How To Use Platyhelminth In A Sentence
We go passing into the mid selenolatry for housebroken two televangelism and platyhelminthes concerned on the alpestrine of the goop.
Rational Review
In contrast, the free-living platyhelminth Schmidtea mediterranea (Class Turbellaria) possesses conventional and linked thioredoxin and glutathione systems.
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Unlike the situation in nematodes and platyhelminths, substantial evidence supports a close phylogenetic affinity of acanthocephalans to the predominately free-living rotifers.
Little is known regarding the genomic structure of flatworm TGRs, the expression of TGR variants and whether the absence of conventional thioredoxin and glutathione systems is a signature of the entire platyhelminth phylum.
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Frontal glands have been cited in the classical literature as probable homologues of Platyhelminthes and nemerteans.
In contrast to their mammalian hosts, platyhelminth (flatworm) parasites studied so far, lack conventional thioredoxin and glutathione systems.
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Here we describe trans-splicing in the freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea, a free-living member of the phylum Platyhelminthes.
In contrast to platyhelminths, nemerteans possess a circulatory system, comprised of fluid-filled, cell-lined channels situated between the gut and body-wall musculature.
Consequently, his conclusion that platyhelminths, nemerteans, and rotifers ‘appear to have never had’ a prototroch is not supported by his analysis.
He also concluded that nemerteans, platyhelminths, and rotifers never had a prototroch.
Platyhelminth parasites possess a unique and simplified redox system for diverse essential processes, and thus TGR is an excellent drug target for platyhelminth infections.
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They decipher traces of ancient Platyhelminthe movement in the California mountains, on rocks that are over half a billion years old.
Parasitism is a common phenomenon in many animal taxa, from simple platyhelminths to vertebrates such as fish and birds.
More detailed classification of platyhelminths is available from the Tree of Life at the University of Arizona.
Although long considered a character informative for linking nemerteans and platyhelminths, rigorous comparative analyses of protonephridial morphology have revealed no synapomorphies of nemertean and platyhelminth nephridia.
Unlike the situation in nematodes and platyhelminths, substantial evidence supports a close phylogenetic affinity of acanthocephalans to the predominately free-living rotifers.
We also provide experimental evidence that alternative initiation of transcription and alternative transcript processing contribute to the generation of TGR variants in platyhelminth parasites.
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In fact, there are so many species of beetles that there are more species of beetles than the total number of species currently living in the Phyla Echinodermata, Mollusca, Annelida, Platyhelminthes, Cnidaria, and Porifera combined!
Species richness
TGR has been recently validated as a drug target for schistosomiasis and new drug leads targeting TGR have recently been identified for these platyhelminth infections that affect more than 200 million people and for which a single drug is currently available.
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Schistosoma mansoni (a platyhelminth) [17] Phylogenetic comparisons of putative Hirudo innate immune response genes present within the Hirudo transcriptome database herein described show a strong resemblance to the corresponding mammalian genes, indicating that this important physiological response may have older origins than what has been previously proposed.
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Mushroom bodies are prominent neuropils involved in the processing of multiple sensory inputs as well as associative learning in the insect, platyhelminth, and annelid brains.
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We examine platyhelminth genomes and transcriptomes and find that all platyhelminth parasites (from classes Cestoda and Trematoda) conform to a biochemical scenario involving, exclusively, a selenium-dependent linked thioredoxin-glutathione system having TGR as a central redox hub.
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It is of course possible that Rouse's decision to score platyhelminths, nemerteans, and rotifers as lacking a prototroch is defendable, and perhaps even preferable over scoring them as possessing a prototroch.
The simplest animals that are bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic (composed of three fundamental cell layers) are the Platyhelminthes, the flatworms.