How To Use Plant product In A Sentence
As a result, plant productivity gradually began to decline, along with overall product quality and employee morale.
In general, the consumption of animal products has decreased while the consumption of plant products increased during recent years.
Grape Seed Extract is a natural plant product made from the grape seed.
In September 1995, the GTZ Pesticide Service Project offered a training course for technicians in extraction and bioassays of biologically active plant products.
4. Case studies of small-scale semi-industrial neem processing in Kenya, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
Absinthe traditionally was distilled from a variety of plant products extracted into an ethanol base.

I firmly plant product viscosity, the brightly - colored, complete specifications, color and diverse.
The USDA regulates plants, plant products, and other organisms that may introduce plant diseases or pests.
Absinthe traditionally was distilled from a variety of plant products extracted into an ethanol base.
Note: coconut milk is one of the few plant products that's high in saturated fat, so use a lite or lowfat version.
The technician in charge of the analysis at ICIPE took part in a training course in extraction and bioassays of biologically active plant products, offered by the GTZ Pesticide Service Project in 1995.
4. Case studies of small-scale semi-industrial neem processing in Kenya, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
During infection by fungal pathogens, plant cells respond by expressing a battery of disease response genes, which can result in the production of various toxic plant products, including active oxygen species and phytoalexins.
This is the building block for other plant products, as well as being the immediate source of energy for all of a plant's biochemical processes, via its respiration back to carbon dioxide and water.
Because plant productivity was limited principally by a low rate of N supply, it appears that the mineralization of litter or soil organic matter, or microbial solubilization of organic N, increased, and that the plants rather than the microbes sequestered the "extra" N in inorganic or organic form.
Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
More than 1,000 companies worldwide make medicinal plant products worth more than $60 billion a year.
Times, Sunday Times