How To Use plant life In A Sentence
- Millions of years ago, changes in the Earth's climate caused animal and plant life to diversify.
- The nutria are particularly threatening to the state's unique "floatant" marsh, a boglike carpet of interwoven plant life that literally floats in the swampy waters. The Rat That Ate Louisiana
- On any healthy world, the plant life would have obscured it long ago, but here there were only patches of the mosslike growth they had seen elsewhere and the softening of the edges by ten years of weather. INTO THE NEBULA
- The millipedes would have feasted on moss and early plant life that grew only a few inches off the ground.
- Potassium 287 acid carbonate 294 acid sulphate 294 acid sulphite 294 alum, aluminium 334 alum, chrome 384 alum, iron 352 and plant life 287 aurate 396 bromide 290 carbonate 293 chlorate 291 chloride 290 chromate 385 cyanide 293 dichromate 386 ferricyanide 352 ferrocyanide 352 hydroxide 288 hydroxide, action of halogens 289 hypochlorite 289 iodide 290 manganate 381 nitrate 291 occurrence 287 permanganate 381 preparation 288 sulphate 294 An Elementary Study of Chemistry
- Because of her interest in nature, including her love of plant life, she majored in plant genetics and minored in fine art at the University of California in Berkeley.
- Praying mantises, unlike other insects, do not eat plant life; they are the outstanding cannibals of the insect world and devour even members of their own family.
- Are we headed for mass extinctions for animal, bird and plant life?
- Actually, most people don't know that this tiny plant life called phytoplankton is so small -- as small as bacteria -- that more than one trillion of them exist in a single drop of water. Alexia Parks: Your Life Depends Upon This Tiny Plant
- In the first instance, we would be looking for plant life, rather than'little green men '.