How To Use Platonic In A Sentence

  • Crucially, at the heart of this construct is the Commission, comprised of appointed technocrats ruling as benign Platonic guardians, protecting the interests of all the peoples of Europe. Democracy or stability?
  • He mistakenly characterizes spirituality as a pallid Platonic flight from the world or some kind of interiorized religious stirrings.
  • We stagger round with the Platonic idea (from the Symposium) that we can love only one other person.
  • In medieval terms, the Platonic approach locates music in the quadrivium, as a branch of mathematics, while the Aristotelian locates it with the practical arts of the trivium, grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
  • While Buddhism is deemed nontheistic, the Vedas are regarded as polytheistic, and the Bible is monotheistic, we have seen that the cosmogonies of Vajrayana Buddhism, Vedanta, and Neoplatonic Christianity have so much in common that they could almost be regarded as varying interpretations of a single theory. C for Confusion!
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  • It was a set of platonic bodies: there was an octahedron and a double tetrahedron.
  • One might conclude, as some did in antiquity, that Arcesilaus therefore had a hidden objective of undermining Stoic or Epicurean empiricism in favor of Platonic doctrine.
  • Beyond even the highest point of this interior life, in which the contemplative feels himself to be living “in God,” [26] is that transfigured or deified life, as the Platonic mystics named it, which Ruysbroeck calls overwesen — superessential — the life of the “God-seeing man” (Book III). The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
  • Humans are also preoccupied by fantasy & fiction of all types, even especially? knowing that it is *fiction*, we do not have to hypothesize a platonic realm to explain that... Free Will and Behavioral Genetics, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There's little indication of the available range of ethical theories, from crude emotivism to Platonic realism, from McDowellian objectivism to virtue theory.
  • Here are some things to keep in mind when the guy you want to catch under the mistletoe is more into keeping it strictly platonic.
  • Otherwise, the picture we get of the Academy is of a centre for discussions, with no indication that students went there to learn Platonic doctrines.
  • After looking at me blankly for a few minutes (I was preparing my declaration of Platonic love), she suddenly began crying into her hands. THE DICE MAN
  • The painting was not an accurate representation of the Falls but a kind of Platonic ideal.
  • German philosophy after Kant could be summarized as hankering after the noumena, and thus as more “Platonic” than Kant. Matthew Yglesias » Time For a Blogger Ethics Panel
  • The old neoplatonic shadow of what Emerson in ‘The Transcendentalist’ calls an ‘optative mood,’ reconciling textual particular and idealist consciousness, is not as far away here as one might initially imagine.
  • Mulla Sadra inherited a variety of theories ranging from Platonic recollection (anamnesis) and division to Peripatetic syllogistics, definitions and axiomatic science. Mulla Sadra
  • In you also, my dear Paul, this century appears to have perfected astronomy, and in Florence it has recalled the platonic teaching from darkness into light. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Despite frequent inconsistencies and misapprehensions, the work was a principal transmitter of ancient science and Neoplatonic thought to the western Middle Ages.
  • Epicurus rejected the existence of Platonic forms and an immaterial soul, and he said that the gods have no influence on our lives.
  • It is really a sort of sublimated and apotheosized "argot," an "argot" of a kind of platonic archetypal drawing-room; such a drawing-room as has never existed perhaps, but to which all drawing-rooms or salons, if you will, of elegant conversation, perpetually approximate. Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations
  • In 1462, Ficino decorated the Medici villa at Careggi (home to the Platonic Academy) with astrological signs,10 an ornamental scheme also found in frescoes of the Sala dei Mesi at the Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara (1470) ,11 and in ceilings of the Medici palace at Florence (1456), whose lapis lazuli and gold-leaf ornament offered admirers a sparkling abstraction of the starry sky. 12 We can imagine a similar heavenly apparition in the gold and sapphire ceiling of the Urbino studiolo, especially when illuminated by a setting sun or candlelight. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • In the freedom of this rather unalluring garb she entered into relations Platonic, fraternal, or tempestuously passionate with perhaps the most distinguished series of friends and lovers that ever fluttered about one flame. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters
  • I love you too, Pollyanna but our relationship must remain platonic as my anus is already losing its elasticity from 30 years in banking. morgaine7 AM I CUTE?
  • More on Ascot Tina Gaudoin on Style: A Flashy, Positively Ghastly Spectacle A Week at the Races This devotion to the Platonic ideal of the horse's head, rather than to representations of, for example, individual racehorses, readily distinguishes his sculptures from the rather pedestrian, often slightly kitsch, bronzes so often found decorating the houses of "horsey" people. A Magnificent Obsession
  • A certain mystique attached to the word as a result of analogies often drawn between the creative activity of the artist and the creation of the world by the deity or by a Platonic demiurge in accordance with Ideas or prototypes.
  • The icosahedron is another of the five regular, or Platonic, bodies having all their sides, angles, and planes similar and equal. Amusements in Mathematics
  • The importance of Neoplatonic ideas in renaissance visual representation of and intervention in the physical world has been well documented.
  • Our relationship is totally platonic," she stated.
  • A pyramid is not a Platonic solid because not all the sides are the same, but by sticking an inverted pyramid on the bottom you get an octahedron, which is. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • In summary, the Platonic scenario is dominantly inductive deductive, while the Aristotelian scenario is dominantly inductive - abductive.
  • Those pioneer photographers thought that photography, through the interaction of sunlight on light-sensitive silver salts, might capture the Platonic essence of things.
  • For them to even be having a platonic relationship is highly inappropriate and we are very concerned.
  • We can say today that this university is a direct ancestor of the platonic republic of Plato's Academy.
  • Platonic love,” which by philosophers and poets of the Renaissance was understood in a pro - foundly mystical sense, was castigated by the enlight - ened authors of the rococo as the naive enthusiasm of immature adolescents. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Modern readers continue to debate whether the poems express platonic friendship or sexual love.
  • Though Islamic philosophers had a independent, religious tradition of allegorical literature from which they could draw, the allegories from medieval Islamic thinkers tend to concern the same Neoplatonic themes of the ascent of the soul and the Neoplatonic structure of the cosmos, allegorizing the stages of emanation from and return to the One. Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy
  • Some share may also have been contributed by the Platonic notion of the "grossness" or "bruteness" of tangible matter, -- a notion which has survived in Christian theology, and which educated men of the present day have by no means universally outgrown. The Unseen World, and Other Essays
  • To answer this question, one might begin by contrasting, at least in a crude way, a Humean with a Platonic conception of practical reasoning.
  • When hikers discovered that a good view was being obstructed by trees, the government would unleash lumberjacks - and cows - to deforest the area, imagineering the scene back into the Platonic tourist ideal.
  • We could say, in a Platonic sense, that the dart of nostalgia hits man, wounds him, and precisely in this way puts wings on him, lifts him upwards.
  • Unsane and Savage on a:comparison between the verticality of the Neoplatonic metaphysics and the Seyn of the Ereignis as immediate horizontal ground Archive 2009-04-01
  • Although the relationship was flirtatious it was platonic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just look at this recent article in Elle magazine about young, hip married couples who had shifted into a platonic relationship without anyone's noticing or objecting. Dirty talk? New sex survey's surprising stats
  • Nothing of the implausible metaphysics of this poem, let alone its specific Neoplatonic decor, need obscure what comes to light, and to ear, by such associations about a continuous human potentiality modeled in verse itself. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • His view of human nature is often described as dualistic, and this is seen as a Platonic influence. Desiderius Erasmus
  • Haven't you ever heard of the word platonic before? Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • Philoponus, in contrast, arrives at something he calls corporeal extension (sômatikón diástêma), which is a composite of Neoplatonic prime matter and indeterminate quantity and must not be confused with Philoponian space. John Philoponus
  • Until now, our relationship has remained completely platonic.
  • Yeats refers to the concepts, in his treatises, of earthly and celestial hierarchies and of a ‘Mystical Theology’, through which knowledge of God and the progressive deification of man may be attained by a process of Neoplatonic abstraction. Later Articles and Reviews
  • Polyamory prides itself on “multiple loves” but we fight and squabble over whether to “count” platonic affectional relationships; monogamy prides itself on fidelity and pretends that the only intimacy that matters is physical. S-e-x. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • A dodecahedron is any polyhedron with twelve faces, but usually a regular dodecahedron is meant: a Platonic solid composed of twelve regular pentagonal faces, with three meeting at each vertex. Dodecahedron Papercraft | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models
  • All this might point to a tacit disappointment with the cinema as we know it and a yearning for the Platonic ideal we dream it capable of.
  • An authoritarian response would be to delegate power to a paternalistic dictator, a Platonic philosopher king.
  • Platonic relationships with the opposite sex had worked for him. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • It is a purely platonic friendship, we are good company for each other.
  • Philosophy, in sum, should not burden itself with discovering ethereal ideas floating around in a Platonic heaven, but with tending the warp and woof of human speech.
  • Its singular intimations, however, were sufficient to throw back on this strange evening, in all its detail -- the dance, the readings, the distant fire -- a kind of allegoric expression: gave it the character of one of those famous Platonic figures or apologues which had then been in fact under discussion. Marius the Epicurean — Volume 2
  • Some commentators have thought that Descartes is committed to a species of Platonic realism.
  • Only five shapes fit the bill: the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron, the quintet known as the Platonic solids since Plato wrote about them in the Timaeus. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • Berkeley, although his professed aim was merely "to remove the mist and veil of words" which hindered the clear vision of the truth, passed from empirical immaterialism to a system of Platonic mysticism based on the metaphysical principle of causality. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • It would be more useful if our West European partners' position was less platonic and if they made a more energetic and persistent effort to pound it into the Americans.
  • Son of a duumvir, he attended university in Carthage, Athens, and Rome and studied, amongst other subjects, Platonic philosophy and Latin oratory.
  • These are often known as the Platonic solids: the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron.
  • The standard Western account of that episode claims for Rome a balance of approach lacking in the more disputatious Greek theologians, who were still too besotted by the neo-Platonic speculations common in the East.
  • Naturally, the crucial Christian assertion, that God is One, sets an absolute limit on the meaning of theosis: it is not possible for any created being to become (henosis of Greek Neoplatonic philosophy). Integrating Missionally - W. David Phillips
  • According to Platonic philosophy, mathematics is the proper training for understanding the Universe as it is, as opposed to how it appears.
  • As a teacher of philosophy and rhetoric in North Africa, Augustine was strongly influenced by Neoplatonic philosophy before his conversion to Christianity. Augustine vs. Pelagius - Part One: Man, the Fall, and Original Sin | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • His enim proprietatibus delineavit Ecclesiam, quae penitus ipsam occulant, et dimotam a sensibus tamquam ideam platonicam, secretis obtutibus hominum perpaucorum subiiciant [23]; eorum tantummodo, qui singulariter afflati, corpus hoc aerium intelligentia comprehenderent, et huiusce sodalitatis participes subtili quodam oculo lustrarent. Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name of the Faith and Presented to the Illustrious Members of Our Universities
  • The true philosophy of Cudworth's intellectual system combines mechanistic atomism with Platonic metaphysics.
  • The fact that the notion of “seeing” the truth would become standard in later Platonic sources such as Plotinus and lead to the development of what has been termed Neoplatonic Light Metaphysics only strengthens the case. Francesco Patrizi
  • Observers should report with especial care all cases of unusually close relationship between children in youth, such as childish favoritism, "platonic friendships," "chumming," in school or home, etc. The Story of the Mind
  • Sidney's contempt recalls Lodge's low opinion of Gosson's scholarship, especially of his ignorance of Platonic philosophy.
  • She then became the official mistress of Louis XV and marquise before ending up as lady-in-waiting to the queen, de facto minister, and pious, platonic consort of the king.
  • But I am not quarreling with the fact that the reviewer doesn't like the book - he's perfectly free not to - or even with the idea that if there were some sort of objective, platonic ideal of a best books list, Tolkien would not be on it.
  • The interest in classical letters and Platonic philosophy led eventually to the establishment of secular education built on humanist values.
  • Jack is back and wants to be a father to Freddie, but shows no interest in Natalie, who detests the word platonic because she loves Jack. Mommy by Mistake-Rowan Coleman « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • My take on it is that the religious conception is not just about downloading the Platonic forms of "us" out of our meat bodies and uploading them into another substantial -- albeit "spiritual" -- form in another (higher, purer, but nevertheless existential, which is to say experiential) "reality", one which just so happens to be temporally non-finite. On Existence And Eternity
  • He conceived a kind of hermetical or neoplatonic godhead creating in more and more eccentric circles, until the last, which rose in contradiction, was Lucifer to whom creation was committed. Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • I say nothing of those lofty and divine Platonic doctrina, that are familiar to but few of the elect and wholly unknown to all the uninitiate, such for instance as that which teaches us that Venus is not one goddess, but two, each being strong in her own type of love and several types of lovers. The Defense
  • Morphing the platonic into the romantic can offer a very strong foundation for a partnership.
  • The neutral monism I advocate, accordingly, has more in common with the ontology of the late Platonic dialogues than with that of the early Russell which the name ˜neutral monism™ commonly brings to mind. Neutral Monism
  • Is it a parody of the platonic republic, where politics, art and philosophy come together?
  • Platonic ephebe and a Byronic 'Prisoner of Chillon', each blinded by the light of truth or of freedom. A Tour of the Sceptic
  • But that Platonic ideal required a notorious if finely crafted armature — padded hips, underwire bustiers, horsehair petti­coats, girdles, and built-in corsetry. Couture Clash
  • An anti-capitalist movement must be equal to this, otherwise it will not be effective, unless of course you intend your movement to be merely Platonic.
  • Only five shapes fit the bill: the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron, the quintet known as the Platonic solids since Plato wrote about them in the Timaeus. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • I love you too, Pollyanna but our relationship must remain platonic as my anus is already losing its elasticity from 30 years in banking. morgaine7 AM I CUTE?
  • According to the Neo-Platonic rationalisation, one can only presume that fellatio is an "impoverished" version of penetrative sex, gay sex an "impoverished" version of straight sex, and extra-marital straight sex an "impoverished" version of intra-marital straight sex. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Platonic love is devoid of any physical attraction or sexual interest.
  • The indefeasibility approach offers a new slant on the idea that knowledge should be infallible, offering something intermediate between the merely factive character of knowledge and the Platonic demand for absolute infallibility.
  • This view either assumes that those actions attract a woman on a sexual level which they do not, and cannot, because they operate on a material/platonic level, or that women only possess a kind of passionless, platonic love. Continuing the debate over sexual attraction, gender roles and power
  • OK, so you're thinking a thought is not something tied to some physical expression, Rather you think a thought exists in some other platonic dimension, and that there are innumberable possible physical manifestations of this platonic non-physical thought. Conceptualizing Design
  • Do you think she viewed the men in her life as almost Platonic abstractions, as if she didn't really see the person there a lot of times?
  • It is true that mathematical laws, if they exist, must exist in a quasi-Platonic realm of pure thought.
  • Plutarkes opinions are Platonicall, gentle and accommodable unto civil societie: Senecæs Stoicall and Epicurian, further from common use, but in my conceit14 more proper, particular, and more solid. Of Bookes.
  • The objectivity of formations, however, is not to be understood in terms of intentional inexistence (Brentano) or in the sense of Platonic realism On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
  • An eminent diplomatic commentator wrote that the action taken by France in response to atomic tests by South Africa would not be purely platonic.
  • Kepler connected the planetary orbits with the five regular polyhedra, or Platonic solids.
  • But ritual remains that we must do a series of platonic actions before we can have intercourse.
  • Is it endowed with some kind of abstract, almost Platonic existence, or is it seen in terms of its social context?
  • The knowability of the world is explained in terms of the basic Platonic principles of archetype and ectype (form and copy). The Cambridge Platonists
  • They do not expect relationships, either sexual or platonic, to last a lifetime.
  • His extramarital love affairs seem to have been Platonic; and although he once spoke of the “brutal sensuality”which “leads me so close to the greatest sins,” he placed what he called his faculty for “depraved fantasy” in the servicenot of love but of power. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • On the other hand, he will mathematize the Platonic subtraction of being from appearance. Archive 2008-11-01
  • When two people of opposite sexes are constantly in each other's society and their main topic of conversation -- however hashed, ragouted, rissoled and spiced -- is the loneliness of the Ego, certain little familiarities are likely to ensue which, though they may be of the most platonic order in the world, are not likely to be made a subject of outspoken confidence between a husband and a wife, or a married lady and her husband. Despair's Last Journey
  • Poster presented at the Houston Society for Engineering Medicine a more tissueengineering scaffold orthopaedic bone platonic archimedean Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The couple decide to try a live-in relationship, primarily platonic, though the boundaries soon dissipate.
  • Lest there be any doubts among Southern Baptists investigators about this being erotic as opposed to platonic affection, the far older James called angelic young Villiers "my sweet child and wife, and grant that ye may ever be a comfort to your dear dad and husband. Will gay unfriendly Southern Baptists expel King James?
  • He has always insisted their friendship was "platonic".
  • Axis of Naughty plovers – platonic lovers slover – stupid love liberalista tranzi – short form of Transnational Progressive pervatrator = pervert + perpetrator slutch = slut + bitch Newer Words and Phrases « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • However, a great deal of his theology is drawn, not from the Christian traditions of the time, but rather from his experience with Neoplatonic thought and his own personal experience. Augustine vs. Pelagius - Part One: Man, the Fall, and Original Sin | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • The pair have always insisted their relationship was purely platonic.
  • There are several major contemporary schools of Platonic interpretation among classicists and philosophers, as well as, naturally, many individuals who do not fit in any particular school.
  • He thus single-handedly refutes the Platonic theory of evil as ignorance of the good.
  • She formed what she called a platonic friendship -- and it was really so -- with a certain M. de Seze, who was advocate-general at Bordeaux. Famous Affinities of History — Complete
  • According to one theory G.W. Bowersock’s, in particular Julian’s Paganism was highly eccentric and atypical because it was heavily influenced by an esoteric approach to Platonic philosophy sometimes identified as theurgy and also neoplatonism. Julian 1st…Caesar of Rome! Past life experience… « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • Interwoven with these references to an almost Platonic demiurge are appeals to the selecting power of an active ‘Nature’.
  • Although the word comrade has the etymological derivatives from the Spanish “camarada” or in English “chamber mate”, which would insinuate a relationship between us that exists beyond the platonic one. Neutering The Gender Of Language « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Even after converting to Christianity, he adapted many Neoplatonic ideas to suit his new faith. Augustine vs. Pelagius - Part One: Man, the Fall, and Original Sin | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • If each edge has the same length and each face is an equilateral triangle, the result is a regular tetrahedron - one of the Platonic solids.
  • She has resigned herself to the fact that their relationship is purely platonic and will never be anything more.
  • Epicurus rejected the existence of Platonic forms and an immaterial soul, and he said that the gods have no influence on our lives.
  • The relationship is platonic, like a brother-sister relationship.
  • I think that Greek Tragedy and the Platonic dialogues are positively riddled with irony.
  • They'd had a close platonic relationship for more than thirty years.
  • The Greek, especially the Platonic, tradition saw the soul and body as utterly distinct and separate entities.
  • The relationship between Bob and Charlotte remains at the film's core, and remains platonic despite strong sexual undercurrents.
  • The painting was not an accurate representation of the Falls but a kind of Platonic ideal.
  • Throughout, Farrell and Leto make goo-goo eyes at one another and endlessly profess their love, but it's all safely and platonically handled.
  • His vision of "the saturation of the tropological field as language frees itself of its constraints" (AI 79) adapts the problem of plenitude in Neoplatonic metaphysics that he considers in his early work: the infinite generativity that would seem to be required of an infinitely powerful being ends in the existence of everything — a blow to unity and value whose damage, according to Lovejoy, the "great chain of being" is inadequate to repair. 9 Seeing Is Reading
  • Saturday at Wembley Stadium in London, when they take on Manchester United in one of the most anticipated professional soccer games in years, Barcelona's players will demonstrate—for an intimidatingly massive global audience—an offense that has become soccer's platonic ideal. A Track Team That Also Plays Soccer
  • He also accepted the Platonic distinction between the real and the phenomenal, with which this ideal often was associated.
  • The learned Marsilio Ficino translated Plotinus, that great archimage of _platonic mysticism_. Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
  • A few more years and a tradition where Seventeenth Century poets, Mediaeval storytellers, Fathers of the Church, even Neoplatonic philosophers have left their traces in whole poems or fragmentary thoughts and isolated images will have vanished. Later Articles and Reviews
  • The regular hexahedron is part of the family of 5 platonic solids, which are the most regular polyhedra.
  • Rossetti had been in love with Jane since 1857, and in the 1870s, in her husband's absence, the pair enjoyed a perhaps not altogether platonic affair.
  • The forum is enlightening because it represents a collaborative effort to define "platonic" -- and define it against nearly everything else on Craigslist. NDTV News - Top Stories
  • There's little indication of the available range of ethical theories, from crude emotivism to Platonic realism, from McDowellian objectivism to virtue theory.
  • I only add, that it is peculiar to the Platonic philofophy to fufpend phyfics from theology, and this in imitation of Orpheus, who fufpends Nature herfelf from the vivific goddefs Rhea, who is the caufe of all life, both that which is intelledtual, and that which is tnfeparable from the fluduating nature of bodies. The Description of Greece
  • Madison shows that Nietzsche directed his critique of Platonic science at the assumption that science represents reality.
  • The proposition that randomness is equal to the Platonic Aeon is not explained.
  • Her subjects are usually depicted with faraway Botticelli eyes and zaftig physiques, placed amid quasi-Platonic iconographic schemes and classical-looking drapery.
  • Thirty previously unseen letters from the writer to the German-born actress and singer reveal an intense and flirtatious but apparently platonic relationship.
  • This is the convergence of the real and the abstract, the Platonic ideal and its inferior shadow, matter and energy.
  • The truth is that ziplessness has always been a Platonic ideal rather than a daily reality. The Zipless Falacy
  • Platonic dialogues
  • Garbo's face, still, white, perfect, like a mask, resembles the timeless Platonic ideal of beauty as it exists in the mind of God.
  • The two “Platonic” senses find expression in a preponder - ance of the verbs of seeing and hearing. PLATONISM IN THE RENAISSANCE
  • It is a plaintive ode to the joys of platonic love and companionship.
  • The novel has no Platonic form, and there is certainly no requirement that writers adhere to a formula or set of rules.
  • I am astonished that you should take exception to an obviously Platonic enthusiasm.
  • Resurrection meant life after life after death, and that was impossible for all Greeks, Homeric or Platonic.
  • By counterposing the ‘virtual’ world to the ‘real’ world, Dreyfus falls into the same dualism as the Platonic and Cartesian traditions he derides.
  • Above the 9 you can reckon it's inborn: beauty, a quality, an essence, a Platonic ideal. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • We might think that we are no better off in understanding Medea after learning of the Stoic - Platonic dispute over the right way to interpret what is going on in her.
  • The core teachings of Christ were gradually wrapped in a vast and wide-ranging symbolic iconography and hagiology while Judaism and Islam both developed elaborate esoteric, neo-platonic and hermetic schools of thought illustrated through sapiential tales and gnostic parables, in the likeness of earlier mystery cults of the Middle East.
  • In his letter On Humanism, Heidegger charges Sartre with merely inverting the Platonic order of essence and existence;
  • In a number of asides, the magicians joke with the women in the audience, insinuating that Platonic love, although delightful in theory, is unlikely to satisfy their every need.
  • He said that his feelings for her were entirely platonic.
  • No wonder that in the movies he is inevitably played by gleaming, dewy-eyed hunks like Henry Fonda, James Garner, Kurt Russell and Kevin Costner—he's the Platonic ideal of virtuous beefcake. New Tales of the Old West
  • Even in democracies, however, there are fascinating relics of the Platonic image of the guardians.
  • The true philosophy of Cudworth's intellectual system combines mechanistic atomism with Platonic metaphysics.
  • The icosahedron is one of only five regular convex polyhedrons, the symmetric ‘Platonic solids’ that fascinated the ancient Greeks (the cube is another).
  • Above the 9 you can reckon it's inborn: beauty, a quality, an essence, a Platonic ideal. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • Their friendship remained purely platonic.
  • We learn that a "Junoesque" and quite vibrant writer-businesswoman, Sonia Greene, fell in love with Lovecraft for his intelligent conversation, and pursued him for three Platonic years before, misguidedly, he consented to marry her. The King of Weird
  • Have you had a platonic friendship that crossed the line and became romantic or sexual?
  • These are often known as the Platonic solids: the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron.
  • The Neo-Platonic conception is clearly a post-fact rationalisation of the misdemeanour/error crimes, an attempt to abstract these into a theory of mores as functional ethics. A Response to a Response
  • Galileo's conception of natural necessity, which he explains by occasional remarks in his Dialogues, com - bines the Platonic conviction that the structure of the universe is expressible in mathematical language, with the Baconian conviction that the truth of any scientific law or theory must be established by experiment and observation. NECESSITY
  • Our relationship is totally platonic," she stated.
  • The truth is that the attraction which draws a man and a woman together in what they call platonic friendship always has something of the physical in it -- on one side or the other. Possessed
  • But if by Neoplatonic belief stars were considered divine agencies, and if by humanist interpretation the sacred task of the Roman augur were translated to the role of the Christian priest, then the process of astrological divination and its place in human affairs is less opaque, at least at the court of Urbino: it is a cultural absorption of history into a new context, equipping humans to make decisions in the face of uncertainty. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Il mix di anemone di mare, il cui DNA ha somiglianza con la struttura del DNA umano, solidi platonici e musica, è troppo complesso per me, da decifrare. No Fat Clips!!! : JOEL COLOMBO – Nematostella
  • I've had several lady friends over the years, but our relationships have been platonic.
  • I don't care, but that sucks, says the Platonic snarker. Alex Remington: Middle-Aged Film Critic Writes a Book Railing Against Snark; Man on Internet Agrees
  • Modern readers continue to debate whether the poems express platonic friendship or sexual love.
  • Many people know his famous allegation of Platonic love.
  • There's also the danger of idealizing a platonic ideal game as being "perfectly balanced" when it's actually been suggested that a game, especially an MMO may not want to be *perfectly* balanced at all, as you might reduce all strategies to being equally effective and therefore uninteresting. Plato’s game
  • In many ways, you can have a much more intense platonic and romantic relationship. The Sun
  • Our realtionship started out as platonic but quickly grew into something much more.
  • Plutarkes opinions are Platonicall, gentle and accommodable unto civill societie: Senecaes Stoicall and Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian
  • Dali also incorporated in the painting a huge dodecahedron (a twelve-faced Platonic solid in which each side is a pentagon) engulfing the supper table.
  • Emphasising chastity over consummation, courtship over marriage, and desire over fulfilment, Platonic love inverts much of the medical advice for what Renaissance doctors hold to be healthy in romantic love.
  • Professors should be Platonic Buffalo Bills, herding students onward and upward.
  • Burke believed that the source of the pollution is the Platonic pursuit of abstract perfection, the passion to change other people's personal, political, religious or economic views by political violence. David Trimble - Nobel Lecture
  • Strauss’s attempt to resolve the problem of Jews in modern society took several early forms but did not gain satisfactory clarity until, through his study of the “moderate” medieval enlightenment in Judaism and Islam, Strauss rediscovered Platonic or zetetic philosophy. Archive 2008-05-11
  • platonic love
  • It would not have been difficult for him to find Greek copies of Platonic dialogues at either Carthage or Rome, where he taught for a time.
  • The widowed pair found their platonic arrangement suited them both.
  • In between their hours of devotion they discussed Cicero, St Paul, and Neoplatonic themes.
  • The decorous sentimental verses written by patroness and client during such visits hint at a platonic salon flirtation.
  • The couple decide to try a live-in relationship, primarily platonic, though the boundaries soon dissipate.
  • Their answer is for a platonic oligarchy of a rich class which in magnanimous good will is supposed to provide "jobs" for the middle class. Dr. Behzad Mohit: The U.S. Tea Party and General Strikes in Europe -- The Outrage of the Middle Class
  • Whereas the first or Platonic definition includes both relations and relata (under relational descriptions), the second or Aristotelian definition includes only relations. Medieval Theories of Relations
  • Is it a parody of the platonic republic, where politics, art and philosophy come together?
  • She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years.
  • The interest in classical letters and Platonic philosophy led eventually to the establishment of secular education built on humanist values.
  • He founded the early Peripatetic school, combining Aristotelian and Neoplatonic elements and attempting to harmonize faith and reason.

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