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  1. the flat ciliated free-swimming larva of hydrozoan coelenterates

How To Use planula In A Sentence

  • (A) Oblique section of a possible fossil anthozoan planula.
  • The planulae of most cnidarians attach and lose, at most, a coat of swimming cilia.
  • Each expression pattern is represented by a red shading on the planula, polyp or medusa diagrams. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It was afterwards shown that this planula (found in several sponges, etc.) was a later evolution from the gastrula. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Fertilized eggs develop into crawling planula larvae which settle on hermit crab-occupied shells, and subsequently metamorphose into primary polyps.
  • The planulae are of a range of sizes with the larger planulae having the longer survivorship, suggesting a strategy that accommodates both short and long-distance dispersal PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Scientists believe that corals at the Flower Gardens probably originated from Mexican reefs when currents in the western Gulf of Mexico carried coral larvae (planulae), other animal larvae, and algal spores northward. Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
  • Fertilized eggs may be brooded for a time or may develop directly into a free-swimming, ciliated planula larva.
  • Shell lenticular, thin, diaphanous, imperforate; carina acute and armed with minute spines; whirls six; spire nearly planular; aperture linear, being guarded by a long tooth on the columella; outer lip irregularly thick, angulated near the supe - rior termination ...., Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • The planula larva has very few apoptotic cells.
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