plausible, complex and (most remarkably) real, despite having to play scenes where she was attacked by yetis, slimed on by mutant moths and even inseminated with an alien baby.
This is a fairly plausible rationalist explanation of how magic can work.
One can only offer a more or less plausible expectation.
Times, Sunday Times
“The Lord of Gilsland is right,” said the Lady Calista, much agitated at the thoughts of the investigation which was to take place; “and besides, if I had presence of mind enough to forge a plausible story, beshrew me if I think I should have the courage to tell it.”
The Talisman
The ‘last’ in last resort can mean ‘only,’ in circumstances where there is plausible reason to believe that nonmilitary actions are unavailable or unavailing.
Some philosophers will find implausible the claim that contextualism is the cure for relativism.
I leave you with one thought & a plausible end to fanatical religionist terrorism: Think green ecologically & economically green, a trillion dollar industry meeting all the requirements of unabused capitalism.
Think Progress » FULL TRANSCRIPT: Clinton Takes On Fox News
This analysis seems plausible in theory, but it ought to be noted that the most popular person to be beatified in recent years is the stigmatic Padre Pio, who was very much an eccentric, an ascetic, and a prodigy.
However, the expense of mounting such a complex expedition, and the extremely poor odds in favor of survival, made material profit implausible as a motive for going to war.
So what might be a plausible response to the logic of natural selection, where order proceeds from chaos, and where chance seems constitutive of nature rather than the byproduct of human choice?
If they are representative, the only plausible answer is to consider their supposed ideology.
There is no clear-cut distinction between the plausible and the fantastic.
Thanks to Rhett in the comments section for offering a plausible explanation for the discrepancy in prices.
The high intensity of exposure to asbestos fibers is the most plausible causative factor responsible for a higher rate of respiratory diseases that occurred among miners and millers from Thetford-Mines.
A plausible explanation for gender disparities in promotion is that women have fewer mentors and professional networks and less collegial support while in the academic medical system.
E-mail addresses were exchanged together with his rather implausible excuse of why we might not see each other for some time.
Times, Sunday Times
The parade of cardboard characters with implausible motives makes for a less than satisfying read.
Drawing on exit polls, he infers that this subgroup is likely two-thirds Latino and concludes that, as such, the apparent shift to Republicans is the "most implausible result" in the Gallup Poll.
Gallup's Frank Newport Responds To Criticism
Somebody should have catalogued his increasingly belligerent rhetoric, compared and contrasted his statements to prior formulations, and laid out one or more plausible explanations for the change.