How To Use Plantain In A Sentence
Like all the meals, the jerk comes with red peas (kidney beans) and rice, as well as plantains that are puffy, soft, and sweet like caramel.
It introduces, maintains, characterizes, and evaluates germplasm collections of banana, plantain, sapodilla, mamey sapote, cacao, Garcinia, Annona, and bamboo.
Spread 2 separate diseases are these dropping destroying banana and plant plantain crops in Africa.
The plantain is a large cousin of the banana.
Fully plump, after indulging in a complete Jamaican breakfast on the plane: ackee, saltfish, coco-bread and plantain chips something I would definitely not recommend before doing on-camera work at a lingerie show, I landed in Kingston ready to "dutty wiiine" it up--or at least relax and make a quick stop at the delectable Manley Airport veggie juice bar for a healthy detox.
Chie Davis: Kingston Lingerie and Swimwear Fashion Show

The sub-species _sapientum_ (formerly regarded as a distinct species _M. sapientum_) is the source of the fruits generally known in England as bananas, and eaten raw, while the name plantain is given to forms of the species itself _M. paradisiaca_, which require cooking.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
In the interior rural regions, a hearty breakfast consists of a strip of pork, rice and beans, sweet plantains, and a large steak with fried eggs.
There's a tender, flattened, finely crumbed chicken milanesa plate with the same rice and plantains, and a pabellón criollo plate that adds heaps of black beans and chewy, pleasant shredded beef to the rice and plantains.
Then I added two herbs used by American Indians: the rich, dark-green leaves of plantain for relieving irritated skin and sticky grindelia flowers, or “gumweed,” with their light, fresh scent, to treat the itch of poison ivy and poison oak.
The Last Chance Dog
Although there are numerous other banana and plantain varieties cultivated for local consumption in Africa and Asia, none has the same worldwide appeal as the Cavendish.
Although there are numerous other banana and plantain varieties cultivated for local consumption in Africa and Asia, none has the same worldwide appeal as the Cavendish.
Some species overwinter near the roots of weeds such as stickweed, plantain, and fleabane.
The customers were served dosas on plantain leaves, and after washing their hands with soap-nut power, they were served hot coffee.
Dredge plantain slices in seasoned flour and shake off excess.
These products often include comfrey, chickweed, echinacea, calendula, goldenseal, plantain, essential oils, and a host of other herbs in a base of olive oil and beeswax.
They are seasoned with garlic, peppers and oregano, roasted on a spit over a barbecue and then, to the smack of a machete on a chopping board, they are served up with plantains, pumpkin and rice.
The skin of the plantain is dried and then roasted in a clay oven in order to achieve a particular color, texture and smell.
19 posts from November 2007
Forest crops, such as plantain, cassava, cocoyam, and tropical yams, predominate in the south.
Farmers said consumers were complaining about the sharp increase in prices for items like plantain, cassava and dasheen, but part of the problem was the difficulty they had in getting to the farms to get the produce out.
Vegetables like plantains, pumpkins and cucumbers were also on display.
Community organizer Eder Sánchez pulls away from a breakfast of liver, rice, and plantains and uncaps his pen.
This bas-relief was surmounted by a projecting plinth, upon which a variety of chance growths had sprung up, — yellow pellitory, bindweed, convolvuli, nettles, plantain, and even a little cherry-tree, already grown to some height.
Eug�nie Grandet
By eating my favorite Asian desserts-- shaved ice with taro, green bean and pineapple chunks; champagne mango over rice soaked in coconut milk; mochi; halo halo with ube and caramelized plantain, yum!
Author Interview: Joyce Lee Wong
Bananas are typically thought of as a dessert course while the starchy plantains are cooked before eating and are considered a major staple of the tropic countries.
A typical Creole dish is stewed chicken, white rice, red beans, fried plantains, and homemade ginger beer.
Chef Scott likes to add a plantain peel and the flesh of a whole avocado to the ceviche while the fish marinates, to soften the impact of so much lime juice on the palate.
The fungus attacks all major varieties of bananas and plantains, turning the leaves a mottled yellow, brown and black, hindering photosynthesis.
Plant communities typically featured sparse herb and shrub layers, which often included the following species: black huckleberry, falsebox, false azalea, prince's pine, twinflower, bunchflower, and rattlesnake plantain.
Crabgrass and plantain are an indication of acidic soil, while wood asters and poppies prefer alkaline soil (not as common in our area as acidic soil).
On the coast, there is great dependence on bananas and green plantains.
Beautifully coloured are the green touraco and the purple plantain-eater, a rascally bird! who eats some of our finest plantains, and has bitten holes in many a one I thought to get entirely to myself.
Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
And he was right, since plantain contains allantoin, a proven healer of injured skin cells.
Hearty home-style meals begin with specialties like mofongo (balls of mashed plantains mixed with garlic and bits of crushed pork crackling), alcapurrias (fritters made from a puree of plantains and yautia, a starchy white root related to taro, and stuffed with ground beef), and pionono (sweet plantain fritters stuffed with ground beef).
Chicago Reader
He raised a wedge of plantain to his mouth, thumbing it against the side of his Death Wind.
Rachel cooked me a delicious lunch of matoke (friend plantain), rice, and beans. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
Bananas and plantains are the staple food for half a billion people, grown by farmers in 120 countries.
So does a wonderful dessert of fried plantain puffs centered with a pudding-like custard that's slightly sweet against the banana tartness.
The staple foods of Equatorial Guinea are cocoyams, plantains, and rice.
Crabgrass and plantain are an indication of acidic soil, while wood asters and poppies prefer alkaline soil.
Yucca, plantain, peanuts, sweet potatoes, and sugarcane are grown, as well as medicinal herbs.
More than 50 women are being trained in handicrafts using coir and plantain fibre.
Drink one teacupful of plantain tea four to five times daily until relief is obtained.
Then add each of the vegetables at 2 minute intervals starting with the green plantains, calabaza, chayote, Anaheim chile and red pepper.
It is said that the specific name _paradisiaca_ is derived, either from a supposition that the plantain was the forbidden fruit of Eden [151], or from an Arabic legend that Adam and Eve made their first aprons of the leaves of this tree, which grow to a length of five to six feet, with a width of 12 to 14 inches.
The Philippine Islands
My 'lawn' contains at least bugloss, buttercup, celandine, clover, cowslip, dandelion, daisy, lady's smock, plantain and speedwell.
Times, Sunday Times
The food of the lower class of people consists principally of fish and vegetables, such as yams, sweet-potatoes, tarrow, plantains, sugar-canes, and bread-fruit.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
For some reason the Spaniards saw a likeness between the banana tree and the totally different plane tree, which is how the plantain got its confusing name.
Two wildflowers that are striking because of their white-striped leaves are giant rattlesnake plantain and white-veined wintergreen.
Forest crops, such as plantain, cassava, cocoyam, and tropical yams, predominate in the south.
Some varieties of bananas, such as plantains, are nonsweet and starchy like a potato.
My favourite dish is boiled yam and/ or ripe plantain.
Times, Sunday Times
The third ingredient is stewed meat, and it is usually served with fried plantain and a salad.
Backing out into mid-stream brought them near an anchored steamer lately razeed and now being fitted for a cloud of canvas on three lofty masts instead of the two small sticks she had been content with while she brought plantains, guava jelly, coffee, and cigars from Havana.
Kincaid's Battery
Forest crops, such as plantain, cassava, cocoyam, and tropical yams, predominate in the south.
She returned a few minutes later with some boiled yam, an onion and tomato sauce, fried plantain and a bean casserole.
This seasonal adaptation of a traditional manchamanteles -- "tablecloth stainer" -- uses the fall season's apples and pears instead of the usual pineapple; sweet potatoes instead of plantains; prunes instead of summer's tomatoes; and hazelnuts instead of almonds.
Winter Fruit Mole with Hazelnuts: Manchamanteles con Avellanas
Excerpts from these will inscribed, along with Chinese ghost stories, on the leaves of a plantain palm - a tree said to attract ghosts in China - installed at the Fruitmarket.
The kind of banana called plantain is grown as a food crop in forest regions.
Chapter 3
Andy - plantains are related to bananas, but they are a lot starchier, and not particularly sweet.
Recipe of the Day: Mofongo - Bitten Blog -
An interesting account has lately been given by Professor Church of a new animal pigment, containing copper, found in the feathers of the violet plantain-eater and two species of Turacus, natives respectively of the Gold Coast, the Cape, and Natal.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
Some nutritious vegetables enjoyed by Panamanians are plantain, yellow yam, yucca, and bread fruit.
Less conspicuous species are woolly plantain, wild four-o'clock, yellow stargrass, and false toadflax.
The other day mention was being made of plantain tarts and patties on board.
At its simple best, Caribbean cuisine can be excellent: try conch chowder in the Bahamas, salt fish and ackee in Jamaica, fried plantain and barbecued shrimp just about anywhere.
She and her husband especially enjoy rice with heavy gravy; iyan, a dish made with pounded yam mixed with other vegetables; and fried plantains.
The inhabitants of the forest area subsist on cassava, bananas, plantains, palm-nut-oil, forest caterpillars, and the leaf of a wild plant (koko).
The shoemaker often took walks in the extensive town meadows, to gather groundsell and plantain for his canaries and gorse-linnets, and little
International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
In the squares the black folk chaffered and bargained over plantains, beer and hammered brass ornaments.
The Conan Chronicles
She, by the way, knew it as funkia, or its common name, Plantain Lily.
He brought roasted mullets, which were very good meat, great store of plantains, peccaries, casava bread, pistachio nuts, and pine apples, which tempted Ralegh exceedingly.
Sir Walter Ralegh A Biography
Hit by stagnating prices, thousands of growers have cut down their banana trees and replaced them with plantains or arrowroot.
The main staple foods served with Ghanaian meals are rice, millet, corn, cassava, yams, and plantains.
We were told that it produces very few plantains and bread-fruit trees; but that it abounds in roots, such as yams, sweet potatoes, and tarrow.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
Not a few of these are also lilyworts, such as asphodels, fritillarias, day lilies, funkias, or plantain lilies, phormiums, yuccas, and aspidistras.
There's a decent version of flan with a hard, almost enameled caramel top, and a somewhat leaden guava bread pudding made heavier by a layer of plantains.
Wetland communities include, in addition to stands of soft-stem bulrush, very marshy areas with water plantain and broad-leaved arrowhead, two closely related species whose flowers have three white petals.
Look out for sudden appearances of weeds such as dandelion and plantain in your lawn.
• Treat all fruits, but particularly bananas, plantains, cherimoya, and mangos, as garnishes, rather than major components of a meal.
Rare plants that occur or that have occurred here include heart leaf plantain, estuary beggar ticks, golden club, ovate spikerush, Parker's pipewort, Nuttall's micranthemum, Eaton's burmarigold, false pimpernel, winged monkey flower and swamp lousewort.
Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, New York
She says that for centuries, plantain has been used to provide immediate relief from mosquito bites, hornet stings and the painful itching of poison ivy or poison oak.
In the southern areas, the major staples are root crops such as cassava and cocoyams, and plantains and in the arid north, sorghum and millet.
She went downstairs to be greeted by Gwen who was in the kitchen preparing ackee and saltfish with fried green plantains for breakfast.
Other starchy foods include cassava, taro root, maize and plantains.
Take it off the stove and add the ham bouillon, beef bouillon, tomato purée, potatoes, yams, malangas, and plantains.
Infusions of coltsfoot, chervil, borage, chamomile, plantain, and elder flowers are also good for the eyes.
She was so kind and sweet, showing wonderful hospitality, brough out like 9 different dishes - matoke (boiled plantains), "Irish" (white potatoes), rice, 2 different kinds of greens, vegetables, noodles, and so on. Recent Updates
Add coconut milk and plantains and cook until fruit is tender, not mushy, about 10 minutes.
He called the cleverest of his children, and bade it affix to his breech-cloth a plantain-leaf, dog's-tail-wise, and waggishly.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
Peel the yautia and green plantains.
They are also called funkias and more commonly plantain lilies, from the Latin, Planta, meaning ‘sole of the foot’ which the large leaves resemble.
While the meat is cooking, peel the bananas, yautia, and plantains and put them in salt water.
She cannot have rice and peas, curry goat with roti, a little plantains and callaloo to put some meat on her bones?
Surrender the Dark
The cuisine is based on tropical root crops, plantains, and bananas, with fish as the most common source of protein.
At the moment the most common top ten plants are: common nettle, cleavers, cow parsley, ribwort plantain, greater plantain, hawthorn, lesser celandine, bluebell, red clover and herb-robert. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
At sunset along a path across this plaza came a melancholy procession of sad-faced women bearing plantains, cassaba, bread and fruit -- each coming with food to some wretch behind those bars to whom
Cabbages and Kings
Flying fish with cou-cou, a cornmeal and okra mash, is the national dish of Barbados and a specialty at the Waterfront where it comes drenched in Caribbean fish broth and with a side of tender plantain.
Day in Rock Report
Love your combination, the fried plantain is a perfect touch. anna maria on March 14th, 2010 at 9: 34 pm
Menestra de Porotos (Bean Stew) : The Cooking Adventures of Chef Paz
Rwandan beer is brewed from sorghum and plantains.
The country abounds in tropical fruits, such as pineapples, plantains, oranges, and mangoes and in such trees as ebony, satin, calamander, and ironwood.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
Fully plump, after indulging in a complete Jamaican breakfast on the plane: ackee, saltfish, coco-bread and plantain chips something I would definitely not recommend before doing on-camera work at a lingerie show, I landed in Kingston ready to "dutty wiiine" it up--or at least relax and make a quick stop at the delectable Manley Airport veggie juice bar for a healthy detox.
Chie Davis: Kingston Lingerie and Swimwear Fashion Show
In the evening I killed a nsamma doe, an animal very much like the Kobus Ellipsiprymnus, but without the lunated mark over the rump; and at night, about 1 a.m., turned out to shoot an elephant, which we distinctly heard feasting on plantains; but rain was falling, and the night so dark, he was left till the morning.
The Discovery of the Source of the Nile
Do spread 2 separate diseases on are destroying banana and planted plantain crops in Africa.
She went downstairs to be greeted by Gwen who was in the kitchen preparing ackee and saltfish with fried green plantains for breakfast.
They simply adored their baked plantain accompanied by a sweet satay dip and steamed okra in sambal sauce.
Times, Sunday Times
The undulating green expanse was studded with the black knobs of ribwort plantain and gemmed with buttercups, which here were dotted like sparks of fire, here massed in broad bunches and splashes of color.
Lying Prophets
A white rag, an old bone lying in the path, might be a _malefice_ which, if trodden upon, would cause his leg to blacken and swell up to the size of the limb of an elephant; -- an unopened bundle of plantain leaves or of bamboo strippings, dropped by the way-side, might contain the skin of a
Two Years in the French West Indies
The roasted plantain skin is mixed with palm oil and palm kernel oil to form the soap.
19 posts from November 2007
The dumpling is dry inside though and they have boil plantains instead of fried ones.
Caribbean Spice Returns in Cart Form to Take On The Jamaican Dutchy | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
Their diet also includes a variety of fruits such as plantains, bananas, and mangoes.
Numbers hit by global warming and loss of nest sites; floating water plantain is increasingly under threat from the re-opening of canals to heavy traffic.
Another favorite dish is sancocho, a stew made with local meats and vegetables, often including plantains.
Dietary staples include rice, fish, green bananas, plantains (which resemble bananas), and coconut milk.
Churrasco, covered in grilled onions and chimichurri, black beans, rice and maduros (sweet fried plantains).
PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er “Ian Jackman”… PLUS another book giveaway | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
Homemade vegetable soup includes little dumplings, chunks of corn on the cob, and ‘ground provisions’ - such as celery, plantains, peas, sweet yams, chives, and dasheen.
The national dish, ‘oil down,’ is a stew-like concoction made in large quantities with local vegetables such as callalou, dasheen, breadfruit, green fig, and plantain.
It is served with fried plantains, black beans, cornmeal pancakes called arepas, rice, and, sometimes, white cheese.
In the squares the black folk chaffered and bargained over plantains, beer, and hammered brass ornaments.
The Coming Of Conan The Cimmerian
The cattle or the rabbits eat down at once all juicy and succulent plants, leaving only these nauseous or prickly kinds, together with such stringy and innutritious weeds as chervil, plantain, and burdock.
Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
The 34-foot deep eastern basin has a sand and gravel bottom with a variety of sterile-rosette aquatics including the rare plantain shoreweed.
Ground provisions, such as dasheen, yam, sweet potato, breadfruit, green plantain and bananas provided energy giving carbohydrates while the meat-flavoured vegetables made meals more interesting.
A fermented beverage called mishla or wasak is made from ripe plantains and bananas mashed together with corn, palm fruits, and other ingredients, and mixed with water.
All the mains are served with rice and peas, a Jamaican staple (the rice is cooked in coconut milk with, confusingly, kidney beans), plantain and a basic salad.
At Dry River, a higgler had sold them mangoes and plantains and a necklace of mudfish and god-dammies, salt-dried and fried crisp, but all that now remained were fruit skins and fish tails.
Asimov's Science Fiction
The land here is of an excellent soil, and the climate is quite healthy; the soil being full of good herbs, as mints, calamint, plantain, ribwort, trefoil, scabious, and such like.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 08
Instead, he indulges his weed-mindfulness, enjoying the sight of "cow parsley and primrose in the spring" and "the fat tussocks of yarrow and plantain" in the summer.
Stow the Mower, Stop Pulling
Starches include various kinds of yams, dasheen, eddos, bananas and plantains, sweet potatoes, and breadfruit.
Pick a few leaves from the common lawn weed plantain, wash them, mash them, and apply as a poultice to the affected skin.
Next came mofongo in a timbale of mashed plantains with breadfruit crisp.
Various species of paintbrush, beardtongues, lousewort, owl's clover, Chinese houses, and plantain (Plantago).
The Gabonese produce enough bananas, plantains, sugar, and soap to export to nearby cities, but 90 percent of the food is imported.
In the course of our short walk, Barry reckons he's counted no fewer than 16 species of the ‘prettier’ wildflowers, including cranesbill, herb robert, various clovers, ribwort plantain, figwort and dog rose.
They fiddled with their coral beads and refused to meet Neil's eyes when he served them their ration of fried plantain and sweet potato.
Dropsy was treated by bleeding, tapping, and plantain and liverwort.
In a blender, macerate with water, fresh or dried drawing herbs: comfrey root or leaf, marshmallow root, burdock root, and/or plantain leaf*; with fresh or dried antimicrobial herbs: echinacea root, or leaves and flowers, and a fresh clove of garlic; or add a few drops essential oil of thyme to the finished poultice.
Gentle Healing for Baby and Child
For me, vinegar has knocked out Canada thistle, dandelion, plantain and burdock.
Her brother, sister and countless cousins and well-wishers showed up to show support and eat the cooked goat and chicken w/ rice and peas rice & gungo peas, dasheen and plantain.
So Many Goats & No Sheep
Along with ‘ground provisions’ such as sweet potato, yam, and green plantains, it is used in African and East Indian ceremonies.
Hit by stagnating prices, thousands of growers have cut down their banana trees and replaced them with plantains or arrowroot.
She plans to use this loan to invest in her business running a small food stand selling rice, salads, beans, and staples such as yuca and plantains.
Kiva Loans
Is not ---- 's last novel a better antidote against melancholy, stupendously absurd as it is, than foalfoot or plantain, featherfew or savin, agrimony or saxifrage, or any other herb in old Robert Burton's pharmacopoeia?
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
It collects nectar from cliff-top flowers and lays its eggs on ribwort plantain right on the edge - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Some soak the plantains in turmeric water to get rid of the stickiness.
Chifles (Fried Green Banana Chips) : The Cooking Adventures of Chef Paz
Loan Use: rice, salads, beans, and staples such as yuca and plantains to sell to her clients
Kiva Loans
The national dish, ‘oil down,’ is a stew-like concoction made in large quantities with local vegetables such as callalou, dasheen, breadfruit, green fig, and plantain.
My 'lawn' contains at least bugloss, buttercup, celandine, clover, cowslip, dandelion, daisy, lady's smock, plantain and speedwell.
Times, Sunday Times
The specialized flora includes the rare plantain shoreweed, water lobelia, and quillwort.
In the past, hostas also were called plantain lilies or funkias.
Inside, delicious Puerto Rican food in very satisfying portions: Try the camarones criollos with tostones -- plantains flattened into a large disc, fried, salted, and garlicked; and go home with a bottle of their fiery pique sauce. 732 4th St. at Tamalpais, and another, smaller one about a block away on 3rd.
Bay Area Roundup: The Rest
Such plants include eelgrass, pickerel weed, water plantain, and "duckmeat" -- all of which have roots and produce flowers.
The Home Medical Library, Volume V (of VI)
Tree trunks of green banana or plantain stood in ranks, some as tall as me.
Less conspicuous species are woolly plantain, wild four-o'clock, yellow stargrass, and false toadflax.
Favorite Caribbean dishes enjoyed in St. Lucia include fish soup, callaloo and plantains prepared in many different ways.
Starches include various kinds of yams, dasheen, eddos, bananas and plantains, sweet potatoes, and breadfruit.
Other antitussives in these parts include coltsfoot, mullein, sundew, and plantain.
In the class of birds, a great number of new or rare species, and among those remarkable either for size or beauty, are the golden vulture, the great American eagle, the Impey peacock, the Ju [< blot >] pheasant or argus, the plantain-eater, &c.
Paris as It Was and as It Is
Two separate diseases are destroying banana and plantain crops in Africa.
She gives her henpecked husband "a conjugal beating" and sees to it that omens begin to be reported: a plague of rats, bad crops, mangoes tasteless, plantains eaten by worms, tiger sharks appearing in the harbor and fish disappearing, poi in poi-pits turned bitter, a five-legged she-goat born — all due to the strange money of Fulualea.
“Have you lived? What have you got to show for it?”
Almost all meals feature plantains (very similar to bananas), which are usually parboiled, sliced, and deep fried.
This is followed by a light meal of bread, fried plantains, or fried dumplings and a hot drink early in the evening.
They will feast you on raw fish, with the scales on, cocoanuts, plantains, baked dogs and fricasseed cats.
Plantains and manioc are important foods in much of the country, especially the north and the Mosquitia.
Rare plants that occur or that have occurred here include heart leaf plantain, estuary beggar ticks, golden club, ovate spikerush, Parker's pipewort, Nuttall's micranthemum, Eaton's burmarigold, false pimpernel, winged monkey flower and swamp lousewort.
Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, New York
The plantain is a large cousin of the banana.
Indeed, I detected certain palms that I was morally certain were coconut palms, while, unless my eyes deceived me, I believed I could also descry foliage that strongly suggested the idea of plantain or banana trees.
The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
Next came a shitake mushroom risotto with melted foie gras, a bit of plantain and shaved truffle, and a dusting of porcini mushroom.
In Africa, fufu is made by boiling plantain, cassava, or rice, and then pounding it with a large wooden mortar and pestle.
He may favor a floating leaf of water plantain (which is plentiful in our creek).
Along the way we stopped as I spotted dock and sorrel and the broad leaves of plantain beneath our horse's hooves.
If peoples in the Eastern Delta did not do much farming, how did they obtain the yams, cocoyams, plantains, cassava, fruits, and vegetables that were the basis of their diet?
Olla de carne, the traditional stew, is made with beef, potatoes, corn, plantains, squash, yucca, and other vegetables.
We encamped under a banian tree; our surroundings were the now light-grey waters of the Tanganika, an amphitheatral range of hills, and the village of Niasanga, situated at the mouth of the rivulet Niasanga, with its grove of palms, thicket of plantains, and plots of grain and cassava fields.
How I Found Livingstone
Do seperate 2 separate diseases are destroying banana and plant on plantain crops in Africa, they.
_ -- "I am quite surprised that you did not see at once, they are only gigantic 'fighting cocks,' as we used to call plantain in our youth.
Yr Ynys Unyg The Lonely Island
For the plantain crust: Preheat the deep fryer to 325 degrees.
Two wildflowers that are striking because of their white-striped leaves are giant rattlesnake plantain and white-veined wintergreen.
These products often include comfrey, chickweed, echinacea, calendula, goldenseal, plantain, essential oils, and a host of other herbs in a base of olive oil and beeswax.
They started on the 10th of April, and the house was crowded with about a hundred men, boys, women, and girls, bringing their loads of sugar-cane, plantains, sirih-leaf, yams, &c.; one lad going from each house to sell the produce and make purchases.
The Malay Archipelago
About the size of a city lot and with 2 fellows there to greet you and help land your boat, we stumbled ashore over the coral and sat on the veranda ( 'lanai' to the locals) of a small rental 'cabin' and ate our PB and J sandwiches with our plantains and diet colas ..... how's that for mixing cultures? TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
Blue curtains practically conceal the glass walls and much real ivy and plantains are in evidence, as well as jardinières around the perimeter.
Of the common trees of the plains of India -- the _nim_, mango, babul, tamarind, shesham, palm, and plantain -- not one is to be found growing on the hills.
Birds of the Indian Hills
There were pins and needles, yarn and thread, that have taken the place of the wilder thorn and fibre; all kinds of small hardware; looking-glasses in lacquered frames; beads of sorts, cowries and reels of cotton; pots of odorous pomatum and shea-butter nuts; feathers of the plantain-bird and country snuff-boxes of a chestnut-like fruit (a strychnine?) from which the powder is inhaled, _more majorum_, through a quill; physic-nuts (_tiglium_, or croton), a favourite but painful native remedy; horns of the goat and antelope, possibly intended for fetish 'medicine;' blue-stone, colcothar and other drugs.
To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
The frequent salt marshes that are found at the water's edge contain such species as saltmarsh cord grass, marsh meadow grass, spike grass, wild barley, sea lavender and sea plantain, all of which are resistant to the salty water.
The composition is punctuated by dramatic rocks, pine, bamboo and flowering prunus, plantain, rose and willow.
Bananas and plantains are central to rural diets, and are prepared in a variety of ways.
Among Creoles, rice and red kidney beans are the staples, often with fried bananas or plantains.
To be free of outward distraction, he shut his eyes and concentrated upon the scraps she had given him; and shortly, with his eyes still closed, he began to describe Ruth's island: the mountain at one end, with the ever-recurring scarves of mist drifting across the lava-scarred face; the jungle at the foot of it; the dazzling border of white sand; the sprawling store of the trader and the rotting wharf, sundrily patched with drift-wood; the native huts on the sandy floor of the palm groves; the scattered sandalwood and ebony; the screaming parakeets in the plantains; the fishing proas; the mission with its white washed walls and barren frontage; the lagoon, fringed with coco palms, now ruffled emerald, now placid sapphire.
The Ragged Edge
Moreover in this garden were all manner of other fruits and sweet-scented herbs and plants and fragrant flowers, such as jessamine and henna and water-lilies407 and spikenard 408 and roses of every kind and plantain409 and myrtle and so forth; and indeed it was without compare, seeming as it were a piece of Paradise to whoso beheld it.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Fruits and herbs to specifically reduce uric acid kidney stones are cherries, meadowsweet, sarsaparilla, Joe Pye weed, and plantain, which is widely used by the Chinese to treat kidney problems.
At sunset along a path across this plaza came a melancholy procession of sad-faced women bearing plantains, cassaba, bread and fruit -- each coming with food to some wretch behind those bars to whom she still clung and furnished the means of life.
Cabbages and Kings
I did not know a plantain patch from a kangaroo!
Out from that trench, sometimes stealthily slipping between the flattened fern-stalks, came a weasel, and, running through the plantains and fringe-like mayweed or stray pimpernel which covered the neglected ground, made for the straw-rick.
Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
This caterpillar is gardener-friendly because it eats weeds such as plantain.
Less conspicuous species are woolly plantain, wild four-o'clock, yellow stargrass, and false toadflax.
Nobody had ever stopped by to teach them, but they'd figured it out for themselves and drank a wine they called pombe, made from plantains.
On this he feeds his family, for the plantain is the Puerto Rican peasant's bread.
Little Journey to Puerto Rico : for Intermediate and Upper Grades For Intermediate and Upper Grades
This is followed by a light meal of bread, fried plantains, or fried dumplings and a hot drink early in the evening.
At its simple best, Caribbean cuisine can be excellent: try conch chowder in the Bahamas, salt fish and ackee in Jamaica, fried plantain and barbecued shrimp just about anywhere.
Several kinds of the plantain tribe are cultivated for this purpose exclusively, the best known among them being the so-called manilla hemp, a plant largely grown in the Philippine Islands.
Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
They do not think it likely that the potash exists in fresh plantain juice as carbonate, but rather that this salt is the product of decomposition, arising from a compound of potash and a vegetable acid, such as tartaric or oxalic acid present in the fresh juice; be this as it may, any utility derivable from the plantain juice is evidently owing to the potash it contains.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
In Africa, fufu is made by boiling plantain, cassava, or rice, and then pounding it with a large wooden mortar and pestle.