- a cell that develops from a B lymphocyte in reaction to a specific antigen; found in bone marrow and sometimes in the blood
How To Use plasma cell In A Sentence
- Seen here is chronic endometritis with lymphocytes and plasma cells in the endometrial stroma.
- The lesson to be learned from the present case is that a transient plasma cell dyscrasia may present like multiple myeloma in the setting of heavy immunosuppression after organ transplantation.
- The primary diagnosis was plasma cell dyscrasia in all of these patients.
- The peripheral blood smear showed pancytopenia with 3% plasma cells.
- In most cases, there was marked subepithelial fibrosis and edema with a variable lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrate.
- Multiple myeloma (also known as myeloma or plasma cell myeloma) is a cancer of the blood in which malignant plasma cells are overproduced in the bone marrow. Aktuelle Nachrichten
- Occasional plasma cells, histiocytes, and eosinophils were also present.
- The bone marrow was hypercellular with mildly increased eosinophils and plasma cells.
- Bone destruction is commonly seen in this disorder with the plasma cells forming densely packed groups in the lytic areas.
- The epithelium covering the tonsils is extensively infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasma cells, and polymorphonuclear leucocytes.