How To Use Plastination In A Sentence
The bodies were preserved using a method called plastination.
A giant squid, one of only three in the world to undergo a preserving process called plastination, went on display at AUT University on Thursday and will give students and researchers a unique look at the animal. News of the Underwater World
Maverick German anatomist Gunther von Hagens is the inventor of "plastination," a process by which the body and fat in a corpse is replaced with a polymer.
Boing Boing: November 28, 2004 - December 4, 2004 Archives
In the film, a clandestine brotherhood of doctors and med students perform these artistic autopsies and subsequent plastinations on living students.
Partnered with the Dalian Medical University and the plastination lab operated there by Dr. Sui Hongjin (a former partner of von Hagens '), the company does not own the bodies used in the show, but instead has them on loan from the school.
Sound Politics: Something Smells About The Chinese Corpses On Display In Seattle
The exhibition features 175 healthy and diseased body parts and 25 whole bodies, which have been preserved in a process called plastination, where fluids are drained and exchanged for plastic.
the plastination of specimens is valuable for research and teaching
The exhibition shows 200 individual, authentic anatomical and whole body specimens preserved with a special technique called plastination, invented by the creator of the exhibition.
He used a process called plastination to preserve the bodies, which he developed over the past 25 years.
Dismayingly, the same lab is operated by a former partner of plastination pioneer and anatomist Gunther von Hagens of "Body Worlds" fame. von Hagens, the son a former Nazi SS officer, himself has served as a visiting professor at Dalian Medical University, and for some of his international plastination exhibits received from China the corpses of apparently-executed prisoners.
Sound Politics: Something Smells About The Chinese Corpses On Display In Seattle
I wanted to go to his art/anatomy plastination facility in China, but he managed to give me the slip (no fool he).
The adoption of P45 sheet plastination technique makes the complete appearance of the fine anatomic structure of human nuchal ligament more obvious.
The plastination process that preserves the cell tissue seems to also remove any trace of humanity.
Plastination is believed to preserve the body for anything up to 4,000 years.
Times, Sunday Times
Von Hagens has presented much documentation that his plastination shops in Dalian, China, and Kyrgyzstan are run according to local law, and that the remains were all donated with informed consent.
The Lampshade
By replacing body fluids with transparent plastic, plastination maintains the natural shape and color of dissected tissues.
But with plastination, there is no glass barrier between the viewer and the squid.
U.S. Customs has said that since the plastination process changes the nature of the human remains, plastinated body parts can be imported as plastic objects, not as human bodies.
NYC 'Bodies' Exhibit Must Refund Tickets For Using Undocumented Corpses - The Consumerist
He is the inventor of plastination, a process that leaves the body ‘frozen in time between death and decay.’
To others he is an accomplished anatomist who, through his invention of plastination (where body parts are preserved by saturating them with polymer resin), has brought an understanding of the human body to lay people.
The bodies and body parts on display are preserved using a technique called plastination which reveals anatomical structures
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Dalian Medical University told ABC News that it severed its ties to the plastination lab several years ago.
NYC 'Bodies' Exhibit Must Refund Tickets For Using Undocumented Corpses - The Consumerist
Send your corpse on a tour of museums 'round the world with plastination, developed by German scientist Gunther von Hagens.
The exhibition, at the old Truman Brewery in Brick Lane, East London, uses a technique called plastination to preserve donated bodies.
By replacing body fluids with transparent plastic, plastination maintains the natural shape and color of dissected tissues.
Relying on an embalming technique called “plastination,” which preserves human organs by the infusion of various silicons and epoxies, Body Worlds has been seen by more than thirty million people, many of them paying as much as forty dollars per admission.
The Lampshade
Using the revolutionary process of plastination, the body specimens are preserved with special plastics that enable us to view the many organs and systems under our skin.
He is the inventor of the plastination process in which human tissues are impregnated with plastics and silicone rubber to become permanent, colourful, and odourless.
The inventor of plastination and director of the Institute for Plastination does not call himself an artist, but prefers the terms inventor and scientist.