
How To Use Platonist In A Sentence

  • Having conceded so much to the opposition, he has to work hard to secure a middle-of-the-road position - to avoid drifting either to the Platonist right or to the pragmatist left.
  • I ended up explaining to one of them that Christian philosophy had sizable origins in Neo-Platonist collisions with the Semitic tradition, and that it had incredible analogues with some aspects of Dionysian Mystery cults.
  • Naturally, he regarded the pagan Platonists as mistaken in accepting polytheism, everlasting world-cycles, and the transmigration of souls.
  • We can see well enough that Paul had to fight the Gnostics, the Platonists, and the ascetics on these counts.
  • There were Christian Platonists in antiquity who believed in reincarnation. Matthew Yglesias » Beck vs Social Justice
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  • I've become less Platonist than I apparently was the last time I read it, because I think I jibbed a little more strongly at Lewis' Platonism this time, but there's no denying that it makes a fascinating supernatural element. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • For the Platonists, the soul is the human being; the intellect is eternal, and pre-exists and survives the body.
  • “ancient theology” (prisca theologia); and according to Agrippa and Florentine philosophers such as Ficino, this wisdom was passed along by way of the Pythagoreans to Plato and his later disciples, whom the Renaissance called Platonists but modern scholarship calls Neoplatonists. Loss of Faith
  • He adopted much of the teaching, but gave it a twist brain-mindwards; yet not such a twist, either, but that the Neo-Platonists in their day, and certain of the Arab and Turkish philosophers after them, could re-Platonize it to a degree and admit him thus re-Platonized into their canon. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • From a pragmatist point of view, this looks like regression to the Platonist idea that we have responsibilities not only to our fellow humans, but to something non-human.
  • Touching which point Proclus the Platonist disputeth, that the compounded essence of the world (and because compounded, therefore dissipable) is continued, and knit to the Divine Being, by an individual and inseparable power, flowing from Divine unity; and that the world's natural appetite of Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations
  • As for eudaemonism, sure, I follow Professor Long on this point although, my conception of virtue is colored by my reading Augustine, the theurgic neoplatonists, and the “Blue Socialist” tradition of William Cobbett and John Ruskin. Abortion on demand and without apology (Kiwi edition)
  • The hierarchical structure of the universe pro - claimed by the leading Neo-Platonists and codified by the Areopagite was bequeathed to the Middle Ages to be “methodized” into a scheme which affected every single aspect of the period's life and thought. HIERARCHY AND ORDER
  • Naturally, he regarded the pagan Platonists as mistaken in accepting polytheism, everlasting world-cycles, and the transmigration of souls.
  • I ended up explaining to one of them that Christian philosophy had sizable origins in Neo-Platonist collisions with the Semitic tradition, and that it had incredible analogues with some aspects of Dionysian Mystery cults.
  • Reuchlin minimized the value of the ancient Platonists and the other non-Christian prisci theologi, confining his concept of ancient wisdom mainly to works in the Jewish and Christian religious traditions, though he was also influenced by Ficino and Pico. Loss of Faith
  • Following Aristotle and the Platonists, Abraham divided the universe into three parts: the spiritual, celestial, and sublunary worlds.
  • Even when the Renaissance Neoplatonist Marsilio Ficino talked about the health of the scholar he meant to refer to the state of his spiritus.
  • But this doctrine that souls are acquired by heredity carried more physical implications than at least some Platonists could feel at ease with.
  • This powerful and consistent materialism, somewhat modified from its original form by Epicurus, persisted as the chief competitor to the teleological natural philosophies of the Peripatetics, Stoics and Platonists.
  • Stretching all the way back to the Neoplatonist Plotinus, experientialism views what the believer refers to as God as "the one beyond all knowing and being (66). blogs
  • When he returned to Sardis he entered the circle of local Neoplatonists, learned theurgy and medicine, and mainly taught rhetoric.
  • Metaphysics VII 3: In abstracting all qualities and other determinations from body Aristotle arrived at a conception of characterless, undetermined matter, a “prime matter” that the Neoplatonists later defined as formless and incorporeal (because it was no actual body, but only the necessary underlying condition for bodies). John Philoponus
  • Contributing to the Neo-Platonism of Plotinus were — besides Plato (read very selectively) and the Platonist and Neo-Pythagorean commentators on his thought — a constructively critical consideration of Aristotle and his Peripatetic commentators and an influence, deep at some points, of Stoic ideas which Plotinus 'conscious and frequently expressed hostility to Stoic corporealism could not overcome. NEO-PLATONISM
  • Mathematicians, most of whom act as Platonists, believe that mathematics is an actual ideal non-physical realm that lies behind our familiar reality of objects.
  • For the Platonists, the soul is the human being; the intellect is eternal, and pre-exists and survives the body.
  • Platonists was Henry More, one of whose hooks Addison quoted four essays back (in No. 86), and who died only four and twenty years before these essays were written, after a long contest in prose and verse, against besotting or obnubilating the soul with the 'foul steam of earthly life.' Spectator, June 13, 1711
  • Stoicism indeed seems to fall back into the materialism that I prevailed before Plato and Aristotle; but the ethical dualism which dominated the mood of the Stoic philosophers, did not in the long run tolerate the materialistic physics; it sought and found help in the metaphysical dualism of the Platonists, and at the same time reconciled itself to the popular religion by means of allegorism, that is, it formed a new theology. History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
  • For a pagan Platonist its particularity seemed scandalously incompatible with divine immutability and with a universal operation of providence in the cosmos as a whole.
  • Paracelsi de vita longa, out of some Platonists, will have the air to be as full of them as snow falling in the skies, and that they may be seen, and withal sets down the means how men may see them; Si irreverberatus oculis sole splendente versus caelum continuaverint obtutus, &c., [1134] and saith moreover he tried it, praemissorum feci experimentum, and it was true, that the Platonists said. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In this passage, Berger has simply assumed that the platonist position has prevailed.
  • But in the second half of the century both neoplatonists and mechanists usually promoted more practical projects.
  • Illustrating Ortega's remark, we call unwitting or in - nocent Platonists all those — from German romanticism to recent popular poetry — who speak of “soul brother or sister,” “the fusion of souls” in “the ecstasy of love” in which lovers believe they are “joined as One,” and those who describe themselves as being loved by their LOVE
  • This ambivalence over the simplicity or complexity of the discarnate soul became a point of controversy among later Platonists.
  • We can see well enough that Paul had to fight the Gnostics, the Platonists, and the ascetics on these counts.
  • His analysis of the Derveni papyrus shows that there were two distinct Orphic theogonies of classical date, that were later modified and finally amalgamated into the ‘24 Rhapsodies’ from which the Neoplatonists quote.
  • In Albert he encountered a wide-ranging encyclopedism which included original work, experimental and theoretical, in natural science, and treated Aristotelian natural philosophy and psychology in the light of a neo-Platonism derived from Arabic philosophers and such Greco-Arab sources as the Liber de Causis, as well as the Christian neo-Platonist tradition of the Pseudo-Dionysius. Dante Alighieri
  • Most Neoplatonists followed Alexander of Aphrodisias in regarding logic not as a separate philosophical discipline (the Stoic view) but rather as philosophy's tool, its organon. John Philoponus
  • Alexandrian theology is generally Platonistic and spiritualistic and it sees the soul as the center of human existence.
  • The last of our own Platonists was Henry More, one of whose books Addison quoted four essays back (in No. 86), and who died only four and twenty years before these essays were written, after a long contest in prose and verse, against besotting or obnubilating the soul with 'the foul steam of earthly life.'] [Footnote 2: which] [Footnote 3: Paraphrased from the 'Academe Galante' (Ed. 1708, p. 160).] [Footnote 4: couple] ***** The Spectator, Volume 1 Eighteenth-Century Periodical Essays
  • The word monad is used by the neo-Platonists to signify the One; for instance, in the letters of the Christian Platonist Synesius, God is described as the Monad of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Being mathematicians, they elected to name their firstborn after someone called Hypatia of Alexandria, a Neoplatonist philosopher who met a sticky end when, presumably having pissed off the wrong people the Antiplatonists? she was stripped naked and flayed with oyster shells before being burned alive. Confetti Confidential
  • At the beginning of this debate Stephen said that he thinks that he is a positivist, whereas I am a Platonist.
  • In the hunt - ing of “Leviathan” which ensued (see Mintz) perhaps only the Cambridge Platonists managed to shun scur - rility. HIERARCHY AND ORDER

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