How To Use Platen In A Sentence
Its 207-ton moving platen is the third largest nodular iron casting in the world.
A knowledge of platen presswork does not qualify a man to run a cylinder press, and as a rule the platen pressman who wants to change must serve some time as a cylinder pressfeeder and cylinder pressman's assistant.
Wage Earning and Education
But if Platen slanged Heine with anti-Semitic remarks and got him thrown out of the country, and Heine replied with anti-homosexual remarks, I don't think the exchange was on a terribly literary level! GHASELIG.
You can lay your shirts flat without a platen or palette inside, or you can make a cardboard or chipboard platen to stick inside.
Please use the chase dimension only when ordering tympan for your ‘platen’ press.
Fauna recorded within the park include giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis (V), La Plata otter Lutra platensis, coatimundi Nasua nasua, ocelot Felis pardalis, jaguar Panthera onca, puma Felis concolor, margay Leopardus wiedii, brocket deer Mazama rufina (LR) and American tapir Tapirus terrestris (LR).
Iguacu National Park, Brazil
The discovery and characterization of new drugs targeting key enzymes involved in essential mycobacterial biosynthetic pathways is paramount but without the introduction of novel lead compounds, such as platensimycin antitubercular therapy will not proceed fast enough to cope with the increasing resistance observed today.
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Platensimycin targets fatty acid biosynthesis in these species by inhibiting FabF and FabH, two β-ketoacyl-ACP synthases (KAS) of the bacterial multienzyme fatty acid synthase complex FAS-II
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Fauna recorded within the park include giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis (V), La Plata otter Lutra platensis, coatimundi Nasua nasua, ocelot Felis pardalis, jaguar Panthera onca, puma Felis concolor, margay Leopardus wiedii, brocket deer Mazama rufina (LR) and American tapir Tapirus terrestris (LR).
Iguacu National Park, Brazil
The platen is attached to that big PVC pipe as an axle.
Wherein I bare my soul « The Half-Baked Maker
There's something really enjoyable about chunking the carriage back and forth, hearing the satisfying thwack of type on paper and platen - it's cool.
Frowning, the wordsmith jerks the paper from the machine, its platen and feed roller clacking angrily in protest.
The Torture Never Stops
The CPSC advises that consumers should immediately stop using the recalled sanders and contact Black & Decker for a free replacement platen (the disk that holds the sandpaper).
Flying disks prompt recall of Black & Decker orbital sanders
The pressman pulled on the bar, causing the platen to press the tympan on the inked type and taking the impression.
Strangely I feel this too with the early poems, a sense of deliberation, you can almost hear the typewriter keys hit the paper on the platen.
To test the antimycobacterial potency of platensimycin against slow growing mycobacteria we first tested the activity of the antibiotic against
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The frame of his press was made of iron, cast in one piece; the bed, the impression plate, or "platen," and the other large parts were also of cast iron, while the working parts were of iron, steel, or brass.
The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
The arrangement was somewhat similar to that known as the platen machine; the printing being produced by two flat plates, as in the common hand-press.
Men of Invention and Industry
Crack open any inkjet, and you'll find the same parts - paper feed, platens, optical tracking tape, and so on.
After the impression had been taken, the platen was screwed up, the bed "run out," the tympan frame and frisket lifted, and the printed sheet taken off.
The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
The pressman pulled on the bar, causing the platen to press the tympan on the inked type and taking the impression.
Then turn the nuts on the suspending rods, so as to compress the springs just enough to give the platen a quick retrograde motion; observing, at the same time, to get the surface of the platen parallel with the surface of the bed.
All these prototypes were shaped into panels of various commercial thicknesses with a steam-heated platen press.
The paper bail will be moved back to grip the paper against the platen.
The paper bail holds the paper down on top of the cylinder, or platen, that it's wound around.
The CPSC advises that consumers should immediately stop using the recalled sanders and contact Black & Decker for a free replacement platen the disk that holds the sandpaper.
Flying disks prompt recall of Black & Decker orbital sanders
Expect to spend at least a grand on one, if not more, depending on the size of the heat element and platen.
Fixed platen with hollow spherical structure ensures the lifetime.
platen" press, with the improvement of levers in addition to screws to give the impression, coupled with his object Nicholson's idea of an inking roller or revolving cylinder.
The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
Platensimycin contains a pentacyclic motif with a cyclic ether ring, whereas platencin contains a unique tetracyclic motif without the ether ring
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I'd set it up on the desk in my bedroom and feed a couple of sheets of paper down behind the platen roller.
SF-QZJ Slitter rewinder band, supporting the use of washcloth machine, according to the required length, width, slitting automatically sharpening, an engage in activities platen device.
In another embodiment, sliders are carried in the support surface of the platen to minimize frictional contact with the moving belt.
For example, with this dream, I scrawled, "Bill Shunn waste time plastic toy platen.
Dreaming of Bill Shunn and the Plastic Typewriter
There is still a sense of urgency about the writing that scrolls off the platen of a typewriter.
Typewriter as focal point for religious experience
Consumers should contact Black & Decker at 866 220-1767 or via the Black & Decker website to obtain a free replacement platen.
Recalls: Sander that throws discs and a leaky light
I can then add a long rod to raise and lower the platen.
Wherein I bare my soul « The Half-Baked Maker
As the disk and platen rotate, the embossing heads are quietly pressed into the recording medium so as to leave both a visual and tactual impression.
In this photo I am folding an edge of the tympan paper over to place over the bottom platen.
The first power-driven platen press was developed about 1822.
The CPSC advises that consumers should immediately stop using the recalled sanders and contact Black & Decker for a free replacement platen the disk that holds the sandpaper.
Flying disks prompt recall of Black & Decker orbital sanders
When the type-bed and the frisket carrying the sheet of paper were in position under the platen, the latter was drawn downward to make the impression by means of a "toggle" joint which acted upon two strong rods, one on each side, and was then raised again by a counterbalance weight.
The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
I would try just several sheets of white paper on top next time rather than the whole platen.
A paper bail in a printer having a platen includes two bail levers rotatably mounted on the printer and pressed toward the platen by a spring.